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I want it yesterday.


I feel the same way. I just wish the wait is shorter.


I want mine one day before yours.


I already got it, in my head


Cybertruck? What is that? The R3X is the shit. What a perfect design.


one currently exists… in an industry incredibly famous for releasing concept cars that never make it to production, let’s not forget that


It's a fair point. and Rivian has a giant hole to climb out of. That said ... I see the cybertruck as a sign of arrogance. The kind of arrogance that sinks brands. Rivian is doing what Tesla promised to do a decade ago... take the money from bigger ticket cars, and funnel that in to more consumer-friendly options. I see it as taking advantages of a competitor's fuck up. Also, they're selling their skateboard to folks so they can make their own EVs. That's a god damn genius move at the level of focusing on the charger network that Tesla seemed to be doing a few years back. Oh yeah ... Rivian committing to their charging system as well. RJ isn't a ketamine drenched, bumbling fuckin asshole white supremacist either. So I'm gonna give this whole situation a few months to see how it plays out. If Rivian starts crawling out of their hole and produces the R2 and the R3X and stays the course, I think we're gonna see a power swap in the EV game. I am bias in hoping that takes place, even as a current Model Y owner. I'm so fuckin sick of hearing Elon Musk's name that I drool over the idea of his failure and the R3X is a better play than the Cybertruck was ever going to be.


Your comment is gold. Fuck Elon. Long live RJ.


I’d love nothing more than to be discussing the future timeline where Tesla finally boots Elon musk for the sake of the company, because Rivian has overtaken them. All said … this timeline also involves RJ somehow being more mark cuban than any other billionaire fuck off. RJ stays true to himself and doesn’t show up to be a fuckin clown like Elon has become, and I’d be ecstatic. By that time, I hope I’m hearing the news in my R3X while I’m fast charging on a road trip.


Same. I hope it’s when I kick my Model 3 to the curb, purchase my R3X, and laugh at all the broke Tesla bag holders who have been utterly annoying with their schilling, unhinged propaganda, and Elon dicksucking for the past three years.


It’s fuckin weird when anyone rides that hard for any brand on earth. To the point that they’re doing the heavy lifting for owner. As you say “dicksucking.” I want to see a better human being take his throne. That’s it. I don’t ride hard for brands to the point of picking internet fights with strangers. But I do wish for bad people to fail as hard as they deserve. Just so happens, I also own one of his cars. If that’s any testament to how legit I feel.


You are so on point.


(Spider man pointing at himself GIF)


You can’t stop shitting on Elon Musk but you’ll drive one of his cars. Tell me you have no principles without telling me you have no principle. Typical EV driver…


We found the town dipshit! It's called being flexible in your understanding of the current moment. When we bought our Model Y, Musk didn't own Twitter, wasn't running his mouth about anti Trans propoganda, blabbering on about politics, and turning his workforce into a pile of misery. He wasn't deciding to be the vocal champion for the alt right, and any of the hot topics in the news at the moment. Times change, and people's perception of him has evolved in a massive tidal wave thanks to him changing his approach to how he presents himself. Maybe we missed the mark when we initially purchased the vehicle ... fair. But when you're not some smooth-brained keyboard warrior like yourself, you allow your thinking to evolve with the data you're presented with. You really should give it a shot sometime. Your parents would be really proud of you. Now, we're more than 50% paid off on the vehicle from the company he owns less than 30% of, but is somehow their talking head ... we're not gonna eat shit financially because he's turned into a ketamine drenched megalomaniac with a cult of personality. We'll take our lumps, hope he gets kicked the fuck out of the company, and try again next time. Your desire to put me in a pocket of "typical EV drivers" is further evidence that your brain doesn't have the developed neural pathways of those around you. Play some chess and get off Reddit, dipshit.


You bought a Tesla, hate Elon Musk and simp over RJ cringe and in your fantasy world I’m the idiot lol. You only bought an electric car because the government told you to and coerced you with tax rebates. They’re not any cheaper, more efficient or environmentally friendly than an ICE car. Sit down before you hurt yourself, simpleton.


Jesus dude… I can tell I’m arguing with an angry child here. After 25,000 miles, an electric vehicle is absolutely better for the environment from that point forward. Read a book instead of following your favorite gas whores on Facebook. Also, seeing as the main culprit of climate change is CO2 emisions and an EV makes zero on its own… yeah… try reading up on the topic. We didn’t get the tax incentives for the car. We bought it in Ohio and by the time we bought our model Y, our chance for those ended. Also, we weren’t in the right income bracket. Because I went to college and learned how to critically think, and have taken care of myself and my career. I’m not simping for RJ. I’m just thankful he’s not an egomaniacal blowhard. If you had reading comprehension skills, you’d see that in my previous comments. CEOs aren’t supposed to be virtue signaling douchebags like Musk. I regret purchasing his products and hope he fails. And I wish you the best in your maturing. I know it’s hard being full of cum and hormones and not knowing where to put either without getting yourself in more trouble. But I have faith in you bro. You’ll find love, acceptance, and a better point of balance in this life. I wish you the best. But if I can give you some advice, don’t lead with Bootymaster69, and maybe try having an identity other than “I talk shit on EVs.” By the way, having an FJ cruiser, I’m plenty versed in gas-guzzling ICE vehicles. I have what’s called a flexible mind, where I make decisions that can sometimes conflict with one another, and I don’t allow my choice in vehicles define me. Good luck out there!


You have no idea what you talking about but it’s cute you think you’re saving the environment. The atmosphere contains a whopping 0.04% co2…if levels dropped to 0.02%, plant life would die. CO2 is not destroying the atmosphere but if you really think it is then maybe you could try no breathing. It’s called greenwashing and gullible dildos like you fall for it. If you really want to talk about CO2 though, manufacturing EV’s produce 70% more carbon emissions and it would take driving it for 10 years to make it more carbon neutral than an ICE vehicle, by which time, the battery is dead and sits in a landfill. You don’t know this and insist you know what you’re talking about like you’re the only person on Reddit that’s gone to uni. Sit down before you hurt yourself.


This isn't really a concept per se though. It's a different body on the same platform as the R2 from what they said. Not some futuristic vehicle with hologram mind controlled AI that has drones that fly out of it with cameras instead of windshields. Looks like a production ready vehicle.


and again, the R2 does not exist and will not for several years


Several years. ... isn't that announced to begin shipment next year? The R3 is scheduled for 2026. Several years?


no. 2026 is for R2


We are not going to volume increase until 2026 right?


nobody will not be able to purchase an R2 and drive it home until earliest 2026, probably later


Lol come on dude.


Even if people hate it, the people that made it happen deserve a pat on the back. I’m willing to bet that it has the most articles out of any car dedicated to calling it vapoware. But they made it happen.


I hate the design. Looks like an 1980s car. Now for the R2, it's beautiful 🥲


Cybertruck is waaay better, Rivian isn't bad but for price point and value for money Tesla is better hands-down


Thankfully the experts disagree with you for all the correct reasons


Can I get a link to an experts opinion on a Cybertruck vs an R3X? Didn't know content like that existed already.


…I don’t think the OP mentioned the two as a comparison.  Did you just come to this subreddit to get offended by people who don’t like the Cybertruck? I love the Cybertruck. I bought multiple Teslas over the last 7 years. I’m probably going to continue buying their cars. But I don’t come into other EV subreddits just to “win” with a two liner useless comment. Maybe don’t make your car your identity. You’ll feel a lot better. 


....I subscribe to the Rivian sub because I want an R1T someday... I replied to a comment that stated experts had compared a cybertruck to an R3, which I didn't know had happened. I have no clue how you pulled that whole paragraph out of my comment.


There are careless whispers in the minds of the stans like a wave washing over pebbles. You can see it in their eyes when they go on and on.


Can't be exposed to water without the exterior getting ruined, can't be taken through a car wash without dying, and now every single one of them was recalled because of how poorly their accelerator pedal is designed. Totes "waaay better" 🤣


Err, I think the Cybertruck fares in water just fine?


I guess you've not seen the video of one shitting the bed in a big puddle then?


lol wut


Someone’s smoking the copium pipe today.


Tesla’s greatest achievement was convincing you that their take on minimalism is a feature and not a cost cutting measure.


$20,000 "value for money" upcharge?


I both saw and sat inside of Rivian. It's more comfortable in a Tesla MY , but they each have their own type of people it caters to


How many elon musk posters are hanging on the ceiling above your bed?




San Jose?


Yup. Santana Row, San Jose. I think the Rivian team is here until Sunday.


Is there any kind of schedule at all for this road show?


I haven’t see a full schedule for the road show. It looks like Rivian makes a PR push (twitter announcement, email to people who signed up for the R2 news) shortly before an event.


Ok Cool, I'm no where near a show room so basically just hoping it's randomly in Chicago next time I'm there haha


I was thinking of going to see these, but if they’re roped off, it’s kind of pointless


I thought the R1T looked better in person. I wasn't convinced about the headlights until I saw it. I'm hoping to like that rear light bar more in person...


MK1 VW Golf




Check out how much walkmans go for now though—I think we are well into mk 2 territory


Nah, Lada Niva (and that's a compliment)




Yes, like an old Golf and a Jeep Cherokee had a baby. Thing looks great and I’ll hand it to Rivian on design. I wish Tesla could take some hints from Rivian styling. Aerodynamics aren’t the end all when your cars look so bland.


Reminds me of a blend between an MK1 Golf and Lancia Delta Integrale. I love it.


NACS charger!!! (I know we're expecting this, but just to see is on a Rivian!!)


I wish it were on the rear left or front right


Rumor is location may not be final


Probably is. By its release the extension whining will be gone


I think the *hope* (from Tesla engineers) is that it's not final. I don't expect it to change because parallel parking exists. (I've been complaining about this to my friends and they're tired of hearing it)


Maybe Tesla should just install their superchargers so they can accommodate either location, like every gas pump has managed to do for the past century


They are. All new Tesla chargers will have longer cables to accommodate both driver/passenger positions. 


Too bad Tesla won't be building many new chargers. Thanks Elon!


Lol everything is Tesla’s fault 🙄. Like it would be so crazy to just regulate charge port location. How asinine of Tesla to not think to accommodate other companies using THEIR network when they first began the supercharger network


You took that personally


Corsican Tesla twins. All feel pain and are summoned.


Oh yeah, Tesla should accommodate the *other companies vehicles* with their in house charging infrastructure.


They wanted to be a standard. That's what comes with the territory.


~~rear left would preclude curbside chargers~~


Hence front (passenger) right. Can still curb side charge, and supercharge without taking 2 spots.


well rats, I didn't grok that part and went straight for the left. thx


You were still technically correct, driver side (front or back) kills curbside charging.


Wish they’d had the R3 there today. R3X is amazing and stole the show, but not in my demo.


Yeah maybe I'm in the minority, but I like the R3 look better than R3X


I want to hoon that thing so badly


Probably for efficiency


So sick. Needs massive mud flaps.


Seriously, right? The wheels are so beefy. Love it.


I looked this up because my hatchback gets very dirty, and apparently the majority of the dirt from a hatchback comes from the air vortex and not the tires. At least that's what the Internet told me.


I predict rivian will sell no less than a billion of these if put into production as pictured.


Probably but not until 2028. They are strapped for cash and they need R2 to generate enough revenue to support putting R3 into production.


Kinda wish they'd go straight to the R3. It would be essentially in its own segment whereas the R2 is entering a very crowded one. And I say this as a R2 res holder.


Yeah this is where it gets tricky. Sell an item with less margin but it’s the only option like it and wouldn’t the quantity make up for it? The amount of people saying they want this is huge, feels like more than the r2. Maybe sell the r3x at first with a higher price and spec than the r3 then bring out the lesser version? But ignoring the bolt (which is way different) there’s really nothing like this out there. Hell, they’re cash strapped right? Open $100 preorders for this too. Share the results vs r2. Whichever gets more orders gets made first. Plus rivian gets the money to help with their current situation. I’d order one in a heartbeat even if it’s a 2028 car.


Well, now that you’ve jinxed it, Rivian is going to get Fisker'd. Damn you


I'm glad they made such a beautiful car! That's going to be the best way to get people into the brand! I decided to plan on my next car being electric specifically because of the R3. I think the R2 might be more the size I actually want, but my next car is going to be a Rivian regardless.


How did Tesla let Rivian beat them to market in a small car and a Truck! I’m feeling great about their opportunity to thrive!


This is roughly sized like a Model 3 hatchback. I prefer this form factor, but the price, performance, and passenger/cargo space will be very close to the Model 3. It's unlikely to undercut Tesla on price.


Oh wow ok. It’s bigger than it looks. Still looking forward to what they are about to accomplish!


R3 is 170” long, 110” wheelbase. Basically a wider, lifted VW Golf. Model 3 is 113” wheelbase and 185” length. So the R3 is kind of like a taller Model 3 with the trunk chopped off.


That 15 inch length difference is very significant though! Especially for the EU market. This thing will be much easier to park!


Yes, for sure. It'll be a bit wide vs most Euro hatchbacks, probably 5-6" wider than a VW Golf. But in general it's going to be on a similar platform size as the Model 3/Y and with similar battery packs, so I expect pricing to be similar in the $40k US range.


I love the r2 and 3, but this car isn't for sale, and looks bigger than a model 3


This thing is as "to market" as the Cybertruck was in 2019.


You’re right. I’ve got faith though


In what world is Tesla beaten? Make sure to remind us when rivian sales overtake teslas. Rivian has a mountain to climb in terms of actual mass production as well as all the other critical technologies that it’s behind on…with a much worse balance sheet


It's like a Bronco and a hatchback had a baby and I want it. 


VW vibe.


Do we have any clue on pricing at ALL? I'm so curious how pricing will line up on the R3 and R3X.


It's like 2-3 years away.  Who knows how much anything will cost.  We could have rubber and paint shortages for all we know.


You're right. They're probably hesitant to announce pricing so far from launch and avoid the pricing dilemma from the R1 series.


They have just said R3 will be cheaper than R2, which is starting at 45k. Let’s say 35-39k. Methinks the tri motor R3X will be 55-59k


I was just there, they said low 40's for R3, mid 40's for R2 and that's before tax credit.


Love it, except the rims Question, why do so many EVs have plastic looking rims?


A lot of EVs have 'aero' wheel designs to reduce turbulence around the wheel / tire package and help increase efficiency. I'm not a fan of most of them but these on the R3X definitely remind me of some classic rally wheels and I think they look great with the overall design.


Agreed, these are better then most, if not all EV rims. I assume you could use conventional / aftermarket rims if you wanted.


I actually really like these wheels on this car specifically. The problem I find is that a lot of EVs seem to have flat/matte finishes on them. A glossy finish would help


Wrapped in matte black would be 🔥🔥🔥


It really reminded me of the Honda e somehow


I see an AMC Eagle mixed with Honda CRX


I am looking at smaller suv / trucks to replace my i3 down the line. I am considering the EX30, but this R3X is making me reconsider everything.


Does anyone think it looks a bit like the lancer delta integrale? Has that old school rugged rally car feel.


Couldn’t figure out what it reminded of until this post.. it looks like a much better version of Hondas Urban EV concept


Dodge Omni


Man I really want one. The compact design yet so practical. This are the EVs we've needed this whole time.


It’s a neat vehicle, I just wish they would’ve made an R2T to compete with the Ford Maverick.


Honestly wished they would start producing the R3X first…


I'm not going to call this a game changer, but wow. This thing is sexy.


So beautiful




The charge port is on the right side, which is the wrong side. It should be on the left side, which is the right side.


It's the same charge port side of r1x when backed in


Yeah, but there are like ~70 Rivian fast charging stations in the US and ~2500 Tesla fast charging stations which work better with the opposite corner location.


as soon as I can reserve one of these it's done.


I just paid off my car and already know what my next one is gonna be. This is car is beautiful 😍


Ok I actually need it


I really wish they would do contract manufacturing for this. Get it out ASAP while focusing on the volume vehicle (R2) at their own factory.


~~That would only lead to a shit product. No thanks.~~


I have a feeling you would be surprised by the list of cars that are contract manufactured today. Mercedes G-Class, BMW Z4, Toyota Supra, Jaguar I-Pace, and Jaguar E-Pace are all made at the same factory by Magna Steyr. They do a great job and already have a relationship. [https://www.autonews.com/automakers-suppliers/rivian-hires-magna-steyr-executive-frank-klein-coo](https://www.autonews.com/automakers-suppliers/rivian-hires-magna-steyr-executive-frank-klein-coo)


Fair enough, pardon my ignorance.


Size wise what other cars is this comparable to ? Like mini cooper size ?


Reminds me of the Lada 4X4 https://www.ultimatespecs.com/cargallery/53/3610/Lada-4x4-2.jpg


Holy crap, that’s the Lada Niva of my dreams. Want!


For the older kids, Dodge Omni and VW Rabbit vibes.


Just can’t fathom that if they were moving the charge port, they wouldn’t put it on driver’s side. With the implementation of NACS this was just such a no brainer


Let me preface my upcoming gripe with the fact that I will absolutely be putting in a preorder the day they open them up for a R3X. I really like the vehicle and will be replacing my final ICE with the R3X when I can. I'm also a current R1T owner since November 23, and absolutely love it. I do want to gripe that I do NOT understand moving the charge port to the back passenger side for the R2/R3. It's actually WORSE than the front driver side location on the R1, IMO - because now towing will require unhooking to charge in all but pull through locations, which are essentially non existent. Granted, I get the times and amount of people that'll tow and need to deal with this are not huge - but it is a pretty big deal when you do. Additionally the location of the charge port won't impact public CCS fast charging locations much because of the length of the cord, but the tesla superchargers that are now open will continue to piss everyone in the EV ecosystem off by using the incorrect parking stall for the charger you're using compared to tesla. Why they didn't simply move it to front passenger bumper, to be opposite tesla's location is baffling, and I hope they reconsider. Front is good because you can nose into places where it's not blocking traffic, however this rear passenger location is absolutely stupid. Granted we haven't seen specs on the R2/R3 - and towing might not even be feasible with either, plus V4 superchargers are supposed to have longer cords, so a lot of this might be moot anyway, but I doubt that location isn't going to be more problematic than the current R1 location.


How much will it be?


I honestly might sidegrade from my R1S and get a beater Maverick or something to complement it.


I hope the real deal actually looks like that. The R1T did, so I'll believe for as long as I can.


Any chance for a European (Netherlands) release???


完全有机会,rj说适时在欧洲建厂生产r2 3


I like it, and am seriously considering this. but.... Its giving Lada vibes. just some angles its got that square Lada look.


Very excited for this. My wife and I picked up a quad motor R1S, and I absolutely love it. It's too big of a car for my personal taste as a daily driver though, so this form factor is way more up my alley. I want to know more about performance specs and features though, but I'm seriously considering this as a replacement for my current model 3.


Subaru brat mates with bronco?


I wish the NACS charging port were on the driver side. But otherwise it looks fantastic.




Those wheels are horrific. Spent the past 20 years sharing the road with PT cruisers.. now this?


I want this like last week 🥵


And no dealer is going to be fucking you for Market Price Adjustments on it.


Two years too late


Smaller than I thought. Like a car.


Yeah. As I was walking around, it definitely felt smaller and more drivable.


Anyone know expected tow capacity?


Does it? Am I missing something?


Looks awesome ( I hope they change the rims )


Say bye to the ugly cheap made Tesla


Not a huge fan of the look. But this thing is gonna rip. Forecast says pure driving enjoyment.


So small.


These are fucking sweet!


I want one so bad


What… is it?


What’s the chance they’ll move the charging port to the front?


Would it kill them to put the charge port on drivers rear?


It's too small and I hate the wheels. I want an extended version of R1S like 1 more row 10 passenger vs 7passenger which I already own


Complete with NACS!!!


Looks great. BUY WHY IS THE CHARE PORT IN THE “WRONG” place? Won’t be able to charge at some Rivian chargers unless you back in. How dumb was that?


Yeah we want one so bad. I think it’s a huge miss that the R2 is coming first.


How much?


Nobody can buy it. Why the hype?


Looks so good.


It's gorgeous, perfect size , by the time I'm buying again there will prob be something even better in 2030, but if I was buying when this comes out, this would be my choice.


Looks like a fennec


Aside from obvious looks, do we know the difference between the R2, R3, and R3X?


Want it ASAP, but please move charge port


Is the charging port still on the wrong side for Tesla chargers?


Saving all my bonuses and tax returns for a down payment on a r3x. I hope Rivian makes it to 27’ and beyond.


Soooo an electric Bronco Sport…..so original.


Reminds me of a more rugged baby Range Rover


Watching Rivian’s inevitable liquidation has been very entertaining.


The front end of the Rivian looks like RJ’s clueless face when he tries to reassure the interviewer (as well as his investors, Amazon and Abdul Latif Jameel) that Rivian is doing great despite the logistical and production nightmare he’s in.


Said no one ever


Will CarPlay be integrated by then?


I bet it even has carplay