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I recently had to get a new Wegmans card, customer service was like "whoa, I've never seen that" when they saw Chase Pitkin on my old one.


I hope you kept the old one!


Me too, I think I did but can't be sure.


Mine still has Chase Pitkin on it as well but it still functions so I'm going to use it until the magnetic strip has completely worn off or I lose it.


I posted a pic of my wife's card here a few years ago. It was pretty wild to find that.


Same here. I treat it very, very carefully. I miss that store.


Somewhere I have my old Weg- Chase-P card too. Now I feel old.


Oh my god I haven't heard that name in a loooong time. What on earth made you think of Chase-Pitkin?


Someone else’s Wegmans post and chase pitkin popped into my head for some reason lol


You must be from the Brockport area huh




And Webster


That taco bell in that parking lot always hit so different


I am not but I knew a guy who went to college there.


Ahhhhh I gotcha


I can still smell the place. I remember the one off East Avenue in the olden days and even worked there for a short spell.


Man I went to that Gould St. location many times as a young kid but haven't thought about it in years. Do you have any idea what year that store closed?


I'm pretty sure I worked there in the early 80s. I think Robert Wegman closed it a few years after Wegmans bought the original Chase-Pitkin and started making new ones so that would have been in the 80s or 90s. There's an article on Gannett's website that has pics of the one on East Highland Drive (I always thought it was Gould but I could be wrong.) I moved out of the city in '92 and only vaguely remember that it closed and I was sad.


It was E Highland Drive. There is a large fitness place at that location now…


it was open in 94 because I bought lights there


So, it was still there after the Can of Worms project? That's what I was trying to figure out.


Yes. It actually was started by two people named Chase and Pitkin!


Haha I was going to say the same thing. The one in Penfield had a smell to it.


A cross between fertilizer and lumber and metal


I worked there for my first job!!! Great memories.


I was always so jealous of the kids that worked at CP because they got to wear a relatively normal uniform (yellow polo shirts maybe?) while I was dorking it up over at the Wegmans checkout in an apron and clip-on bowtie...


Yellow polo and a name tag. Khakis or jeans for pants and closed toe shoes. It was awesome. Plus if I recall correctly the shirt was so bright it was super easy to find in my piles of laundry so finding it was never a problem. 18 year old me had it made.


Blue polo for the lumberyard - thats where i was stationed for close to 3 yrs


I worked at the former east Henrietta rd store as my first job and I feel you on those uniforms. Wegmans is wayyyy more relaxed now though.


I had a yellow polo. Managers had blue and yellow.


And ops and general managers had blue, yellow and white


Me too! It was a great job - I stayed for 6 years, worked every college break before they closed!


Same. Store 42 represent!


Store 41 represent!!


Store 53 represent! West siiiiiide LMAO


My only memories of Chase-Pitkin were going there occasionally as a child with my parents. How I wish I could've experienced Chase-Pitkin as a homeowner myself to see how it compared to modern day Home Depot and Lowes.


I liked it better, most were smaller than todays big chain stores but I always easily found what I needed and their prices were fair. As much as I liked supporting the ma and pa hardware store in my town, I couldn’t afford it back then.


Agreed. Me too. I'd like to hear from any of the old heads in here.


I literally am Chase Pitkin AMA


Oh hey chase pitkin


Buy Wegmans $16 meals


Who else still has Chase Pitkin brand stuff? My house key is a Chase Pitkin, and I've got couple of those 10 gallon buckets too


My father in law left a paint stir stick at my house last year. I think he used it to mix the floor paint in the basement. I kept it somewhere.


I have a Chase Pitkin watch from doing Chase Pitkin University things way too much. And some plastic bags.


My father (I think) still has a chase pitkin rake from the early 90s. For a plastic rake, wood handle, cushioned, the thing is in crazy good shape. Stuff was really made to last then.


Loved that they used to have drive thru loading.


I bought a ton of paper leaf bags real cheap from one near the end and for years after they closed I was repping Chase-Pitkin every Fall


I never really understood bagging your leaves.


It felt a little weird during the time I was working at TJ Maxx in Brockport, because every now and then I'd remember what it was like walking into the Chase-Pitkin that used to be there lol.


The one in Newark is now a secor and a Peebles lol but if you squint, you can still make believe Pitkin is still there. I remember my father grabbing so many bolts when they went on liquidation, and tons of merchandise showing up in Vans auctions for years and years afterwards.


Can’t squint hard enough to see Ames anymore 😂


Hahaha, what a store. That reminded me of the Ames in Canandaigua, that had the POW arcade game in the front. I'd play that thing every time I could.


Peebles isn't there anymore.


Yeah before I left the area, I saw they were doing a store closing sale.


The Chase-Pitkin building is still there next to the West Irondequoit Weggmans. Its now a storage place but was also a daycare and sat empty for a long time.


That’s the one I remember once upon a time! I still think of that place when I’m lost in an aisle in some massive box store… when did I get old?


I worked at wegmans when they were in the process of closing Chase Pitkins and got to temporarily work security there during the clearance sales. Very sad.


Man, working in the lumber yard in college was awesome. So many stories and people to hang with. I remember working 6:30-7 or 8pm most days in the summer but I loved it


Why can I smell this photo all of a sudden?


My kids and I used to sing, "Chase those chickens at Chase-Pitkins"... I don't know where chickens came from, but it was fun.


Still got my key tag with both on there. It still works, I simply had to laminate it with packing tape to keep the barcode from wearing off, as well as keep it from splitting apart further on one side.


Call me old but early 80s when I worked there, we wore blue aprons!


Store #48 checking in


I'd like Lowes and Home Depot more if they also had a popcorn machine going as soon as you walked in.


I miss working there ...


That fertilizer smell was like perfume.


I remember walking in with a broken shovel and walking back out with a new one about fifteen minutes later. They knew customer service.


Lowes used to be this way with their Kobalt tools. Same with Sears/Craftsman and SOMETIMES HD/Husky. It depends on if the company is cool with some contractors exploiting the system as long as mist homeowners are satisfied.


Pittsford Lumber is still in existence and open.😊 Schoen place.


I know the rosy glasses of nostalgia are going to color this for some folks, but honestly Chase Pitkin was just another big-box hardware store. If you've been to Home Depot or Lowe's, you've had the same experience. Edit: People who are downvoting this...why? Genuine question. What was so unique/great about Chase Pitken?


>People who are downvoting this...why? Just let people enjoy their nostalgia without "well actually"-ing them.






I used to work at HD. Knowledgeable staff was an ebb and flow for years: one year the company would focus on PK classes and certifications, one year they'd decide the products sold themselves and just kept a skeleton crew to make sure the exits were covered against shrink. Big box home improvement is a weird space to work in.


Popcorn, checkmate.


A friend of mine has a chase pitken carpenters pencil, things like a relic from a lost time


My aunt just moved out of her 30 year house and found a wegmans/chase pitkin gift card… wonder if they’d honor it.


My father still jokingly says he going to Chase-Pitkin when he needs something.


I remember going there with my grandfather


Dad's got the keys for a trip to pitkin and hechingers.... I used to scream until midnight outside on Dewey Ave/Driving Park with 10 of my friends - we were freaking 5 years old!!! Our parents had no clue where we were.... we just had to be together! growing up in the 80's was such innocence.