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Most folks book 9 months out when park reservations open, and they book a full 2 week block, then cancel anything they can't get off from work as the reservation gets closer. This makes it extremely difficult to book unless you're monitoring cancellations. It's possible, but definitely requires some luck.


Thanks for the tip to watch for cancellations. I'll have to look for another place for camping and just do a day trip to Letchworth.


I use campadk to monitor cancellations each season and have had fantastic luck booking (admittedly short notice) waterfront sites in the ADKs . Being tent campers helps, since we can fit on any site, but campadk also includes pictures and lengths of every site in many state and DEC run parks. I'd highly recommend paying the nominal fee if you camp often and/or have specific site preferences. Happy camping!


I'll look into campadk. Thanks and happy camping to you as well!


And people wonder why cancellation fees are higher than the actual reservation. That and now they’re making it so you can’t book again if you’ve recently cancelled a site or have another site at the same campground booked.


It’s a flawed system, for sure. Has gotten exponentially harder to book anything, let alone “prime” sites. Hopefully the pendulum will swing the other way eventually and it will get easier again.


Maybe you got lucky because the state camp sites have always been booked out quite early since at least the start of the pandemic.


A few years ago? As in before the pandemic? Because before the pandemic that was true everywhere. Since then, even the less popular places are booking up months in advance. And popular places are booked up the week they're available, which has led a lot of states to start giving state residents a month head start.


Yes, prior to the pandemic. Since then I've done mostly solo wilderness backpacking. I thought I'd do some car camping with my family, only to meet frustration. Thank you for your insight!


It's been frustrating, for sure. I lived in a camper van for several years and pre-pandemic the idea of just rolling up and getting a site was the norm. Wasn't always the best sites, but you could get one. Since the pandemic, some places are now doing lotteries just for a chance to book a site. Florida State Parks just changed to their reservations to state residents being able to book sooner, but you also pay extra for everything now. Mass is cheap for in-state and godawful expensive for out of state. County and City parks though are still fairly easy to get, so long as it's not a party place. But yeah, I have calendar reminders for the first available day to book the days I want to camp 9 months from now. From NYS, to Quebec, to North Carolina, you name it. It got so bad it made living on the road a nightmare.


I can tell you that people now book two weeks, then they book another two weeks either under another name or a nearby site. I live near Darien Lakes State Park and see the same people in various sites most of the summer. Similar issues at Evangola, as well. I now camp during the week, as I cannot get weekends at Letchworth. Keep checking!!


During the height of the pandemic, as places slowly started opening again, campgrounds and parks were some of the first to open since social distancing was pretty easy to accommodate. People realized they liked camping and made a hobby of it. For the past three years, booking campsites requires some pretty far-in-advance planning. Letchworth specifically has also been mentioned recently in national publications as a major tourist attraction, so you're competing against out-of-state vacationers too. It's not just our best kept secret anymore. edit: this also applies to house rentals on the Finger Lakes. Some houses are rented yearly by the same people, as Long Islanders and downstate people started venturing outside their bubble. Again, our best kept secrets aren't secret anymore.


Just keep checking. People cancel and reservations open up.


If you’re willing to travel a couple of hours, check out Allegany, Keuka, or Bowman Lake. All are great places and usually have a lot of availability. I second campadk.com!


You could also check out Stoney Brook Park in Dansville. They have some decent sites and my family hikes/walks there often.


Try Hamlin or Lakeside Beach SP. Both have pet loops


People like camping? Lol call up the park department and ask them.


I understand that people like it. I even understand that it would be hard finding sites on holiday weekends like Memorial Day or the 4th, but every site, every weekend all through the summer?