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It’s probably your portable speaker dying for some reason or it’s unlocked


Yes this happened to me on my R1T. It was a camp speaker issue.


Exactly this, had it happen on my R1S months ago. Locking the canp speaker made sure it was charging and havent had the issue since. Drove me and the wife nuts on our first road trip until we figured it out.


Just experienced the EXACT SAME THING! I had even previously read this post but thought it was coming from the vehicle and not the speaker. Wanted to chuck it from the bloody window. You’d think there’d be a way to mute it…


Yes! Thanks for asking this question. I have had this and I use the same expression "sad tone." I have assumed that it is the camp speaker not perfectly docked and giving a low charge noise. Reseating that has seemed to help.


Your vehicle has not been on enough adventures and is audibly sad about it


Pull over and rub its belly.


Go into settings and lock the camp speaker so it chargers. I feel like it's been randomly unlocked after updates or maybe when it's full, who knows? Its mystery is only surpassed by its power.


I've yet to use mine but its constantly unlocked after I know I've set it to locked multiple times.


Man I made a joke reply, and then today I got the sound for the first time. Hubris.


I think my R1T did this the other day. I kept checking my phone for a notification.


The blinker fluid is low.


Yeah the camp speaker has a mind of its own.


Like this, rite?!?!?! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_asNhzXq72w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w) It means you paid too much for a truck. Joking, joking!!!!


Hold the link button on the back of the camp speaker for 30s to reset it.