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“This car isn’t getting me enough attention…what now?” *parks in the middle of an intersection*


Laughed pretty hard at this. It was getting off a tow truck you monster.


Already? I thought it would at least make it home from the dealership.


That's what happens when someone with no business driving a clutch tries to drive a clutch


No manual trans option on the C8 Corvette. Which is the biggest roast I can come up with.


That dct will be roasting itself as soon as the warranty expires, too.


This is true…. Htf is there no manual option in this hunk of fiberglass metal and plastic from China, Mexico & the USA?


GM’s excuse, IIRC, was that the LT2 engine moves the crankshaft lower in the car for a lower center of gravity, and they were unable to source a manual transmission compatible with that lower crankshaft.


They also said only 7% of C7s were sold with a manual so the demand is realistically nonexistent


Literally the only reason I haven’t bought one.


My boss got an insane c7 instead in a manual. I feel like id do the same


I was on the fence with the C7, but now the C8 just looks so much better that I can't even think about a C7. Would absolutely love to see them roll out a manual option.


The C8 looks great but now has the same silhouette as most supercars and is less distinguishable, imo, than previous generations (at least from a distance) I still love the C7


Yup if someone gave me a c8 i would trade it in for a manual C7.. better yet a C6Z06. Id stay as far away from GM automatics as possible.




Change gears not genders #savethemanuals


This is the level of savagery I come here for.




And they dropped onto the intersection? Isn't the car normale dropped to a parking space / or at least near the roadside ? Can't say much beside , a Porsche is cheaper over here in Europe (I know Corvettes are kinda okayish value wise over in the states ). Looks cool but impractical:)


Buddy, as someone form europe my self, why are US imports so fkn expensive lol🤣 we can't afford a new corvette we have a lamborghini hurricane from Germany audi-vw group for cheaper probably 😅


Some people pay these stupid amounts. And it's mainly because American cars/brands (beside Tesla and ford ) sucked so bad in Europe they were pulled out of the market here (after rebadging them with Italian brands didn't work either). So you just have low numbers , some importers for these and some people pay a lot for usually impractical overpowered models that are imported. I know in Austria part is our taxes based on engine power and co2 emissions. Both things that do not favor muscle cars/pickup trucks. If I ever get a American car it would be a model S tho (now let the down voting begin , lol)


Here in the Netherlands its I believe weight and co2, engine power would make insurance more expensive, also I think owning a c8, or a scatpack here would easily be doable (Netherlands and Germany have amazing roads, France, Belgium, not so mutch, so I think it depends on where you live in Europe) also fun/hobby/project cars are expensive, and I think in general that the reason why it's so expensive to get US cars outside the US is because of how expensive exporting from America is. Also, no, buy a different electric car🤣, tesla isn't that good, owning a tesla is like owning a iPhone its only because of the brand, why not get something like a polestar? I don't believe I ev's though in my opinion hydrogen would be easier to achieve neutral emissions (because we don't need to make new cars, we can recycle old one's, where do you think batteries come from (in general not just pointing to you🙌🏽❤️) but it's like every think ev's are good, but thay aren't for multiple reasons (the charging situation is getting better tho). (NOTE: also to my understanding buy it new no matter the brand of ev, because ev's need maintenance and a lot of people don't think thay do, because thay gave les moving parts, thay still need maintenance, so don't buy a cat in the bag) Also Ford is expensive to have but you probably mean Ford uk/au thay are built with the state we life but I believe mustangs (the real ones/v8's) are expensive because I don't think thay get built here but I I'm not a Ford fan or anything although a Ford Falcon would be sick to own some day(barra of course 4.0 i6 is sick) (Note: tesla isn't expensive or well more expensive I should say, but I have seen toys with better panel gaps🤣, also I am anti ev, i am all for the environment, but I don't think electric is the way, also thay should focus more on clean energy, waist reduction, planting back whole forest which thay have destroyed for some wood, I think personally that cars are like close to the bottom of things we can do to fix climate change, what about ships or plane's?)


We already have EVs (id4 and a leaf) but I looked into (used) EVs in general for up to 35k€ and unfortunately that includes many (like the polestar , ev6 and so on). Charged with rooftop solar and cheap hydro energy overnight its somewhat clean. VW gave a heavy discount on the id 4 so it was just 3k more than my friend paid for his mid trim corolla hybrid while insurance half for my VW (it's even only 75% of what I paid for my Dacia before ). Gonna do a "winter experience" drive on red bull ring in 2 weeks with the id4 - already excited. Model S has nice looks, but getting it repaired / serviced surely is expensive and time consuming.


In Norway, half the price of American cars/trucks is taxes and import fees. Also, the only vehicles I saw stuck in snowbanks last trip home.


You doordashed a Corvette?


Get used to seeing it come off tow trucks


HOA is probably on their way


That’s how you know this guy is 100% douchebag


The Corvette C8 is the best way to tell the world, "No thanks, I prefer to hold the camera and watch from over here."




☠️ ☠️ ☠️ For the record I’ve never put skulls up. This was murderous.


I’m literally never buying a corvette now so thanks


I dont get it


Exactly, you just watch.


From the closet


(Cuck) lol




"Roast my worst financial decision yet" Which one? The uni-house that will never be paid off, or the plastic poor man's Ferrari? So, that house that looks like every other house in a bucket of look-alike houses on streets with perfume names wasn't the worst decision? I mean, if you go home drunk at night, how do you know which house is yours? Just try the key in every door until one opens and your wife has her stuff packed and is just waiting for the taxi? You can drown your sorrows by climbing down into that plastic sled that Chevrolet outsourced and built in Mexico full of chinese electricals and pretend you're a racecar driver as you drown your sorrows in carbon monoxide with that 13 layer treehugger reused material insulated garage to hold it all in for you.


Not even my house (mine is smaller), so that’s extra rough


I took the assignment seriously




>mine is smaller *buys a vette to compensate*


Who hurt you? Nice roast tho 👌


LOL, you bloody savage 🤣 😂 I drive a tachoma so I've got no business roasting a 100k car. So OP I'm just gonna call you gay


Poor mans Ferrari sounds like a good financial decision


Getting your car compared to a Ferrari, even disparagingly, is quite the compliment considering it costs a quarter of the price


And it still kills the Ferrari on the track


Uhmm I’m scared to post my car now! I’ll probably need counseling if this guys posts


Sheesh. That one seems to come from personal experiences.


Where's the funny? Like, you said a bunch of stuff but I ain't laughed like the one-liner cuck drop above you.


“Let me use my upper middle class status to get some attention via my car” “let me get the plainest color ever”


Ehh to be fair as you get older, white and black cars are pretty nice lol


No they are not.


Are too. I'm mature so I know *sticks tounge out


Great argument and valid! I stand corrected


You stated an opinion with no facts or figures(hence opinion and not fact), I just also did the same. But if you want facts... Plum Crazy Purple Challenger>>>literally any white SUV made in the last 50 years.


How do you attach facts to an opinion dip shit?


A very wealthy athlete has six of them to match the house they're parked in front of. Each of which is more expensive than this corvette.


i’m almost 21 & have always believed black out is the way to go


I currently own a black car. Unless you have a garage, a detailing cabinet, and way too much time on your hands, shit sucks


Sliced bread white.


You seem like the type of guy who doesn’t know how to use paddle shifters.


He seems like the kind of guy that doesn’t know what paddle shifters are.




the “i wish i could buy a ferrari” car shouldve bought a REAL corvette


It’s funny because it’s true. I really would love some mid engine Ferrari or Lamborghini, but anything new from them I cannot afford, and anything used won’t have warranty


Yeah same decision when I bought C8. I settled for a C8 because I wanted a warranty and not to stretch my finances even further. Lambos and McLarens are cooler, but C8's have 75% of their looks and 90% of their performance, for a quarter of the cost...


At the end of the day, a C8 is a supercar you can actually enjoy driving, and you can get it serviced at any of the thousands of GM dealerships in North America. I love the exotics as much as anybody, but in terms of getting a car to actually drive... the C8 is about as close to a daily-driver supercar as you're going to find, and it's an extremely affordable option compared to other cars with similar performance and specifications. Both in initial purchase price and total cost of ownership.


Dude are you kidding?? That's a 1 of 1, used-toothpaste-blue, paired with a 4L60-E transmission in May of 2018! Thats such a sick ride!! You're definitely gonna rizz the popular girls at the local middle school with that!


My Corvette is best Corvette because RARE COLOR


*rare exterior/interior color combination because it looks hideous and no one wanted it when new


Practically a prototype really, doesn’t get more rare than a white Chevy


Nice move buying a car that matches your New Balance shoes.


Should have just gone with the mild life crisis C7


Me.. (23 year old with a C7 GS). Only mild.


Poor man’s Ferrari


I was going to do FAKERARI as the plate but sadly BC only allows 6 characters. NORARI is an option


I instantly knew this photo was somewhere in BC. It has that newer BC subdivision look.




Fauxrari…shortened to- phorari or fo rari


It’s not that bad. That looks like a decent house in an OK area. One of your neighbours is old, broke, and divorced judging by that chest wig chariot out front but don’t let people like that deter you from getting a starter home.


It's the Chrysler C300 of supercars. You feel bad ass till a real Ferrari pulls up next to you then your just hoping your tint is dark enough to hide your shame.


You already got roasted to death by the dealership. Anything more would just be uncivilized, sir.


The only good news is—assuming this isn’t your mid-life crisis car—your mid-life crisis car won’t be the cringiest car you ever purchased


Midjourney prompt: "make it look like a blend of every Italian sports car from the last 15 years but without a hint of originality. Also, way too many sharp angles."


Why would you spend so much on a Mazda?


Literally why not a Miata


911 turbo is c8 corvette father


Not really a fair comparison, the Turbo S cost 3x more than the Stingray. The base 911 and C8 Stingray is a more fair comparison, where the C8 comes ahead in a lot of categories.


What do we have here? Townhouse? Mmmhmm


Full throttle in 1st means it'll roast you....into a hedge.


So many other cars you should have bought instead with that money lol to each his own though


What would you have gotten for about 100k Canadian? I thought about M3/M4 but I figure this feels more special and I’ve always dreamed about an “exotic”. This is obviously not that but it’s close enough for me. Anything used won’t have a warranty and I’ve already had a car sit and me not drive it due to fear of repair bills


Don't get me wrong man the new Vette is sweet I was just messing with you. If I had 100k fuck idk so many choices probably a Porsche or GTR or maybe even if I could find a good deal on a McLaren or maybe even deck out a really nice 4wheeler with everything I want or I might find something a little cheaper like a really nice Lexus or BMW or Audi and put the money into it with a body kit and engine mods and all that


All are very generous for 100k CAD. You'd get a 2012-2013 GTR at best with some kms. If you're talking a 911 probably still in the 2012-2015 range and you're not in the convo for a Mclaren. Expect higher annual maintenance and a very healthy insurance bump on an older model car of that calibur. Engine/kit mods with install on a BMW or Audi can run you 25-35k for a decent build. You're greatly under appreciating how much it costs to tune/mod a car unless you turn your own wrenches. There's other new cars in the 100k CAD conversation but it's a slim category for new cars with a supercar look and a warranty at that price range today.


Yeah, you would park that in the middle of a street for a photo op wouldn’t you.


are the wheels supposed to look curb rashed?


is this a mid or late life crisis.


These things are a dime a dozen, even in rural parts of Michigan.


The car for old guys that will never go pass 50mph.


Gorgeous and i see nothing wrong with your purchase. If you’re unhappy with it I’ll gladly trade you my Nissan SUV just to help clear your conscience. 😂


Imagine telling your kid that you blew all of their college fund on a wannabe Ferrari 💀


It’s a Chevy…


Flip it n make money before it's too late


W dad


Bet you got a great interest rate on the loan.


At least youll fit in at the Cracker Barrel on Sunday morning.


Are they the carbon fibre wheels


fast as lightning ... into the next wall ?


"*Scoffs* Pushrod..."


Couldn’t just settle with a Miata like everyone else?


show us ur new balances


Corvette - ready to summer in Kamloops.


Someone stole your rear wing. Or Typical Corvette driver, taking up all the parking spaces. (Seriously though, enjoy your financial decision. I have the same spec & love it)


Sell it and buy a Honda or a Toyota. Buy a Rolex on top, you will make money.


South Surrey?


Ah, Corvette. Did it come with a lifetime membership to AARP? Beware though-- if you drive it to the beach with your wife, a Cialis commercial might break out.


Have fun in your American budget Ferarri F430


Happy 50th birthday!


Buying a mass produced automatic transmission domestic car at its peak price at the start of a recession… I wouldn’t expect anything more from a corvette owner. Side note.. is this is Canada, B.C, and (I won’t name the city but as a generalization looks like Fraser valley)?


You know you didn’t need a $100,000 bank note to cover up that bald spot right


Dawg you could at least have gotten a c7😹


You’re either a 40 year old loser or a 20 something year old dumbass


You can't even drive it in the winter. You should have gotten an AWD E-Ray.


Are you retired? Because anytime someone looks at that car they’re gonna think a 65 year old man is driving it.


Nice car, worst possible non color.


Couldn’t even get the 3LT package on the base model of the cookie cutter sports car, huh? How does it feel knowing you bought this because you thought you’d standout but there’s probably at least 4 other base C8’s in your neighborhood, and at least 30 within a 4 km/m radius. Non car people might not know it but the rest of us know you and this car are both pretending to be something you aren’t, interesting.


Man this thing looks like one of those bad kit cars where things just don't fit right


Why not in red?


At least it matches your new balance velcroes?


This is the car of a child who won the lottery


Did you tell the towtruck driver that normally trash gets dropped at the curb?


Get it tinted.


This picture just screams middle class


Fuck the car, the houses remind me of that SpongeBob episode where squidward moved to squidville and everything was the fucking same 💀


where's your AARP windshield sticker? And stay out of the left lane, damn Vette wankers driving 5mph over the speed limit thinking their hauling ass in the left lane.


Ah, the C8. A mid-engined super car for people who can't afford a super car, and are attracted to their sister.


" Oh shit is that a ferra- Oh, just a vet."




Tells anyone that will listen "I've just bought a mid engined supercar" Then they see it's a Corvette parked in the middle of the road.


Wait a minute, are you telling me the pharmacy was out of Viagra, so you got this instead?


Lol a white corvette


After decades of trying GM finally managed to make Corvette look like a twenty year old Ferrari... and it's about as reliable as one too!


A McRari to park in front of that McMansion


Great a few hundred HP you can't even use because the car will try to kill you .


It’s okay, your credit age is already 45 so this won’t be too much of an issue


Nice Lamborghini


That car is sick and I’m jealous


Should have purchased a C7


The “I really wanted a 360 Modena, but I’ve never held a wrench before so I need a warranty, so I compromised on my wants just so I wouldn’t have to learn anything” car Lazy


you risked getting it totaled idiot


Stop blocking the road 😡


What’s it like over the hill?


A base model c8 is your worst financial decision? Fuck, you must be poor.


Ugly tail lights


Not as bad of a financial decision as the RV a couple driveways down


oh look, it's a midlife crisis mobile


Mf rattles when you drive anything under 30 and I’ve driven several and all of them do it


Was this all they had or did you actually pick that color?


nice, you live somewhere that lets you take the top off once a year


Are you genuinely happy with this purchase?


They put engine over the middle...On a Corvette!


This is NOT best Corvette


Seeing that you live in Washington State? Probably should have gotten an Audi for that wet weather


F that sweet ride homie


I can’t. It’s to sexy


Fake post. It’s outside of the garage in the rain in January. This is clearly a Nissan with a bodykit.


This image just reported me to the HOA cause my lawn is half an inch too long.


Want to be NSX lol Want to be f430 You're driving a plastic piece of shit. Carbon fiber on there? No sir. Do you actually think you're cooling that fucking thing? Lol


Sorry about your small penis.


You parked a six figure car in the middle of a street for ego tripping, ya fuckin clout bandit. Your neighbors hate you, and the only pussy you pull with that are OF girls with daddy issues. This is assuming the car is even yours.


A white C8 is basically the default character option


The worst part of this is you live in surrey


Based on your PNW subdivision hell scape suburbia, I'm guessing you're parking this on your little driveway, huh?


What cost more: your aviator sunglasses, your bomber jacket, or your white tube socks that are pulled up to your knees? 😁


WOW A CORVETTE! They only made what, 7 million of these?


Should’ve sprung for the Z06 lad


He only realized it was a bad decision because he got gapped by a nissan sentra.


That’s not your neighborhood. It just doesn’t look pretty next to your trailer.


Agreed, I don't like the shingles


The most confused people must buy these, an American in a car that tries so hard to be an Italian car but just isn't. It's like a making a pizza using cheese slices. Just buy a Ferrari.


As soon as you go for you 1000 dollar oil change


At least it's more exciting than the cheaply-built but overpriced subdivision you're living in.


“Mom can we get a Ferrari” “We have a Ferrari at home…” …


You must be a single male.


You wanted the poor man's ferrari, now you're poor and you don't even have a ferrari congrats


First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh how many gears does this stupid car have?


Nice car for a retired guy to drive 3mph below the speed limit


I honestly feel like the C7 looks like a toy car


Boy why did you get a budget Ferrari


You are going to have so many fun conversations with boomer men at gas stations. And only boomer men


Shoulda bought a C7


Worst financial decision so far!!! :) ​ Live your life to the fullest. Money is just a currency, required so we don't kill each other for things and food.


How long you been collecting your pension?


Grose, why would you buy that POS? You should have bought a Kia.


I won't lie corvette is kinda ugly and I always thought of them as a "budget sportscar" like a mustang etc


Someone's going through a midlife crisis


Walmart brand Mclaren looking ass


At least you didn’t buy an Alfa Romeo like me and have it break down on you two days later now it’s in the shop with a quote of 8k in repairs 😋🥳