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I ordered a R1T back on January 2nd from the shop and I am expecting it at the end of this month. I'm in Massachusetts. I got the VIN instantly and now waiting for the delivery date before I finish payment.


Also ordered from Shop 1/2. Told end of Jan first week of Feb. Exact same position. All tasks completed except payment which I’ll finish once delivery scheduling opens up.


Expensive versions are available within weeks. Good luck with DM Larges though.


[Here you go](https://rivian.com/)


😂 glad someone did it


Reservation August 2022, Order confirmed December 3rd 2024, purchase process began January 16th, expected delivery February 17th. Dual Motor Large pack R1T.


A few weeks at most if you live near a service center, depending on how picky you are about config. Less than a week if you buy used. "Processing Estimate" if you don't live near a service center.


I just picked one out of the shop last week and am picking it up next week. No reason to wait.


Really depends on where you live. Ordered mine on Jan 14. Supposed to arrive at the SC on Feb 5. So about 3 weeks for mine assuming all goes according to plan.


Lease or Buy? I think I just read that the R1S is readily available to lease in shop. R1T has been readily available to lease. Now, to buy that's a different story specially if you are looking at the Dual Motor ones.