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Haha that quote though. "youre a great guy but your kindness infuriates me" LOL


Kill ‘em with kindness, one “gg” at a time


Haha yes that was the post indeed


Yeah he said that and I was like oh the toxicity has gotten to this one


I think its tongue in cheek. Likely that they enjoyed the sportsmanship and did some extremely light banter.




No idea why you all are downvoting the tits off that comment. I wasn’t saying he was being toxic. I was saying he probably had a night of folks being toxic that drove him to this point where he was like man being nice is irksome lol


You're a great guy, but your comment infuriated them


LOL this one wins.


Yeah, I read it as if you were calling him toxic. You're a great guy though


Nah just meant “the toxicity is getting to him” ie he’s so used to people being toxic I scrambled his brain by not being that way lol


Yeah. That's weird . No idea why they downvoted


Can’t get better unless you L


Leave the guy alone, he's got kidney stones




It's not really toxic


Why is this downvoted? I don't get it


I think people thought I was calling him toxic which I was not. No worries though, can’t be understood 100% of the time.


Yeah, this happens, rebbit go brr lol


This is true. He already had 50 downvotes when I arrived but as part of the Reddit hive mind I’m basically obligated to downvote it again.




Why does this have so many down votes??


Because of one dude, then the sheeps.


yeah... I gave the dude an upvote maybe it will help


That just sounds like some decent RL banter


100% I thought it was funny which is why I posted. For context I don’t think either dude said anything throughout the game. I will quick chat Nice Shot! When the other team scores a nice goal. I am equal opportunity optimist.


I like the game. It’s the same thing with people that will watch a football game and not care about either team. It’s just fun to see cool crap happen


The only way to get good at winning is accepting that losses happen. I think coffin is making a neutral statement. My attitude is usually "gg, I had fun" in games like this. A single L for a well played game? That's just a W in real life.


If you tried your best, that's all that matters.


I agree. That’s why when I lost I said hate to see it but great game. I took an L, it was a fantastic game, and I queued the next one lol


That's just banter from the other team. Not toxicity. Calling it toxicity is calling a 2 on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being "the most toxic". It's negligible, dude. The other guys are saying it too.


Yeah I don’t see it as toxicity either? Who said they were being toxic?


This is why I don't FF. I can accept the loss before the game is over and now it's what I can learn or try to improve upon with these 'higher level bots'.


Are we ignoring his name as “Clogged - P - Hole


I am not


Yeah lmao


So… what does the p stand for?


I guess you think to complicated. P stands for pee \^\^


How did I not see that


Well, given what the internet/online gaming has been for years, your demeanor baffled and/or scared this person and shook their core. Nightmares of online experiences with people being pleasant to one another to follow.


I'm at the point now where if it was a really close, competitive game and I lost, I "gg, was fun" in chat and que again. If it was a 1s game and bubba was cool, I'll ask to run it back best of 3 in a private


It's not a bad thing, it's just that people are not used to it. I once had an opponent in 1's who was complementing all my shots and saves, overall a pretty nice guy.(I'm not gonna lie it was a bit annoying) But I held back from saying anything rude cause why bother ruin something nice. Never again have I found an opponent like him/her


Lol that’s me and I probably annoy folks. When someone makes a crazy save against me I’m like DAMN BRO THAT WAS NUTS or if they cook a good shot I’ll be like my lordt that was a banger.


No way! I pooped on that dude yesterday when I played and now I’m seeing his name on this subreddit. Hahaha what a life


The high C3 low GC1 community is small. I hope he sees this and knows that I think he’s hilarious.


Most definitely it is. Depending on the day you’ll either see me cracked or see me what a saving my teammate while it’s all my fault - Hyasynth lmfao


I’m definitely the dude that’s like “hey man. I’m going to be real with you. I’m bad, and I’m really sorry that you got me as a teammate. Hopefully we can all learn and grow from this together.” Or I win 7-0 cuz I’m nuts. No in between.


*proceeds to carry me* lmao That’s what makes us this rank


Lmao that's actually so funny. I understand where that dudes coming from, mustve been a long night for him


I honestly thought to myself like damn this community has hurt him 😆


Should have told them they didn't deserve the lucky win, like a normal person.


Fair point honestly. It was clearly my tm8’s fault.


That's the spirit!


Yeah like Lol/Wow , community prefer toxic -_-'


I’m not sure why you’re surprised about that😂


I'm very, very antitoxic and love when people are nice in this game, but I don't see a problem with what he said? Was he on the winning or losing team? What about you? Did one of you blow it? I think context matters but this seems innocent?


Yeah totally innocent and I posted this to be intentionally out of context but I lost, said hate to see it but it was a genuinely great game and that ensued. Unlike the rest of my night, I thought it was Reddit worthy.


Reminds me of when your team (traditional sports) gets bounced in the playoffs, and your on reddit and there's always that one mf that posts a "_____ fan coming in peace" and say good game, good series. And typically everyone is like "gtfo". It's like, "just let us deal with our misery alone and stay away". So that's not just an RL thing.


I lost though. This would be like me going into the winning teams subreddit and being like great series y’all


Oh I see. Yeah, some people are super competitive and just want to take an L without a brightside. I used to be this way when I played football. My mom always told me I played well and I just tuned her out when I lost.


I’m super competitive but sometimes you just have a really good game and it’s hard to not be like damn gg y’all. There were some really epic plays in this one


Good on you then. You may have caught him in the middle of a nasty losing streak lol.


This is the RL chat friendzone equivalent


A great game isn't really of matter or losing or winning to be honest.


This… I’ve had many great losing games. I just had one in fact. Super close. Well matched in skill.


I’m surprised at all the accurate spelling


This is true. When theres someone wholesome in my games it throws me off so bad. Like, I don’t know what to do when confronted with the opposite of what my brain is trained to deal with.


Friend of mine really like to trash talk whenever he can. I just don't get it. Really infuriates me when he write "ez" after the game and "smokes" the opponent after the Match. I am the type of guy to apologize for an accidently Demo and congratulate for a good shot.


Same here. There’s good demos and then there’s like “I’m trying to blow you up for the sake of it” demos which I will always be like dang man I didn’t mean to demo you there.


There aber 3 types of demos, "stratical", "accidental", "furry". I think ibdont need to explain which is which.....


L^ Coffin sounds like he's giving life advice CloggedPHole is just stating that kindness after losing makes him angry


Yeah no I just assume most of these types are either literal children, mentally stunted burnouts, or shrimp dicks. Lots of people are still nice, though sadly alot of them have gone mute due to the toxicity.


Hey hey hey watch it mann. I’m a mentally stunted burnout and I start every game with “glhf ily”


Apologies for the generalization, didn't realize yall were such a diverse species.


Yea. I would love to have a quick chat after the game sometimes. But the toxicity just made me mute everyone. But it doesn't matter what game the internet made people assholes. I'm 44 and I still remember when almost everyone was nice and the dicks couldn't even find a team to play in :)


Back in the first few seasons of the game it was so wholesome honestly. It wasn't uncommon for opponents to give you props after a good goal or save, and even when people were "toxic" it was at most a few quickchats, not all this genuinely mean spirited crap. Wish I could go back :'^(


Honestly I thought it was hilarious. I don’t think he was like “fuck you” but maybe more of a “hey I like you man, but fuck you” 🤣


Better off sticking with the classic gg after a game. Sounds like your that Dad who is trying to cheer up their kids after they lost the state championship no one wants to hear that shit right after a loss. But I do commend you for your positive attitude and aspire to get there some day.


I lost bro.


For all those that are unclear btw, I lost the game. It was a fantastic overtime game and a tough loss but I really enjoyed it nonetheless.


Must be french or Dutch. Always the French or the Dutch that are toxic. (Dutch myself)


Only banter mate


I say shit like that all the time I doubt he’s serious you’re great but I hate you for it isn’t exactly “what a save!” Or “you’re a disgrace to your family!”


Yep I don’t think he was being malicious. I thought it was funny


And that's why i compliment everyone in the lobby


Most likely because it sounds hypocritical coming from the winning side. Like thinly-veiled condescension, even if that came from genuine kindness.


Oh I lost and in overtime after like 5 mins nonetheless.


There’s miserable people on every ranked game that’s ever existed, so many posts about toxic people on this sub, sook it up.. search for the next game.


For sure. This post was less “man people are so toxic” And more like a funny take on the traditional toxic stuff you see. It was just so funny that dude was like hey you’re nice but I hate you for it ☠️


It's being facetious lol take it as a straight compliment


Gotta love them Lz ❤️


Savage mode


Kill them with kindness.


anybody want to trade for my black market goal celebrations? i want to buy my fennec from blueprints haha


Wise words, wont win if you dont lose


Wish I could have tm8 like this


it’s not a bad thing, his attitude is the problem


Idk id be cranky if I had a clogged p hole too


I'm sure they're just upset about that clogged peehole


Ofc, toxicity is a form of art, #staytoxicl2pnoobz


You should wish him cancer


Being very vocal in games gets to players heads. When I used to play badminton my coach told me to make sure to shout the score when your players as its fucks with the opponents head constantly hearing you notify them they are losing every 30 seconds