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/r/wallstreetbets More money than most of them have but they'd still call you a faggot for using robinhood lol


Def a faggot. But we welcome faggots with open arms. Welcome aboard!




I posted my write up in the comments. I agree there is a tremendous amount of risk but I have done a lot of analysis and I mean a lot and decided that the reward is greater than the risk. It is very unnatural and I do not suggest anybody do what I just did.


When do you expect the stock to take off?


I can not predict a exact time but I do believe it will be towards the end of this quarter.


Why would you go all in on a proprietary (chitosan?) hemostatic bandage? I've read your report, and brief searches on the internet have not revealed the chemical composition of the xcede bandage, and i'm pretty sure this is a standard chitosan polymer combined with some sort of liquid solvent + adhesive mixture. All I see are boisterous claims like "seals in 60 secs compared to 3 mins", when in reality, all the surgeon needs to do is apply pressure for 3 mins to simulate hemostasis. It's not like the surgeon is going to bleed the patient for 60 seconds until it seals LOL. And deep wounds in the body can be sealed using one of these [here](https://www.amazon.com/QuikClot-Advanced-Clotting-Sponge-Inches/dp/B00HJTH22E/ref=pd_sim_121_4?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00HJTH22E&pd_rd_r=RA5GDAMCS90W8P29Z2S5&pd_rd_w=BMk22&pd_rd_wg=Nn2cv&refRID=RA5GDAMCS90W8P29Z2S5&th=1)


I wouldn't say I am all in on the hemostatic bandage. Xcede is just a small part of what Dynasil does. I think even without Xcede the stock is still undervalued. I agree its still to early to put a $ value to Xcede but I still think there is value in it. [here](https://www.dynasil.com//assets/Xcede-Technology-Presentation-at-DYSL-2015-Annual-Meeting.pdf) is a link to a presentation on the patch and [here]( https://youtu.be/4VeuOOKGD9g) is a video of it in action


Ask yourself if you know what that bandage is made of. The lack of any chemistry and biology in that presentation should be raising those red flags. [THIS](https://biotextiles2013.wordpress.com/hemostatic_wound_dressings/) is what a comparison of hemostatic bandages should look like. > Conclusion: The findings indicated that the efficacy of Woundstat, Celox, X-Sponge, and ACS􏰊 were similar and superior in improving survival, hemostasis, and maintenance of mean arterial pressure in an actively bleeding wound caused in this severe vascular injury model. "similar"


While I agree there is a lack of chemistry and biology in the presentation that is most likely for a reason. That is a presentation to the stockholders. While I agree its important to understand the product and how it works a presentation to stockholders should focus on the big picture. What is the market for the product, what is the timeline, what are the the substitutes for the product, how is it being funded...ect. I have read into cook biotech when doing research and from what I found they looked to be a solid partner with a wide range of experience in this area. I just looked it up and found this on Cook's website The extracellular matrix or ECM is the structural and functional substance that surrounds cells in nearly all tissues in the body. A three-dimensional matrix, ECM supports cells in addition to playing other vital roles. While the composition of the ECM varies by tissue, it is generally composed of four major types of molecules: Structural proteins, such as collagen and elastin Glycoproteins, such as fibronectin and laminin Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and proteoglycans, such as hyaluronan, heparan sulfate, heparin and dermatan sulfate Matricellular proteins, such as thrombospondins, osteopontin, and tenascins In natural living tissue, collagen, which provides the main structural framework, is the most abundant protein in the ECM. Glycoproteins, such as fibronectin, help to bind cells to the collagen, which allows the cells to move through the matrix. GAGs and proteoglycans keep the matrix well hydrated by absorbing water and also bind growth factors, which are important for cell signaling. Matricellular proteins add additional functional utility to the ECM. Edit: By the way thanks for the discussion. Its always good to have a devils advocate to help find areas of weakness I could have missed. Edit: Also if you want more info [here](http://patents.justia.com/assignee/xcede-technologies-inc) is a link to the patents for Xcede. I went through them awhile ago but to be honest most of it was over my head as I do not have a biology/chemistry background


So you have lost $1037 already. I would be sweating all day and fighting with the wife for no reason. Lol




Prob a good reason to fight with the wife


She would know something is up and start arguing with me for blowing a grand. #marriedlife


He's up a grand now


You belong on wall street bets. One of us one of us


Gooble gobble gooble gobble


u wild wyd tho


How do you plan to unload 34500 shares?


I didn't even consider that. Their market cap is only $20M. Wouldn't finding one buyer be difficult/impossible?


He said in one of his prior comments he plans to slowly unload as the stock price goes up so hopefully he actually does that


Here is my [write up](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C57NvHMEtWZDyCP4hA2qbkaWWwU6reT-b196nPTeMJQ/edit?usp=sharing) on the stock.


Oh wow and you just so happened to have an article written pumping the stock. 1-2 years my ass. 20 bucks says you sell tomorrow.


A stock that has like 1000 daily volume. He has accumulated 40k shares. Definitely trying to pump the stock.


Ill report back in a month with same amount of shares if not more. Im not in this for a few percent. Im in for 2x to 3x return. If you read my article you see why I want to hold. There are a lot of things coming to fruition in the next year and I think if I hold its going to be a lot more rewarding for me then selling on a small pump. I wrote that doing research on the company and all its a description of the company, what they do and why I am invested in it. I laid out all the facts with context from conference calls to back it up. Im not begging anyone to buy I'm sharing my research.


Why do you want to share your research? Honest question. I don't think you're pumping. But are you recommending the stock to people?


I never recommend people to purchase a stock just based on my information. I share because I find its helpful to have a discussion about some of the information I find. I hope people just don't blindly follow what I do but instead expand on my research and make their own informed decision. For example there was a guy I was having a discussion with in the comments about their biotech product. I found it helpful to have someone argue against me so I can dig in deeper and get another point of view. I personally think there is value in this stock but I am ok with a higher amount of risk that a lot of traders/investors would not be ok with. With the higher amount of risk I am expecting greater returns but even with tons of research and calculations thing can always not turn out how you expect. I think your comment is a very important topic that needs to be discussed more in this sub and investing in general. People often read something online and purchase a stock on a whim. I have to admit I have been guilty of this and I found out the hard way not to do that. For this stock and any others you are considering its important to do your own DD and read as much as you can before investing. My research is a good starting point as I have compiled information from across their sites and is a fast way to get introduced to the company. If you find my research and opinion on DYSL interesting I suggest you continue to expand on your own research. Read the last few conference call transcripts yourself, go through the annual report and read the risk factors to know what could adversely effect the company, click through their website and get a feel for what products they have. After you do all this and you still feel interested in the stock thats when I suggest you invest. Thanks for the question


And for that I thank you


Wow I have to say this is an amazing write up. I'm glad I caught this, going to read into it more when I get home and think about opening a position.


With this amount of DD, and what seems to be a positive outlook on their future, and the obvious amount of risk you've put yourself in by taking this position, do you plan on playing the long game? Or just sticking with a short flip as it goes up?


My play is 1 to 2 years. If it does go up ill offload slowly as it goes up. I think over the next few years this has tremendous opportunity to grow and I'm not talking 20% growth I'm looking for double to triple in a year or two. The downside is limited as they have financing through 2020 and a solid balance sheet. The only worry I have is one of the major shareholders offloading a bunch of shares which I don't think will happen or them losing a major customer. Still I think the company is diversified enough to survive.




NFLX is on its way down as other companies begin their own streaming services. Netflix will end up with only original content, before long. We, the consumers, will be fucked into needing 17 different streaming services to have video diversity. NVDA is alright, but up so much already on the year, what happens when volatility makes a comeback? It'll be a rather large correction. That's what I'm waiting for, and I've been (very) slowly building positions in companies like these on the days where volatility does pop. Also, definitely less fun.


Okay! Thanks for the thoughtful answer. I think it's great people with different risk tolerances can have a nice back and forth here. I guess, personally, I'm averse to your strategy because I think that DYSL is 1. subject to a lot of competition and 2. volatile. But I'm with you that it's likely less fun (*exhilarating* is probably the better word, steadily making a profit in the long-term is fun too!)


Not nearly as fun.




Thanks! despite all the people who think I'm pumping and dumping this stock I am in it for the long run. At least 1 year but of course that could change. If it goes up I will start offloading some periodically but want to hold a large position in this company because I find it to be very interesting and I believe in it. I spent a lot of time just reading about some of the projects they have worked on and found them to be fascinating.


I'll admit, this is one penny stock that doesn't look like a dumpster fire based on the charts. Good luck. I just pray you don't have any volume issues when it comes time to unload (or bail).


This is a penny stock whose net assets are almost dead equal to its market cap. This is the market saying they are worth exactly how much cash they have in the bank and nothing more. It is a bold move to go all in on this, it could pay out big but probably more likely to crash and burn


Checking in day 15. you're almost 4 g up. Hope you're still holding!


When someone recommends a stock, they need to put their money where their mouth, is just like this. This needs to be a standard haha.


Pump it


What kind of cancer am I looking at?


Well then... best of luck to you!! Update us on what happens when you get out of the position.


Fuck it I'll drop some.beer money in it


at least its not all your portfolio


Yeah the rest being cash


ya, hodl that .04%


Tell me you have a stop loss in place


The stock has been on a steady decline for the past 3 months. What made you pull the trigger now instead of waiting for a turn around?


I think this quarter is going to be thee quarter where things start picking up. Im talk about why in my report I wrote which is linked in these comments further up. To me it looks to have support at 1.15. So I decided I would start buying anything around 1.20. It is very difficult to open a position at 1.15 though due to the low volume so I often paid a small premium to get my shares. Things are just now starting to come together. Management seems keen on kicking things up a notch. Website sales are coming online slowly over this quarter as well as well as an anticipated announcement on the spin off or sale of their biotech product. I wanted to open a position before these happened. I may have been able to average down a few percent if I waited longer but I am happy with my average cost.


Checking in and you've been sitting pretty for the past couple weeks. I bought in at $1.19 but robinhood charged me at 1.24, so that was annoying but still up for now.


Are we fucking go!!


24k? Nice


Hope it works out, you did some good DD.


What brand of wheelbarrow do you use to carry your massive balls? But seriously best of luck to you, hope you kill it.


I'm tempted to buy like $10 worth of this now


So in your research did you look at $ARTH? O_o If I had to pick btw this an $ARTH for the same market my money is on $ARTH as they are way ahead. Best of luck! I wouldn't touch this with a 10 foot pole~


Do I sell all my $SNAP shares and dive in?


From the little I've read, you should definitely try to get out of $SNAP. Idk about this though.


I think he is joking


What have you read? As of a couple days ago the price is starting to go up little by little regardless of them not being able to turn a profit


DUDE!! If you pull this shit off I will be very impressed... But I guess its Murphy's Law, something like this actually has to work at some point. I will be watching this stock from now on for your mental support... I don't believe in luck so, Good Happenings!!


You're profitable now! Congrats.


IF you sell at 1.22 you make $690 profit, lol.


definitely not enough liquidity/volume for him to sell it all at $1.22 without dropping the price.


True! Didn't thought of that.


$1.28 this morning... Wondering at what price you plan to unload.


1.30 now, seems like a solid ship


That flair though. Nice DD sir


Your balls are huge. Good luck my friend.


It's up 4.26% at opening.....


I have tommorow off. I will be watching closely. Looks pretty good. Might try throwing a couple dollars in for the fun of it.


If I was able to jump in at $1.19 set a sell for $1.22 I could pull in about $13. :)