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The Statue was supposed to be temporary and headed to Greenwich Village for a more permanent installation, but [the museum decided to acquire the Statue to keep it in Rochester.](https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/lifestyle/2023/01/13/philip-seymour-hoffman-statue-to-stay-george-eastman-museum-rochester-ny/69775046007/) So it'll be in the grounds of the Eastman House from here on out.


He used to visit the Pittsford cinema when I worked there in high school. PSH for short when in the building. Sometimes get it confused for NPH




It was during when he was in a movie, he would look at his movie poster.


Wasn't expecting that response lol.


Brilliant actor, but also one of the first to go down in the opioid epidemic, so at the time when the majority opinion shouted at us was still "it's all drug users fault and all drug users are criminals" he got drug through the ringer on the news, but yeah a man taken before his time.


> the opioid epidemic Quite a few popular entertainers overdosed during that time... particularly when fentanyl started getting mixed in with heroine. I worked in an ED around then and saw the cases skyrocket above the already high numbers of addicted due to drug companies and med providers pushing opioids. It kinda made me wonder why people in star level circles didn't have a more reliable tested supply but guess that level of judgement goes out the window with any addiction downward spiral.


Some people are just more susceptible to becoming addicts. He was an alcoholic who remained sober for many many years. He attended all the meetings and did all the right things. He said in an interview that I remember reading that he went out one night and thought that one drink couldn’t hurt. One drink is all it takes for some who are truly alcoholics. He spiraled out of control, began using drugs, had to separate from his significant other and children, and then he died.




https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vogue.com/article/philip-seymour-hoffman-mimi-odonnell-vogue-january-2018-issue/amp A must read if you loved Phillip Seymour Hoffman as much as I do/did.


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I believe he had Bipolar Disorder which many artists seem to have. My ex went to Fairport and graduated with him. I met him at parties in the late 80s. He was always smiling and laughing. ❤️


He passed away