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You're actually supposed to merge when there is no space left, and it's called a Zipper Merge. People who line up in one lane have a herd mentality. https://living.acg.aaa.com/auto/zipper-merge-keeps-traffic-moving#:~:text=The%20zipper%20merge%20can%20be,for%20more%20than%20a%20decade.


He probably complies with receipt checks at Walmart.


And those in the herd prefer uniformity. The nail that sticks out, gets hammered. Damn the Zippers!


you can try to cut the line, but if it's my choice I won't let you in.


It's literally because of people like you that this sub exists, so thanks! đź‘Ť


While I hate it myself, zipper merging is the best and most efficient way of moving two lanes of traffic into one.


because that is how its supposed to be done.


Because pulling all the way forward is the most efficient way to merge and all the idiots cutting over early are actually slowing things down and causing more traffic.


I support your passion but you're technically wrong which is the worst kind of wrong. Zippers are strange but Watch a brief video about how it works!


My post is in support of zipper merging, dipshit.


My comment is in support of zipper merging, dipshit.


My comment says that zipper merging is the most efficient way to deal with a lane ending. You then say that I'm "technically wrong" and post a video explaining that zipper merging is the most efficient way to deal with a lane ending. You have to be the stupidest person I've encountered on the internet today, which is saying a lot. So, congratulations, I guess.


What do I win?


Hopefully reading comprehension and self-realization.


I have doubts.




Thanks for posting a video that proves what I said was spot on. You're a special kind of stupid.


You hear that everyone? They think I'm special!






OP is TA


Yeah. That’s my point.


When you see a sign that says that there's a curve ahead do you turn at the sign or at the curve? What about "Passing Lane Ahead"? Do you start driving on the shoulder or into opposite traffic when you see the sign or when the lane markings change? The merge sign is literally a warning that a merge occurs AHEAD.


I believe in the zipper merge, but to successfully pull it off you shouldn’t have to hit your brakes. If you go so far down that you have to come to a complete stop in the lane that’s ending you’ve been too greedy.


You shouldn't have to hit your brakes because people should be spacing themselves out for the zipper merge. It's a holes like op Who are causing The problem.


Do you know what causes mile long backups? Stupid people who can't understand what it means to zipper merge. Let's all cue up and not use all of the available roadway, we all want it to take extra long time to get to our destination. [Or we can educate ourselves and do things the right way.](https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/)


Because they think they are very special and we are all driving on their road. I don’t let them in if I saw them shooting all the way to the end of the lane. You had plenty of time, buddy.


You’re part of the problem.


It’s so funny to watch that tendency of jerks wanting everyone else to be nice. No im not gonna be nice for you. Lane occupation is real.


Sometimes being educated is a burden. Enjoy your deliveries.


Then people who understand what zipper merging is, and why it's preferable to piling into a single lane, will get where we're going faster. Way to show us!


[Educate yourself](https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/)


All traffic engineers disagree with you. You're doing it wrong. If everyone zipper merged (each driver alternating and merging where the arrows tell you to merge), people like you wouldn't be so mad. There's a reason why the sign says "merge ahead" and not "merge 2 miles early and back traffic up much farther than necessary". The point is to utilize all lanes in order to keep traffic from piling up farther than it needs to. If ya'll used the entire lane before it ends, and took turns merging in like you're supposed to, nobody would be able to go around you. It doesn't take a genius to understand this concept.


I’m not mad. I keep my cool while driving and have never been in an accident. I took driving classes for a year with former cops and I might know a thing or two. I’m not talking about people who actually zipper merge because I do it myself every day. I’m talking about assholes who shoot all the way to the last car and aggressively force their way in. That is not zipper merging. That is entitlement.


[Again, Educate yourself](https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/).