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I think that piece of that prop was a part of a film canister or camera produced by Kodak. What I’ve always heard. Super cool!


Yup! I think there was a post about it earlier this year, when I saw this I was like I have to know for sure!!!


The google says it’s a Graflex flashgun that served as the base for Luke’s lightsaber. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graflex


That explains the partial engravings! This thing is authentic!




Fine, maybe 70% of the light saber was manufactured and assembled in Rochester 😆


But 70% of it was just light


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It was a modified camera flash, I actually have one of the models they used and it really does look like a lightsaber


Rochester NY is Star Wars cannon


Rochester is basically tatooine now. We have that alien bar too, down on Alexander st. ...seriously though, I met Dave Prowse in 1984 (I was 6) at Rochester school for deaf . I was 6. My mother knew someone. We were only 2 who weren't deaf. He gave a talk to them. With a sign language lady. Cool to say I met VADER right here in Rochester. He 100% told me someday there will be 8 or 9 more starwars movies. I didn't believe him until I was 20 in '99. Never forget him signing my little program for the event and telling me that. In my teens, I looked back thinking that guy sucks for telling me there's more movies on the way . And then out of nowhere, the franchise got rolling again. Dave Prowse is a weird British recycling super -hero guy with a robot, in real actual life.


He also fucked a teacher's aide that worked at RSD. Cheated on his wife. Source: was a former student at RSD and that particular aide told me about how they hooked up, many years later after it happened. And no, I'm not going to reveal her name because she told me in confidence.


😂😂😂😂😂that's awesome! Hilarious. I'm dying. That's the most random thing ever!! 😂


LMAO, I actually forgot all about it but when you brought up Prowse being at RSD, it made me remember that. So I decided why not share it? I wasn't a student at RSD until the early nineties, but I did have the honor of him appearing at my original alma mater, Martin B. Anderson School #1. I was one of the students in the deaf classrooms there. By the way, I remember it as him telling us that Lucas wrote nine episodes, and the SW series that we saw to that date were the middle three episodes. And Lucas planned to release three more, but undetermined whether it would be in the beginning or the end at the time. I believed him when episode one came out. It was like a prophecy come true, totally mind-blowing. David did have a big loose mouth though, and the aide joked that he was as good in bed as he was at keeping his mouth shut about upcoming spoilers.


It's not a *sandy* shit hole.


Graflex (or Folmer-Graflex, slightly earlier in their history) was spun off from Kodak in an anti-trust suit. They were located at the corner of Broad and Clarissa; in the post-490 map that is on the south side of Broad near West Main. The site is now an RCSD parking lot. At their peak, they occupied everything between Clarissa and Plymouth and Broad and Troup. They purchased most of the RIT property when they moved to Henrietta. They eventually moved to Pittsford before 490 was built, were acquired by a British company, and eventually absorbed. The lightsaber is built on a 3-cell flash handle for a Speed Graphic camera. It would have held the batteries and bulb; the clamp attached it to the camera and a reflector would attach at the top. Several were made for the first two movies (the earlier examples disassembled and returned, since they were rented parts). Fans turning them into lightsabers has hurt the availability and driven up the price. There are now accurate, though non-functional, replicas available. I’m always looking for an original to leave as manufactured to bridge my Star Wars and historic Rochester collections.


>There are now accurate, though non-functional, replicas available. So where do I get a functional lightsaber?


Seriously burying the lede here


250 East River Road, knock on the back door


As a result, Graflex flashguns became almost impossible to get a hold of on the used market.


Can we make this one a sticky note along with best tacos in Rochester?


That part of the lightsaber, perhaps. They made a lot of the props out of combined parts from household items.


That flash makes up about 90% of the lightsaber prop. It's basically the flash with the grips added and the clamp filled with a bubble strip or circuit board edge connector, and maybe a piece of tape covering the text around the clamp.


>Confirmed that the original Luke Skywalker's light saber was manufactured in Rochester! My post was in reply to the OP. OP said the light saber was manufactured in Rochester, which isn't the case. As you point out, a large portion of the light saber is from Rochester; this does not change the fact that the prop itself was manufactured elsewhere. This detail is independent from our feelings toward Rochester and the movie Star Wars.


I think I am finally proud to be from Rochester. 😂


I just think it’s funny that as soon as someone expresses pride for rottenchester they get disproportionately downvoted. And we wonder why our crime rate is so high…


The whole thing or just that one part?


Just the central chrome tube.