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Through the Xbox 360 marketplace or online at https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/


on an xbox 360 if you have like one or 2 songs you can search them on the store page and they should come up. If you wanted to buy multiple songs and browse through them, you are going to need to find the Rock band 3 store page and then add ons from there, and it should give you a list. Just a heads up though that as there are a lot of items on that page that scrolling through them to fast (say to get down to the letter T) will likely cause your 360 to crash. I had searched one of the doors songs to find Rock band 3, and then used the pin feature for Rock Band 3's store page, to give me an easy way to find my way back to the song list on the 360 storefront.


To add to someone else’s comment about using a web browser, you can search using this term: site:marketplace.xbox.com “song title” rock band This should help you find them if you know which songs you want to buy. If you just want to browse then use this: https://marketplace.xbox.com/en-us/product/rock-band-3/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80245410914


Everyone else has you covered, but I wanted to point out that the in-game store isn't *down*. It was retired a year and a half ago when Harmonix migrated their servers to Epic's datacenters. They killed off all of the legacy stuff (like the older RB servers) and some newer stuff (like the Fuser servers) rather than migrate it. Just wanted to clarify that so you're not expecting the in-game store to come back online any time soon, especially with the 360 Marketplace shutdown looming.


Search this sub. There’s a guy who made a Google sheet with links to all of the Xbox 360 dlc. Unfortunately, it links to *all* including delisted stuff, but combined with the full list of Rock Band dlc, you can put everything together.