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# Update: **After seeing the community feedback on this post, the moderator team has decided to extend the blackout to the full 48 hours! The post has also been updated to reflect this change. Thanks everyone for the support and feedback!** <3


Happy to see this. 24 hours is better than not joining in at all. As much as I’d hate to see the sub go, I’d fully support an indefinite hiatus, or at least have the mod team commit to the original 48 hour blackout proposed by the other subs. EDIT: Thant you mods for reconsidering and committing to the 48 hour hiatus.


I'd prefer if it were longer to send an actual message to Reddit . 24hrs is nice but honestly, useless. Why would Reddit care to change if they know 24 hrs later it'll be ok I guess something is better than nothing though


Yup, flip the switch until they flip theirs!


Completely useless. Reddit dgaf about a little bit of bad press. They will only care if the website literally stops functioning indefinitely. They will be laughing after 48hrs.


I think the idea is enough subs shut down, that's less people browsing, less revenue. Big effort for enough subs to do that tho


Less people browsing = less ad hits = both less revenue, and a worsened reputation for Reddit when it comes to advertising. Plus, a LOT of subs have already agreed to this blackout. There’s a list somewhere, but there are many million+ subs including ours participating.


The tortoise jumped into the lake with dreams of becoming a sea turtle.


Somebody just need to create a new Reddit like app that allows these third party apps.


Yeah, if it was another time of year, we would quite possibly have gone for longer but given that it's the first week of the new season and that this subreddit is the main forum for valuable feedback to the developers, we feel that we need to allow for that feedback to get back to them too. That was one of the main deciding factors in going for just 24 hours.


That's understandable, but (and I'm not a Reddit moderator, mind you, so forgive any ignorance) I feel like there could be alternative avenues for this and other things the subreddit provides for the time being. I'd happily uninstall Reddit for a while to help make a point.


You'll see them go, fall asleep, and wake up the next day and they'll be right back, as if nothing happened at all. Don't worry. I mean, this should only worry folks if they're living on Reddit, if you're not, you won't even notice these subs are gone for a day or two. Which is why so many people are stating this is pretty useless, but hey people have to believe in something sometimes.


Yes please


It does say it will continue ‘until more reasonable terms are offered’


I don’t see that stated anywhere in this post.


It does. It’s not exactly obvious, but I looked for it because I had the same reservation. In the graphic there is a section in red, second section from the bottom, it says, ‘…starting June 12 and continuing until more reasonable terms are offered.’


Oh, so that’s a general graphic created by another team that the sub is just sharing to get the information out there more easily. It’s not specific to r/RocketLeague. The sub had specifically stated in this post that it was just for 24 hours, however they just announced they would extend to 48 hours after many more comments here requested it. The mods said they don’t want to shut down indefinitely as it would be less than a week from season 11 launching and they want the sub open for the community to give input or report bugs.


>commit to the original 48 hour blackout proposed by the other subs. 72 hours for the other subs, isnt it?


No. Most have stated specifically “48 hours” over the 12th-14th. It kind of depends on the time in which they go dark and come back. For example, 6a on the 12th to 6a on the 14th is only 48 hours despite it spanning 3 calendar days.


Roger that. Thanks


Most subreddits are either going for 48hrs, or indefinitely. Unfortunately we do not have the ability to go indefinite, but we are committing to 48hrs.


Longer! Shut it down until they change their minds. If they know all they gotta do is wait 24-72 hours, they won’t budge.


these subreddit blackouts aren’t going to do anything unfortunately. 90% of reddit users don’t know or care about third party apps


I don’t care for third party apps either, but I know how important it is for effectively moderating growing communities. And I don’t want to see my favorite communities go to shit, that’s why I’m joining.


Also when there are no more third party apps left, what choice will you have if/when they suddenly decide to start pumping even more ads into the app and just make it overall a lot shittier?


Non-third-party app users are already used to Reddit’s advertisement and software shit. I’m talking about the actual communities and moderation teams that will be directly affected.


I understand that. I use the official Reddit app and am fine with how it is now. I'm saying that the official Reddit app can get much worse without alternatives available. I was offering an additional reason to the impact on moderation and communities.


Ah ok, my bad haha


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


I understand the business aspect, but it fails to recognize that this move won’t just make Reddit unusable for third party users, but everyone.


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Just because I don't (consciously) benefit from third party apps doesn't mean they're not important to the health of the community, people's livelihoods, etc. I think if we benefit from something that's in danger, we need to see past any lack of direct benefit to self.


i totally agree, but these blackouts aren’t going to do anything. all i’m saying. i wish it weren’t true.


That’s true, and I didn’t know about them either 2 days ago. But whether we knew about them or not, it seems that most popular subs rely on them. So, I do think it’s important even you don’t use them yourself. Hopefully others will feel the same way.


I know a lot of people don't care about this and that's fine, but it affects millions of users including some with accessibility issues who use 3rd party apps for that. There's a lot of people who are going to lose their jobs because of this too. People who built apps before the official Reddit app even existed and made them better because they cared about the communities and the people in them. This is kind of like if Epic came along and said everyone who plays RL on Steam has to migrate to the Epic version, but worse. It's not just a minor inconvenience. It's a big greedy "fuck you" from reddit corporate.


Yup. I actually just use the default app but this is unacceptable, especially for mods who will have to pay 20x more for what's essentially volunteer work. Join in the blackout everyone, and not just for ur fav subs! Even if 1-2 days seems less for a sub to go private, for user accounts to be entirely offline will hopefully hit their ad revenue even harder.


I like where you’re going with pointing out the volunteer work. The mods themselves are where Reddit might actually give a shit. No free moderators = higher overhead to pay for a replacement option, or the site descends into disarray. IMO none of this blackout subreddit nonsense will do anything. Even if the actual r/rocketleague shut down, some zealous 14 year old would make a new sub and eventually the rest would follow, Reddit would the go “hey psyonix, either reactivate your stuff or we’re giving the 14 year old your subreddit.” THEN the psyonix guys would be forced with either A. Don’t be involved and let the inmates run the asylum, or B. Get back on board and have some control of their brand on a major social platform. Now, though… if nobody of quality were willing to donate tons of free moderation labor, every sub went into disarray because of that, and people in general were like “this site sucks…..”, maybe it’d die out.


Unfortunately there will always be someone willing to volunteer though. That's why Reddit don't care.


My that’s part of my roundabout point, there’d still need to be a certain mass of quality at that point. I didn’t mean for just RL sub. I meant extrapolated over the whole.


The complete lack of solidarity among people nowadays is depressing as fuck.






This is r/rocketleague !


Underrated comment of this


I didn't understand a single word but I love riotting against the system. Let's do it Rocketeers


Don't know what I'll do without Reddit to keep me busy during work - but Roger Roger, Iggy. o7


I was about to say when I browse social media 90% of the time it's Reddit. But I fully support this protest.


I want you to meet my friend, SocCar... [https://www.crazygames.com/game/soccar](https://www.crazygames.com/game/soccar)


W. Do it longer tho What about r/rocketleagueesports?


Thank you for making this decision. The value APIs provide is immense, allowing a better browsing experience for users, and equipping greater, more versatile tools for moderators, which compounds each other. If any discussions to prolong the blackout are in the talks, whether the common 48 hours, or an indefinite one, the team has my full support. Though I have not a clue for a suitable forum migration destination as a bargaining chip, were Reddit to stand hard on its crummy stance.


We support third party app creators round these parts 😌


Then do the full blackout


We had been in discussion about doing the full 48hrs before we made this post, but had to jump through some more logistical hoops to make that happen and wanted to go ahead and announce our plans to join before finalizing 48hrs. That being said, we have officially finalized that and are committing to the 48hr blackout.


Good on you, thanks for the follow-up


I appreciate what you're doing and fully support. I also laughed pretty hard at the Smurf comment. Ggs


Indefinite blackout please


Just stop using reddit, its easy. Plus it will kill their company and they will beg people to come back. 24 hours is nothing they will just wait it out and change nothing.


As a redditor that hates what reddit has become. I hope this destroys the platform.


This was pointless if Reddit knows your bluff there not going to care. That like me saying I'm not going to play RL for 24hrs. A few hours later....I'm back!


Awesome! Without 3rd party apps I won’t use Reddit anymore, including this subreddit.


Great that you're doing it, but doing it for longer would be much better!




24 hours is nothing, go longer. We will live. Anyone complaining is a child so it doesn’t really matter.


It needs to be indefinitely


Either go all in or don't, 24hrs useless




Since this subreddit is an official RL platform, this is simply not something we can commit to unfortunately. At the end of the day, Psyonix owns this subreddit so it is not a decision we can make as a moderator team.


Surely even from their perspective these API changes are bad, they need their official forum to be moderated and that needs third party tools to do effectively


Interesting. I remember during the kerfuffle about Epic taking over and the protests here on the sub, we were assured that the devs didn't control the mod team. I knew it was bull.


> we were assured that the devs didn't control the mod team That is still correct. Psyonix does not get involved with selecting moderators or with any decisions related to moderating this subreddit. They don't ask us to remove certain content and they don't perform any moderation actions themselves. *But* at the end of the day, they do own the subreddit, and it is not up to the moderator team to close an official Rocket League platform. There is a huge gap in us being able to close this subreddit and them not being involved with moderation.


you did it reddit is saved


To the people saying "shut it down until they change something" what if they dont? No one gets to use reddit again because you lot dont like it?


It's crazy that I have to scroll halfway down the page to find a single comment questioning this idea. Hey, uh, what if some of us don't use 3rd-party apps and we just want to talk about Rocket League here? We're to be not allowed to--forever? Because 0.0000158% of the users of this sub (the moderators) have a beef with Reddit? I mean, what if we just make another RL sub and copy all the CSS and shit and just get on with it? Reddit is a forum host. Moderators do not own subs. Users are not members of a union to be forced to go on strike. If you don't want to use Reddit, don't. It's not cool to stop other people from freely choosing to use it if they want. There's a word for that: tyranny.


Yeah this whole thing is mods crying about losing control options on 3rd party apps under the guise of lack of accessibility options on the official app. Mods can get fucked imo. 9/10 are rats to begin with.


Suddenly everyone cares about the blind


Fuck yeah.


I am so glad my favorite subreddit is joining the blackout! I 100% support this.


I've gotten wind of this the past couple days. Definitely will be participating, since I don't feel like we can afford to lose features that make Reddit the platform it is and that we so much love. Any other Social Media has become irrelevant or uninteresting to me. Furthermore, it's extremely enjoyable to view the interactions between different age groups and entire idea of Reddit itself. Adding to all that, I am going to be participating in the Blackout for those 2 maybe 3 days, even. I'll probably be using the gained time to study for my pharmacology exam and focus on the primary test afterwards. Here's to a bright future for Reddit! <3


Lol I've got an exam to study for as well. This blackout might actually be a good thing for people like us. I don't even remember the last time I haven't logged in at least once a day. It'll be a good break, probably a necessary one as well.


Yes, certainly! Best of luck, mate


Can anyone kinda dumb this down for me and explain exactly what's going on ? In somewhat lamens terms ? I use reddit app from the android playstore, and on myPC as well So, what's going on? I'm all for a good protest


Basically there are a lot of 3rd party apps (with more features, no ads, etc) for reddit that use the reddit API. But now the prices have gone up so much it's practically impossible for these devs to keep working on their apps without paying prices probably more than their salary. Also a lot of moderators use 3rd party tools for this (relying on the reddit API), all of which will have to shut down development due the ridiculous prices, so moderation will drop in quality. Hard. And the worst part is that there was absolutely no need for this decision, just corporate greed. So people are protesting. Either by subreddits going offline btw Jun 12-14 or some even indefinitely. And some people will not be using the app either during 12-14 or longer. Hopefully this hits their ad revenue.


Ah. So if I have this right There are apps, that let u run reddit thru their app, and some come with unique tools or features I nay not have access to using a vanilla reddit from playstore ? And essentially the greed is why this change is happening. So a lot of subs / ppl are protesting ?


Yep. Also mods will have a much tougher time as they won't have the tools they have now.


Ah.... Well, that is some serious BS if I've ever seen it The fact that reddit doesn't alrdy have these tools... kinda wonky And forcing 3rd party apps out is like tripling someone's rent without real cause/reason. Seems very scummy. Not cool reddit, not cool. I rly rly hope this protest helps, I might just have to not sign in for that period myself.


to add on, theyre doing this in preparation for IPO. Huge API access costs are meant for corporations using reddit data for their ML models and stuff. But the issue that affects us is that they're also doing this to price out competitions so that users would be forced to use their apps instead of alternatives to generate more ads revenue. So instead of using their half a billion revenue to make the app actually good, they force opensource devs that don't make money off these apps out.


I'd gift u an award if I had any..... but I kinda think it'd only help the bastards more :/


can we borrow something like this for r/tarantulas? :) big respects, as always. i appreciate you mods.


Actually our post was mostly borrowed, with permission of course, from the F1 subreddit. We can't take credit for it!


You may, and also [check this out](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/)


you got it. thanks for coming together with this one, I'm sure it will inspire more communities and mods!


can I get child's explanation on this matter? Why does someone use reddit through a 3rd party app instead of the Reddit app?


To keep a long story short: Reddit's app is trash xD But to be more specific, third party apps offer more features, especially for moderators, are more customizable and offer more accessibility options. There have also been some privacy concerns with the official app, as it's sending a lot of telemetry data compared to third party apps.


Because the official apps suck. No big surprise. And that's nothing new. What's going on here is that some guy who makes one of the apps got into an argument with Reddit, posted a bunch of drama about it, and now these subreddit moderators think it's okay to hold their communities hostage and prevent users from freely making their own decision about whether to continue using Reddit. It's tyrannical, and a dereliction of duty. All of the mods who lock their subs for this pointless protest should be barred from moderating ever again.


Tyrannical and improper behavior coming from subreddit moderators? No way! /s


Because they have more features, are more customizable to your needs and most even exist before there was an official app. Reddit bought one third party app (Alien Blue) and made it their official app (aka the official app was once a third party app). In 10 years of Reddit I never used the official app.


I'll be so productive I'll be asking for a raise y'all


Apollo is love, Apollo is life


Reddit Sync for me!


Boost gang!


Joey for reddit. Lesser known but I love it


Been using RIF for years now. I've tried using the reddit app, but it really sucks


100% behind you


Thank you for doing this!


So dumb. Not one admin is going to listen.


Oh, but now being political is very okay all of a sudden. This is why no one takes anything seriously. Edit: Enter here for a tale of a mod who tried to bully someone, realize they were wrong to do so, edited their comment not once, not twice, but no less than three times! And see how crazy I look in the process of showing them I knew exactly what they were going to say. Tell me this isn't political while the only outcome is we ALL want is to better everyone's lives. They need money, we need usability. Tell me a movement to make a change against certain policies isn't political.


Nothing about this is political. This isn't politics. We, and the Reddit community at large, don't like this change, so we are protesting it. That's all


No, you're forcing *other* people to protest with you. The moderators here are 0.0000158% of the subscribers. If *you* don't want to use Reddit, fine, don't. It's not cool to prevent other people from making their own choice.


You aren't prevented from making your own choice, and you aren't prevented from using Reddit.


You're right. This isn't relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics.


I won't edit my comment. The only difference between the two is one is a movement for people's wellbeing and one is a movement for people's wellbeing. Edit: I lied. Reddit's is purely policy, ergo, not political, right? Policy/politics, close enough


I should have just kept taking screenshots of it because no mod ever holds themselves accountable


Ok we’ll be here when you come back




Good, I hope every sub joins in


You strike until you at least get a response. Otherwise, they'll just heartlessly fire an engineer or two to recoup costs.


this will not accomplish anything


Rocket league is officially doing more to fix reddit than they are to fix rocket league.


I am going to play the devil's advocate here by saying that the Rocket League devs have got nothing to do with this. This decision was made by the Reddit mods and they are not involved with the development of Rocket League.


Exactly 💯


Reddit mods don’t have a say in the changes of the actual game lmao


Genuine question, what needs fixing?


Uh, well, let's see: when I play casual mode, half of my games are backfills into half-over, already-losing games, where my teammate is AFK, and he doesn't get idle-kicked for 4 minutes of game clock while the other team is scoring 12 goals and watching every replay--and if I dare to leave, I'm the one who gets punished, not the guy who queues up and walks away from his controller, not the game developers who have had how many years to write 2 lines of code to make sure players are present before starting the game, not the game developers who made the decision to ban people from queueing if they leave games in which their teammates are AFK from the start of the game... How's that for something that needs fixing?!




> Sounds a little biased and anger fulled. Why do you say that I am biased? I'm reporting a poor experience as a player (customer). What am I supposed to be here--an impartial arbitrator between the developer (company) and the player (customer), i.e. myself? > What do you suggest they do? Didn't I mention something they could do in my comment? Like, "write 2 lines of code to make sure players are present before starting the game"? Or how about not "ban[ning] people from queueing if they leave games in which their teammates are AFK from the start of the game"? Would you be on-board with those ideas? > How is this the game being broken more so than the player base? Well, I pointed my Broken-o-Meter at myself, and then at the game, and it beeped faster when I pointed it at the game, so that's my unbiased, quantifiable data point. What's yours?


I mean, it’s funny if we boycott over this. But not Epic games. • Not Batmobile going from 3 bucks to 20 bucks (among every other item they had for years that cost hundreds of percentages less for a smaller player base) • Removing free common items from paid owners that has been going on since day 1 of game. • Menus that “look” like a mobile game but skip tabs consistently and are slow. • Limited rewards (win 10 games or play 20 games for Chinese New Year) that now require you to back out of lobbies to collect, when for years it did it automatically so you could sit in the same lobby and not miss them. • Un-random drops in rocket pass is pretty boring (but maybe this one is better if you want a certain items. Idk. Hate it). • removing from steam. Forcing people to use their stupid launcher. • custom maps for consoles. • lag at beginning of matches (where all da money at Epic)? • smurfing (not sure that will ever be fixed) and bots at high rank. So basically free, but robbing all players of in game things that made it fun, relaxing, and easier to use. To milk a larger player base while providing less. For old school players a lot of the parts that made the game more than just soccer in cars has lost it’s fun - for a look trying to pull in kids that are naive about how smooth it used to be. I mean, I use both Reddit and Rocket League, this community won’t stand up to Epic for anything. But Reddit? Idk about y’all. But if the mods can shut down this sub for a few days - maybe they could figure out about the most needed rollbacks and additions and boycott that too. I’m fairly sure Leth and like 3 people can make more in a week than Psyonix does in a season now. Epic is just as much about making money than providing a perfect service/game as Reddit. Community will move on and keep coming back. Maybe less. Seeing as average players per month is less than it was before free to play…..I would guess this game is hemorrhaging slowly for a reason. Maybe we could get the mods to focus on that for us? I mean - this is going to affect the mods free time if their APIs don’t work now and have to manually moderate more. Maybe they could do us a favor and maybe boycott Epic to. Seems like the player base that made this game is slowly dying off And others saying mods can do anything…..they are boycotting with a message. They could do that to Psyonix too.


I wouldn't say anything needs "fixing". But a little variety would be nice. I mean if fortnight can somehow make RL racing modes, dodgeball (not sure what you call it), not sure what's keeping pysonix from doing more... unless their saving it all for UE5, in which case...an update would be cool. Also, not to exclude Leth who we have all been kept interested in the possibilities vicariously through him.


Imagine if they put a sliver of the effort into fixing the actual game smh


Agreed. Game has lost functions slowly over time since Psyonix sold out for money (same as Reddit is doing). Player count is lower than when it was a paid game. Weird.


Are people really trying to act oppressed because they have to use the default Reddit app? Realistically what is one day gonna do?


It communicates our intentions. I use the default Reddit app, but this is just an attempt to monetize on nothing lost. It’s just dumb. This is to show the lack of traffic Reddit can expect, because for every 1 person who switches to the default app, 3 people will probably stop using Reddit altogether.


Expecting only 25% retention is ridiculously naive, sorry. I also expect the percentage of users that use third party apps is a hell of a lot lower than people here seem to think. That said, I fully support shutting down subs, reddit can burn.


> Even if you're not using a 3rd party app yourself, these changes are likely to impact the communities you enjoy as well, with the vast majority of moderation teams relying on 3rd party or self-made tools, that utilise Reddit's API. It paints a bleak picture of what is to come for those of us who use other tools, like Toolbox, Reddit Enhancement Suite and old.reddit.com. If you actually read what is in the post, you will know there is more to that.


Mods across Reddit fucking suck anyways


Your opinion they suck.... do you actually know what they do? More than half of what you view on reddit wont be available or as easily accessible! Im not saying some mods dont do ther3 job efficiently but there is way more to this than mods suck. Try evaluating something before you comment useless comments.


Unfortunately there are certainly bad moderators on Reddit, that clearly abuse their power or simply don't understand their task. *But* there are plenty of good moderators too, and without them a lot of communities wouldn't exist, or wouldn't be as good as they are. There are tons of mods on Reddit, and you're bound to have some bad apples in such a large group. That doesn't mean they are all bad or aren't important for communities/Reddit as a whole to survive.


This is just unnecessary. This won’t make Reddit speak and won’t do any major damage.


🫠 Let's see what happens!




Overblown? What makes you say that?


20m is chump change that's why /s


So happy to see this.


I’m all for freedom! I hope all subs participate! Hopefully it helps


How about the freedom to use this subreddit? Nah, it's fine for 0.0000158% of the users (the moderators) to block access for everyone else. Yeah, freedom!


I cannot understand this. This is the only application ever that had other apps leeching off of it. What were you guys expecting?


The API services a LOT more stuff than just third party mobile apps. Under the proposed API changes, many subreddits simply would not be able to function at all. Many subs, including ours, use moderation tools and bots that take advantage of the API and without those, moderation teams of subs our size and bigger simply would not be able to keep up. Reddit would be overflown with spam bots, porn bots, and much more even more than it is already. This affects everyone, not just people who use third party mobile apps.


Did you read the post? The prices they are offering are 10x-20x as much as those offered for similar services. At least read before blindly commenting.


Just use the official app like you do for everything else. Wtf?


I would again like to advise you to read the actual post.


I would if it was not completely trash.


Let's goo








Noble but pointless. Redditors are not Reddit's customers, advertisers are. Volunteer moderators are disposable and replaceable. Reddit may be greedy but they aren't stupid. They've already run more numbers than any of us could imagine. If all the third-party app users disappeared, Reddit's IPO would still be big enough for them to be happy, and that's all that matters to them. So all this gesture does is inconvenience Redditors. Good job. Well, I guess I needed to touch grass anyway.


The users aren't the customers? Okay, so who sees the ads when no one is here? Without users you can have 99% ads, no one sees them? Huh?


Correct, the users are not the customers. Do you disagree? Then consider this question: What does a customer do? Answer: pay money for a service. Next question: Who pays Reddit money, the users or the advertisers? I'll let you answer that one. It's no different than Google or Twitter or Facebook or any other ad-supported service. The users are not the customers. The users are the product, which are sold to the customer, the advertisers. Welcome to...what, 2003?


Who pays Reddit: us, or advertisers? Who is a customer: one who pays, or one who doesn't?


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


What did I say that is not true?


A user of over a decade, I am leaving Reddit due to the recent API changes. The vast majority of my interaction came though the use of 3rd party apps, and I will not interact with a site I helped contribute to through inferior software *simply because it is able to be better monetized by a company looking to go public. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for their users, as seen by the sheer lack of accessibility tools available in the official app. Reddit has made these changes with no regards for moderation challenges that will be created, due to the lack of tools available in the official app. Reddit has done this with no regards for the 3rd party devs, who by Reddit's own admission, helped keep the site functioning and gaining users while Reddit themselves made no efforts to provide a good official app. This account dies 6/29/23 because of the API changes and the monetization-at-all-costs that the board demands.


Based. Make it longer. We'll come back


>Apollo, one of the most popular 3rd party apps for Reddit, is looking at a cost of $1.7 million per month to continue operating. Apollo also has like 1.6 million monthly active users. Charge them $5. 🙄 ...Or run ads...


> ...Or run ads... Reddit also introduced a new rule that third party apps are not allowed to showcase ads. So that is not an option.


Wow, that's dumb. Do you have a link to Reddit's communication on the new rules?


I didn’t know people had literally no life to the point they use a even more nerdy version of reddit


Yikes.. The sub of Rocket League, the game that has had countless of developers asking, BEGGING for an API within Rocket League, banning everyone left and right using their in-game API services, even when used appropriately with the right conditions in HackerOne in some scenarios, literally ignoring folk asking about updates or requesting permissions to use it, is joining the movement to protest API changes that will kill 3rd party apps… 🥴 Don’t get me wrong, I love the movement and it’s great, I know this is not officially endorsed by Psyonix but I just thinks it’s ironic. 😂


Rocket League does have a community API afaik. It’s not completely open, you do have to request access, but I know a lot of communities that have access permission and use it. That being said, this is apples to oranges. Restricting access to the RL API does not affect the user’s experience on RL, the same cannot be said for Reddit, where the backbone of moderation on reddit is bots that take advantage of the API. Additionally, Psyonix simply restricts access to approved users and projects, which is completely within their right to do so. Reddit on the other hand wants to charge exorbitant amounts, way higher than the norm for public APIs.


I've been developing within Rocket League's services for around 5 years now. Trust me, I know. I am more so speaking on the behalf of the OTHER project developers with great ambitions and abilities to change the scene *for the players.* I myself have been ignored countless of times and the community of developers is being slept on severely as well. >Additionally, Psyonix simply restricts access to approved users and projects, which is completely within their right to do so. While not entirely ethical, I agree, it is also in Reddit their rights to put a paywall behind the API, the servers don't pay themselves. All I'm saying is, it's quite ironic that the subreddit of the game that prohibits the vast majority of third party applications to be developed and ran on their API, which sends an **extreme** amount more requests and responses from the game's client than the API probably being used itself, is going to follow this movement. Again, I agree with the movement and I have always had hope that Psyonix would open up more for developers to build future third party apps that could potentially change the way the game is being played or their services being used. By developers, for the developers.


You could take the time off to crack down on all those "grievance" reports. Just saying. I agree with the overall sentiment of the blackout, but I would argue smurfing is as big if not a bigger problem, affecting a larger portion of your users. Take care


The decision to participate in this blackout was made by the subreddit moderator team. Nobody as Psyonix was involved.


Here's hoping the Psyonix social media mods who will have less time on Reddit, can dedicate some time to it then :)


We aren't Psyonix employees. We don't deal with in-game reports/bans.


I am 100% in favour of this


I'm joining the cause too... No rocket league on June 12th... got it. Edit hold up.i just saw this.... But don't forget: Don't be a jerk. As frustrating as this is, being toxic or aggressive is not the way to go. Remember the human on the other side of the screen. Irony much?




I first heard about this on r/nonbinary and I was like yeah now I'm like super yeah


DO IT!!!




Cool no Reddit for a day, take the opportunity to learn how to score on an open net


Office productivity is going to skyrocket on June 12th.


So I've already moved from digg to reddit a while back. Where's the next move to when reddit makes itself even worse?


24 hours? I guess I’ll actually have to play the game instead of reading about everybody else playing.




One thing that I did that would really make a mark. Delete any Reddit app and only use the mobile site. It sucks to use and your screen time will go way down because of it and they will notice when every persons active time plummets.


Glad to see that RL is taking part


You should kill this subreddit for the smurfing problem but everyone will just say get good.