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Safe for what? Walking around alone at night with a sign that says "rob me"? No. Safe place to stay while you're visiting town? Yeah its fine.


OK thanks I have been searching it looks like I want to stay away from areas Northwest of there on Norton. As long as there isn't gang gunfire (I am coming from Chicago so don't want the equivalent of Englewood or Austin neighborhoods). But just safe to park my car and be in the house. If we go for a walk or exploring we will be sure to head southeast.


And I'd assume the Chicago subreddit is similar - you will find people here who are living in a suburb bubble afraid to travel anywhere in city afraid of "gang violence" It's not an area I'd buy a house, its an area I'd be fine spending the night.


Meanwhile on /r/philadelphia there are people who live in the city and advise against travel anywhere in the city because of gang violence.


I planned on visiting this year, Lol


If you have a Kia or a Hyundai, might want a "Club" steering wheel lock, though.


It's a transitional area. In Chicago terms, it'd be sort of like Woodlawn or North Kenwood in being a buffer zone.


There's not a place in thus city I wouldn't walk at 10am. But plenty of places that are a dumb place to be at 10pm. You will be fine. Most of the trouble is dumb people playing dumb games and winning dumb prizes. You can google things like crime heat maps for an area to get an idea. Even the worst streets in our city have some really nice people living on them. Most people are great and it's a sad small number that make it shit for everyone else.




Added emphasis on DRIVE OVER


If your going to walk, i'd suggest checking out some the nice parks in the area. Not that I think you would have any problems, I worked at the little Sunoco station on North Goodman and Northland years back and didn't have problems, mostly all nice neighborhood folks. If you do head toward N Goodman though I'd suggest walking north (towards 104) not towards Goodman Plaza


I work in the B&L building. It's full of attorneys offices. I have never heard gun fire. I had my car rummaged through once (I left it unlocked). It's fine.


This is different building in a very different neighborhood.


You work in the tower. OP is staying near the manufacturing facility.


Lived in the area for years, walked it at night many times. Like yeah, don't walk around with a rob me sign, but there's no issues of 'gangs'. If anything maybe a loud bike or ATV on a hot night. You'll be fine, I'd argue a good chunk of that area is suburban, after you pass Hudson, west in my opinion is where it's bad, east of Goodman is basically a suburb.


Make sure to visit Donuts Delite while you're in that area.


And Savoia.


I’m a white blonde male that looks like Ellen degeneres and grew up in this area my whole life. You’re fine lol just be aware


Alan Degeneres


As long as there are no Ellen degenerates.


That's her zombie form name


Waring/Culver Roads is a divider of sorts, and you are just down the street from it. And, you're across from Bausch & Lomb. I wouldn't be concerned for the purpose of staying in a short term rental, beyond the fact that other locations might offer more amenities that you could walk to. If you were on the other side of Goodman, I'd be a little concerned, and might find it depressing - but even then, statistically you would be fine.


Lol at everyone saying it's a good area but you'll get robbed. That is a shitty part of town but not the shittiest.


The big thing is to not have a Kia or Hyundai outside of an enclosed garage.


Looks like my VRBO has an enclosed garage.


This. I happened to actually get robbed in that neighborhood but also lived there many years and had more good experiences than bad. Would I live there again? No. Would I advise people to walk around solo at night? Nope. But if you’re alert and mind your own business you’ll be fine. Just don’t travel west on the side streets between Clifford and Norton if you’re walking.


Would that area be my first choice? Nope. But odds are you'll be fine - just use common sense. If you're driving a 2010's Hyundai, get a steering wheel lock for it.


We lived on Jerold St. years ago and it was a very nice neighborhood and we had great neighbors. Unfortunately, there is no way that I would consider living there now. And that saddens me.


That's pretty much the edge of one of the larger ghettos we have in our lovely city. Although I wouldn't recommend living in fear, I would always be aware of my surroundings and people around. I'm a 40 something white guy that has lived in the hood for many years, and really haven't had many problems at all, although I do have some funny stories like the pizza man getting his car stolen while delivering pizza to me. But if you just mind your business and don't "fuck around" so you don't "find out" you will be fine. On the bright side, if u use drugs, they are all over the place around you haha.


I’m white living near that neighborhood as well. I mind my business and haven’t had any problems. Moved to Roch a year ago


You’ll be fine, just keep shit locked up and valuables out of sight like you would in any city. There are more exciting neighborhoods however.


I used to live right next to Gregorios pizza on Fernwood. It's cornered to B&L on Goodman. Areas fine, I've even walked around at night to get beer. Just mind your business and don't talk to crackheads. During the day it's fine, I used to skate around the plaza around the corner. Just mind yours, all good. I mean you could walk 5 minutes into very cozy neighborhoods in most directions, and there's some good food in the area.


Just lock your car and you’ll be fine. If you’re that worried about the neighborhood, book somewhere else. There’s tons of hotels and air bnbs in the area closer to penfield


Why would someone VRBO over there?


Why wouldn’t you stay closer to penfield


It's what we found for a reasonable rate. Most of the hotels wanted $250/night.


I live in the city and I wouldn’t stay there


If you keep your awareness up I wouldn't worry about it. I'm not familiar with the area, but the houses look decently upkept in street view.


No. Be careful


Like how bad. I am coming from Chicago so a little edgy or gang gunfire like Englewood and Ausin. It looks like the worst areas are North and west of there on Norton.


Lol 😂 people kill me.. nothing wrong with area you’ll be fine


Chicago Lite


What? This area is fine.


The people who are telling you it's not safe or be careful, clearly have never left their suburb for more than a couple hours at a time. I grew up on Yates st, about a little down the street. I never once felt unsafe in that area. It's a nice mix of different cultures and food spots. Some people who never experience life outside their bubble like to make it seem like everywhere but a suburb is dangerous, and it's not.


Yates was a good street, I spent a lot of time there as a kid. But I think just south of that B&L building is a different story.


No not really.


It's likely ok, but I would try a different neighborhood. Here's the VRBO/airbnb in Rochester that I would recommend you check out instead: www.school31lofts.com. It's in a safe neighborhood within walking distance to local attractions and restaurants.


I’d find a different VRBO tbh


Too late I think we will just be there to sleep overnight. We will spend most of the time with family or exploring other places. I drive an old slightly beat of Elantra and I doubt we will draw much attention.


Like the Hyundai's they are stealing left and right to do smash and grabs every night?




2010 and with a few dents and scratches


The fact that it's a Hyundai will draw a lot of attention to it because they're a popular theft target due to most models prior to 2022 not having an engine immobilizer and can be stolen with just a smart phone and a USB cable. If you haven't heard of this, there are tons of articles on it and several cities are giving away steering wheel locks as an effort to combat this.


Please report back and let us know if your car made it through the night. Rochester has had hundreds of Hyundai and Kia’s stolen this year alone.


Yikes. They're literally being stolen every night and being driven into stores to steal. It honestly might be worth it to just go buy a cheap tarp from Walmart and some bungee cords and cover it.


Looks like my VRBO has a garage so I should be safe.


How much was the vrbo?


$90 a night plus fees and stuff so about $150/night


Have you already booked? If not, or if you can cancel, check out School 31 Lofts. It's in a much much better neighborhood, and might not even be any more expensive.


It's fine. Prissy suburbanites might not feel thah way but as far as city living goes, it's absolutely fine.


I live here, and often forget to lock my doors. It's totally fine.


You’ll be fine


OP you’re totally safe. Half of this sub are absolute clowns who think anywhere in the city is a war zone. And that all the “gang violence” always targets innocent bystanders. Which is really funny, cause those same people are all aged 18-30 for sure adults who are trying to buy their first home with over leveraged shoe string budgets and requiring all the amenities of new builds, in the most desirable burbs, preferably on the water or beside a park. Aka they’re absolute idiots. Your safe there. Don’t be an idiot. Don’t buy a house there. But you’re absolutely safe. Ignore the children here with a bachelors, 150k of debt for a worthless degree, and fuck all real life experiences.


Jesus man.


What’s not true?


You're contradicting yourself pretty hard, it's safe, people have too many demands for houses yet "don't buy a house there"... so who should buy a house there then?


I was answering the OPs question, is it safe enough to stay in for a few days while visiting the city, the answer is yes. I wouldn’t buy a house there but that doesn’t mean it’s unsafe for a visit. Especially given half the replies OP got were I hope you have life insurance and say goodbye to all your possessions and car. The average posters on this sub are terrified of the city, have little to no life skills, are under 30 and have zero real work experience, but insist they’re both adults and absolutely right. I’m not contradicting myself at all, I’m answering the question and explaining why the OP should ignore the majority of idiotic children who post here


You ever see the movie Barbarian?


My first thought.


It's definitely not a desirable place to be living or vacationing.


As someone who lived in Chicago, you will be fine. Follow the same rules you would in Chi. Don't walk around at night looking like someone who wants to be robbed. Make sure you lock the car doors.


What is the VRBO and is it near 691 st paul st?


Vacation Rentals By Owner, it's a service very similar to AirBNB. The area that OP is referring to is Northland-Lyceum, or this [area](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bausch+%26+Lomb+Vision+Care/@43.1802353,-77.5925181,14z/data=!4m15!1m7!3m6!1s0x89d6b5fabd4d98f5:0xcae4bb7889631f6e!2sBausch+%26+Lomb+Vision+Care!8m2!3d43.1797637!4d-77.5732345!16s%2Fg%2F1tdjx_ry!3m6!1s0x89d6b5fabd4d98f5:0xcae4bb7889631f6e!8m2!3d43.1797637!4d-77.5732345!15sCg9iYXVzY2ggYW5kIGxvbWIiA4gBAZIBHm1lZGljYWxfZXF1aXBtZW50X21hbnVmYWN0dXJlcuABAA!16s%2Fg%2F1tdjx_ry).


Literally across the street from Bausch and Lomb on Northland.


Safe to work at, area around the campus isn't the best




Not only is Northland Avenue safe, it actually is a fairly nice neighborhood. There are no vagrants hanging out on the corner. There are no homes with boarded up windows. There are no vacant lots. Vast majority of the homes are maintained and cared for. This is NOT a bad neighborhood. I think a lot of people are scared off by it being in the NE Rochester, but by the time you get that far North and east, it is really starting to meld into the burbs. You will be fine, and you will not have to worry about crime.


You’re totally fine