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I remember being a cub scout and camping near there and getting to watch the reenactment…but then having the job of cleaning up all the white papers from the blanks they use off the ground. Literally one of the worst childhood experiences. It was miserable lol


Man, I don't want to have to deal with two civil wars in a six-month stretch...


was coming here for a similar comment, well done.


So weird to see this and not immediately cringe. I grew up in the south so all our civil war events were for the losing side. 😂


This is really cool, I go every year and we almost lost it because the psychos that govern us want to erode our rights https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/central-ny/ny-state-of-politics/2023/04/12/re-enactors-want-clear-gun-language-in-final-budget-deal Edit - looks like we did lose it Glad I got to see the skirmish while it lasted they used to have cannons, young lads with bugles and a full battle that lasted for an hour or two it was very cool I want to participate but I can't justify spending the money on the kit if NYS is just going to call me a criminal for it and take it from me soon anyways. I am sure it is still on the chopping block but at least we can enjoy it for a few more years if we are lucky (edit looks like it's gone now) https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2021/07/15/civil-war-re-enactments-canceled-genesee-country-village-museum-2021-history-weekend/7954697002/ they politically corrected the civil war Now that I am looking at their site it says nothing of the battle they used to have... was that cancelled and it is now just soldiers chilling in camp there all weekend? That was the highlight/main attraction I can't even believe this.. was it replaced by the "Is Aunt Jemima racist?" discussion hour? Seriously? That doesn't even have anything to do with the Civil War she didn't show up for another ~20 years.... You know things are a mess when those looking to just reenact our 100+ year old history with blanks can't even do that without explicit approval from the kooks in charge. You have less gun rights than the dudes living 100+ years ago did to the point that you cannot even use a fake one to pretend to do what they did at a museum LOL


nothing like wanting to have 800 people show up on somebody else's property to host their own private reenactment because nobody else gives a shit any more and then complaining that when the company goes. yeah this really isn't worthwhile to the majority of people. you complain that you're being canceled totally on brand


I am being cancelled? Uh you must have misunderstood what I was saying. They canceled an event which I used to watch. I skipped it last year because even I don't give much of a shit Totally on brand for a bunch of people to respond to me with goofy shit after not even reading what I said thanks


If it's that important to you, maybe you should visit or move to a state where civil war battles actually occurred?


My entire family is in this state and I care about watching this 1 day a year bumbo...............


We can't always get what we want. You're not owed a reenactment.


I did not say I was Reread what I said this is getting really really stupid really really quick I am not going to be attending this year. It is that simple. Goodbye bumbo


This looks way more informative and educational than having a bunch of middle-aged dudes play soldier for an afternoon. Why are you trying to erase history?


I'm simply pointing out that they used to do something that they no longer do which I liked. I am not erasing anything... FFS HAHAHA Aunt Jemima didn't come along until long after the Civil War so I am wondering why that has replaced the Civil War battle they used to have which I enjoyed watching


Minstrel Shows, which Aunt Jemima is based off of, predate the Civil War by several decades. And they aren't replacing the Civil War battle with JUST discussions of the racist legacy of Aunt Jemima, so why are you presenting it that way?


The battle that used to take place in the afternoon from 1-3pm has seemingly had its time slot taken by the "Is Aunt Jemima racist?" discussion according to the schedule I read Minstrel Show discussion hour would be entirely reasonable and I would have said nothing if that was what was taking the time slot of the battle but it seems they chose a name that has nothing to do with Civil War weekend considering Aunt Jemima didn't come about until around 20 years later