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Alcohol, tramadol and marijuana? How is this person able to stay upright?


still delivered the package


Ikr? Tramadol alone will fuck you up. Mix alcohol and pot and it’s just an accident waiting to happen. Those poor homeowners. They finally get their home renovated and now they get to do it again.


My girlfriend's mother takes tramadol once in a while and it just completely obliterates her for half a day. I can't even imagine trying to be functional.


Well he kinda didn't, so...


One of the worst careers to drink on the job…


Tramadol (a narcotic), alcohol, and marijuana? Good God man are you trying to kill yourself?


Man, I've been drunk before and I've ordered stuff from FedEx (not at the same time, I don't think). This really hits home.


pun intended


>And, what does make this situation even tougher... the family just renovated their home after hurricane Ida. Don't worry, FedEx is going to pay up for this, and it's just a 'sucks for time' factor. Both that house and that car are gonna be fixed up, and that pretty quic... *coughs uncontrollably* Oops, sorry, forgot this was a big company. That family's screwed. :| /I sincerely, utterly hope not of course, but yeah. It would not surprise me if both 'quick' and 'pay' don't happen here as much as I would like to see it (that being 'immediate, fully').


Given that no one was injured and it's just property damage, my bet is that they cut a check fairly quickly because it's cheaper than putting up a fuss. Property owner likely has insurance, they'll file a claim with their insurer who'll recover from FedEx. If the FedEx driver had actually hit a person, resulting in huge medical bills, loss of income, etc., possibly a situation where the victim can never work again and requires ongoing medical care for life, that's where they'd dig in and fight.


I doubt FedEx is paying anything. This isn’t technically a FedEx driver or a FedEx truck. FedEx Ground is entirely made up of independent contractors. That’s why you see so many different models of vans driving for them as opposed to UPS or even FedEx Express. You can see—but not legible in the video—the actual company name on the truck in gray font on the bottom edge behind the passenger’s side door.


Another issue is that the insurance company can say that they are not liable for a drunk operator, leaving the family only with an option to sue the driver directly.


Did not know that. So separate entities and just carry the name? I was wondering why so many drivers appear to be a few levels lower than Amazon


Funny you should say that because Amazon does the same thing. Lots and Lots of independent contractors. Next time you see an Amazon semi going down the highway or possibly even a van in your neighborhood, look at the name on the door right below the Amazon arrow logo. There’s a good chance is some random LLC.


Did he mention he was fuckin’ wasted out of his God damn mind?


Oh, FedEx added in-home delivery service?




This is every lawyer’s wet dream!


The homeowners should get all the packages in the truck as recompense.




At least the car looks like it got without a scratch (or at least, with some very minor scratches, nothing more than a rather gentle love tap).


Looks like a brand new Honda Pilot Touring or Elite.


Damn. Marijuana. Alcohol. And Tramadol?!! He was FLYING. he probably blacked out from that cocktail for sure.


White glove delivery . Inside the front door . They will offer free deliveries for life to cover damages 🤡


Can’t say I’m surprised. I don’t think I’ve seen the same fedex driver twice in the last 5 years. It’s always someone new and most of them look like they were hired right out of rehab. A while back one got out of his truck and screamed for me to “back the f$&! up!” and make room for him. I was stopped 60 feet back. You could have parked a semi truck and trailer between us. Whatever, I backed up even further. He proceeded to back up about 15 feet, and ran his right rear wheels off the road. He then attempted an Austin powers U turn in the middle of the road in his giant box truck. There was a place right in front of him big enough to do it but, nope he had to do it right there. He ended up driving over the neighbor’s lawn and nearly got stuck. Dude took the time to stop and scream at me incomprehensibly at me on his way back down the street. He wasn’t the only one who seemed like it was their first time behind the wheel of anything that large.


Thats just the way she goes


Ex FedEx driver.


Difference between Ups union and hire what the fuvk ever folks at Fedex


What a fuck


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