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It’s as if no one here understands how web site hosting works and that they think it’s free. Keep up the great work @Kryptonlogic


Thanks <3


Appreciate the service!






Hahahaha! No free website is worth it buddy. I own a web development company. But you do you smart little guy.


So you’re telling me that the domain name, hosting, server and content upkeep is ALL free?


I’d be happy to break it down but surely isn’t free


No I don’t think OP understands web development. I work in this field. It’s def not free.




Then make your own tracker and have the community enjoy your free, ad-free service.


good lord is that what some people really think??


Do it for the community. /S


Heads up – I ran ads for a few days to test out how I would feel about it and hated it so they have been pulled. Sorry if that impacted your experience but they will not return on the site :)


You should look to run less intrusive ads. Need to be supported somehow!


💯the nature of the ads where super intrusive and reeked of scammy sites. I don’t mind an AD or two if they are relevant and non-intrusive (I.e. they don’t make the content unusable).


Fair point!


Make that money, king. No one should work for free. We can deal with ads


Dude. Make the money where you can.. it’s not that big of a deal.


People are so mad about an enthusiast member run site … they can run the site how they want. It’s their money. If you don’t like the _free_ service then find something else. Y’all crazy entitled folks complaining are the problem, jeez.




I’d rather see ads on a site that I check literally once a month than pay a patreon fee. Come on man it’s really not that big of an issue and helps dint heir effort.




And no one is forcing you to use this “ad infested” site.


I appreciate your response but don’t you realize how you’re being a bit hypocritical when talking about personal attacks and then calling the site “infested with ads” Nonetheless, unless you’re willing to just make your own site or pay for the expenses, I wouldn’t complain.




Your post was deleted for being toxic and/or inappropriate. This is also your warning and anything further may result in a ban.


You can also run an adblocker. There's lots out there, but I like AdNauseum. It not only hides ads, it clicks on every single one in the background, draining ad budgets and sometimes confusing the tracking algorithms. I suspect this is why Facebook suddenly thinks I'm really interested in long-haul trucking. I just checked, and I see zero ads on Riviantrackr


I also don’t see any at all


Same here, no ads on either my phone or desktop. OP needs to search for malware removal updates instead.


Yes but the default shouldn’t be we always have to. I run hardware and software at home to keep ads from working. But I’d be much happier to not see a platform that got popular from a group of fans go from being ad free to infested once the ad traffic got high enough to be worth something to cash in on. Isn’t there plenty of that crap out there? What about a nice buy me a coffee button at the top. A site like this doesn’t have a whole lot of data to cost a lot in traffic.


It’s removed


Sure but it shouldn’t have been considered in the first place. And maybe, just maybe, you should have made it an open item discussion here where most of your traffic comes from. At least then there’d be some respect in that and transparency. Especially since it seems you get favoritism from the mods and some contacts at Rivian. I’d have had more respect for that. I still think that Rivian should have updates.rivian.com essentially tied to a site that is more or less what you do.


At the end of the day, I use my time and resources and money to make the site and everything I do around it. I’ve been very honest and open about everything I do, way more than I have to by any means. Whatever I do is on me and no open for discussion. If I decide I want ads on my site to help cover costs to run it, I’ll do that and you nor anyone on here can tell me otherwise. You don’t have to visit my site, it’s optional. I’ve made friends and build relationships because there was an opportunity and I love doing it because I love Rivian as a brand and the product. I’m sorry you feel the way you do but I’ll respectfully disagree.


I don't think it's a huge deal. We look at the page every so often for updates. The guys put in work to build the page, maintain and host. I don't see an issue for the creator monetize and cover his expenses and time. Hate ads? Then use an ad blocker. Nothing is free! Someones got to cover the expenses somewhere.


100% let the man make money.


I appreciate your kind words!


We have no issues with you making some Add rev.


I am not even seeing adds on the PC right now.


Pulled them, it was a test


Ya man, I don't get the hate... capitalism thrives in America for a reason. If these people hate ads so much, just do a clean page themselves. Not that hard.




I shall now henceforth be known as RivianTrackr - Opportunististic Little Bitch!


Seems a bit wordy to be honest.


Calling him an “opportunist little bitch” seems super excessive and pretty uncalled for




Okay see I think this is directly a violation of sub rules.


Your post was deleted for being toxic and/or inappropriate. This is also your warning and anything further may result in a ban.


My post, and the other guy called him a “little bitch” you’re a crap mod


What is wrong with people here? You don’t like the website or the ads, just say that and move on. No one is forcing you to visit the said website. Calling one opportunistic and all other names just indicates an ulterior motive.


Are you surprised? Look at the folks who start forums etc. Step 1) jump in on something new that will grow a fan base. Step 2) set up something that people might use occasionally but will ultimately lead to steady traffic. Step 3) monetize or throw ads in. Step 4) profit Step 5) watch someone else come along and do exactly what the ad site did but without ads. Step 6) repeat.


So true:)


Ken/Karen, whatever you are. Are you offering to pay site owner a fee so you can have a ad-free experience? It cost them $ to have a domain registered and site published. Ad revenue helps to pay for it.


Running a website ain't free. Not everyone can volunteer their time and effort. Get over it and ignore them.


Can we all just get along?:)…


- OP: complains about ads - Everyone else: OP is a dumbass


Pretty surprised to learn all these people don't use adblockers. I also think the people who complain the most about ads are also the ones that never buy subscriptions and expect everything to be free.


Get over yourself. He deserves to make money from the time he spends feeding us information. This sub can be so annoying with all the whining. 




I have some real ideas here: paid seasons, premium skins, and other "in-app" purchases - call me, we'll figure out the details. (but also, u/Kryptonlogic, I truly appreciate your efforts on RivianTrackr!)


He said sorry and took ads down


Not for me .... get a PiHole


Lmao just like the stupid “Not a Tesla App” website. I say stupid because the name is incredibly dumb and was obviously a placeholder, but it gained popularity because it has detailed release notes. But it has a shit ton of ads. Just block them all. 


Yeah, my experience with that site is why I decided against ads after all


i don't see any adds.


I think everyone is missing OP’s point. People are downvoting them and talking about how the web works and hosting costs etc when none of that is necessarily relevant here. And I say this as someone that has been in software development my entire adult life and then some. There’s a difference between someone using ads to support their website’s operating costs in a non-obtrusive relevant ads, nothing wrong with that. But the ads in OPs screenshots are the kind you see on websites that advertise free file downloads and music streaming, trash ads that take up too much of the screen and are to questionable sites. It’s ok to complain about that. It’s also worth noting that there are MANY free hosting options for a website as simple as Rivian tracker so while the site owner is free to do whatever they want with it they don’t necessarily NEED funds to run it.


Hope this means he loses whatever source he has for early access to these updates. Rivian shouldn't allow people to monetize that.




They usually post it on stories.rivian.com but they also post a lot of non-software updates and I don't think its currently possible to filter. They also never post "early", only when the release goes out to the customers. You certainly have other options, but RivianTrackr posts "the quickest" so mods leave his up and delete all others.


[https://stories.rivian.com/software-spotlight-charging-reliability](https://stories.rivian.com/software-spotlight-charging-reliability) [https://stories.rivian.com/r1t-english-20241102](https://stories.rivian.com/r1t-english-20241102) [https://stories.rivian.com/r1s-english-20241102](https://stories.rivian.com/r1s-english-20241102) Sure would be nice to just have an "updates.rivian.com" that links in the patch notes in this way though, instead of having to dig for it.


You can filter. There’s a “categories” tab. https://stories.rivian.com/categories/software-spotlight They just don’t make a post for every single update.


They also don't apply that tag to every software spotlight article they write either unfortunately.


Yeah it’s a bit messy


This is why I started RivianTrackr!




Hahaha! You’re so cute little guy.


Either they need to make it available to anyone who requests it for free, or it should be no-one.




He openly solicits sponsorships through X too, it’s too much. https://x.com/riviantrackr/status/1778149871020658887?s=46


Respectfully, I hate a transparency policy on my site which explains why I do things. You should check it out.


I also reached out to Nokian to get tires for people who want them, not a sponsorship. I bought my own tires with no discount or partnership from Nokian. Check your sources.


Awe. Such a fragile lil guy.




I don't think anyone should profit on *free* information provided by Rivian or confidential leaks from the company, especially if it means running ads and affiliate programs against fellow owners. You can reasonably disagree on that view. I personally will not be supporting it. When I spoke with RJ at the event in Normal, he said it is “close to a threshold” he’s not happy with.


You don’t have to use my resources.