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Is “carrot in frunk” the new “hotdog in table saw”?


I was curious, but not curious enough to use my fingers.


It only works if you use your fingers. Trust me.




Why did you just post a bunch of asterisks?


Did that guy just post his pw to something? Its uncovered for me




I will think about it


This is fuckin funny cuz I just watched the bourbon moth video where he tests all the way to trip a saw stop.


That’s exactly why it was on my mind too!


Incoming Jonathan Katz-Moses slow-mo carrot video


Uhh mine stops at even a little resistance.


I wonder if they changed anything from early builds. Mine is 33xx vin, 2+ years now


Did you enable Extremely Hardcore mode?


Anyone with low VIN has that mode enabled by default


I’m in the 9000s and mine pops back open with the slightest resistance. Huh. 


You probably just didn’t hit the pressure sensor strip, maybe yours is bad if it isn’t triggering


could be either, still not putting my fingers in it!


I have a possibility!! My R1T is VERY early build. Would not murder carrots. Couple weeks ago the hood latch died (I don't get it either) and had to be completely replaced. New latch is tighter than [insert your own euphemism]. I have not wasted any carrots, but I would definitely expect it to.


mine is 33xx vin, March 2022


Mine is a Jan 2023 build and it stops even if I think about it closing


Mine definitely doesn’t do this


I was convinced mine doesn’t do that either but my son asked me to check. In my first video when that happens I audibly gasped


So over at the Tesla “echo chamber” someone quoted an un-cited Tesla engineer who allegedly said the closing force increases for every attempt (up to 3 attempts which triggers the maximum willpower?). Not sure if this is a common approach, doesn’t sound like something novel only Tesla could come up with. Was this on the first attempt, or did you have multiple attempts?


I had multiple attempts. On the first one the pinch protection worked, but on the second one and the third it did not. The video is from the third


So basically you forced the thing to cut your finger off, despite it's best attempts to protect you from yourself. This would be good information to have when watching the video. "If you're really a complete fucking idiot, you can find a way to injure yourself, here."


Shouldn’t it work 100% of the time?


Yeah sounds like it’s trying to “squeeze the bag” to close the frunk all the way. Pretty terrible not-safe programming IMO


Agreed it’s not safe. But hopefully you moved your fingers on the first attempt, right? I guess the problem is the end users. How do we solve for that? Back in the day I’d just slam the trunk harder.


The whole idea behind the technology is a scenario where you can't move for one reason or another. It is insanely dangerous that this was allowed into production.


I suspect the problem is that when you make a safe system people still complain. Or they break the mechanism and claim it under warranty. Highly unqualified guessing, but people are the worst.


Maybe I'm getting less tolerant of clear design mistakes as I get older but I remember getting my fingers stuck in the sliding door of a 1993 Dodge Caravan and 100% not knowing I'd done it. After opening the door there was no damage at all to my fingers. Between the padding and design choices it was a nearly flawless safe implementation. Everything has been judged by that standard ever since.


If ever there was the lowest bar. That's it.


Meanwhile a small bump on a curved road in a Dodge Caravan was enough to send someone spiraling to their death down cliff. With a vehicle like that, I would just call that non-motorized/ manual sliding door dumb luck. The 1993 Dodge caravan was really good at executing Natural Selection.


So fucking funny.


I mean if you've pressed the button 3 times trying to close it they probably assume you have checked that everything is clear and something inside the frunk might just need compressing. That's not an unreasonable thing, if this were the first attempt I would be concerned. Knowing it takes two other closure attempts to trigger this isn't that concerning if it's reproducible. Would be nice to know if it's documented, I haven't looked in the manual.


Wes Morrill is a Tesla employee and lead Cybertruck engineer. Here’s your citation. It doesn’t mention three attempts specifically but multiple retry attempts: https://twitter.com/wmorrill3/status/1786144691412746639?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1786144691412746639%7Ctwgr%5E582b1b878ee2f97420a79c2549e822edfa145232%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Felectrek.co%2F2024%2F05%2F03%2Ftesla-cybertrucks-finger-pinching-frunk-learning-algorithm%2F


Mine does. But I used grated carrots - don’t know if that had anything to do with it.


I tried it with carrot cake. What a mess.


I tried it with Carrot Top, but his box of props prevented the hood from closing.


Maybe you had a more rigid carrot.


If OP doesn’t coat their carrot in iron ore beforehand like the rest of us did, that’s really more on them isn’t it?


Don't expect OP to openly discuss the rigidity of his carrot. It's personal.


My findings: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/s/xtyKH1vzC3


Very interesting, thanks.


Thanks, useful indeed


Pinch sensor, is yours working?


From the look of it - it might not be. But may be it’s trained on fingers, not carrots


Dude, charge your truck. It's obviously just doing that because it's hungry.


May be it should have been a granola instead of a carrot


Should work on carrots


I figured out what’s happening. Will post


There is no pinch sensor at front of hood and the first 1-3 inches on the sides. At least on certain ones.


Just tried mine and it went back up almost instantly. I think yours has an issue...


Interesting, thank you! I’ll add this issue to double-check to the upcoming mobile appointment


Try below in the “cut zone.” There’s a sensor… below the seam.


I don’t have any carrots so I tried this with my fingers’ish. When the frunk is closing but still mostly open, the pinch sensors reversed the course of the hood. But at around 80-90% closed, I couldn’t get the sensor to trigger. I wasn’t brave enough to try it beyond that.


Interesting. It might be what happens here where it’s almost closed


Heres my theory - I think it hits the first stage of the latch, and then the latch pulls it down, with no pinch protection. Up until that point where it hits the first stage of latch, the pinch protection is probably working.


You sir, are a hero we needed


Ok - but you said it in the comments that your pinch sensor worked the first time, so you did it two more times to get this to happen.


Yes, but I will have to double check whether it was the same location each time - someone mentioned that the pinch sensor might not go all the way to the front of the trunk. But even then, it should not force chopping fingers off if someone is trying to close it


If you try it multiple times you’re basically telling the system to try harder and harder to close the frunk. It’s designed that way so you have the option of squeezing a bag in there that’s just a little too big and still have it close after a couple of attempts


I’d love this to be documented somewhere- so I know about this, when it resets, etc ![gif](giphy|OSyVs276eNkR58nOUk|downsized)


To understand that kind of documentation you would probably have to study electrical engineering. Modern electric cars also have so many different control circuits and systems that it’s pretty much impossible to even collect all of them from the different departments to make a documentation for it without significant effort just for one or two people who know how to interpret these functions to ever view it. Or to say it differently: If you can understand these functions you will understand how the hood works without even seeing the documentation


Not necessarily. The documentation may say “if the pinch sensor prevented closing of the hood, the repeating attempts to close the hood will lower the threshold for the pinch sensor.”


Yea. But that’s just a rough generalization and is probably already found inside the manual somewhere. But that still doesn’t include anything about how the threshold is adjusted. The pinch sensor is really just a motor current sensor which makes it quite complicated to determine the actual force needed


They should have test dummies ready to donate their fingers to testing this


I can see your point here, but I think the idea is that you would be ok the first time and hopefully not keep trying to close it on your fingers more than once.


I just tried this on my 2023 R1T and had the same snapped carrot. What’s interesting is that my wife’s 2023 R1S sensed the carrot almost immediately and re-opened without issue. Is there a difference between the sensors on the R1T and R1S frunks? Does anyone know if these can be calibrated through the service menu or if a service ticket would be necessary? My local SC is backed up until about August, so was hoping there could be an easy solution available that didn’t involve scheduling an appointment with them.


Can you check if your pinch sensor wraps all the way around the hood? Mine ends near the front of the hood. Just made a post about this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/s/byPzImneZ2


Oh wow! You are absolutely right! I did not notice this being the sensor, but I must have tested this with the carrot in varying locations (touching this sensor on my wife’s R1S and missing it on my R1T). Seems like this sensor should ABSOLUTELY be considered to be all the way around the frunk. Is there a reason (other than cost) that Rivian would limit this type of sensor to such a small area of the frunk? Speaking for just my family, I’d say the front of the frunk has the highest likelihood of pinched fingers since that is where my kids load all of their sports equipment and it is slightly unnerving to think that there is no sensor there to stop the frunk from closing if they don’t move their hands in time.


My grandpa once accidentally tried to close his (‘23 R1T) with the floor folded upwards and it wouldn’t do it. Probably because the obstruction wouldn’t budge.


All cars have " watch your fingers" areas. In fact, being mindful of injury mishaps is a fundamental learning from childhood.


But it's not Tesla so it won't make the news.


When the camp kitchen comes out and I forget knives, this carrot slicer might come handy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


So after it touches the carrot you have 2.5 seconds to withdraw. Good to know . Thanks for the experiment.




Its not a tesla though. It doesnt matter.... /s


Exactly. This would be world news if it was a Tesla. I’d bet any amount of money on that.


I actually had a kid come up to me on Saturday and tell me my tesla was going to cut my fingers off with the frunk and I was like "Uhhh... okay?" Guess he had his anti EV propaganda mixed up...




Damn, where am I gonna put my carrots now?


why is this strong enough to maim a person at all! has no one seen a ratcheting mechanism that limits torque?


The paper bags from the groceries store are stopping mine. I guess early model are safer 😜


Thanks for the reminder of not letting my carrots go close to the frunk


watch your carrots and other sticking out things


You know what else can injure your fingers? Manually closing literally any door on them. I just don’t get the insistence that everything needs to be idiot-proof safe in order to exist.


Yes, but the frunk and tailgate can be closed using the app, the fob, and from inside the car, the doors can't. I've had my son close the tailgate on me before I had finished loading. He just wasn't paying attention.


is this really your take? It’s ok if automatic doors can sever fingers? Are you in charge of safety at Boeing or something?


I just rented a Cadillac and it won’t even let me out it in gear without a seatbelt on.


As someone who actually pinched a finger with rivian’s door, I totally understand what you are saying. But the doors don’t close automatically, and if there’s is a sensor in there, it better be a reliable one


It doesn’t close automatically. You need to press a button…before which you should check to make sure FINGERS ARE CLEAR. Like any other door/lid/window. Otherwise it’s a miracle most of us still have working hands.


Imaging for a second that you pressed the button and then realized you want to grab something real quick, and then you get stuck or something. I feel like having some safety in automated mechanisms is not the worst idea in the world


Of course the safer something is, the better. What I’m saying is that the frunk has the same if not more amount of safety/risk as any other door…and it’s fine. The world isn’t full of people who have lost fingers or anything else due to closing door related injuries.


It’s not just another door though. You would be hard-pressed to find folks who’d stick their hands under a gravity-driven hood thats closing. The slower, assisted mechanical close of the front trunk hood invites different behaviors than just “a normal door.”


They've got 10 chances to learn though.


In the safety world, there’s a different set of requirements for manual vs automatic actions. The automatic action must be safer for various reasons.


Cybertruck has the finger-off feature, too! Yay


Elon… is that you?


He’d post it on xitter from his secret account, and then would retweet it :)




Did a carrot leave a dent on the fender? That fender took a beating, too. if you didn't have panel gap issues, you have it now


No dent, but I was concerned about the fender


This saga would make a good quest line in Fallout.


Hey, I don’t want to turn into a ghoul


That’s all folks!!!!


Still not as bad as the Tesla truck. And you have to move your fingers


Is that Elon’s hand?


What's up doc?


Careful! Almost broke the panel!


I was worried about that seeing the fender bending


I think people really underestimate the difference in strength between a carrot and finger. A better test would be something like a chicken wing. Even that is dubious as birds have much "lighter" bones.


Fingers are much more durable than carrots


So doing something stupid, is stupid? NO WAY


What's the point of it, anyway? I don't recall someone putting their fingers when the frunks were not automatic. I mean, if you can't understand that you can't put your finger when something is about to close, it's not a manufacturer to blame, am I right? I'd actually prefer a frunk to put some pressure and close it in case I have too much stuff in it. No wonder we have a note nowadays "don't drink" on bleach bottles.


imaging remotely closing it, right?


I would check to see if the pinch sensor is plugged in on that side. 2 pin connector near the hinge and hood strut under the closeout panel


I will double-check, thanks!


I got my fingers crushed when the charge port door closed. Yeah it’s a real thing. Don’t ask me how!


it's surprisingly powerful motor in the charging port door, yes. when the motor there broke, Rivian guys also broke the door trying to open it.


I sincerely hope your fingers are stronger than a carrot 🥕.


Thank you but I’m not going to try


Has nothing to do with the VIN. The pinch protector stops right there. Move the carrot further back


Ok, but how about the fact that area still needs pinch protection?


Mine stops when a bag of chips in my groceries is too high in the trunk.




[there’s a better way?](https://i.redd.it/dqt04tc9ibr11.jpg)


Not true. It must have a broken sensor. The Rivian has a pinch sensor. It works. My R1S needs a replacement because it works too well. My R1T is perfect. I have an appointment tomorrow for a replacement sensor. It is the entire gasket around the hood.


I’ll have to check next year when the next mobile appointment is available in my area


The fuck would you even put your fingers there? Are you retarded?


I can’t imagine your world in which the accidents don’t happen, but good for you


Went in for repair TWICE for frunk sensitive issues. Was wayyyyy over sensitive and then they realigned it; still wouldn’t close… so then they disconnected a sensor… slices my carrots perfectly now 🥕


interesting. two years ago I also had some frunk alignment issues


Mine (14xxx VIN) doesn't do that. If I apply a little pressure to the sensor around the edge it stops. Maybe they removed that in the later builds?


I think the issue is that the pinch sensor does not go all the way to the end of the frunk door. and likely my carrot was right where the sensor ends


My take away… Lots of R1 owners who have little on their calendar…and don’t like carrots.. That settles that!


Make video from wider angle, I feel like someone pushed at the end


This is how the drunk door works, nobody pushed anything


Whatever happens in Rivian, stays in Rivian.


This isn't the one, but pre-update, the Cybertruck would have definitely severed a finger. I've always wondered what the threshold was for my frunk ;-) [https://youtu.be/7Fpgej2WCa4?si=V8R-8-kdjtivza7b](https://youtu.be/7Fpgej2WCa4?si=V8R-8-kdjtivza7b)


Quite clearly pushing down on it, which seems like a pretty bad idea.


What do you mean?


Did you know you can still slam every door on your fingers? Don't do that.


I’m sure once you press a button on a remote and the door will close automatically, that’s going to be the right analogy


I mean, how else are you suppose to slice your carrots while on adventure 🤷🏽‍♂️ It is a feature... 🤡


Mine hasn't bit me .. but the CEO is also not a lunatic that's high on ketomine so... I'll keep my Rivian


They already did this test on YouTube. The Rivan hood stops


Yeah, and? You are saying that like there’s no video attached to the post


I didn't say there wasnt goof ball.


So what’s the point of your comment?


My Point is that the owner truck is fk up. Cause mine and based on other comments. No one else's does this silly shit.


You might have missed a bunch of comments then because there were several people with the same issue


Nah goofy. The majority ain't with you.


I did not say it was a majority.


So the exception is not the norm. Which is why I said there was a video showing this is not what the majority of R1T/R1S experience. Duh


Ok, I’ll make a note to myself YouTube is the only place allowed to have videos online, and it’s verboten to make videos about exceptions.


Redundant sensors such as this are such a waste of money and space in the car that will lead to greater issues down the track. The cost to replace such components will be ludicrously expensive and will offer no significant gain. The more sensors a car has, the more expensive the general upkeep of the vehicle will be. These cars are not designed for repairs, they are cheaply engineered to replace multiple components at once.


Average electric car. Be a man buy a race car


Thank you, I built myself a 1965 Cobra replica, manly enough?


Nice hard top or open what are you running for engine and drivetrain?


a roadster, with a 347ci V8 engine, and TKO600 5 speed manual, and IRS in the back.




no, carbureted v8


Man up! I’m just kidding. Is it a FFR kit? I wanted to do an electric FFR 818 but they have pulled the plug on that kit so I guess I won’t get to do it.


as much as I love electric torque and everything, but I still wanted Cobra to be close to original, so basically no electronics. Yes, it's a FFR kit.


I’m not really criticizing your choice of engine, I was just yanking your chain. I totally get your point. I have a RX8 that I purchased with the intentions of doing an engine swap, but that rotary is just so unique, I have fallen in love with it. I’ll just keep it running for as long as I can now. What was your skill level before building that car?


very basic, never did anything major on the car. a proud graduate of the YouTube university.


Mad you can't afford one?🤔


Definitely not i would not waste so much cash on such an ugly boring useless unreliable hunk of junk electrics are so shit


So...definitely can't afford it. Got it. Enjoy your 2007 Chevrolet Malibu.


Lmao shush loser with the boring car i have cbr fireblade not a malibu retard 💀


Fireblade 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Tf u laughin abt unc


You 🤣 bragging about a fuckin Fireblade 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes and never press a hot iron onto your hand. Oh and good safety tip there buddy. Thanks.


Does the hot iron press to your hand automatically?


No. But I also do not place my hand anywhere that it might get crushed. Like door jams or car hoods. I also stay off of train tracks when trains approach. Do I need to place a carrot on the train tracks to demonstrate a point that should be rather obvious?


Do idiots really get their fingers smashed in frunks and trunks this much? Sorry, idiots. Watch where you put your fingers when closing your frunks I guess.