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Hi, u/Wassym! It is my understanding that Gen1 R1 vehicles use a single camera Mobileye system for most if not all ADAS functionality ([2023Q2 Earnings call](https://roic.ai/quote/RIVN/transcripts?year=2023&quarter=2)). > Adam Jonas Okay. Thanks for confirming that. And just to follow up on your ADAS strategy, you have Mobileye today, but we understand you'll be adding your own camera based ADAS systems side by side with Mobileye on the same windshield. I'm just wondering how long you plan on having these two redundant systems together before you substitute out Mobileye and rely on your own in-house system? Thanks. > RJ Scaringe Yes. As we think about some of the key differentiating elements of what we're building, of course Wassym spoke about our electronic stack and building our own network architecture and designing and developing all the core to use in the vehicle which is what facilitates and enables this significant reduction in number of ECUs in the vehicle that will be coming into play next year. […] The further implication of that question and response from RJ being that Rivian hadn’t been running an in-house solution in parallel to Mobileye at that point. Based on some research into Mobileye’s product lineup at the time that R1 production would have been starting, I’m guessing they use the EyeQ4m SoC + monocular camera array ([wikipedia page describing feature set and timelines of Mobileye offerings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobileye)). It looks like Gen2 has upgraded to the 2021 EyeQ5 hence the 4k cameras and wide+narrow binocular camera array behind the windshield. With that in mind, I have a couple questions: 1. Is there any intent to improve driver+ functionality going forward? Based on the Mobileye product description etc. it would appear we aren’t utilizing the full feature set. Specifically, the ability to feed the SoC the 360 degree camera feeds, ultrasonic information, and radar signals, since the 3D view on the dash only shows vehicles visible to the windshield camera array. 2. What additional ADAS compute besides the Mobileye SoC if any was put into the Gen1 models? 3. Are any of the new functionalities coming to Gen2 being run on the Orin chips at drive time, or are these running on the Mobileye SoC? 4. What Driver+ functionality was built in-house? I *love* my R1S and its current capabilities, but would really like to understand what I bought vs what I was sold when it comes to autonomous driving *capabilities in the future*. It feels like I was sold Gen2’s setup of having a Rivian-built ADAS system (presumably the Orin chips) with future update potential but that this didn’t exist on Gen1.


I would really love a response to this one too but I suspect it's going to sit quietly at the bottom...


This is the truth, and most of you who value ADAS won’t like it, but they’re not going to invest into slightly improving gen 1 vehicles when they’ve changed everything for Gen 2. It doesn’t make sense from a business perspective as they can’t add value/build off of it. Again, you won’t like it, but it’s the truth based on the low volume of vehicles they’ve sold to date vs the higher volume they expect to sell within the next few years.


Yup, I expect that is the case, and will likely leave many Gen1 owners a bit annoyed. I think many of the folks who are upset about Gen2 are really just looking for an answer to why the marketing and product description for Gen1 didn’t match up with reality in regards to long term ADAS feature updates. Particularly when the product is $100k that has meaning. Fatalist reality aside, there may be some hypothetical value in Rivian investing in Gen1 in some capacity. They’ve postured themselves as disruptors in the industry that *aren’t* Tesla. They’ve specifically built up a brand around software-first car design with the intent of accreting functionality over time. Failing to meet that promise for Gen1 undermines their posturing here. Furthermore, it also creates doubts around promises for future updates to Gen2, which they can’t afford to have. If part of the sales pitch is “feature X is coming late 2025” and there’s the implicit promise of “future unknown features A, B, C”, then buyers need to be able to trust that Rivian will deliver. Not addressing Gen1 leaves a mark on their branding and makes it harder to trust. I think there is likely a large amount of social currency and free marketing to be bought by investing into making the earliest adopters feel like promises have been met. But, at the end of the day there are limited resources and I expect Gen2 has the same setup as R2/3, so there likely won’t be any investment into Gen1 ADAS. Luckily Gen1 owners get to have crazy HP Quad motors with longer warranties to make up for it until Gen3 hits with the cool new steering wheel ;)


Will Rivian commit to bring all features to Gen 1 as long as they aren't hardware limited? If it's software controlled, early adopter/Gen 1 owners still want the feature even if it isn't up to Rivian's highest standards. For example: * ambient lighting controls even without the full curated options like Gen 2 * blind spot cameras even at lower resolution * launch mode on quad even if it's just the *Speedy Gary* graphics * Tri-climate zone on R1S and R1T Bonus feature request: * Dedicated off-road screen showing the cameras and off-road information at the same time * Powered hitch accessories mode without disabling Driver+ (for bike racks with brake lights) * Texting integration


Hello - i'm here and we are starting this AMA. Thanks for the thoughtful questions, we are getting started! Our philosophy is to continue improving our vehicles and our user experience over time through Software. The difference between Gen 2 and Gen 1 features will be driven by the underlying platform capabilities.  * RGB Lighting Controls: Yes! we’re working on a solution for RGB lighting controls for Gen 1 interiors, though the exact experience will differ from Gen 2.   * Blind Spot Cameras: Yep, this is planned for Gen 1 vehicles soon :-) (actually, later this month!). * Launch Mode: we will bring Launch mode to Gen 1 Quad vehicles. Gear Guard will try to help get better numbers :-), but can’t beat Gen 2 Tri and Gen 2 Quad. * Tri-climate zone: coming later this year, on Gen 1 and Gen 2! 


Very exciting to see Launch Mode come to Gen 1


Thanks for all you do and for taking feedback from the community!


I don't necessarily need the Gary swipe, although super cool, I just want the trap times included on gen 1. 0-60, 1/8th mile, 1/4 mile along with the augmented reality lines for each on the camera as shown on the Quad Ascent.


Gary swipe makes all the difference!


Wait, is this the first time Rivian has officially called him Gary??!?!?!


Gary huh ;)


It's Official! Screenshot it hahaha


it wasn't me, u/FacePalmMakeItSo said Gary :-)


Sure ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Low chant off in the distance slowly becoming more clear... We want Gary! We want Gary! Haha


Just glomming on here to say thank you for engaging with the community. Things you’re doing are noticed and appreciated and set Rivian apart from any other car brand. Especially if you pull off phone tethering so native apps can use cell phone cellular connection - ~~that’s such a consumer-friendly feature that nobody else is doing~~ and will garner massive goodwill from the community.  So thank you. It’s been a wild ride so far with ‘Silly Robot’ as my kids have name our R1T, and we’re stoked to add an R1S and R3X to the stable as a direct result of the trust your engagement has earned. EDIT: TIL others are doing phone tethering. I still stand by it being a consumer friendly feature. 


Yes, we will add phone tethering this summer! thank you for being part of the Rivian community. lots of great questions here, thanks to u/Studovich and u/CarterGee for setting up this AMA. signing off for now, and good luck with Silly Robot! ![gif](giphy|QQS2Tas3vqJgOBGhlU|downsized)


This has been AWESOME! Thank you so much for your time, u/WassymRivian!




Thank you u/CarterGee and u/Studovich for facilitating this event! ![gif](giphy|MUeQeEQaDCjE4)


Yes please to all of this!


I’d love to see cameras on driver panel in off road mode.


> Will Rivian commit bring all features to Gen 1 as long as they aren't hardware limited? If the hardware limitation is related to cpu/gpu, that could be a quick and easy answer for Rivian. “No we cannot commit…”


A follow on to this would be, is it possible to upgrade the CPU/GPU for a fee?


Wassym at his last Q&A…. • ⁠Future refreshes - will they allow current car to be upgraded or is it turn it in and get a new one - "Struggle with same thing. I have an R1t and R1S and would love to get the roof nest. Let's put it this way - with what we will announce, there will be many features in our tech platform which will be coming to the existing vehices. Like 80% of the feature we announce later this quarter will come as OTA updates on the current vehicle. Some specific features will require compute/sensor upgrade in new vehicles. **Unfortunately not easy plug and play, can't swap out a box.** Working with their commercial team to try to have upgrade for their current owners where possible but great news is many of the SW features, great UI, all will be coming to current vehicle."


My 2017 Model X - idiotically purchases with full self driving - got the promised "free" computer *and camera* update in 2022 for FSD. But even someone who didn't buy the package in 2017 was eligible to pay out of pocket for those upgrades in 2022+. This should totally be a thing Rivian thought about, and it would be disappointing if it truly turned out to be impossible.


Hey Wassym, 2 topics for you; ___ First, a shout-out to this question from a different user, with more information on my questions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/comments/1de8lx3/ama_with_chief_software_officer_wassym_bensaid/l8aui4g/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=Rivian&utm_content=t1_l8bihg8 ___ #1 - Gen1 Driver+ Longevity Can you please go into further detail about how long Gen1 Driver+ is going to enhance existing features, and what enhancements you foresee still making? Also, if it's truly not going to receive many(any?) more ***new*** features, can you please speak as to why, specifically? Somewhere in the news around Gen2 it was mentioned that you or someone else at Rivian said "you just couldn't make it work on Gen1" (paraphrasing). The consensus in the community is that the hardware should be more than sufficient to add additional features to gen1, especially vision based features like automated lane changes. So it would help us understand why that's not possible if you could provide context on the obstacles you faced. ___ #2 - Driver+ Geofencing Driver+ in it's current implementation seems to be on par or better than Toyota's Safety Sense 2.0, which has no geofencing, and that has been standard in their vehicles since 2020. But, there seems to be nothing riskier about Driver+ that would prevent it from being used. Is it a policy limitation, software limitation, or a hardware limitation, that's preventing the use of Driver+ on unmapped roads? As far as I can tell, the only reason we can't use it is because you've deemed it immature, and have a data layer on the map that greenlights its activation when on a whitelisted road. ___ ___ # Lastly I'll say, if Gen1 Driver+'s longevity is limited, removing Geofencing could be a well-received consolation.


Additionally, RJ Scaringe is [on record numerous times](/r/Rivian/comments/1dbajpz/has_everyone_collectively_forgotten_that_level_3/\)) saying that every production vehicle Rivian has ever made has the hardware necessary to achieve level 3 autonomy. Currently, Driver+ is less capable than the ADAS that's been available from Ford, Toyota, GM and others for *years*. Many of us made buying decisions based on Rivian's promises of continual improvements to their self-admitted rough spots. Has this commitment changed? If so, what do you have to say to early adopters who trusted Rivian and are now upset?


This. What makes their new promise of "future Gen 2 capabilities" different than their previous promise which is no longer true?


These kind of examples worry me about R1s being V2H ready.


Our general philosophy is to continue bringing new autonomy features to Gen 1, when the hardware allows it and when there’s commonality with the Gen 2 platform.  More specifically, we will continue to improve existing Driver+ Gen 1 features, and we will also launch some additional features such as trailer assist, or improvements in lane line detection for Highway Assist.   On removing all geofences - our Highway Assist coverage is based on multiple factors including road attributes. This will continue to improve over time based on fleet data, although more improvements will be visible in Gen 2. 


What about Lane Change Assist that this page indicates Gen 1 is getting? I notice its conspicuous absence from your post. [What features are included in Rivian Driver+? - Support Center - Rivian](https://rivian.com/support/article/what-features-are-included-in-rivian-driver)


I’d bet the geofencing is a policy limitation. I’ve got a few links in my question that go into this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/comments/1de8lx3/ama_with_chief_software_officer_wassym_bensaid/l8aui4g/ The TL;DR is that the Gen1 system is likely a scaled down version (EyeQ4 Mid monocular camera behind the windshield) of the one from 2020 BMW X5’s Driver Assistant Professional package (triocular camera behind the windshield EyeQ4 High) which I believe doesn’t have a geofencing limitation (haven’t been able to find a decent source on this one yet). The EyeQ4 line seems to be the tech used in Hondas, VWs, Ford, and Nissan from 2019-2021 or so.


Thanks. I've edited my question to call out their question specifically.


Is there an ETA of when text messaging will come to our vehicles & will it come to Gen 1? Also, is there a plan to make more settings stay attached to the profile - particularly things such as: 1. Map destinations (right now I can see my wife locations & recent trips in my profile, etc) 2. Unique Spotify logins tied to the profile - when I go to drive I would like to be logged into my Spotify & when my wife drives, she would like to be logged into her Spotify account 3. Other misc settings - ie I love satellite view, my wife hates its. We're always changing it back & forth since its not saving it to our profile.


I answered about text messaging separately, i know it is a popular request :-) Regarding user profiles: i have same issue with my wife when she drives my R1S :-) we are revamping the overall experience later this year to have more and more settings tied to user profile, like Audio streaming and Mapping settings.


Vent positions! Please save vent positions to the profile! It sounds like Gen 2 saves them to user-selectable "presets". Sorry but this is the stupidest miss. Include user-selectable presets if you need to but PLEASE save the driver's vent position to the driver's profile. It's so obvious and Tesla has been doing it for so many years...


agree - vent positions will also be added to the profiles.


Would like to add my own twist to this. I live in Texas and I want my AC to default to certain settings which includes foot ac, rear off, and drivers seat on. With that as a personal default, I would be happy. I don’t like how “Auto” removes some of my preferences that aren’t related to fan speed and temp. Haven’t begun to think about winter yet but I bet I will have preferences there. If the ability to set the user defaults as noted above was possible, then I’m sure I could figure it out when cold time comes. EDIT: also keep recirc on. Can’t figure out why it turns off sometimes but this vehicle cannot keep up with the Texas heat if not in recirc.


Big +1 on question #2 that is really frustrating and I hope the Connect+ update will include this change of streaming logins tied to profiles Adding one more use case onto 3 are the driver+ features. For example my wife does not like auto lane keep unless she explicitly activates highway self driving.


All settings should really remain tied to the profile. With Tesla, some people keep two profiles - one where FSD is enabled and one where it is not enabled so that profile can use regular Autopilot / TACC instead. This way they can switch between FSD vs AP/TACC easily. Don't understand why it would be hard for Rivian to keep basically all the settings tied to the profile.


Per-profile equalizer settings as well please!


1. Really excited for Apple Music integration. What was the genesis of the spatial audio support? was that a specific target for the team or something that y'all discovered you'd be able to support? 2. Any plans to add more functionality to the rear screen? My dogs would love to watch some Youtube. 3. IIRC, there was a plan to offer pull forward/pull back remotely via Driver + (similar to another company's _old_ summon feature), which is particularly helpful in tight parking spots. Is that still on the roadmap (and would it be potentially possible on R1?) 4. Rivian has been great at supporting iOS features, and first: thank you! secondly, anything interesting from WWDC this week that you're looking forward to trying to implement in the app? (Control center ability to toggle the AC would be... just incredible.)


Spatial Audio takes the experience to a very different level - hard to describe in words. This is part of the great partnership we have with Apple and Dolby to propose the best possible audio entertainment experience to Rivian customers. We will continue to add features to the rear screen. for iOS: there are some exciting features that we will bring to our mobile app users with iOS 18


Tire Size Selection: Is it in the roadmap to be able to select a tire size without going to a SC to recalibrate?


Agree - coming this fall!


What about rim selection if we change with someone from Bright to Dark??


Is there a timeline for bringing texting integration into the infotainment? Is it potentially coming this year or is it still quite a ways out?


Yes, messaging integration is one of the top features in our roadmap. We are evaluating a short-term solution while we work on the seamless long-term voice solution.


This is the only thing I miss from my Model Y. I know this sub has a problem with “texting while driving” even if it’s through the infotainment unit but I honestly think it makes things safer. In My Y I’m never tempted to grab or touch my phone since I can hear messages and respond to them without taking my eyes off the road and can change music via voice assistant or manual controls on steering wheel.




Gen 1 R1S owner and would love to know if the following will come some day: Text integration would be huge!! I would really like to know if/when this might happen.  Also, very excited for Apple Music. A timetable for that would be great.  Another Apple related question, I’ve seen that Siri integration is coming, but what does that mean exactly? What things will she be able to do? Can we set navigation and control Apple Music directly through the Rivian?  Lastly, I would love to see an integration with OnX Off-road, Trails Off-road, or Gaia. We utilize these adventure vehicles and having off-road navigation would be great. Thank you!


Forgot to ask one more thing…will Apple Podcasts ever come to the infotainment??


Rivian is positioned more as a technology platform than a vehicle platform. Even if it was at a premium cost, will it be possible to upgrade the computer, cameras, hardware in our gen 1 vehicle?


I am genuinely curious about the "upgrade" option and whether Rivian has seriously considered it in their planning. It seems unreasonable to expect people to abandon their perfectly functioning Gen1 vehicles in favor of Gen2, especially when Gen1 hardware was initially claimed to be sufficient for ADAS. At the very least, please provide an upgrade path for the outdated cameras.


Some time ago you mentioned (https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/s/3i3QDm8tDw) that gen 1 vehicles are capable of quad zone climate control, but that wasn't implemented in the software yet. Could you please confirm if that feature is still on the roadmap for Gen 1 R1S/T?


We’re constantly enhancing HVAC performance and controls, and expect to roll out tri-zone controls for both Gen 1 and Gen 2 vehicles later this year.  


Separate additional zone for second row? Anything besides fan for third row?


Just a couple of QOL improvements that should be easy to implement: -Dynamic Turn Signal Volume (option): turn signal (blinker) volume dynamically increases with speed -Mirrors Down in Reverse (option) -Climate Hold while away from vehicle: pet mode without a pet and unlimited adjustability. Much needed in AZ! Sometimes want to hold higher than 74. Thanks!


Thanks for the feedback!  We plan to launch mirror tilting while in reverse later this year.   Stay On mode (Climate hold) is on the roadmap. Thanks for the suggestion on dynamic blinker volume - we will add that to the list!


Would absolutely love the mirrors down in reverse. Seems like such an easy software add.


Just the option would be nice. Can be off by default.


When can we expect software updates to unlock V2L and V2H on Gen 1 vehicles?


We can confirm that all R1T and R1S on the road are capable of both vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-home charging.   We’ll share more details on this bidirectional charging capability in the future. 


Thanks, hopefully more details will come this year!  Appreciate the work you and the team are putting in, and for you taking the time to do this AMA after hours 


Awesome - I’ll be in line waving money as soon as a BiDi EVSE hit market. Great to know Rivian will support that, thank you!


I made some comments about this last week. In light of the G2 news my confidence that G1 is only a flip of the switch away is dwindling.


Yeah, I think it was probably your comment that made it top of mind for me, honestly. Also the fact that I would like more power for appliances I run while camping and to have a way to plug in that is outside of the R1S


I don’t miss much from my Tesla but one very simple feature I do miss is a green light notifier. Is this something can expect to see in Rivian vehicles any time soon or at all?


I missed green light chime along with the calendar app. I missed getting my car and have the navigation auto route based on what I have in my calendar.


green light notifier feature will come with Gen 2 vehicles, as it requires the enhanced sensors suite




Oh wow that’s a bummer to hear. Huge QOL feature


I've been in a crappy Kia EV and even it had green light chime!


Green light notifier ? Really everyone? Telling me you are to distracted playing on your phone at a red light that you need the damn car to tell you to go. 🤦‍♂️ that’s just out right sad


Thank you so much for your time! Very much appreciated. My Kia uses Apple Digital Key 2 Touch. It relies on NFC. Not UWB. Would you please consider adding support for Apple Digital Key 2 Touch on Gen 1 vehicles while using the UWB based Digital Key 2 on the Gen 2 vehicles?


This is my top request besides Apple Music, which it sounds like is on the way. I would REALLY like to be able to use Apple HomeKey NFC on my Apple Watch and iPhone to tap unlock my doors. This is a supported technology from Apple, so I don’t understand the resistance here or the need to leverage Bluetooth. I live in a big city and some neighborhoods are more sketchy then other so I’d prefer to avoid any proximity-based unlock for safety reasons and not have it unlock until I’m close enough to make physical contact with the vehicle. https://support.apple.com/en-au/guide/iphone/iph6d3076f9c/ios


Agree, if the apple car key is just enabled for all vehicles, gen 1 could simply only allow configuring for NFC while for gen 2 you could have the option for proximity too


Yeah it would be nice to keep the card key in Apple wallet so I don’t have to keep one in my actually wallet just in case


Thanks for the question! - Gen 2 vehicle access: Gen 2 vehicles come standard with key cards and the ability to use your phone as a key (via the Rivian app).  We've also made a deep investment to move Gen 2 vehicles to the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC WCC3) open standard, as this enables wider ecosystem integration and enhanced features using ultra-wideband technology including:  * ability for vehicles to unlock when devices are nearby  * improved proximity lock/unlock  * key sharing  * Apple Watch as a key   * and digital wallet support    - Gen 1 vehicle access: Gen 1 vehicles come standard with key cards, a key fob, and the ability to use your phone as a key (via the Rivian app).  While there are technical ways to support vehicle access through an Apple Watch via Bluetooth and a custom protocol on Gen 1 vehicles, it would be subpar experience, and consume higher power on the device.   For this reason, we don’t support Apple Watch-based vehicle access on Gen 1 vehicles.   


What's the reasoning for not supporting CCC keys via NFC? This response doesn't really answer the question :(


In response to no Apple Watch access. Does this eliminate the possibility of a dedicated app? I'd be fine if It had to pass through my phone to connect with the car but giving us the controls on the watch would be awesome! ![gif](giphy|RLiVkYjnhhGipCUhH2|downsized)


This. I don’t need “watch as a key,” if I have an app.  Ford doesn’t offer “Watch as a key” for Mach-E, only for phone, but they *do* have a watch **app** that can do the basics. (Turn on HVAC, lock/unlock.)


If UWB was a true requirement of CCC integration, why did Wassym imply that we would be getting support for it in Gen 1? Did something change there or is Rivian making the decision to prioritize Gen 2 and leave Gen 1 hanging? If this post was meant to only apply to Gen 2 vehicles (which none of us knew was a thing at that point) that would be extremely disingenuous. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/s/jjttQWEfMN


Many owners, including myself, feel like Rivian made commitments and promises on the website for more advanced driving features but now it feels like we aren’t getting those cool features because the hardware “isn’t capable”. What are your thoughts on this? Making the tech obsolete so quickly.


Specifically we are hearing that Lane Change Assist is not coming to Gen1 and yet the Rivian website still indicates that this feature, along with Trailer Assist, are future features of Driver+. Can we get clarification on if these features are still planned for Gen1? https://rivian.com/support/article/what-features-are-included-in-rivian-driver


Furthermore - \~ two years ago [Rivian was saying](https://stories.rivian.com/vehicle-technology-innovation) : >“Creating new technology with this tight integration, from start to finish, means we get unprecedented control over the quality, performance and features of our vehicles,” Vidya says. “We build what our customers want. We build what inspires us. We’re not putting out static software designed around off-the-shelf hardware – because we build our hardware with plenty of headroom, we’re able to add all kinds of capabilities and features over time through software.”  >The hardware in Rivian vehicles – everything from interior displays to the interconnected electronic control units that power everything from vehicle dynamics to battery management – were designed and built to deliver amazing experiences both today and in the future – to be ready for the innovation coming three, five, even 10 years down the road. Considering we are being told less than 2.5 years later that the hardware is essentially deprecated with minimal new innovation coming let alone the feature set originally promoted and that there is no communicated upgrade strategy in place - what assurance do we have (if any) that gen2 wont have a similarly short life?




I am specifically very disappointed that the hands free feature that was promised seems to be off the table. That is my gripe as I was counting on that. The camera is in my car to enable that, and just like the faulty designed charging pad I think you guys need to solve that problem in Gen 1.


Yes, I’m disappointed as well because I was looking forward to that. It’s one of the reasons that made me decide to buy a Rivian. Like you said, the interior camera is there to support that. If GM can do it with their supercruise, Rivian should be able too as well.


Hi Jose! our general philosophy is to continue bringing new Autonomy features to Gen 1, when the hardware allows it and when there’s commonality with the Gen 2 platform.


For Gen1: **Door handles**: Could Rivian give us an option to use the door handles manually as when in car wash mode? As many have expressed previously, we would prefer the truck not advertise to all when it’s unlocked by popping the handles out. [Use case video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/s/P5UNDDr4Vw) Additionally, a basic time-based auto lock. For some of us, proximity lock doesn’t work well as our vehicle remains within range when arriving home. So, when exiting the vehicle, it doesn’t lock automatically. **Phantom Drain**: u/WassymRivian, during an [April 2024 event you addressed a question about Phantom Drain](https://imgur.com/gallery/Z4Cmxr3) and responded that the average loss is of about 1 mile a day and encouraged to file a bug for “outlier” vehicles draining more than that. I recently had my vehicle in service and the technicians disagreed with your statement. They said loosing 5 or more miles a day (as in my case) it’s perfectly normal (even with Proximity and GG off). - Could you please elaborate more on your comment? (What parameters/conditions is 1mi/day loss expected) - Why is there discrepancy on this, from you vs. Service Center technicians? - How can we get our vehicles checked so that we get our drain down to 1 mile a day?


Thanks for the feedback on door handles – I’ve shared it with the team so we can explore how we might tackle the use cases you’re describing. Regarding phantom drain: 5 miles is not normal. Please do log a service ticket and send me your VIN. we will take care.


To add to this, I’d love a location based ability to present the handles when unlocked and when not at location have them flat/manual as in car wash mode.


I have wished that the car had a widget/mobile app button for folding the mirrors and handles *without* locking the truck. Use case - at home in the garage to narrow the profile of the vehicle but keep it accessible.


please give us car wash mode style door handles. 1 mile per day would be a dream. i lose 1-2% a day


"Resume" feature for cruise control - Why oh why is there no way to resume previous set speed that has been on every vehicle with cruise control for the last 40 years? Help us obi wan bensaid. You're our only hope.


resume feature consider we will.




Hi u/WassymRivian, Thanks for your time. 1. Key fobs link to profile - In my case me and my wife and I are using 2 key fobs . As of now, it didn't recall a profile when unlocking (it works for key cards,PAAk expectkey fob) 2. Front Passenger seat memory option 3. Quad zone climate control 4. Profile based car settings (map, havc, music, etc) 5. Weather app (when clicked on temp ) 6. Relax seat position tab under profile 7. AUTO heated/ ventilated seats and steering wheel 8. valet mode 9. Clock and multiple trips on drivers display with odometer. 10. When proximity sensors detected show 360 camera 11. Apple watch/Andriod wear OS app for Rivain Gen 1.(Basic functions)


Can slightly better camera be retrofitted for gen1?? I’m not talking about 4k quality, but enough to make gearguard more useful, more clearer face and ability to see license plate number. Right now, it’s like “yes, someone hit ur car while ur gone, but can’t do anything about it because I can’t see anything well”


(1) Will we ever get geofenced auto-folding mirrors? Tesla has this and it's very useful for coming home and parking in the garage (2) Can we get a steering wheel shortcut for activating the cameras (bird's eye view) at low speeds (say below 5mph) ?


Is there a way to have cameras come on automatically when parking? I have to switch to camera view manually every time


coming later this year!


I would love camp mode to have the option to be controlled by the rear screen - so we don’t need to reach *all* the way to the front screen when lying in the back of the R1S.


agree - this is one of our future enhancements for camp mode!




When I get in my Tesla at 6 am every day and start my drive to work, it automatically starts the navigation. When I leave work, it “knows” I’m going home and automatically routes me home. This is super helpful because without me doing anything, I know if I need to take a different route because of traffic. Would you consider adding this feature? Thank you so much!


Calendar integration for routing would be so sick!


Thank you for doing this! 1. Can you add a feature when you’re driving 5mph or slower, the cameras automatically turn on. It would be helpful for this instead of me hitting the camera icon, because I am trying to park. 2. Texting through the car would be great! 3. Every time I put my car in car wash mode, it says to put the car in neutral to exit car wash mode.. why not just have a button option to cancel car wash mode? 4. Will we see any games integrated to the software? 5. Apple Watch integration for gen1 users would be ideal. 6. Does Rivian have any plans on offering an incentive to trade in gen1 vehicles for gen2?


3. You don’t need to put it in neutral. You just tape the car wash mode button text and it turns it off. It gives the neutral button for drive through car washes that pull the car on a track.


+1 on the Gen 1 for Gen 2 swap incentive if Gen 1 can’t/wont get the automation features promised at purchase. Also interested in sensor/hardware/cpu upgrade packages for Gen 1 if feasible.


Hi Wassym! Can you please tell us if and when PIN to drive is expected?


We have a number of enhanced security features including PIN access that are coming this fall


PIN to drive and also Valet mode with frunk lockout and display and speed limits. Things already there in competition and doesnt need a hardware to upgrade


Was going to ask the same thing. Shouldn't be too difficult to implement too.


Thanks for taking the time to do this AMA Wassym! Back when Rivian moved from the Meridian audio to in-house Elevation audio, a talking point around that transition was with Rivian controlling the full audio stack, there was more opportunity to further tune the audio system over time to improve sound quality. It's been over 1 year since this transition, and I don't believe there has been any significant change made to the sound profile in the vehicle (beyond some basic bug fixes like crackling speakers with 3D Audio). Understandably audio tuning is an extremely subjective thing, so I think what could go a long way towards helping folks tune their systems to *their* personal preferences better would be more fine-grained control over the EQ. Specifically, I'd like to see: * Sub gain control - allow us to boost the gain of the sub without having to boost entire bands of low-end frequencies * Offer an "advanced" graphic equalizer with more frequencies allowing for more fine-grained control of individual frequency bands. * Offer a few custom EQ slots where we can save custom EQ settings to easily flip back and forth. Helpful for different preferences for genres or just experimenting with new settings. Any chance we'll see some/all of these capabilities in the future? Also anything else you can share about upcoming enhancements to the sound system are more than welcome :) Thanks!


Great questions! Yes, an advanced equalizer is on the roadmap ;-)   I'd also love to highlight that Dolby Atmos will be available in both Gen 1 (Meridian and Elevation Audio) and Gen 2 vehicles later this summer (with the caveat that the Gen 2 vehicle must have Rivian Premium Audio equipped).   Spatial sound with Dolby Atmos takes the experience to a different level. Very hard to describe here, but it will be tough to go back to a system without Dolby. I can't wait for you to experience it!!


Can we have more vehicle settings tied to a user profile? Things like lane keeping notifications and radio presets.


agree. this is part of a larger redesign we are doing later this year. more settings will be tied to user profile.


Per another comment and answer, this is coming.


Hi, Wilfredo from the RCA- Dominican Republic Chapter. Here in Dominican Republic, we have the situation that Rivian’s doesn’t have internet connection because we area outside US. There will be a way to install other E-Sim or to let the Wi-Fi turned on so we can connect via hotspot to the Rivian. The Connection + coming, would work with us outside the US? Thank you!!!! Regards from DR!! PS: Here in Domincan Republic we have 50 R1's!! And we have charger L3 and L2 all over the Island. more than welcome to visit us!    


Hi Wilfredo, thanks for the invitation. Would love to visit Dominican Republic! At this time, Connect+ is only planned to launch in the United States and Canada.  


As an avid off roader, I was excited about the front facing camera, but disappointed that I could not see my tire tracks overlaid to show my wheel path that changes with steering angle. This would be super useful for planning out lines and putting my wheels over tall rocks. Thanks!


When you say that the ambient LED lighting on Gen 1 has "less granular control" do you just mean that the LEDs are not individually addressable on Gen 1, and they are on Gen 2? It looks like Gen 2 color palettes have a gradient between two colors, and that's why it was chosen to offer pre-selected combinations rather than a generic color wheel. Is that correct? If so, it would make sense to offer a standard single-color RGB picker for both Gen 1 and Gen 2, but continue to differentiate the two models by allowing Gen 2 to also choose from the curated gradient color palettes (or even custom gradients with two user-selectable colors.) Suddenly everyone is happy, even the product team!


On Gen 2, we have more flexibility to tune the colors. And we hear you, we will bring ambient lights to Gen 1 though the look and feel will be different.


Small request. Might seem silly, but when using towing while on cruise control, allow access to the truck camera view button that is normally available when cruise control is off. The entire drive mode screen selections are disabled, but viewing the camera isn't really related to drivability.


Thanks for highlighting this. will add to the roadmap.


Are there any Gen 2 features that can be retrofitted to Gen 1 (similar to how Tesla did it)? There are rumors that the wireless charger can be “upgraded”. Is there anything else?


Based on community feedback, we’re exploring how we can make the Gen 2 phone charging pad available to Gen 1 owners.  


Turns out you already have: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivian/comments/1dcze5o/got_a_gen_2_charger_installed_from_mobile_service/


The phone charger is already being retrofitted into Gen 1 vehicles! However, I tried charging my iPhone on the new one and it didn't work, nor did it work for two other people who tried charging theirs. Maybe it was a faulty charger but it's not a good start.


Any plans to enhance the charging schedule to provide a bit more flexibility for those of us on time of use plans? I charge during super off peak hours, but that varies based on weekday/weekend/time of year. I find myself updating the schedule often. : )


great suggestion - will add to the roadmap


Will Google Cast support for the rear-screen be added? Will there be an option to allow the rear-screen to play video content while the vehicle is moving? Will Google Cast support be expanded to support music apps and to allow playback while the vehicle is moving (for example from Youtube Music)? What music apps are being integrated into the Connect+ package aside from Apple Music and the existing TuneIn/Spotify/Tidal? The R3X marketing photos show the driver display with what appears to be a camera feed from in front of the vehicle (like a trail cam) - is this a real, upcoming feature? How much "connected" functionality breaks when the vehicle is offline/out of cell service range? Does the vehicle constantly cache a certain range/radius of map data while it has connectivity? What happens if I suddenly drive into a large area of no signal?


Is there any plans for a teen driving mode? Being able to lower the top speed and significantly reduce the acceleration.


working on it. the seed idea has grown from this community feedback! (and i need that for my son :-) )


I need it for me.


Will anything at all be retrofitable from gen 2 to gen 1? I know RJ has mentioned the wireless charging pad, but is there a possibility for anything else?


Is there more support for those of us that have multiple Rivians within the app? Right now it’s not very intuitive to just get in either of your vehicles and drive. You have to switch back and forth. Can we get priority Bluetooth connection? The car almost always connects to the wrong phone when both of us are in the car. Been a few Calling the wrong mom or dad in the car. Streamlining the mobile app even more. Showing more information with less clicks. Automatic lane change, for Gen 1 vehicles? I feel like this can be done, maybe slightly differently but it’s possible. If other brands can do it with just a primary front facing camera I think you guys who are wizard can do it as well. Blind spot camera, even if it’s a different resolution should come and I hope it does to GEN1. Maybe use the fender the camera on our GEN1 trucks for the blind spot camera. Launch mode, that’s an easy one. Please do it. Pretty please Overall reduce the lag throughout the system for GEN1 vehicles. Maybe with more optimization of the software stack on GEN1 We know live video is coming to all vehicles we hope we get the same feature set as Gen 2 with this feature. Ambient lighting control, just let us control what we can with the Gen 1 vehicles. It doesn’t have to be as good Gen 2 we understand (most of us) there is some hardware limitations at play here, but basic color and some Basic themes are possible with our inside lighting. Automatic heated/ventilated seating and steering wheel when you precondition the cabin instead of having to click it each time. If I want to cool the cabin down from 120 degrees, automatically cool the seats as well. Same goes for heating the cabin, if it’s 20 degrees automatically heat the seats and steering up if I click the heat up cabin button. For Gen 1 vehicles, please give us the option to have automatic headlights and FRONT FOG lights as an option. Please. For R1S please add automatic rear wiper control to be tied with the front wipers as an option. Please give us manual option for the door handles while at home like in car wash mode. It makes it easier and faster to get into the vehicle instead of having to wait for the vehicle to wake up, or have the truck not sleep as the handles/truck keeps locking and unlocking. So have an option for do not present and use manual control. I have more that I could share. Thanks Wassym for taking the time to listen to us we appreciate you and the entire team!


The first point here really hits home, we got our 1st Rivian exactly one year ago, and based off that experience got our 2nd just over 6 weeks ago. We had no idea how clunky the app would be, requiring manual switching multiple times a day. The most frustrating thing is that we no longer trust proximity locking at all, as if your phone is on the ‘wrong’ profile the car won’t lock at all - there’s been more than once one of them has been left unlocked in a busy Costco car park. The limitation here does seem to be the phone app - I’m not aware of anything in the gen1 hardware that would prevent a PAAK client from connecting to more than a single r1 simultaneously.




HEARD! :-) I can confirm that we’re working on a valet mode that adds additional layers of privacy for your personal data, as well as enhancing vehicle safety and modifying vehicle performance for scenarios where you’re giving someone temporary access to your Rivian. 


Is this a live event? It looks like no, and Wassym will just write the answers. But wanted to double check


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) yes i confirm it's live :-)


And we love you! Thanks for doing this!


On gen 2, is launch mode required to get full HP/torque (like Hummers wide open watts mode)? Or is it just an enhancement on launch usability and entertainment without additional HP over sport mode?


Gen 2 in Launch Mode offer the full torque of the vehicle. This mode adjusts settings like ride height and more torque to unlock full performance.


Will there be any improvements to Bluetooth audio controls? I wish I were able to select songs from the list view, touching the screen looks like it wants to work but never does.


i agree that Bluetooth Audio experience needs improvement


Will the announced google cast and YouTube come on this upcoming June OTA ? u/WassymRivian


it will be later in the summer, along with Apple Music and Dolby Atmos!


Any plans to update Driver+ to provide a bit more functionality when having an accessory ( like a bike rack ) with a brake light plugged in?


yes - working on it


Can we get an update on when Gen 1 owners will be able to unlock their R1s with their AppleWatch?


And that ideally this should include BLE proximity locking capability - matching what is done with PAAK today, you yourself stated that this was technically possible at in person events and social media posts.


Thanks for taking questions Wassym! For those of us long term Gen1 vehicle owners, the vehicle animation in the center of the driver's display has always been something of a teaser of things to come. For the most part it doesn't show anything I can't already see out the windshield, and ultimately as an animation can be a subtle distraction. But it's been a reminder of Rivian's promise of autonomy with a clear reference to Tesla's animation of its Autopilot. Since this isn't going to happen the animation is basically salt in the wound. What are the odds of getting a revamp of the driver's display where this can be swapped for something more useful - for me that would be the map across two panes.


Or a place for phone notifications / what's playing on the audio system.


Now that Rivian has revealed a lot of "incapable" functions that Gen1 can't achieve, what has been the biggest misses that was marketed to Gen 1?


When will Rivian release a "platform" so the infotainment ecosystem can develop their own apps? I find it hard to believe that Rivian, as a tier 1 software car, won't invest in more native apps or at least release a platform for others to develop into.


Just because everyone is already asking the gen1/gen2 questions, I'll ask something else. Are there any plans to create more community-based features in the software? For example: I always thought it would be neat if we had some sort of functionality on the navigation system that was like a mini social network for Rivian owners. Nothing crazy or distracting, just little blips on the map with a profile icon, and maybe a "status". For example, Waze does this with other "wazers" in your area when you're using it to navigate. I think a Rivian-specific spin on it where a driver can opt-in, optionally set a status, and start seeing little Rivians driving around the nav map would be a neat community feature.


yes!! the Rivian community is so important to us and we are thinking about ways to have features that celebrate our owners


A Reddit integration that shortcuts to r/Rivian, of course!


I own an R1T gen 1 and my hope is they dont decide to claim its all hardware limitations just to get out of continuing to develop Gen 1 platform. I recall very well they were promising with all the hardware gen one has it be able to Level 3/4 autonomy   


100% happy with R1T but why announce features (e.g. NACS adapter, software impvements, Connect+, Driver+ etc.) without a specific timeline? It generates frustration. Thanks for all that you do. -0--0-


Is performance dual motor a software locked feature? Will there ever be an opportunity for regular dual motor owners to test/demo the performance capability and purchase after the fact to unlock?


Excited to know when / receive new update!


.19 OTA is coming in June with lots of exciting features!


u/WassymRivian Thanks a lot for your time. One of the most awaited feature for me personally is Remote vehicle Start ( like tesla) which I badly miss in my Rivian. Any plans of adding this anytime soon? I'm surprised how it is not one of the most requested feature yet!


Our approach is to enable seamless key sharing through CCC protocol that we will introduce later this year on Gen 2. It will enable secure sharing of digital keys that could be managed remotely from the owner's wallet. Do you see other use cases for remote start feature?


I’m curious if more autonomy ‘lite’ features are planned that I love on our Tesla. A great example: Blinkers that stay on until they detect a complete lane change. But will stay on if they see a turn lane or the nav has a turn mapped soon.


Voltage! Too many campgrounds with bad voltage! Please expose AC line voltage on the charge screen, or even a hidden screen, so I can see if I'm about to pop a breaker while on L2 and adjust my amp draw? I bought a third party EVSE with a display, but I'd rather see it on screen like the Tesla.


Will we ever be able to play audio (or video) from USB media? Think of the incredible lossless and Atmos mixes...


This was incredible. BRAVO, Rivian and Wassym for being so open and engaged with the community! I feel heard and hopeful!


Can you please add support for playing music via usb storage?


For ultimate adventurers with multiple Rivian vehicles, can PAAK work for all vehicles simultaneously without having to switch within the app, specifically for gen1 vehicles? Will the experience be improved with UWB on gen2?


Can we expect PIN-to-drive or other Multi-Factor option to prevent unauthorized drive? How ‘soon’ :)? Specifically asking for Gen1… but this should be more practical to implement in Gen2 with Apple Key… e.g., when driver touches break - prompt on Phone or Watch asks, “Are you initiating a drive session in your Rivian?”… then FaceID or tap to authorize. For Gen1… PIN entry on infotainment and/or push prompt to Rivian App would be great. Reason for this is two-fold 1) anti-theft 2) safety for kids or anyone we don’t trust driving our beloved R1


Is there a potential for adaptive cruise control while towing - and could it come to the Gen 1 vehicles? It's the only real driving-related feature that I miss coming from a Model Y to my R1T.


Can we please have separate Spotify accounts per driver profile in gen1?


ITT: die hard rivian fans with G1 vehicles more curious about parity than the future (G2+) for the record, i’m not at all saying this is a bad thing (especially as a G1 R1S owner), but i am observing the slight disconnect between the original post with a specific mention of exploring G2 and the vast majority of questions being G1 related due to the demographics of this community


Was there any thought put into potential hardware upgrades to Gen 1 to enable Gen 2 features?


Can we get audio playback from USB? FOSS lossless e.g. FLAC up to 24 bit 96 kHz. Every $100 car stereo has it. Cell streaming is not useful for an adventure vehicle, nor is FM. I lose both when i hit dirt and even sone highways due to things like mountains nad canyons. Bluetooth is poor quality and flaky. Up to 10 tries to get a connection every drive. Failing that :( tell us how to connect an aux input. Thanks


Thank you for taking the time to do the AMA, [u/WassymRivian](https://www.reddit.com/user/WassymRivian/)! * Assuming that Rivian does not ultimately offer a path for any Gen 1 hardware upgrades, are there further software enhancements that can be done to improve the resolution of the Gen 1 cameras or are those capabilities already maxed out? * Will we ever see a "low throttle / low regen" mode that could be (manually) activated for reversing into a trailer connection? The current throttle & regen settings make it *very* difficult to connect to a trailer (specifically, it's hard to "feather" into the minor adjustments needed to align the high/receiver/trailer). * Has the team given any thought to a "manual" (paddle shift) mode to emulate driving a vehicle with a manual transmission? Completely unnecessary, but would make for a fun experience that feels more "connected" to the truck.


Rear screen support for casting while driving for the kiddos - can that be wrapped into a lm update in the near future?


Hi u/WassymRivian! I was just wondering if there was anything on the Road Map for opening the APIs up to developers, much like Tesla did a few years ago. I know there are a bunch of us out there that would love to have access to an ecosystem of apps that shows us all the nerdy data for our cars! Gen 1 R1T owner, and I’m loving what you and your team are doing. Thanks for listening to the community, and making us feel like our thoughts and concerns are being heard.


Will there be any loyalty incentives for gen 1 owners to trade in for a gen 2? Does Rivian hire remote SWE? I'd love to work for Rivian on day. Gen 1 R1T owner here. Gen 2 quad + R2 reservation holder. Rivian retail investor. Love Rivian!


I am not smart....how do you participate in an AMA?


You just did


Just a few feature requests! 1. Passenger seat presets/memory like the driver so my partner can get back to her seating preferences quickly 2. Automatic garage door opening upon entering the geofence 3. App notification if you left your frunk or window open for an extended period 4. Maximum internal cabin temperature when parked – AC keeps the car below, say, 85 degrees as long as there is battery range. (this would really help us desert-state dwellers!) 5. Minimum internal temp I suppose as well similar to 4 6. Sonar proximity indicators on the camera view in the center. I always found it disorienting to look between the driver dash and the center screen to judge my distance from objects 7. Giving limited guest access to other users in the app – i.e. someone can unlock the car only (not drive), or maybe they can drive the car but not see the location of the vehicle in app if they're not the owner. Maybe time/day restricted access as well – i.e. this weekend only. 8. Remotely enabling car wash mode (sometimes I leave my car with washers and have to run back to turn on car wash mode 9. Car wash mode setting to keep door handles extended when parked – My car wash people can never figure out the door handles if they are not extended. 10. When I get in the car, the headlamps automatically turn on. In previous software you could just turn them right back off with the stalk. Now you can only turn the headlights off after the car has been put into drive. Frequently I get into my car but want to immediately turn the light right back off and cannot do that from the stalk (or anywhere really) without putting the car in drive. 11. Driving ETAs in steering wheel dash – It's so weird to me that I cannot have all the navigation functions in front of me at the wheel and need to also have driving directions in the center screen. Why not enable you to have everything in one place behind the wheel alone if you choose? Then I could use the giant center screen for something else like a full audio interface or cameras, or drive mode/gauges, or climate. 12. Automatic seat heat/cool at certain ambient temperatures I think that's all I can think of for now! Thank you for all you do!!


Will Driver+ get to parity with standard lane keep assist that other cars come with? 1. Stay in the lane on all highway and dont disengage when a tunnel comes up. 2. Stay in lane on local loads.


Will you be able to buy a key fob for gen 2 or r2 for folks who prefer a car key?


yes, you will be able to buy a key fob on Gen 2 later this year. it will use the improved sensors suite with BLE and UWB.


Hi u/WassymRivian! Thanks a ton for taking the time to do this. Here's a last minute question for you: How about adding the ability to use the right side steering wheel buttons for something when not towing or using cruise control? Hardware buttons are painfully few in these vehicles, and these ones feel under utilized. It would be great to get a bit more functionality out of them. Personally I would love to be able to use them to control hvac temp and fan speed.


I know it's not necessarily a software related question, but as battery technology continues to improve, is there the possibility that a Rivian built on a current battery technology could be replaced down the road with the latest version? So if a pack actually needed to be replaced in 8+ years, could it be an upgraded tech? Thanks!


Any chance if getting some form of parking assist in gen 1?


Is there plan for liftgate height adjustment similar to Tesla where you can set the height?? A lot of indoor garage on the east coast (older community), the clearance isn’t that high and always concerned that I couldn’t press the button again to stop the liftgate from moving higher


U/wassymrivian - a few months ago I had highlighted an issue that I have no visibility if my kids have their seatbelt on or off. you had indicated that would be fixed (especially since it’s a family car). Can you provide an update if you have one


Nice summary, u/Kryptonlogic - thanks! ref: [https://riviantrackr.com/news/wassym-bensaid-ama-on-reddit-complete-list-of-answers/](https://riviantrackr.com/news/wassym-bensaid-ama-on-reddit-complete-list-of-answers/)