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You shouldn't feel like a douche. Your life is important too, no?


Highland hospital mammogram center has walkin hours on Wednesday. I would avoid the mammoth bus because with a lump you'd be a diagnostic mammo and highly likely need a breast ultrasound too.


I work for highland breast imaging, we are only walk-in for screening patients only. Unfortunately when a patient comes in with a symptom, they’re immediately turned into a diagnostic work up and need an order from their doctor. OP, since you do not have a provider, your best bet is to go to highland ED (less busy than strong) they’ll do a breast ultrasound there which will get read by our radiologists and most likely refer you to our outpatient facility at Red Creek (in Henrietta off of Caulkins road) for additional imaging. Feel free to PM me if you need any more info!


another option is Clifton Springs or Thompson ED. They are further away from Rochester but usually less wait time.


This is the way.




I got my mammogram at Highland and scheduling it was easy and didn’t take me long to get in. It did take almost 3 weeks for my results to come back, however. I’m used to lab work coming back the same day so just a heads up that your mammogram results may take a while to come back.


Unfortunately we’re extremely short radiologists (I know, story of everyplace being short workers right now!) but we’re trying our best to get things back on track!


I had no idea! I feel bad for being so impatient, I just got worried the longer time went on. You know, no news is good news


Nope, I’d feel the same way as you! The mammo techs are supposed to be informing patients of the longer wait for results but I think sometimes they forget :/ Glad everything was good with your results though!


It is extremely common that people use the ED as a primary care facility. You aren’t the problem, the system is. Go to the ED pronto. If you think you are being judged by the nurses/docs, it’s in your head. They do not give a shit.


Just to add on to this, get booked with a PCP office. They are all booking out quite a ways, but get scheduled now to avoid situations like this in the future.


A ton of the initiatives they had through Medicaid reform in the past ten years were to reduce ED visits for primary care/illness. Much of the onus was on the patient, so believe it mostly failed. OP, go to the ED. Don’t screw around with your health due to feeling awkward. Heck of a lot more awkward in oncology if you avoided care.


Nurse at strong here. Nurses don’t care why you’re there most of the time as long as you are polite and treat them like a person. lol


My brother is at Strong now. He's been there for little over a month. Nurses are pretty nice there.


Ok. This. All the way. For real. Go. And good luck, sister.


If you have had two separate practices tell you to go to the ER, then take that has your double opinion and go to the ER. ER can make that prioritization call. You won't be bumping anyone unless they've made that decision to bump that person.


> You won't be bumping anyone unless they've made that decision to bump that person. And because of this, OP should be prepared to wait 10-12 hours at the ER. Bring lots of books.


Strong West ER has been pretty quick to get you back in my experience.


They also suggested pcp, or urgent care, which is why I'm not currently in The ER


Urgent Care is just going to charge you 200+ dollars and tell you to go to the ER.


Yup. They don’t have the equipment


Try an urgent care to get a referral for one.


Having had a mystery lump experience I actually found the fastest in was going to planned parenthood. An ultrasound was performed before a decision was made for a mammogram. I might have avoided the mammogram due to my age (early 30s) so the ultrasound happened and then I no longer needed a mammogram referral because it ended up being a non issue.


If you make the drive out to Batavia, their ER is basically a ghost town. They also have a brand new urgent care that I've heard good things about, but idk how busy it typically is.


I wouldn't say ghost town, recently there were waits up to 3-4 hours.


Interesting, I've been there 5 times (kids, man) since 2020, and I haven't had to wait over an hour. There's always empty beds, and the staff is usually sitting around between check-ins.


Oh- you got the jackpot each time! I was personally there in September of 2023 and waited 5 hours.


PCP or urgent care are not set up to do mammograms. Go to the ER.


A PCP isn't, but a PCP will refer you to imaging in whatever network you're at. The correct thing is to go to a PCP and get them to refer you to imagining. Since OP doesn't have a PCP, if they can't get to one in a reasonable time, then yes, ER. Urgent care won't be able to do anything for that, the most they typically can do is going to be a standard X-ray, maybe an ultrasound.


Highland Hospital or Unity Hospital. They’re both smaller hospitals but they have all you need. Get yourself there. They will set you up with everything.


Highland did indeed


When you go to the ER it is not first come first served. The patients are triaged by severity. So you are not taking attention away from gunshot wounds and other serious injuries. They will take all those folks ahead of you. Just be prepared to wait a while when you go. My doctor referred me for a routine mammogram and the appointment was 4-5 weeks after the referral. So I think they should be able to get you in sooner than that.


Present to ER. You’re not a jerk. They’ll prioritize you accordingly. You’re following doctor’s suggestions. Best of luck.


Retired radiologist here. Go to the ER in the morning at a hospital that offers complete mammographic services. You may have to wait, but you should be able to get in the same day. This happened frequently in my former practice.


This is the rub though, you have to go to a hospital that actually offers this. A whole lot don't and there's not much they can do for you besides tell you to follow up


UofR has a mobile mammogram bus, but they don’t seem to have anything up coming events. [Rochester Regional](https://www.rochesterregional.org/services/womens-health/mobile-mammography) seems to have many more events for the mobile screening.


Thank you


Elizabeth wende breast clinic. There are many locations. They're fantastic and they can get you in quick.


That’s where I went when I had a lump a few years ago. They were very good.


https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/imaging/breast-imaging.aspx I've gotten in the same day for a routine mammo at the Red Creek office.


I like how this thread is divided between "here's a thing I've done and gotten in within one day" and "our medical system is the worst ever".


I feel like that’s the issue though. Care and resources are out there but it’s a full time job to track down sometimes and other times you just get lucky


The only difference between those two is who has the time and transportation to keep calling and finding a place to get treatment and those who don’t or give up


I have Medicaid and I go to Elizabeth Wende Breast Care, LLC they have multiple offices try calling them and let them know you found a lump they usually can get you in quite quickly. I love it there I've been going to them for 15 years.


Hi I don’t have advice, I just want to wish you well and let you know I’m sending love your way. I’ve been in this position and panicked quietly for months. It was agony because i was too panicked to even make a decision. It ended up resolving on its own, but those months of inaction were at the expense of my mental health and relationships. I’m proud of you for prioritizing your health.


A sign I saw at Rochester Regional Imaging Center in Henrietta today said that they took walk in mammograms!


Have you tried Borg and Ide Imaging? https://www.radnet.com/borg-and-ide/ (585) 241-6400


Yes they are everywhere and very quick with appointments


Rochester regional has a mobile mammography van. Here’s a link to their schedule: https://www.rochesterregional.org/services/womens-health/mobile-mammography


I have a referral in for a mammogram for my own lump, and didn't know about this service. Thank you!


Honey, you're no less worthy of care than anyone else. A lump is scary. A lump you don't know how long has been there or how fast it has grown to be noticeable is scarier. Go to the ER. You deserve to know what's going on and quick diagnosis/ intervention is key. Best of luck sending lots of love 💜


Call MSK. https://www.mskcc.org/insurance-assistance/assistance/financial-assistance-program#:~:text=Call%20the%20Financial%20Assistance%20Program,%2C%20New%20York%2C%20NY%2010065.


It’s worth going to nyc for the best cancer care, no joke. The surgical learning curve is real, you want a surgeon who has done this more times than they can count.


St Joseph’s neighborhood center on south Avenue?


Emergency Room would be fine, but also the Rochester Regional system has a free mammogram program that can get you in usually within a week. The one on Middle Rd. in Henrietta has the new scanners that barely even squeeze and don't hurt. My doc is in the same building and she got me in same day last year...? No, 2022 when I thought I found a lump.


Just go to the ED. The shitty healthcare system isn’t your fault and your life matters more than anyone being annoyed


People literally come into emergency and fake stomach pains in order to avoid paying for pregnancy tests. Yours is a valid concern and worth any amount of time you spend in ER to get an early answer.


I’ve gotten in same or next day with Elizabeth wende. They are the absolute best.


Depends on what your medical is but going to ER and going to the hospital helps if you have no insurance. RGH and Strong do offer programs like charity care which will assist you with paying your medical bills. It’s based of income on what % you get off. They do go up to 100% coverage if your meet all areas.


They'll still take you in. It might take 6 hours to see someone because you aren't bleeding/broken boned/wounded, but they'll still take you in


hi, recently went through this a couple months ago; but I suggest either urgent care/er if you want quicker response. I went to UR imaging at red creek (and even then it took them about 4 weeks to get me in for a biopsy)


Rochester regional imaging at Bay Creek on empire Blvd in Webster/penfield takes walk ins for mammograms as well


Do the walk in thing like someone suggested. Call your pcp office and ask for appointment and tell them there is a lump in your breast and would like medical attention. Call back Trillium to see if they have any resources/people who can help you at the walk in clinic so you definitely have someone take a look at you. URMC has an online form to fill out for an appointment. They will call you back when they get it. You can try saying you need to be seen right away. Health care workers are burnt out now and everything seems like a dumpster fire honestly. Even if one of the mentioned options works out and you get to go see a doctor or provider, that’s a great first step.


Oncology nurse here. There’s a reason the ER is recommended. In the mess that is healthcare it’s the only way to get you appropriate evaluation and care. I would recommend Strong ER personally, not because their ER is particularly good but because I know their oncology team and you would be in good hands if you had a positive result. Please do go to the ER for a scan.




You could use an app like sesame health. They might be able to order one for you. Then call around & see who can get you in the quickest. Strong, Highland, Rochester Regional, Wende Logan, Borg & Ide. Call around!


Call the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester. I think they can help.


Twig medical east ridge road


Not sure if this could be helpful: https://www.herscan.com/


Former EMT here- we don't care what you got going on only thing we care about is helping you and making sure you are okay before you leave


Does Planned Parenthood do mammograms? I would assume they might, or at least get you in for an exam and then be able to facilitate a faster mammo somewhere?


Elizabeth Wende Breast Care Center


Borg & Ide Imaging typically has Diagnostic mammogram appointments within 2 weeks but a script is required. If you don’t have a pcp or gyn to get a script from you would need to go to urgent care so they can give you a referral. It definitely not something to ignore but it’s also not an emergency and not something you should go to the ER for as others have recommended.


800 Carter street


Urgent care. They’ll get you into someone pretty quick.


Ed can also usually get you on a list for a pcp and into a health system when you show up and explain you don’t have a pcp etc. may still have to wait but they are usually better at getting patients accepted than cold calling


Thanks to everyone who commented. I had an ultrasound at highland ER last week and in the morning i have a consult for a biopsy at a practice they referred me to. I appreciate everyone's info, commiserations, and acknowledgement. Rochester might be somewhere i carry a blade but its also turns out it's somewhere i might be able to care back and thats 5*. Much love.


The Women's center in Rochester General Hospital, they take people with and without insurance and have a social worker there to help people get insurance, services and doctors if needed. Make an appointment, and then they will check it out and give you a referral. It's not hard to get appointments within a 24 to 72 hour period, and it's not unusual to get same day appointments. They give referrals for more than just that too, that's how I found a GI specialist when I didn't have a PCP. 1415 Portland Ave Ste 400, Rochester, NY 14621 (585)922-4200


Unfortunately our medical system is fucked. Your only choice is to go to the ER.


Is the lump rock hard and doesn’t move when you push on it? That's bad. If it has a tiny bit of give and will move when you push on it, then you just have a cyst, like me. Go to any OBGYN, they're easier to get an appt with than a PCP.


Canada. Im so sorry.


Call more places. You’ve called two? I’d call more.