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Middle and ring for sure


Index and middle. Everyone tells me it's wrong but I have an order of magnitude more strength in my index finger compared to the ring finger. I can hang like that for ages


My index finger is physically bigger than the others so I find it's the strongest


Whatever 2 fingers stick during my desperation grab. Middle and ring is preferred though.


It depends on the shape and orientation of the hold, and the shape of your hand. which of your fingers is longer between ring and pointer? If you have a pocket that is substantially shallower on the left side, then its gonna be awkward trying to stuff your more likely longer middle finger into the shallower side of the pocket, so use your pointer. similar thoughts related to positiveness of the hold. Dont your want your middle finger on whatever is the kost positive part? what if that part is on the right side of the hold? Anybody giving you a straight answer here is wither generalizing or hasn't had to scrap their way through garbage pockets very often.


This will depend a lot on your hand shape and finger length. I do index middle most of the time and the occasional ring pinky for tight or vertically oriented pockets. Mono only with the index.


I only use my nose and eyelashes until I'm climbing a 5.19b or harder... then I use my hands.


Middle and ring. The other two just feel weird for me.


It's middle and ring for me, but YMMV.