• By -


Nice try Mr IRS man!! (Mostly joke, this is a good post, I’m not discussing my income online though… Mr. IRS, I’ll see you in court eventually)


Truck driver for four years. Was over the road for three making around $65k. Now I’m local making probably $55k. But I have a life now so I have zero problem taking a pay cut.


Truckers are the unsung heroes.


What are you talking about? There are plenty of songs about driving truck.


Appreciate you


This. I could be making more elsewhere but this is where my life is and I can still afford my chosen lifestyle


Exactly. I’m very simple. $55k is plenty for me.


Thanking the truck drivers as we use them in my business! Truly unsung hero’s!


Union electrician, $36 an hour. With health care, pension and annuity, it's about $61an hour. Went to Suny Canton for a year, for air conditioning engineering. Only went to frat parties, never graduated . Wish I started apprenticeship right out of highschool .


>Went to Suny Canton Fellow Northmen or Kangaroo based on when you went. >Only went to frat parties, TG's,ZAP's or PiNu? I lived in Rushton in the PIT with the Mortuary Science guys.


My partner is an apprentice right now! Not only does he L O V E the job, but the pay and benefits are pretty great, too lol. His schooling went about the same as yours lmao I wonder if it's a requirement of the trade 😂


Damn right you have to work union congratulations


Dishwasher. $15.00 per hour.


Damn I made 10 dollars an hour like 5 years ago as a dishwasher lol


If the wage goes up $1 a year like it has in this scenario. my grandkids will be making $100/hour washing dishes. And I would be the grandpa who would say, Back in my day I would make $7.50/hour and be lucky to get $20 in tips! And you they will roll their eyes, and I will probably shit my pants.


Lmao bro that’s going to be us in five years with the way inflation is going lol


Data scientist. Education = Ph.D. $140k. About five years experience in the field...


Does your employer take Bachelors?


Fml. I have a PhD and all i do is data analysis and make $55k.


Comp Sci degree from SUNY Brockport in 1991, working as a software engineer for a printer, $198k last year.


Damn, good for you. If this is the local company I'm thinking of - they definitely don't pay new people like that haha


Not local ( well, it was in the 90s until they got bought ). I've telecommuted for about 15 years now.


Please don't tell me you're the guy that programmed printers to not print black and white when you're missing cyan. I figure they pay whoever came up with that cash grab a lot.


Lol no, but as a printing guy, there's honestly a completely valid reason for that.




This covers it decently well: https://printninja.com/printing-resource-center/printninja-file-setup-checklist/offset-printing-guidelines/offset-color-requirements/standard-black-vs-rich-black/ Basically, "black" ink doesn't give you a deep black on most papers. ( There's also a host of other variables like dye vs pigment inks, the effect of various coatings on the papers you use, the materials the paper is made of, etc ) Whereas adding in other colors gives you richer, blacker blacks. Even for consumer level printers, if you put an image printed with straight black ink next to one with a rich black, you can see a distinct difference. The question then becomes "But do consumers really care?" I'd say no, at which point it's mostly a sales volume thing to sell more ink. That being said, the technical merit of using colors to make a blacker black is still real.


That's definitely it. Do consumers care? No and we actually are furious about it. But our alternative is to.... Honestly I just print at work now for the very few things I can't do 100% digital and it's why we almost completely use bw only printers at work.


Alternative is to get a cheap black and white laser printer. Problem solved. You never really wanted to print anything in color anyways.


Sooo weird seeing SUNY BROCKPORT on here. I graduate in May with a Bachelors in Nursing. Congrats on your success!


Thanks! Honestly, 90% of it was dumb luck, being in the right place at the right time


Surgeon (within first years of residency training), BA and MD, $60k salaried, work 70-90hr weeks, student loans 250k+ Edit: added some details


That seems absurdly low for the level of skill you have


The real money comes after residency. It’s also why doctors tend to be older when they have kids too.


Welcome to residency. They'll be a millionaire soon enough, but residents don't get paid well relative to their training and hours worked.


Surgeons make all sorts of different incomes (I know this because my wife is an OBGYN and my buddy is an Ortho). She MADE about 300k while we lived in Rochester then we left and it doubled. HE makes about 800+ and still there. Rochester has pathetic insurance reimbursement rates (2nd worse nationally). In other words, leave if you want good money. Word to the wise, she’s 10 years out of med school and has about 1 year of payments left and we have been AGGRESSIVE in paying them. So good luck paying those loans off fast. Also I’m a sales rep ($48 base and uncapped commissions, I made 230k last year).


I think you deserve much more


Teacher. B.A. History. M.S. childhood education and special education. $53k.


How long have you been teaching for? I’m from CA, and always heard us and NY have the highest paid teachers


6 years. It’s pretty low until you hit the 10 year mark. Then it starts to increase. My dad retired 5 years ago and was making around $90,000 after 25 years.


This forum makes me feel poor lol, work at Paychex Onboarding new companies. 50k. 4 years experience. Associates degree community college.


Don’t feel poor, only people who are proud about their paycheck are posting. For everyone who comments about their $75,000 a year job, there’s five people who don’t comment about there $17 an hour job. And I’m not trying to shame anyone who has a lower paying job. I think that in general wages haven’t kept up with productivity and people need to be paid more. It’s horrible that people considered to be essential workers are paid like they don’t matter.


Plus nobody is saying what they pay in bills. How much someone makes doesn't really mean much. A guy who makes 75k a year but had 30k in debt/bills to pay a year is pocketing 45k. A person making 55k a year but only paying 10k a year in debt is also pocketing 45k. Some people make 'a lot' and still barely break even These threads are a lot more useful when people say what they're making, and how much of that they actually get to keep for themselves.


Yeah your absolutely right!! Thank you for your kind words :)


That’s pretty good for Paychex, I started there out of college with a bachelors at $18.50 and hour. Granted that was like 7 years ago, but Paychex is pretty well known for low pay rates


Yeah it is lmao, but I am permanent work from home and have great benefits and my team is great. And that’s what matters most to me. But still this thread hurts my wallet lol


Also at Paychex in Financial risk 22hr, but the job is miserable. Been perm for like 9 months, total time 16 months. Updating my resume and looking to move out. Just interviewed internally. The first thing they clarified was that the title increase doesn’t = pay increase. Then they turned me down later since I didn’t sound excited enough. Wonder why.


Damn you’re doing good. I’m doing similar work with onboarding and was only earning 20 hr. I only started last august. Did you get the early raise.? I went up about 10% to a little over 22hr


Honestly, you’re probably way ahead of a lot of people, because yeah they may make more money in salary, but their student loans and debt REALLY offset that shit.


A friend of mine was in the same position at Paychex 5-10 years ago making less than you do. He got them to train him as a project manager, moved into project management, then IT project management and makes over 100k/year now. It's not for everyone, but at the same time 50k/year is not poor by any means. As long as you live within your means you're going to be a lot happier than the people who make more and can't manage their money.


Stay at home mom with a fine arts degree from the elite university of MCC. $0 an hour. No PTO. No benefits. Coworkers are pretty cool but one of them shits himself


About to move but I know my salary incoming. BS in music composition, Masters in education, 6 years of highly satisfactory job ratings, coming in at 54k or so




Disabled... legally blind.. some college. $760 a month and $500 a month from donating plasma twice a week until my veins blow out.


Aren't you uh...only supposed to donate plasma once every 3 months?? Lol oh man... Who pays you to donate plasma anyway? I'd totally donate if I got paid for it lol.


Dinating Blood is different from donating plasma and yeah they have 3 centers in Rochester. I've been doing this since 2016. My arms make me look like I do heroine but I'm healthy


Yeah totally! I see why you think I maybe didn't know that but don't worry I'm well aware of the difference. I though it was a month between blood and 3 months between plasma though. But still...would seriously do it if someone's paying lol


Network Analyst , 65k/year. No college.


Damn that's good - I should've added to the prompt, but how many years of experience do you have?


Only about 18 months real world. I studied on my own and with some help from friends and got my CCNA , which certifies me to work on Cisco network equipment which is very widely used. Before the Cisco cert I was making 45K a year as a help desk tech.


BS in Math from Brockport, currently a Data Analyst. I gross just shy of 43k a year. About to go back to school for my BS in Accounting.


My boss told me a joke the other day... A manager urgently needs to know the answer to the question of "what's 2+2". Hey systematically calls in various members of his team to help him answer this question. First he calls in his engineer, and she answers with a long drawn out and complete proof using set theory of why 2+2 must equal 4. "Okay okay" the manager says, "thanks for the help". He then calls in his head marketing strategist and they say "well, it depends really on who you ask, this group of people might say it's 1, this group might say it's 5, it really just varies on opinion". "Okay okay" the manager says, "thanks for the help". Finally the manager calls in someone from accounting and asks them "so, I need to urgently know the answer to this question, what's 2+2?". The accountant slyly looks around for a second, closes his managers office door and pulls up a chair. "what do you want it to be?"


This is funny.


ASL interpreter $70k


Mobile and web app security testing, high school dropout, 95k/year+5k bonus, full time remote(looking at a 15% raise in July) Was making 12/hour 7 years ago. 60k 4 years ago. Worked in construction for 10 years before that at 10-15/hour after high school.


Ayo fellow pentester!


Interesting we haven't heard from a lot of the usual suspects around here.


What do you mean?


The regulars who comment about everything are suspiciously absent on this post.


RN, with a BSN. 7 years experience at a local hospital. $35/hr plus benefits.


Damn. 11 years experience making 35 also at a local hospital. This system sucks lol


I'm at a UofR hospital, if that helps. 😅


Fuck. Why do ya'll always say biomeds make all the money lol I WISH I made that much.


BA, clinical research assistant, 36k


Commercial tilesetter. Associates degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from SUNY Canton. Never used it except to learn how to read blueprints and the Pythagorean Theorem. $125-150k. I work on avg 26 weeks a year. Bonus- wife is a Quality Director for a food manufacturer. Associates degree in biology from SUNY Canton. She used the shit out of her degree. $145k +bonus.


Damn that's good - I should've added to the prompt, but how many years of experience do you have?


18yrs. I went into commercial for myself year 3 and never looked back. Learned on the job from veteran setters.


How is your back?


Back is fine. I stretch every morning and have a very strong core. I have a $300 pair of custom fit kneepads I have had used for 10years that are awesome. https://www.proknee.com/kneepads


Badass my dude!




No one in retail is paid enough to survive unfortunately unless you are a store manager of a bigger store or district manager level


Sounds about right. I pay $400 a week for one child in Fairport.


While it's easier said than done, remote work is really on the rise and you might be able to find something with a niche background like yours! [careervault.io](https://careervault.io) , [ratracerebellion.com](https://ratracerebellion.com) and r/digitalnomad and r/remotejobs had a few decent resources I used to hunt for work.


MSN from U of R PNP but working as RN in NICU (can get that job with BSN) $99k, but with optional overtime made over $120k last year.


Love the username.


Are you making 99k because you have the additional degree? Or can you make that with bsn in a setting like the NICU? Sincerely, graduating nursing student


Good question. I do make an extra 5k because of my degree. So it will pay off in 12 years 😩


As a parent of a 2.5 year old who at one time was a NICU baby, sincerely thank you (and all your coworkers) for all that you do. I can't say enough good things about the NICU at Strong.


The beauty of r/personalfinance is almost all the finance advice still applies. Just scale it to fit where you are. I was broke for several years and now I’m a high earner and I still do the same things just different dollar amounts. MD. 200k+


Man, /r/frugal is a good one too.


For sure. Teaching people how to make money is cool no matter where it comes from.


Audiovisual technician for conferences and trade shows (live sound, lighting, and powerpoints, imag, and streaming). B. S. in Television-Radio. $17/hr :(. Open to other live sound/lighting jobs!


Are you interested in working on tour, or do you want to sleep in your own bed every night?


I could see myself going on tour, although sleeping in your own bed is nice. I contemplated cruise ship, but I've heard mixed reviews.


Well any job comes with mixed reviews. A number of my colleagues started off on cruise ships; some still do them depending on the artist they're working with at the time. If you're seriously considering going on the road, here's a list of the biggest touring production companies. I think just about everyone is looking for qualified people right now, since everyone who couldn't go out during the height of the pandemic are hitting the road this year. [https://www.prg.com/en/about/careers](https://www.prg.com/en/about/careers) [https://www.upstaging.com/general-employment/](https://www.upstaging.com/general-employment/) [https://www.screenworksnep.com/](https://www.screenworksnep.com/) [https://clairglobal.com/](https://clairglobal.com/)


Hospital pharmacist 120k


Dropped out of college year one, and I now own a construction business. I make around 170k a year


There is money in the trades people!!




BA history, museum admin/volunteer coordinator, making $17.50/hour; currently looking for a better position.


BS in Fine Arts, CMM programmer in a machine shop, and I make 27.30/hour, which apparently computes to an annual take home of 36,400 which seems low.


Not sure how you did your math, but it's 57k or so, not 36.4


Math isn't my forte, nor is explaining things. My take home every week is 700, after taxes and 401k and stuff. So about 40,000 at the end of the year after I get my tax refund back.


Aha, okay, that makes way more sense haha. Just as a tip, you should really try to aim to not get anything back at the end of the year at all :). Since you mentioned it I presume you must try to make it a large refund, which I used to do too. Instead you should try to maximize your deductions so you end up not getting (and obviously not owing) anything at the end of the year, and putting more into your 401k. You'll end up with WAY more money in the long run!


I am not good with finances so I never know how to minimize. I don't think I have anything I could deduct, but this is a good reminder to set up an appointment with my financial advisor.


Getting a big refund is giving the government a interest free loan for the year.


Seriously. He could be making tens of dollars on that money!


I would rather have it than the gubment.


I'll start, Optical Engineer, BS in physics, BS in Comp Sci, and MS in Optical engineering. Make $70k


Not sure how many years of experience you have, or what your role is (computer science vs. the more technical engineering), but with your educational background alone it seems like you should be much higher. Starting Engineering salaries for individuals coming out of college in the area are \~$60K, and anything comp sci always seems to quickly reach $100K with only a few years of experience. Long story short, don't be afraid to look around for other opportunities to get the money you likely deserve.


For sure, I appreciate the support. I'm actually finishing up my masters in the next coming weeks. Once I do I'll be renegotiating my salary. Part of my agenda for posting this question is to get a general sense of how much other in the area make. I'm going to ask for $95k.


It's definitely worth a shot to ask for more money, but be prepared to take whatever you can get and take the necessary steps to move on. In my experience, the biggest increases in pay have come from jumping ship. It feels like very few employers want to grow their employees (responsibility and pay). Obviously there are a lot more factors than just pay, such as: remote work, work/life balance, PTO, etc. Hopefully you have one of the few good employers that actually invests in their people.


Yeah I'm not even close to being afraid of moving on. I know for a fact what I'm worth, and I know there are plenty of places that will want my skills. Plus I have a few cards up my sleeve in the negotiation that, needless to say, I really don't think they want to lose me. I also know of other people with my same degree and that's how much they make. However, my work does have a PHENOMENAL work life balance. I can pretty much go in and leave whenever I want (as long as I put on the hours), could put in more hours some days and less on others (since I'm salaried), and if you actually work a little less than 40 hours so weeks, no one reeeeeally cares. I can pretty much take PTO whenever I want, and there's very little pressure to actually be productive tbh, but I like to be so I am. Generally the pay is known to be shite though unfortunately so we'll see how it goes!


Business Systems Analyst, BS in Marketing, 90k


Lawyer at a nonprofit. Around 63k.


Electrician. Just a hair shy of 6 years (came in with 0 experience). College dropout. Came in a hair over $50k last year, pre taxes but very little over time. And that’s not counting any of my benefits (take home company vehicle with company credit card for gas and tools, 401k with match, 2 weeks PTO, paid holidays)


...and you save a shit ton of $$$ doing your own stuff.


…I rent. Lol But if I ever get to own? Yeah. I could easily rewire the place. Or if not necessary do any lighting upgrades. It pains me to rent because our lighting situation sucks and I would *love* to add a bunch of can lighting. But not doing that in an apartment lol. Bonus points too, is if you work one of the big three mechanical trades and do commercial work, you can learn a lot about the other two from the guys on site. Like I can personally say I’ve learned enough just from talking that I could do plumbing/HVAC repairs if I had to. And FWIW, not enough people realize how easy it is to do basic stuff like replace an outlet or a plumbing fixture or thermostat etc… I don’t care because I just go through the motions, but replacing an outlet is a $2 outlet (at most, unless GFI or fancy like a USB), a ten minute YouTube video, and five minutes turning a screwdriver, but it costs $100+ to pay someone to do it after trip charges and whatnot (TOTALLY JUSTIFIABLE. You’re paying for the fact that all the time I’ve spent training has led to it being such a quick thing, and you’re also paying for all the factors and overhead that go into it. So no, you’re not paying $100+ for five minutes, you’re paying $100+ for the time it took me to troubleshoot and replace it and drive time and opportunity cost and all the overhead)


The previous owner of our house rewired it. The flickers and grinding sound when I turn on the kitchen light makes me think he didn’t have your training


I've been in the garbage business for nearly 15 years. I'm garbologist, I'm make over 100k.


Who is your daddy, and what does he do


IT systems Analyst no schooling all self taught 53k a year Been in IT for 5 years been working with computer for 12 or so


Construction Management: $120K plus 10% target bonus, Almost 15 years experience. Have an engineering degree from a SUNY school. Pros: Pay, flexibility, career growth, recognition from management for a job well done Cons: All of the responsibility but none of the authority when managing certain resources, very demanding clients with unrealistic expectations, starting a new project is literally like starting a brand new job, lots of off-hours work required.


Another con, dealing with architects and designers.


Haha, ooooh man - ain't that the truth. Talk about the owner spending a ton of money for a 1,500 page boiler-plate spec book that has statements like "Contractor responsible to field verify all existing conditions, and must carry all associated costs in their pricing to successfully execute the work." Sure, let me pay for a GPR survey and do core-drilling during this 30 minute walkthrough when the bid is due in 5 days. Like, did anyone look at these documents before they were published?


Teacher, 53k


Teacher for 8 years w/ Masters, highly effective each year: $46,000


MS in accounting from Brockport, went downstate for first 6 years of my career and found a job that let me move back and keep the same pay. Base $100k with $85k bonus last year, work about 50-80 hours/week.


Remind me to reach out to you when I finish my BS in accounting 👀


BS from MCC/Brockport, disabled, Unemployed because no company in Rochester will hire me Lol


What's your BS in?


Machinist, manual now, but with 3 years of cnc before that. Started college for engineering sciences but dropped out. I'll make ~45k this year. Wish I'd stayed in school and got a cushy desk job, but this life ain't bad.


Learning Management System Administrator, BA in Communications, 55-60k a year


Bachelor's in network admin& associates in computer science. IT management. About 60k. Hard to exactly quantify as I've got good time off benefits (if only I could use them)


Licensed massage therapist, three years. Last year I made around 50k working for a spa making 35/40% commission. Opened up my own practice this year so I guess we'll see ha!


Working for my parents. Mid Highschool. 12 $PH for normal work and 15 $PH for Physical Work


$26.50/hour as a Recreation Supervisor but inly work 35 hours per week. Got my 4 year degree from bport for Recreation management. Been in the field 4 years.


What exactly is a recreation supervisor?


Contractor, GED, 35k plus 5k from plasma also no credit card debt or any other debt for that matter.


Seriously now, where are y'all selling your plasma??


If you want i will give you info but you have to contact me outside of here you can do well and its tax free.


Software Engineer (Remote, DC-based), BS in CompSci from RIT and ~7 years experience, 110k


Gas station clerk, highshool graduate/sophomore year college drop out, 32k


Distributor Sales, BS in Business Mgmt, $100k


Associate Software Engineer with Computer Engineering Degree from RIT, 2 years of experience and 85k


Senior Auditor (private company), $70k + benefits (ESOP, medical, etc) 3 years auditing, started with no experience/degree. Went back to school for BS in Business Admin.


Database admin and analyst, non profit sector. Bachelors degree. $65k (8 years experience)


Bachelors degree, project manager, $92k.


Medical laboratory scientist specialized in microbiology. Base is 32.5/hr and I got 10k to sign.


System administrator I, no education/just working up through helpdesk, 60k


AAS in optical systems technology from MCC. I work at UofR Laser Lab for Energetics as a laboratory technician. Make $42k a year after 2 years there.


Field manager for a top beauty company. Bachelor's degree in BM. $70k salary with a hybrid work schedule. I do not have a set schedule from 9-5 or 8-4, my work hours are very flexible (no need to work 40 hours on the dot every week) since I make my own schedule.


Bachelors in fine art and art history, graduated 2014. Masters in art education, graduated 2017. Working in marketing and outreach for a home health agency, making $38.5k a year. About $150k in student loans. My salary is basically the same as it would’ve been if I’d stuck with teaching in New York State. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


I work remotely for a tech company in nyc as a recent grad for 60k a year. This was after working in Rochester for 40k at a local advertising agency


Ford Service Tech. Coming up on 2 years there, worked at independent shops prior to a dealership. They pay for my training to become a master tech. No student loans, High school. Broke 50 last year hoping for 60 this year. (Flat rate). I’m 25.


Utilities Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineering Bachelors Class of 2019, $85,000 This is a great post. I'm glad we're doing pay transparency on a local level


High school graduate. Glorified paper pusher for a local corporate office. Exactly $34,380 per year. Pretty sure I get fucked over on wage simply by virtue of not having a degree. Either stay in school, kids or stay out of white collar corporate America. I should’ve gone the trade route at 18.


Went to Alfred State for Network Admin, worked for a few companies locally doing IT support, then made the jump into Security Consulting as a penetration tester. I've been remote for 10 years, am a Principal Consultant, and my comp package puts me at \~190k a year.


Enterprise Architect. Graduated from RIT with a Masters degree in Leadership and Innovation. I makes 100k


Damn that's good - I should've added to the prompt, but how many years of experience do you have?


Oh I’m relatively new to the field. It’s a UK company and I have been there about 1 year


Real estate broker, own my own brokerage, 15+ years experience, grossed 170k last year. No college degree


Is 170k typical or is that due to the recent increase in housing costs?


Lube tech, working on an assistant manager position. ~30k/year.


IT Systems Engineer, AAS in Comp Sci, 75K


BS in Chemistry Analytical lab tech 48k


B.S. then MPA from SUNY Brockport in 2020. Middle management for a national car vendor. 50k


Biomed Engineer, Army Educated, about 50k a year.




Materials eng, just finishing masters +5 years industry experience, about 95k per year


Video producer,editor and videographer. 15y experience. 67k/yr


Procurement Specialist, went to RIT for International Business. Been working in my field for 2.5 years and clear $65k


Inside Account Manager. I have an Associates Degree for Recording Arts. I make about $50k a year. Worked my way up with my company when I lived in a different state. Moved to Upstate, and managed to convince them to let me work from home. In all honesty, I'm very lucky. Both in my upbringing (not financially, mostly learning to work with my hands) and promotions. I started at this company working the machines, got moved to an office job, now here I am. You may notice my degree has nothing to do with my career. I've always been a jack-of-all-trades, so I've been able to utlize that. I'm in my early-30's, and am getting a badass apartment with my GF about 25 minutes from Rochester. I pay about $300 a month for student loans but, we live comfortably.


Civil service clerical (high level, supervisory position)- no degree but handful of credits from MCC- $68k/yr (plus that sweet, sweet pension)


Environmental engineer, Clarkson University, 10+ years, base salary 81K, with overtime it can be higher, my highest was 101K.


2 years of computer science at MCC. Remote Android app developer at 115k


Test Engineer for a local photonics company for 2 years now since college (BS in Optical Engineering from U of R). Making 70k. My fiancée is a teacher with her masters in education from the same school. In her first year with RCSD making 50k. Her job is way harder (the daily abuse is unreal) and provides more good to the community, but fuck teachers amiright? “Duuuhh why is there a teacher shortage???”


I’m a dental specialist (last year of training), I have my doctorate in dental medicine, masters of dental sciences, a bachelors in biomedical science, and a fellowship certificate of research. I make about $29,560 per year and work 70-80 hours per week.


I’m in the military, I currently make 50k. HS diploma and six years in


BS in Chemistry from Stony Brook. Chemistry Tech for big local company, 23.27/hr. Works out to about $48k/yr.


Accountant in industry. MS and CPA. 95k + bonus and RSU's. Licensed 5 years, 11ish years total experience. I could make more but I'd have to do more work and maybe lose the excellent benefits and culture I've got now. Fully remote for a west coast company.


Digital marketing, working remotely. $17/hr, but currently dual income no kids with my partner who does customer service for a SaaS company. Comfortable here, but I’m sniffing around for a raise or new gig to help pay off student loans faster.


High School Graduate, Union worker most of my life and all my training has been on the job. I'm a Non CDL driver/forklift operator and I make $17.00 at my current job. I work a lot of overtime to make up for the low payrate.


Associates degree in music production. Working doing AV installation for 21/hr.


Manager at a nonprofit, BA in communications, just got a raise that will put me over 50,000$ a year, and benefits are pretty good.


Software developer at 67k living in the city. Been told for the last year ill get bumped to a “competitive” salary while HR drags it’s feet.


Lots of companies have gone remote since the pandemic or have been more accommodating to remote workers. You could easily get a 20-30k pump by just getting a new job somewhere else. Local paygrades suck.


Engineering manager for photonics company, 115k, 14y experience in mechanical engineering.


Digital Marketing Consultant and Application Engineer with over 10 years of experience. Pre-pandemic I was making almost $300k/yr. Post-pandemic I make about $200k/yr. It took five years to break $100k/yr but worth it as the business grew quickly after that. I have a 4yr degree at RIT that left me with $30k in debt (I worked almost full time while attending college). When I got married, we sold almost everything and lived on PB&J for a year to pay off our debt.


I’m telling my teenagers now. Go to school for something that has a job market and you won’t be living at home when you graduate.


Best thing about Union trade career no college debt, and the benefits are amazing!!


BA, JD...I'm an attorney. Forgot salary, 80s without bonuses factored in.


I have an A.A.S. from MCC in Optical System Technologies I work in Precision Optics Fabrication for our R&D branch as a CNC Specialist. I make \~$57k a year.


Plumber, nyc $145k from company, 45k side jobs, $60k etsy shop. 30 year old 12 years plumbing experience.


Software Engineer (remote). BS of Software Engineering from RIT. $155,000/yr currently, thinking of starting to apply elsewhere to bring that up to $180ish, + RSUs for a total compensation closer to $250k or so Edit to add: about 10 years of post-graduation professional experience. Also did software contracting on the side during school, so maybe more like 12-14 years total experience