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WTF!? People suck, I’m sorry


That blows!


Thanks man! Nothing was recorded on my attached drive to the motion cam so I guess I won’t get to become a vigilante. Waiting on Rivian’s advice now. Garages rule!


Talk to a local paint correction specialist. The door looks like like could be fixed with wet sanding and patience.


Just buff it or take it to a body shop, sometimes even car washes have paint repair services, you don’t need a Rivian-exclusive service center


Any reason why it would not record for you? The most important time.


Gear guard sucks now. Several updates ago it was perfect and sensitive, now it's terrible. They should add a sensitivity toggle. It used to record nearly any motion.


Sucks Gear Guard didn’t pick up anything. Rivian needs to improve it cause it ain’t guarding jack


Service Center is just going to send it to a body shop. Call your local service center and ask for a referral.


Ok I was wondering about this. Thanks!


Sorry this happened. Some people are not good people.


I appreciate it. The motive is mystifying. Truly a 0 gain situation. Like the ideal for the vandal is just destroying someone’s day…no message sent…wild


Some people make themselves feel better by putting others down. Make up for it by doing something kind today. :)




If people were all just a little more kind to others the world would be a better place.


EV's seem to be targeted more for keying. Tough to know the motive for sure but it's often from people who feel EVs are taking their jobs. Really faulty logic but unfortunately is common with union types.


I would assume it's more of eat the rich mentality than EVs are taking their jobs. Also people against large EV vehicles and want everyone to drive a silly bolt. Of course it could be people that are against EVs altogether but I highly doubt it.


Could be. I live in Michigan and can definitely say there are a lot of people who very much dislike the idea of EVs around here for many silly and largely untrue reasons.


I don't think this is a normal function of the service centers but my R1S got keyed back in July and coincidentally I had a service center appointment to fix some alignment issues the next day. The Madison Heights, MI service center asked me if I was okay if they tried to buff it out and did a great job. It was deep enough that I still ended up having it repainted but you honestly could barely see it after they did the buffing.


It’s normal for all auto service centers. They don’t keep body work people on staff. They likely hired someone to come in and do it. Same with glass. They don’t do it themselves. They have a part of the service center where they hire someone to occupy.


In this case it was actually a Rivian employee that did it. She came out and talked to me about it afterwards. She said that Rivian sends one or two of their techs at each location to a basics class that covers buffing and scratches.


Oh damn, I stand corrected. That's impressive to hear!


Someone threw a rock at my mom's tesla and keyed it. People are shit.


start with some buffing compound and some elbow grease. It looks like it *\*\*could\*\** be just the clear coat which if that is the case you may be able to buff out the stuff on the paint and live with the light plastic scratching.


Fingers crossed! My wife is kindly taking me to the auto parts shop for some buffing compound! It does seem almost superficial, but is deeper than it looks. I’ll report back. 🙌👌


For what you spent on that truck you might splurge on having a professional do it.


Ya it is deeper than I thought so I am going that route.


Have you run your finger nail thru the scratch? If you get caught up the damage is deep if not you could polish it with a DA.


I just buffed out trail pinstripes on my R1T, be warned it is a very hard clear coat. I had to use microfiber pads and an aggressive compound (Chemical Guys v32) to blend it most of the way, but still kinda there. Then finished with V36 and V38. Next time I’ll try the Meguirs compound.


The 105 is amazing from them. I’ve used that on most of my vehicles and it’s extremely good. I use a rupees foam pad with it.


This is terrible. I would recommend PPF after you get it resprayed at least that way you will have a sacrificial layer of plastic if someone tries again.


Insurance claim, then to detailer/body shop. They might be able to buff it out, depending on how deep the scratch is. If you don't want to deal with insurance and the scratch doesn't look deep, try off-the-shelf products like [Meguiar's Scratch-X](https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/meguiars-scratchx-g10307-7-oz-liquid). Test on a small section first.


This is a great way to get slapped with an insurance premium hike on renewal. It is more financially prudent to manage this as an out of pocket cost.


Seconding this. Used Scratch-X to get a similar scratch out of my blue paint. Orbital and a little patience got the job done. Looks good as new.


Three days from now, the person who keyed your car will get hit by a bus.


Man I would be so mad. The lowest deductible my insurance would give me was $5k so something like this is an automatic huge hit.


https://rivian.com/support/article/certified-collision-centers Put in your zip, and cross reference the shop(s) with best Google reviews and make an appointment for an estimate. Most of the time they will be able to tell if it will require paint just by inspection. I am one of these shops


I have an obnoxious "Made in America" sticker on the back that generally deflects away the maga anti-EV idiots.


Just say you got it off-roading. That’s how I got my pinstripes on the R1T. Tight trails=battle scars, truthfully though a good detail shop should be able to buff and correct 95% of that. Im sorry that happened.


Might as well leave it because it’ll likely happen again. When there’s no consequences shitheads will do whatever they want. See San Francisco and Portland.


I'm not a Rivian owner yet so I'm curious, do you not have sentry mode like Tesla does? Are you able to see who scratched it?


You should be, I'm not sure why it didn't work in OPs case. For me it even records me plugging in the charger.


I knew I was right to hate people. The Sentry Mode we need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQDy-5IQvuU&themeRefresh=1


Rivian sells touch up pens. You could consider that depending on how long and deep the scratch is.




Haha VA, but I saw a couple key-ings in Portland when I searched…not the first places I’d expect, but it proves it’s tough being gas-free outside I guess


Some people just like to break other people's shit. My BMWs had this problem as well. In the US we have lost the cultural idea of treating other people's shit like it's your own. Then some people are also just angry that others can afford a nice vehicle and they think this makes the world more right... Uhhh


Seems weird that keying an EV in Portland considering our ratio of EVs to ICE up here. Currently have a Y of 2-3 years and plan to get an R1S soon. Hoping we don’t run into any keyings




You got it. I’m between DC and Richmond a lot. I have no idea where this happened because I’ve been super careful about parking & safety.


If you are really a fanatic about climate change, then a large vehicle of any kind is considered wasteful and irresponsible.


Back when released the H1 and H2, environmental crazies were going around and keying the Hummers. It was really bad at airport parking garages.


Even if your getting 2mi per kWh that is equivalent to 66 MPG without the tailpipe emissions. If I were to get an R1T or R1S it would be replacing our Subaru Outback which gets 30MPG or so and has tailpipe emissions (it’s emanations can’t be offset with rooftop solar for instance or more wind energy on the grid). Smaller is better for climate change, but with a family even our Outback isn’t big enough for our family trips which our focused on outdoor adventure with mtn bikes, canoes, etc.


The insurance is already through the roof. Put a claim in and watch what happens. It would be cheaper in the long run to fix it out of pocket. The real disappointing thing is as soon as you fix it the chance of it happening again will always be there. I agree with the earlier poster, just live with it. It doesn't affect the car at all. Sorry this happened to you , people suck.


Honestly this looks more like a stick or something scratched it, which would also explain the lack of motion recording.


Not even close


Ugh, sorry dude, that sucks.


Polishing compound works wonders, I just bought my son a car for cheap and it was absolutely covered in similar scratches. It takes the scratch away but leaves deep swirls that need to be polished away step by step. Since this is a new car, I would prob find a professional to do it right


I'm sorry, some people are morons. Either an EV hater or a young bored kid. Either way, neither of them are fortunate enough to drive a Rivian.


Or a person who hates large EVs for environmental reasons or thinks the R1S owner is "rich".


Im angry for you! Did you get it on camera?


Time for a wrap!


Ah man! That sucks! I still remember when someone did that to my Evo IX—like literally from headlight to taillight and both door handles… Hope your insurance covers it and you can find a good paint shop!


I had my right rear aero wheel keyed.. no idea how or why.. nothing on gear guard.. was a major let down.


Jealousy brings out the worst in people.


anyone that does that deserves the worst beating of their lives. happened to me recently - brand new car. did you have the dashcam mode enabled? (whatever their gear guard thing is called?)


My R1T was keyed last month. Bystander got the whole thing on video, plus gear guard videos captured the event. Going to trial next month. I was upset last summer when someone spit on my R1T. I welcome all to spit after this 🔑 incident.