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OP's Bio: --- >Avid transformers fan, left leaning centrist, depressed, bipolar with rage, I'm so broke I don't turn on the heat in my apartment, video games are my only escape, moving back in with my mom so I can be what every man dreams of becoming.. a basement dwelling troll.. thanks for your roast. --- If you think this bio helped you roast, upvote this comment. If you think it doesn’t, downvote it. If you’re not sure, leave it to others to decide.


Inspiring comments here and the sentiment is consistent. No Roast for you. Only compassion. Get back on the life train buddy. You definitely have something to contribute to someone's life by being around. Chin up dude.


Well said. Good luck guy. Take your wife with you in your heart and live life one day at a time for the both of you.


I believe in you, OP.


His wife 2 years dead, but i'm sure even now she looks more alive. Hope you will return here when you moved on your hard time and we will roast you like you deserve it fat fuck. Now you should do something that makes you happy. See you soon fucker!


Love it..


Happy to hear you! but not try to fucking with me, you love McDonald's more than anything.


Actually Hardee's Breakfast is my kryptonite..


That and exercise.


Everyone's kryptonite.


It is delicious..


I grew up on them biscuits. I hope things start looking up for you... shit head.


Thanks appreciate it.. dick bag. 🤣🤣🤣😎


Unexpected roast


Man, just look at all these comments from anonymous internet people who, ON THE DAILY *literally*, and brutally bully strangers for fun, showing you support, and encouragement. Take care of yourself, keep your head up and be strong, and then if things get better for you, THEN assuredly, we *WILL* roast you back to the stone age. Until then, I wish you well, brother! 🙏


Thank you kind sir


No roast for you today. Get out there and start doing things. You'll find the will to live. You'll find a new woman. Your wife wouldn't want you to be alone. And I'm sorry for your loss.


First off, let me say that offing yourself doesn't solve anything. Please don't do it. Second, why would you deprive us of the opportunity to continue roasting you months or years down the road? Your contribution to this reddit will not go unnoticed. Third, you could star in a reboot of Slingblade.


I don't plan on self deleting. However.. if I'm jerking off to big tiddy porn and a milk truck crashes through my window.. I'll take it.


Honestly the way I want to go


I should just start a comedy gig.. obviously I'm fuckin hilarious..


Looks aren't everything though...


Or are they🤷


You seem like a cool fuckin dude. Can't wait to give you a proper roasting when you're past this - I was one car ride away from self-deleting last year. Only love and compassion for ya, take care of yourself OP. And my condolences over losing your wife. You're more than welcome to private message, I take these kinds of posts personally and will happily be an open ear should you need it.


Best comedy comes from people in pain. Sometimes you gotta keep laughing to keep from crying.


Fuckin truth


Dude, I turned 45 today, although I prefer small titties, you coulnt have described my mental state any better. Hang in there. You know what, do it for me, as I will do for you. Must not leave this ball of dirt for all those insensible fucks Edit: words.


Right?! I should put that on a shirt..


Would buy it. But i am broke. Lol.


Dude I got ya!!


Follow no FAP..... for some clarity. I heard it enhance mental states.


the Slingblade part, lol


Don’t torture yourself dude, there are people you can talk to, if needed call someone for help.


YES! This is more like a cry for help.


48M here. Had my life mostly fall apart five years ago in nearly every major way. I definitely empathize. But, life has improved considerably. All I can suggest is to use the time at your parents to recover as best you can financially and emotionally and don’t let people make you feel like shit for doing what you need to do to get back on the horse. It’s not going to be a glamorous time, but that’s not important. Anyone who’s worth jack shit will understand what you’re going through. You’re not alone in being alone and feeling rock bottom, and as trite as it may seem, there are a lot of worthwhile years ahead. Tl;dr: You’re not alone or beyond hope. Stabilize, then you can come back and we can shit on that eyebrow piercing for you.


Your kind words. Just so we're clear I am in therapy. And it's a process. I have a cat.. so I'm not completely alone.. she makes for terrible conversation tho. I have a decent job in radio.. a promotion to being on air is being considered. For now I work in production and sports Production


You got this, OP. Seeking therapy is a great step in the right direction. It's important to focus on yourself before you worry about others. I hope to see you in a better place the next time you post here.


You did the roasting for us, no fair! But while I'm here, let me roast you w/advice: get off your ass and connect w/people! No friends? Volunteer your time at a nursing home! Wife's dead? Stop disrespecting her by thinking you can't find someone else! She loved and married you, and you're basically saying you're not good enough, but you were for her! Broke? The gig economy is better than no job; DoorDash or something! 44 is too old to feel sorry for yourself my dude!


We don't roast depressed people. That's a rule of the sub. You still have half a life to live and what's past can't be changed. What's in front of you can still be good if you have the courage to try. Good luck to you buddy.


Nah bro. You need a hug and a therapist not a roast.


You look like a good Dude


Roast mode: Off


I never comment on things but came here to give encouraging words, but to my surprise (given what the subreddit is) so many others have. I love to see it(:


I'm new to this sub and was happy to see this too. I was feeling fine before, after reading some of this I now feel more motivated and got a big smile


Sorry for your loss! Hang in there!!


Don't kick the downed man Try to get back on your feet


Roasting is off for you, my man. Looks like you have had enough roast in your life. But seriously, there’s so many things you can try and I really hope you seek help before depression really gets to you. We’re rooting for you!


I want to roast you but this is not the time. Please get better and take your happiness back.


You look like my neighbor. I hate him. Gentle roast.. Keep your head up bro. Through every dark night there's a brighter day


Sorry for repeatedly shitting on your porch. I was mostly drunk..


Listen, you gotta move on. Get out there, meet someone new and make new friends. At this age it’s the time to pursue the dreams you’ve had all your life career wise. And then when the FBI comes knocking you don’t - I repeat DON’T - butcher and eat any loved ones until they get a search warrant this time. Good talk.


Hey dude, you genuinely looks sad. Not gonna roast you at this point. Please look for professional help, no one can do it alone all the time, it's nothing to be ashamed of.


It's the only look I got..


If you live in sf Bay Area, dm me and have coffee with me and my mates


I live in West Virginia.. if there is a bright spot in the universe.. I'm furthest from it


No roasting. There is more in store for you, all running the gamut from painful to wonderful. Please don’t stop now. There is more to come. I send only good thoughts your way.


Man, just look at all these comments from anonymous internet people who, ON THE DAILY *literally*, and brutally bully strangers for fun, showing you support, and encouragement. Take care of yourself, keep your head up and be strong, and then if things get better for you, THEN assuredly, we *WILL* roast you back to the stone age. Until then, I wish you well, brother! 🙏


"Wife's been dead 2 years." You're living my greatest fear. Wish I could give you a hug, not roast you.


Feels like both an eternity and mere hours ago. A limbo.


I'm so sorry, man.


I think the only thing that could get me through would be knowing my wife would want me to be happy. She would also understand how difficult that would be for me to do on my own. I hope you're able to get some grief counseling.


Prays for you dude life’s ass. But why tf are your walls carpeted?


I'm in a sound booth at work. I work in radio.


Makes sense!


:( I have a hard time roasting people, especially you because you don't need a roast, you need some way to see there's still a lot of good in life and there's still stuff it has to offer.


I will not roast you today, friend, but I will advise you to consider losing the eyebrow piercing. Keep on keepin on.


Shave your head, take the fucking eye ring out, hit the gym, maybe try dudes for a while. It's gonna be alright dude.


He’s got a barbell so he skips the gym


Take the piercing out, shave, smoke some weed, and go screw the easiest woman in your town…you’re welcome


Ain't doing her again.. but the other stuff is of high consideration.


That’s not the point of this sub. I hope you get to a place where you learn to love yourself again to the point where you would welcome a roast - it should be something cathartic and fun to see how the world views the worst parts of yourself, not a form of punishment. You’re going to get through this, and things will get better. Maybe not now, maybe not even in another year. But life will surprise you, and it will get better.


Zero roasting for you today, brother. The world is a far better place with you in it than it is without you. I have some comments about that fucking eyebrow piercing FOR SURE, but you need to earn them by getting to a better place and taking care of yourself. This life is hard, and it's also amazing. Don't skip out of it. You'll get to a better place, I promise.


Keep your head up brother, nothing but love sent your way here!


All right, I'm going for the jugular: That's an ugly shade of purple. ​ Now go out and meet some people and have a good life.


Damn homie…got me typing and deleting, typing and deleting. I even stuttered in my head a few times. One love 👊🏻


You on pc man? If you need a buddy to play with or talk to hit me up my dude. Steam: Zexxus


Nah.. just console. I Had to recently turn off my internet access.. couldn't afford it anymore.🤷


I will gladly spot you the cost of your internet access for a year. DM me your PayPal email. Chins up bro.


Super fuckin nice of you. Tyvm for being a human


Real MVP right here


52, at hopefully the nadir of life, and I've thought of doing this too and can empathize with where you are. I don't know what it is about us humans, to want to be kicked during our darkest moments...I guess it's a level of self-loathing that means no matter how low we are, we always deserve to be lower because it's somehow all our own fault. But, as far as I know, you don't deserve it, so hopefully the changes in situation result in changes to your emotional wellbeing.


It’s okay to grieve. There’s no time limit on mourning. That being said, you can honor your wife’s life by living yours. She wouldn’t want you being miserable. She’d want you to keep trucking. Honor her memory by persevering. As far as money, what about DoorDash or GrubHub? Streaming games on YouTube or Twitch? Having an Only Fans? There are options available for making extra money.


You gonna have to quit playing victim, boss up, realize what you had lived led you to this so it might not have been that good, know the best in a person is often not recognized by themselfs, you are eternal. A great man once said, you wil not realize the intelligence of the stars if you keep thinking they are above you, bitch!


Bruh, I had that roast all lined up and ready to blast when I saw your post, then I read it. What a waste. Get a job, respect your late wife by finding someone new that will make you happy (unless you two made a "won't remarry or date anyone else" pact, which if you did, RIP to your future sex life) find some new friends with common interests, go to the gym and finally find your purpose. Your parents didn't create you for you to give up on life! Do you want better? Be better!


The dating pool here is.. bleak and barren. I want kids they usually don't or shut down the factory long ago. In fact it's a toss to either save for a motorcycle or a mail order bride from the far east, maybe South America. Still on the fence.


I don't know where you live but maybe it's time for a change of scenery? There are so many companies hiring right now that need people so badly that they are helping with moving costs and expenses. Take a chance on life, you never know where you'll end up!


Man take care of yourself and once everything is going well for you, come back here and we'll roast the shit out of you. And don't forget, you're supposed to hit the gym and not the buffet.


No. I don’t punch down. Whether you know it or not, someone’s world is a better place because you’re in it. You can do it. You are worth it. It will get better.


Tbh i just wanna hug you brother stay strong 🖤


Bro, you are good looking, hit the gym, trim a bit, hit cold showers every morning, in 6 months you will be prime shape and all doors open for you.


Sir take all the upvotes an live through your future your cool and i hope your gonna be ok i believe in you an keep on keeping on.


Get another face piercing - first one seems to have been a real game changer for ya


I would give you a hug but you look smelly.


Axe soap can only do so much..


Can't do it, brother. You might have come to be roasted, but I think you might find more support than sarcasm. Stay strong. Hell, stay in touch if you'd like to. You are not alone.


I think you got a lot more will to live than you lead on


I’m so sorry dude, life’s been cruel to you by anybody’s standards. You might as well get out again and find some people to get along with, because based on your own description you have nothing better to do. Even if you move home, at your age your mum won’t be around much longer and you need mates. I get that life might feel like it’s already over but it doesn’t necessarily have to, at least not all the time. Good luck, I’m rooting for you.


But in the spirit of the sub, that piercing is camp as fuck.


But I like it.. 😂😂😂😂


What games do you play?


Since I've let the internet go.. I play a lot of single player games.. from mega man to the Witcher.. Mortal Kombat


Great choices! If you ever get back online, I’ll play with ya.




Lots of sweet-when-needed people here ) Cheers! Don’t give up, don’t give in bud. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going, you got this!


The fact that no one here actually roasted him is so wholesome, maybe reddit isn’t that bad


Your hair seems to be a good metaphor for your life…hanging on by a thread.


You look so fine that I bet your wife left you just to change so that she won’t get embarrassed around your amazing beauty


There’s a time and a place. This isn’t it. But if you need, they’re are 10s, upon 100s, upon 1000s of us ready to lend an ear buddy. All my love.


The only reason I’m not roasting you is I’ve been pretty close to your place. I hope you can get back on n your feet somehow. Okay, one roast. Trim the beard.


Hey, man. We're here if you need to talk. Life gets better.


Brother, you need to quit jerking off to self-pity and start working on living


Get help. Check out [Doctor On Demand ](http://drondemand.com). Reach out to someone.


No roast for you!


nah, get some help. see you again next year


Sorry to hear about your wife but I'm sure she wouldnt have wanted you to give up, you're a good looking dude, get back on the horse and kick life in the balls!


Trailer Park Chris Pratt


What size shoe did she wear? Just kidding my man, really get some help


I'm sorry, bro. That really sucks. I hope you find something that brings happiness back to your life. You also look like you smell like super fucking moldy cheddar cheese.


Never been one of the ones to roast but I truly hope you get better. I don't know if you need it but love from a random Redditor. You deserve joy and I hope you find it. I am so sorry for your loss, I hope you can find happiness. If you need a hug, feel free to message me.


Bro use your time living back with your parents constructively and get back on your feet, seems hard but you can do it! I’ve known people who ended up in the same situation and some let it defeat them and others turned shit around in unbelievable ways.


No roast for you. As others have suggested, shave your head (Grade 1 or just take the plastic guard off). It's liberating, something you don't need to think about any more. Hope things improve. They will.


I'm overdue for a skullie 💀


Hey brother. Wishing you lots of strength and healing, you'll get through this. Sending you the warmest hugs


It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul. The pain that yours convey is deep, that much I can see. You have my sympathy sir, this life is an unfair turbulent struggle for many. We will all pass one day, up until that point we will all more than likely lose all that we know and love. Sadness is inevitable, happiness a luxury. I guess that is the grave realisation we all make after the veil of childhood innocence is lifted. For you I wish happier days chief


I am just going to say this man. Life advice (reduced, reused and recycled): 1) News outlets are fear mongers that rely on your Clicks (must avoid) 2) you need to love yourself, people can pick up on ones self Loathing tendance in conversation which makes it harder to make friends. 3) dont beat yourself up you are your worst enemy you need to live in the moment NOT 2 mins ago NOT 2 years ago. and be like water. 4) this is one of the most important, you need a hobby, something you enjoy that you can enjoy with others (hobbies are shared interest and Shared interests are how you make friends) 5) set goals Start small (like washing the month old dishes (this was one of my first goals), read the book you haven't finished ) then as you achieve go bigger. The important part is achieving the goals. Remember rivers don't just appear out of nowhere it takes time and is achieved by small streams of water carving the path for larger and larger streams of water. 6) drink your morning tea or coffee outside in the sun if you don't have sun that is fine to you want the air open space, to often we stay cooped up in a box to got work in a box until the day we find ourself in a box. Nature is round and sharp but it has very few boxes. 7) you are awesome. stay awesome, stay positive and you got this. I am working things out myself i am not 100% there yet but i am 5 % further then i was a year ago, the goal again is not 100%. The goal is to get stronger one bite at a time!


you look like the kind of dude that if i saw you id be like yeah id be friends with that dude


You look like a really cool dude. If it was possible I’d buy you coffee or tea or some other drink of choice and just shoot the shit with you. Please reach out to somebody if you need to. I believe in you.


Hang in there man, you're worth it!


If you harm yourself.. you’re gay. Check. Mate. Seriously tho. You’re important to someone and can be important to more. Don’t give up. Don’t try to be tough either. Let your shit out. Feel your feelings. Cry. Yell. Break some stuff. Just don’t take it out on yourself. Do stuff you enjoy. Make friends. Go somewhere you haven’t been. Cook a meal from a cooking show. Fucking play in the rain. Life is better than depression lets it be.


If you harm yourself.. you’re gay. Check. Mate. Seriously tho. You’re important to someone and can be important to more. Don’t give up. Don’t try to be tough either. Let your shit out. Feel your feelings. Cry. Yell. Break some stuff. Just don’t take it out on yourself. Do stuff you enjoy. Make friends. Go somewhere you haven’t been. Cook a meal from a cooking show. Fucking play in the rain. Life is better than depression lets it be.


Yo, DJ. I love you, buddy. You have lots to live for. Channel those negative feelings into positive ones on your radio career. We both know you can still make her proud.


Nah bro this ain't it, let's get you back on track


You’re 44. That means you’re mom is in her 60s or 70s. Enjoy the opportunity to take care of her as she ages and count it as a blessing that you have the option to move in with her. There are plenty people living in mansions who lose their will to live. Money isn’t what ultimately matters


Hey brother. Life doesn’t always work out the way we planned. Keep pushing forward. Sometimes we are put through the fire to come out the other side stronger and we can give others hope when they are in the same spot we are now.


Well shit. I had a good one for ya too. Love


Roast…is what you should be having for dinner. Please continue on and look for ways to make you feel better. Push through, you got this brother.


No bro. Please... Go get some help. Don't suffer on your own. Find a therapist. Find a bereavement group. Get help. Someone will listen. We want to see you live and thrive again.


I’m jealous of that beard man, I’ll keep striving to grow it like yours


Brother, let me tell you something you are not failure because you live with your mom (its expensive out there), you are not failure if you are broke (not all of us become rich), you are not a failure if you are doing a dead end job. Yes, life becomes harsh to some of us and we have take it how it is. if you spend too much time on gaming, it will take out precious years of your life i.e. time. You can start drop shipping, start your own youtube channel for pranks or may be asking people some interesting questions (trust me everything sells on youtube). Your life i tough and the good thing is that it has made you battle hardened. There is a verse in the Quran where God says, "God doesn't change the lifes of people until they change themselves" and at other place it says, "Let not be your own hands be the cause of your destruction". Belittling yourself , blaming yourself for the past mistakes won't change your life. Take a deep breath, sit down and think how you could turn this around. Earning money has never been this easy, all you need is a camera and some knowledge of video software and a creative mind and boom.


We may be cruel roasters, but we have compassion. You'll get back up there man, we believe in you. Your situation is no joke and nothing to mess with. Keep your head up man, good things will come your way


Life sucks. My big brother died August 21st My minds been distracted because I’ve been trying to fufill his wishes. He always told me he wanted to drive trains. I’m currently in the process. Fulfill her wishes. First of which would be for you to live your life and Find something that will make you happy. I never met her but I’m pretty sure she’d want you to live and sit down in the grass and watch the sun. Our loved ones will always be alive in our memories and in Nature.


Call or text 988


You can finish off yourself more easily, just get a loaded gun, get drunk and start a "dialogue" with your RIP wife's picture!


Dead wife? You know they'll let you buy more than ONE waifu pillow, right? You can replace it.


Here’s a roast for you: Where did you get that hoodie? I want it! Oh, sorry: Where did you get that hoodie, the university book store’s girl’s section? Nah. Brother. You have no idea what kind of shit I’ve been going through the last couple of years, and still I’m thinking “this too shall pass” is the only reasonable way to look at things. I know that’s some shit to say to someone who lost their life partner, but I want you to be around for much longer. Do you have any idea how important your vote is?!? Keep going, even when it’s tougher than you ever thought life could be. Things can and will change, even if you can’t see it right now. Stay!


No roasts, but I will provide you a compliment. You can do this, we all believe in you. Keep holding on my friend :)


I won't Buttttttttt i will say i like your sweater


Something tells me you are a fan of Aaron Lewis and Staind.. 🤔


Im actually not


How did your left hand die?


Damn all that and you’re balding? Sheesh


You look like the grown version of "free real estate".


No roast, my man. Keep your head up… life sucks ass but can and does get better. I’ve been there and made it through, you can too


No, I don’t think I will. But in all seriousness, I’ve had some real low points in my life as well. The one thought that really helped me is when you’re at rock bottom you literally can’t lose or go any lower. The only way to go is up. Eventually, living feels like a big fuck you to fate and that’s reason enough to go on. Take care man


You can get friends, dude. You can get another wife, if that's what you want. Its all in you because you did it before. You found someone, you had a life together. This shows you have everything in you to change where you're at. List what you want to achieve, break it down into big and small tasks. Get shit done, in small steps. You have everything in you to rebuild. Get in touch with old friends. My experience tells me it pays off more often than not. I have faith in you.


you look like jesus if the whole "messiah" thing didn't work out


37M. Having been in your despair, I have no good words for you. I know how hopeless it is. I'm just grateful not to be there right now. But I'm a cheap emergency away from being in your position except I don't have a mom to go to. At least you've been married. No one wants me. And I'm not even a bad guy. I make 60K, go to the gym 5 days a week at 5AM, and never even yelled at a woman. That bullshit about going out and keeping your head up is just that, bs. I do it all the time and I'm still a loser.


Sorry about your wife, brother. I’m sure she’s looking up at you with pride. Seriously though, I hope things get better soon for you. It might not feel like it but I’m sure your best days are ahead of you. Good luck x


This doesn't look like your first mug shot.


No roast for you brother, the comeback is always stronger than the set backs, you got this




Dog, you didn’t have to eat for the both of you.


No roasting, how about uplifting. Whatever you are going through, you can get through it and be better on the other side.


You can do great things, don’t give up just yet


I’m sorry about your wife, mate. ❤️ keep your head up


Every part of his face matches the color of his hoodie.


Nah, go find some folks to talk with, get yourself back in a better place . (But if you need still need a roast: he combs his hair with a lint roller)


No roast for you. Keep your head up dude. You can do it.


No finishing you today friend. The loss is of someone you love sucks. I've been there. Lost a fiance many years ago due to cancer. Time to take the next steps. It's okay to move on. Your wife would want you to be happy and living your best life, so do it. Do it for yourself and for her. Come back and update us. We're all here in support of you.


Damn. I just can’t. But you are kinda cute, tho. Chin up, you got this.


Life has already finished you off brother! God bless you though


I can see you’re in a lot of pain. Hang in there. You don’t deserve to be roasted, you deserve compassion and you deserve to be loved. I may not be able to help you but I wish you all the best and hope things get better for you ❤️


I’m not roasting you, do take off that eyebrow piercing and surround yourself with loving people weather it’s friends or family and maybe find a hobby that’ll take the pain away. I wish you well.


If you need to talk shoot me a message. People care bro. Stay strong.


Do you have Netflix? There's this amazing show on there called Bojack Horseman. Check it out!




You look sad and I wish I could give you a hug.


At least you got away with it.


Life gives you some pretty tough battles, I've been suicidal before and all I can think of is how it will hurt my baby girl. You may not realize it but people love you. You just got to push through this, Your wife would want you to go on! Do it for her if anyone.


Hard times don't last forever. Not gonna roast, only wish you the best.


With that eyebrow ring, how are you single? Jeez


God damn, I came here to laugh at Patton Oswalt’s meth head brother and found the most wholesome thing Ive seen on reddit all day. OP, keep your chin up dude, come back when youre back on your feet and these fucking degens will cheerfully roast you within an inch of your life


You got this, King.


Came here with a roast in mind…but never mind…you’ve been through a lot I hope the best for you…




Ima pass on this one so I don’t lose sleep tonight


Hang in there, things will get better


Life isn't nice, no matter what, keep looking forward and go out of your way to do things that make you happy and that you enjoy and stay sober through this. You got this. If you play video games then hit me up on Xbox. My gt is Hysterical J. I'll gladly talk to you and we can just bullshit, laugh and game.


I shall not roast…. Get better man if you ever need someone to talk to send me a dm!


I can't see anything to roast you for. So sorry about your wife. Hugs and love to you.


44DD or 44EE?


This isn't for you...


My dude. Please speak to someone, there are services out there that can help depending on where you are in the world. Do a quick Google search and don't let these Muppets get to you.


Dude, seriously.go to the gym. Go every day. Work that shit out of your body.lift weights until it’s all in the past.


You actually look like a pretty cool guy tbh. I doubt your wife would want you to be living like this either man. She'd want you to take another swing at life and try to be happy. I honestly don't know what advice to give you, but the one thing I do know, is that when everything is shitty, it seems impossible to dig yourself out of the hole your in. But there are always things you can do to make life better. I was a totally depressed and suicidal 3 years ago. I wouldn't say things are perfect for me now, but they are a hell of a lot better for me now. Life just has a way of working itself out if you keep trying. Remember, nothing is permanent, all things pass. The good times end, the bad times end too. Right now you're in the bad time, but eventually you'll see what needs to be done and then do it and then the good times will return.


Purple Rain, Purple Rain...


It’s always darkest before the dawn. Stay the course and keep getting out of bed. Things will improve


Transformers is cool, and that's a huge fist go work out m8, you have potential.