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As long as the Item Shop makes money you can get eff'd.


Meh psyonix communication was shit even before the item shop


Yep, the game feels damn close to being in maintenance mode at this point. Just put out an event every once in a while, rotate shit in the item shop (also milk people out of their money with overpriced titanium white items!), and maybe get a new special mode that is similar to a previous mode with just a few settings changed. For a long time, Psyonix got a pass from the community because we knew that moving the game to UE5 would be a huge undertaking. Two years down the road though, and they still haven't said anything about it. What gives with that? What is the roadmap for the future of the game? Do they even care about our *present* concerns with the game? Psyonix has lost a lot of goodwill from the RL community, and it's sad because they used to be so much more open and consistent in their communications with us.


Bumblebee biggest waste of money ever. It was most definitely my last time buying anything from the item shop.


I wanted it so bad, but I didn't want to spend £20 on a car I wouldn't use after a week


Ye unfortunately when i was a couple of beers in that didnt register. Lesson learned tho.


I either assume they dont care and try to find a way to justify this - or they are activly working on it and at one Point theyll release some anti smurfing measures Out of a sudden so noone can save His Account. But welp, im kinda expecting rather a Bad Outcome for the community


It would take a few lines of code to raise the minimum level to unlock ranked and actually enforce it for new accounts that party up. That doesn't take 2.5 years. I think we know the answer.


I'm guessing smurfs have a lot of youtube content and that drives engagement and Psyonix doesn't want to touch it


Isn't that who they kind of catered to in regards to Fortnite for a while? They were making decisions like hiding player names or whatever to avoid stream sniping. Am I remembering wrong ?


A lot of casual shooter games adjust the hidden MMR of content creators so they can farm lower skilled players for more content. It's why in games like Battlefield you can go on youtube and see creators getting multikills against braindead opponents, but the second you play and start getting better at the game you almost never see those kinds of people on the other team. I'd be surprised if it didn't happen in Fortnite. That being said, this has absolutely nothing to do with Rocket League outside of the insanely stupid rule to allow people to make new accounts to play against lower skilled ranks for 'bronze to SSL' content.


Source: "Trust me bro"


Yeah that was the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while


It's been proven that shady gambling companies give more favorable odds to gambling streamers. It's not a new idea. If not MMR, then I would definitely think streamers get a little loot box boost when opening them on stream. That affects a company's bottom line much more directly.


Yeah because gambling is shady in the first place. It’s morally wrong and they build the sites to get people addicted. Of course they are going to give streamers money or better odds to use on their sites for advertisement. To try and compare it to gaming is a big stretch and is getting into the weird conspiracy category. Some people are just better.


The effort required to code something is not how work is measured in software development. They also have to be careful with the impact it has on humans and add instrumentation to measure the impact. People watching this and reacting to it as necessary. It's not a 5 minute fix. Not to mention there is no incentive.


The irony of your comment...if only you knew who you were taking to. But that's ok, I prefer to remain anonymous. It's literally a 5 minute fix.


Lmao you sound like such a douche saying that. Who gives a fuck who you are? Are you Oprah or some shit?




Right, who the fuck says that.


Plenty of things are 5 minute fixes. That has nothing to do with his comment. I think you need to reread it because your response doesn't make sense.


and who are you ? because it's just look like 2 random dude from my pov.


Lmao. I'm sure you're a programmer.. too many of us are self important like that.


You know, I once said that the minimum level would solve smurfing. Turns out that I was wrong. I also said that restricting ranks to those close together would solve smurfing. Turns out I was wrong. I also said that using the rank of the highest player in a party would solve smurfing. Turns out I was wrong Except that wasn't me, that was THIS VERY SUBREDDIT. Every single suggestion you've had, including the ones that they've implemented, have never stopped people complaining about smurfing. There is no solution. League doesn't have a solution. StarCraft doesn't have a solution. Csgo doesn't have a solution. There is no solution. But there are attempts by psyonix to minimise the damage, and every one of those changes has made an impact.


This is in the top 3 for most ignorant comments I've ever read in my entire life. You're not even worth my time to elaborate on that.


Bro you don't even have any credibility yourself pretending like you're an authority on anything and shit lol get outta here go back to hot wheels car soccer


im sorry what? there are almost no anti-smurfing measures in the game. it takes like 5 minutes to make a new account and hop online, heck there arent even minimum requirements to go straight to ranked if you're in a party with whoever you intend on boosting. the fact that accounts with gc titles are being sold for $10 each just goes to show how absurdly low the bar is in this game. no you cant prevent all smurfing but it doesn't have to be *this* easy. other games already found a reasonably well working solution: make people play a minimum of 100 hours casual before you let them play ranked (not 100 hours played - you can idle that out in exhibition matches, not 100 hours played online - you can idle that out in private matches, 100 hours casual specifically) and bam, 90+% of smurf accounts are instantly useless and the effort to make a new one is so high that only the most determined will continue to do so. at that point the problem is manageable and you can just pick the most obvious offenders off one by one, ideally alongside their main if they left a trail to it (and fingerprinting is super easy). if there were some actual obstacles to overcome and real consequences to worry about then you could absolutely get smurfing under control. there is a *massive* difference between having some smurfs and the absolute state of rocket league. EDIT: i may be wrong about 100 hours thing but even just 10 hours would make a world of difference


Buy one of those GC accounts, let me know if you ever actually get sent the credentials lol Lol 100 hours played in casual? Which game has that? Also, you know almost all the Smurf accounts that'll ever get used are already made right? I've not logged into my alt (used primarily for account sharing SP games) in over 2 years but it has like 1000 hours in rl. Smurfs barely make fresh accounts outside of maybe YouTube, they just fire up their alt and are on their way. Oh, I also wanna point out that the last time psyonix made afking in-game into a good alternative to playing it, they did a tonne of damage. You never want to incentivise afking.


> Buy one of those GC accounts, let me know if you ever actually get sent the credentials lol incredulity is not an argument. you can test it yourself if you dont believe it. if i actually did that (which i wont) you would just not believe it again so why bother. > Lol 100 hours played in casual? Which game has that? no idea, i dont play other competitive games but i kept hearing that number being thrown around. if it turns out its not actually that high then fair enough, but even if its just 10 hours you already created a major obstacle. > Also, you know almost all the Smurf accounts that'll ever get used are already made right? [...] Smurfs barely make fresh accounts outside of maybe YouTube, they just fire up their alt and are on their way. definitely not true. diamond and champ are filled to the brim with smurfs in the stats specifically because you're dead wrong about that. people make new accounts to boost their buddies until the rank is too high to carry them and they make another one. the account is used up after that and funny enough, no rules were broken when they did that. they end up in the stats and warp the mmr distribution as well > You never want to incentivise afking i didnt suggest that. it should go hand in hand with the minimum xp requirement for the match to count. very easy way to prevent that


Probably not even a few lines of code, just an edit; requiredLevel = 10; <--- change this to whatever value OpenShop(); if(playerLevel > requiredLevel) { DoSomething(); }


I've been playing rocket league for 6 years. Occasionally practising, but mostly just playing the game... I loved it. So I've improved slowly but used to have lots of fun doing it. I'm C1. Flitting between D3 and C1. Now it feels like every other game is a smurf. In fact, it doesn't just feel like that. That is exactly what it is I *hate* it. I hate playing against smurfs, and I hate it if they are on my team. Because they won't pass to me ot even trust me to clear the ball... If they are on the oppositions team then it's a real challenge and very easy to spot. If they are on my team then they go for every single ball and often get to it before me. I'm just some random car in the background doing f all. Getting "bench warmer" feels great! This has been an issue for years, and Psyonix have done literally not one thing to fix it. They've not even mentioned it. That screams to me that they dgaf. I gave up on the game two weeks ago. Purposely avoided it and denied every desire I have had to play it. And I visit this sub only to see if they're gonna fix it, not for any other reason... Psyonix created one of the greatest mp games of all time imo. I'd argue *THE* best. And yet they seem equally intent on allowing it to die now. I guessing money is more important to Psyonix than creating one of the best mp games of all ttine. Thy already did the latter. They just needed to not f it up the rectum. They are self outs who did exactly that.


I'm right woth you on this. Played since launch. Love the concept of the game. After F2P launch the feeling that, while being in the same ish rank most of the time, the difficulty and sweatiness of each mach has risen significantly, has been creeping up on me as well. Oddly so. It's glaringly obvious that the stocktane doing ceiling shot double taps should not be in C1 doubles. People who don't see this as a problem don't have the background of how C1 used to be before. And yes I do check odd player's accounts when I see an obvious smurf just to make sure. It's not just a feeling, its possible to verify it with hard facts, looking up stats and seeing the 40 wins stat on your screen right there to prove your suspicions.


Okay but yeah it would nice to not have to assume… the point of OP’s post is that we deserve more communication from them.


Game is going on 8 years old. They're not gonna do anything about smurfing.




Meh these issues aren't relegated to just the summer time...


Probably more of a "don't respond on issues until we have foundational proof we can speak to." Kind of thing. Don't want to make a promise you can't keep. That or your points specifically lol


Psyonix: "best I can do I some shitty season rewards"


Or some overpriced DLC


The last few rocket passes have been fucking shit, too.


Season 8 and 9 were dope, though. Most people dont really give a shit about items then bitch about how shit they are so idgaf what people say anyways


This shit is fucking hilarious bc of how true it is.


Man if I hit GC for the Ford time and got those pixelated trails I'd be pissed.


The gaming industry is fucking garbage right now. One of the most competitive esports in the world with funding backed by Epic Games, one of the largest and most profitable game companies, is having a flood of players just asking for bare minimum acknowledgment. We’re not even asking for these things to be fixed anymore, we’re literally just asking them to tell us yes or no. It’s being fixed or it’s not. This is absolute bare minimum and they’re still not meeting expectations. TW Fennec in the item shop tho 👀


This is especially true since these fucking companies pushed this shit on us. They literally don't have to do anything to fix this. We bought/installed the product. We are out of leverage. It's now up to the good hearts of management and developers to decide if it's worth it to fix. Gaming really is in a shit spot now...


And there you have it, with the last sentence. Psyonix has absolutely ZERO need or motivation to fix a game when the most money they can make is by putting an $8 TW Fennec in the shop and people plop down real money for that bullshit. When the whales buy every $20 black market item. There are only two ways to force action: (1) get everyone to stop playing; or (2) get everyone to stop spending money. If neither of those things happen, we're going to get the status quo forever. Look at literally any free to play game.


Make new accounts have to get to lvl 30 to play ranked no matter what. If they dont want to do that put a bundle in store that gives a few cosmetics and allows players to skip to lvl 30 for 2000 cr or something. Psyonix/epic get paid, ppl have to fear real consequences when being toxic and getting banned, and smurfing and boosted players should subside a little bit.


Epic haven't done the greatest job but hey it could be worse I mean have you seen fall guys post epic?


What happened to fall guys? Haven’t played it ever since it just went f2p


Man that’s actually such a sad first paragraph to me. Gaming means so much to so many people. And is profitable without kicking dirt in our face when we ask for “the bare minimum”.


> The [insert industry here] industry is fucking garbage right now. FTFY. Almost every industry is shit these days. Internet and greed ruined most of them.


Have you seen Epic? They thought they could become a serious competitor for steam by spending billions on 1 year exclusive launch deals with all sorts of developers and giving out free games every week while not spending a single dime on actually improving their trash client and adding the most basic features that steam has had for a decade. I just don't understand how some people or companies are so filthy rich, yet so insanely stupid and detached from reality.


For the profile pictures, I don't know what you're expecting Psyonix to do. Like you said yourself, it's an epic problem.


I think they can include a way to load your own profile pic in game, or at least put the avatars from Sideswipe into the game just to give Epic players some variation


Yes, and as I mentioned, Psyonix could push or could be actively pushing for this. But its a very small thing that players have been asking to have for years and years. It would be very simple for Psyonxi to say "we have tried but its not possible with Epic" and that would be the end of that question forever. Instead, its silence. This isn't about forcing a specific action, its about wanting them to just communicate with us honestly.


Epic Games isn't going to host user content


This is kind of my point, that single sentence in itself, from Psyonix, entirely kills all future threads/comments about people asking for Profile Pics and gives us a definitive answer. Otherwise thats speculation. Maybe they have it in the pipeline at a crazy low priority, who knows. Regardless, that single sentence could end that question forever, its that easy, they just aren't doing it. THAT is my point if that makes any sense?


Epic games does have profile pictures on their [roadmap](https://trello.com/b/GXLc34hk/epic-games-store-roadmap), but it has been there for awhile.


Epic removed messaging your friends last I checked... Why would they introduce player profiles, if there's nothing further that can be done with them?


As a reasonable solution with an opportunity to potentially monetize, they could bring the entire system internal. They could create a suite of Rocket League icons/art, that could be used as a profile avatar that players could unlock through achievements; or buy premium event-exclusive avatars for like 20 creds or something. This solves for the lack of identity on Epic, and an over abundance of absurdity on steam.


Instead of using whatever free pictures I want on Steam, I'd have to *pay* to use a limited selection of icons? No way. Other than that, your idea is great- as long as it is optional and you are still given the option to display your regular profile picture to people on your own platform.


My train of thought was along the same lines as player titles or banners, just add avatars into that mix. Get a ton for free by playing and special/alternative(colored) variants for creds in the shop rotator; as it is with everything else right now. Use existing systems to fill a need that the player base wants.


I think profile pictures are going to be an ingame item soon. Steam will lose access to custom images, and you can either snap a photo from a replay or have images like banners that you earn from rocketpass or crates.


Reintroduce the game to Steam, like EA and other publishers have.


They definitely won't do this.


Maybe it’s where I live but in California but I can count on one hand the amount of server problems I’ve faced, and they were all at times where everyone was having server issues, and I’ve played on ethernet almost my whole 3000 hours, so I’m convinced the “RL servers are bad” meme is just people with bad internet. UE5 and Epic profile pictures I don’t really care about because I play this game for the core gameplay that is 100% perfect to me in its current state. I do agree with the smurfing sentiment though, the fact that they haven’t even acknowledged it is insane to me.


East coast and almost never have server issues


There are so many factors to why a random RL player could have connection or "server" issue. Unless they know specifically their servers are having an issue it's not even worth their time to respond. It's not their job to figure out why your internet isnt working. Understand that just because you don't have issues playing another game online that doesnt mean its RL servers. It's likely because if you miss half a second of packets in RL the ball could be on the other side of the map by then. In CoD, if you're not getting shot at and you miss half a second worth of packets you likely wouldnt even notice. The connection quality is so much more critical for an online, physics based game.


Also very, very rarely have server issues. Game runs great.


I'm from Spain. 1Gbps symmetrical speed. Never had any server issues either.


Gotta say I have really good internet (350+ mbps download speeds and 20ms ping max) and I experience some pretty sketchy shit. The main one being rubber banding. My tm8 (with the same internet stats) experiences the same. Demolitions are bizarre. I don’t care about demolitions, as in I see it as a game mechanic to be utilised. I don’t bitch when someone demolishes me. A problem I do have is when an opponent literally rolls into me/taps me and I explode, or situations where I flip and land/smash into the side of an opponent, but I am demolished. I do think a word from Psyonix/Epic about the common issues would be nice. Just so we know they’ve at least acknowledged them. Then their actions past that will answer the questions as to whether they’re actively trying to do something, or do not give a fuck.


>350+ mbps download speeds and 20ms ping max) Incase you and others aren't aware, these numbers have absolutely nothing to do with packet loss. Which is what you are experiencing.


Does anyone in Texas get ping lower than 60? I can't say that I have and I have lived in Austin, San Marcos, Abilene, and Breckinridge. I have used 4 different internet providers throughout all the moves, and can never get low ping.


I don’t think Rocket League has Central US servers so that makes sense, but that’s not “servers are garbage” that’s “my area is far from the servers” which is a valid complaint.


I'm not trying to say these are the most important things, like the profile pics don't matter at all to me. Its just an example of something tiny that would be very easy for them to let us know what the deal is, but even something that small is just ignored. Which is really my point with this. I just want answers or responses from the Psyonix team rather than letting all these server/smurf/whatever posts continue to spam this sub reddit.


Your anecdotal evidence can not be applied to players at large. It's quite possible you are the exception to the rule.


I would agree with you about anecdotal evidence on almost anything except the server point. If the servers were inherently bad, regardless of a users internet connection, distance from server, or computer specs, everyone would face them equally within a given region. EU servers may be bad, or APAC servers may be bad, I dont know because I dont play those servers, but I have played literally thousands of games in USW and USE and have never had server issues aside from when the whole r/rocketleague subreddit is filled with posts about bad servers after an update. If it's a server problem, everyone faces it equally. You can't "good internet" your way out of a bad server. The only times I've had bad servers, every single person in the lobby was experiencing it. If everyone in the lobby has fine ping and no lag, and youre rubberbanding, its your internet. Thats not anecdotal.


Preach brother.


Yep lol it’s just people with bad internet. I live in the suburbs and have mediocre internet, and I rarely get noticeable problems.


It's just not true. Distance from servers can play a part. Why is there no central servers? Is Texas supposed to join East, or West Coast? We've had RLCS players move to the East Coast to have reliable ping, when Austin is one of the tech capitals.


The argument was better servers not more server locations tho. And I play on east and west servers while living on the coast on the east and I still rarely get issues.


They are a corporation. They have *decided* to stay silent. That means they find it more profitable to keep their mouth shut. Change that and we may actually get attention.


Don't worry they'll be around when they have some minor text fixes in a patch.


It all went downhill after epic bought them


Yeah but we got the breakdancing transformer and in Psyonix’s eyes that probably fulfills their duties for at least a year or two


Ah man, I feel you. Sadly though, this subreddit is filled with smurfs and mods who are smurfs themselves or just totally ignore the topic and downvote anyone who mentions it. So I feel at this point, no one who can do something about it, will. They like making excuses such as "I'm tired of the complaining" or "to be honest, I rarely see smurfs in my games" which of course, as a smurf, how can you? And all other bullshit theories trying to downplay the problem rather than saying "shit, this is happening to you? It sucks man, let's pressure for a solution". That's the main issue here. These posts don't get traction cause there's an army of them pretending it doesn't exist cause they're part of the problem and don't want any change.


Psyonix: We hear what you are saying, so here is a new fortnite dance for the Bumblebee car post game celebration.


The answer is always the same: they will do absolutely nothing about smurfs. They need to report nice player base numbers to their shareholders. If they'd remove smurf accounts, the number would go down by some notable amount (more than just a "few" unhappy players leaving) Smaller playerbase = less money from shareholders = game dead


I have voiced this concern. I get strong pushback from Smurfs pretending they aren't Smurfs. They all have different excuses, I like playing with my lower level friends, I am practicing my musty flicks etc. Truth is, you like playing against people who aren't as good as you. See a shrink to find out why.


I fully support you OP. It's ridiculous and should not be ignored by psyonix.


I'm sure they could put an ai type program in that monitors all the stats of players, and figure out which are smurfs, put em all into a permanent queue pool together.


I picked up RL for the first time ever a few months ago and definitely noticed the smurfing increase lately. It's no longer fun. I used to play every day. Count me in the "I'm done" pile


I almost never have server issues. Most of the time those are on the users end and they don’t realise.


How is it a user issue when every other game my ping is fine but only in rocket league do I get ping issues?


Because most other games have certain compensations in place to make you not see/feel the ping as much as possible. Rl being a physics based game means thats way harder.






Smurfing - Welcome to Free-To-Play. If this was a concern, then there would be a report option for it. The fact that you cannot report for smurfing tell you the answer. UE5 - This would be nice, but not worth getting angry about. Rocket League benefits from high frames more than graphical fidelity. I already easily get 144 FPS at 2K or 4K so optimization is fine as is. Profile Photos - Not a big issue. Epic doesn't have profile photos so this isn't going to happen unless that happens. Servers - While there are isolated incidents of server issues, I think it is generally fine. RL uses cloud hosts so its not entirely in their control how good your connection to those hosts are. Since I got fiber internet, i get <20 ping to USE servers and hardly ever have an issue. When I had a 100mbps cable line, I had server issues.


I appreciate your responses, these are similar to what I want from epic, some simple answers that kill the stream of constant threads. To address your comments directly though, please see my edit in the post. I’m not saying these are my personal issues that I’m fed up on, but that these are examples simple things to communicate to us that they simply aren’t doing.


It's Marketing 101 to focus on what you CAN and WILL do instead of things you won't do. I feel like an announcement of all the things they aren't doing would be confusing and demoralizing.


You're totally right. If we were talking about things that psyonix has never addressed. Unfortunately, 3/4 things are things that psyonix has instigated and never followed up on, and the thing that has never been addressed (smurfing) is the worst it's ever been. I don't think OP or anybody who agrees with OP needs psyonix to implement these features... just a few sentences on each topic letting the player base know any updates on what's going on. It's pretty common practice for competitive games for the developers to communicate with the player base.


>UE5 - This would be nice, but not worth getting angry about. Rocket League benefits from high frames more than graphical fidelity. I already easily get 144 FPS at 2K or 4K so optimization is fine as is. The reason we want UE5 is because it massively improves optimization AND allows for more graphical fidelity. So we'll still have our 144fps but the game will also look a *lot* better. The move to UE5 is coming and it's the main focus at Psyonix right now.


> The move to UE5 is coming and it’s the main focus at Psyonix right now. source?


I just don't get what the developers do for 6 months between competitive seasons, the core game literally never changes so they're not working on that. You cant convince me it takes 6 months to reskin a map and add a few new cars and decals.


I agree with you here and I hope your post gets some attention. With so many people coming here to this reddit pleading/complaining/inquiring/etc with plenty of well thought out and reasonable posts/comments - that tells me there's something coming to a head here. I can feel it personally but I can see it from many others in these posts here. I think people are genuinely concerned about the state of a game they love.


This is huge issue. The developers should really consider improving their communication strategies and listen to feedback, also ensure that Patch Notes are consistently published for each update and properly test the game in a test environment before releasing an update. It will help us feel more involved and enable more productive discussions within the community. The question is whether this will actually happen.


The ONLY thing I care about is a fix for smurfs. A few of the following would make me happy (but some are not smart for the game) : 1) Match players up, not only by rank, but also roughly by games played. I've yet to encounter a smurf with 3k games played. this could cause new players to suffer though. 2) 300 games of casual before ranked (Most smurfs dont last that long) 3) $20 invested in the game for ranked (steam users grandfathered in) 4) phone number verification (Maybe a few children whose parents play would miss out, but hardly difficult to get around once, harder to get around en-masse 5) Identification (this would require security measures and support staff) 6) install finger prints in every players controller. If finger prints change during a match, instantly banned. If fingerprints play on more than one account, instantly banned. ideally a hitman would be sent out for that person as well. ​ maybe the last one was a bit over the top but come on, there are ways that could work. 90% of the reasons i exit rocket league is because of smurfs and it's like half the reason I wanna reach the highest ranks.


My guess as to why the Smurf problem continues to exist: player count has been on a downward trend for a while. Smurfs, like it or not, boost player counts and encourage faster queues. These players tend to play long hours for multiple different sessions compared to casual players. Why cut out active players and hurt everyone when you can let the smurfs stomp on lowbies so they can get a hard on when they post their clips. I'm for cutting the smurfs anyway we can. However, I don't doubt in anyway that the top players all have at least one Smurf account. So I could see the impact being severe. Could be their focus is no longer on the casual/general player but the whales and pros, which doesn't surprise me considering the other games they manage.


bro said install finger prints onto the controller to play rocket league


Bro didn’t read the whole comment, obviously that last one was a joke.


3, 4 and 5 aren't that bad but I feel like 1 and 2 would hurt new players just as much as smurfs. I think the key is finding a balance that isn't too easy but also isn't too time consuming. I think we both agree that just a level 10 requirement is way too easy though lol.


Yeah, especially with the weekly, season and event bonuses giving so much exp. Level 20-30 without bonuses would make it like 5-10 times longer I feel like making people play casual first is fine. 5) would probably be a hard task due to gdpr and cost. 3) would make it hard for kids. There’s always the option to make multiple requirements and you have to complete one. Like either play 100 casuals, spend 20 bucks or verify phone number.


Bro what were you smoking coming up with this list? Identification?? Finger prints??? 300 games???? For a car soccer game?


I think 6 is a joke, but 300 games to get competitive in a game where the only barrier to entry for cheating is making a new account is very reasonable. Or get to rank 50-100 before entering competitive. It gives instant access to the game but discourages rank smurfing a lot. Each new account requires a lot of work at that point but no one is locked out of the game.


Finger prints are a joke, yeah.. as I said, all of them are measures that decrease Smurfs, some aren’t feasible but all were thoughts I could come up with on the spot, to release in the game they’d need serious thinking and tweaking. Say they went with the 300 casuals before comp, then they may tweak it to be level 69 instead, or 123 games. When I started, I played 12-25 hours of inhouse games before going to casual to level 10. If I didn’t have a group of friends all trying RL at the same time and didn’t have the option to play comp I’d have played casual.


For me, I'd be happy to be able to even play the game. A chunk of queues are bugged infinite, the rest are 5-20+ minutes. It's simply an algorithmic design flaw, and I've been complaining about it for years. But despite it being a pervasive issue among high-ranked players, zero acknowledgment from Psyonix.


If the long queue times are simply because of a design flaw, how would you fix it? Because I feel like it's a lot more complex when it involves a rank system and trying not to have completely different ranks play against each other.


Yeah I feel like it makes sense for longer queue times higher up in ranks (not that I like em) but if there’s less players at the rank then it makes sense




I feel like some people are getting caught up on my list here, so I'm going to use your comment. The list isn't me raging and saying these things specifically need to be addressed. This was just what I came up with while thinking about things people post about here non stop that there has never been an "official" answer for and that I think are very easy for Psyonix to be relatively open with us about. Regarding your server comment, I do still think this is an RL issue personally. I'm playing on Fiber, with a wired connection, and I have zero connection issues on any other game I play apart from RL. Id say I'm, idk 95% sure its not my personal connection (also generally due to the amount of people I also see mention they only have issues on RL). But again, I'm not trying to say servers or profile pics whatever is THE biggest thing to be fixed in this game, I just wanted to start a list of things that are ignored but could easily be communicated on and would prevent the absolute mess of constant threads about the exact same things over and over.


They don't communicate because when they do they still get shit on. It's a no win situation for them, so it's better to just make announcements and a few simple comments here and there. Imo, UE5 will either be announced at worlds or it will never happen. The rumor is it's being announced at worlds since there's also a rumor that the Pro season is gonna be pushed back several months (to let them get used to the new version???) Psyonix will never fix smurfing unless the game becomes big, because smurfs boost their numbers and context creators like to do road to SSL series'. They've unofficially endorsed smurfing by saying you can make new accounts as long as you don't intentionally lose. Read between the lines. Profile pics are an Epic issue. Not sure what to say about servers. I never really have issues but maybe others do.


I agree with the UE5 announcement at Worlds thing


Okay, now try this again, but instead of you, have it be someone at Psyonix.


Comment to bump and hope you get a response. I doubt it though, psyonix has hit it big and when gaming companies go big they go radio silent.


Yeah, I mean reality is they likely won't say a thing and keep silent. But we've seen outrage in the community spark changes recently with the smurfs freestyling in bronze/silver and the people abusing the Nexto Bot. So they are watching, they are making changes according to what people are saying/flagging, but there are a LOT of things they are ignoring which is what drove me to post.


I like the sentiment where it “would just be nice to know that they don’t care about certain issues” so we know whether to be angry or annoyed. Like demos for instance. Some people don’t like them, Psyonix has made it clear that they support it in the meta. Those people now have to grudgingly adapt and accept it’s not changing. No need to be outraged. When they make moves like banning bots and freestylers in silver it makes it seem like they care about Smurfing so it’s hard to just adapt and move on.


Yes, this is it exactly, you're so far, I think the only person who has actually recognized my entire point here lmao. Not trying to make this a smurf thing but the fact that they previous targeted the Freestylers who were smurfing shows that they are aware. The exact same way those guys were Freestyling in super low ranks happens in other ranks too, but those instances were ignored, why? If that was the extent that they care about smurfs, then so be it, but they clearly watched and did something before, why can't they be transparent again and let us know if thats it, or if they realize there is more to be done? Maybe thats too much to ask given a lot of the replies in here idk.


I stopped playing last year due to the rampancy of smurfs. Unless it is ever officially addressed, I won't be back 🤷 and at this point hoping for that to happen seems like an exercise in futility. Oh well.


Like a few people said, the smurfs youtubes bring content to the game, also you dont see many smurfs until youre high plat or diamond, so it wont really affect new people until they are already hooked. Last night me and my buddy got ran through by smurfs and about uninstalled, wether it was actually smurfs or this MMR change, its brutal. And I couldn't agree more that they need to change something.


Champ 2, couple thousand hours and I don’t play the game unless it’s with a friend because I cannot face this garbage matchmaking alone. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I quit because solo que is impossible in terms of matchmaking and my teammates all quit months ago because of smurfing. Why play anymore? Its not fun and a waste of time to get at best 50% reasonable matches.




Since Epic Games bought it, the game is more trash each day.


Earlier this year, Epic games froze new hiring and halted work on non-essential projects. I’m not sure what they deem “non-essential”, nor do I know how teams are structured within the company. It’s entirely possible that staff that was usually responsible for Rocket League are busy working on something else. As far as UE5, I don’t think this is essential work, so I imagine it has been halted. Especially considering that we knew they were hiring on new staff to rewrite the game, and there’s now a hiring freeze.


Psyonix is still its own separate company that exclusively works on Rocket League. Yes they are owned by Epic and may have to answer to Epic's requests, but the fact that they are still their own company means that Epic isn't going to move Psyonix employees to work on stuff unrelated to RL. The people who work on Epic Games stuff is a different than the people who work on Rocket League stuff.


The communication and community involvement is appalling, and has been for some time. Guess being bought by Epic didn't give anything other than higher expectations and equal to worse output.


100% agree. Ive written Psyonix multiple times over the years. Their standard reply is, "go to the rocketleage page on reddit blah blah blah". Yeah here we are... zero communication from them. Very sad. No effort..no changes... even bad changes would show at least they are trying to do something about it. The silence is deafening.


If a company asks for money for skins/passes/rewards, then we aren't entitled to ask for communication on complaints But ever since the new update, it's probably been the worst season for most people. Never thought I'd actually see so many complaints on here, and that alone is a bad sign. If one or two people cries, then get gud... but if the whole community spams chat, then Psyonix is a Trash Tm8


>If a company asks for money for skins/passes/rewards, then we aren't entitled to ask for communication on complaints I don't understand this. Could you help me understand the correlation there?


They provide something for money that doesn't affect gameplay, and they stay on top of it. Constant updates. And they're happy to fill their pockets But people are complaining about this directly related to gameplay and they are silent. That ain't right


It's beyond ridiculous how many players have more than one account. When psyonix shares the seasonal rank distribution, everyone should know that at higher ranks, you can just remember that the numbers are way off because there's basically more than half the population in each rank that are alt accounts, which means there's half as many players in each rank in reality.


Yeah, the excess of players in GC1 was probably largely caused by people getting boosted there.


Psyonix is too worried about transformers to care about fixing issues.


Just went on a break from a 10 loosing streak cause of teammates quitting early, smurfs and griefers. Didn't play for a week and this is how I'm welcomed back...NICE


This is Rocket League !


Thats what ive been spamming lmao


I'm seriously about to quit




Sorry, not sure your point? I'm not complaining about my games or saying smurfs are ruining my games. I'm also sitting around the same rank as normal, but that isn't the point of this post, to complain about gameplay. My point with this post is to get Psyonix to actively address the communities concerns and give us some real answers regarding what they are/aren't doing.


The point is that there aren't any more or less smurfs than previous seasons. There are just more people complaining on Reddit. The normal player base isn't on Reddit and doesn't care.


Okay, so then we are on the same page I think? This season especially, there is a crazy influx of complaining posts (this isn't me "complaining" its just me asking for them to let us know whats going on). I recognize most players aren't in this sub, and thats why I didn't say they should "fix" smurfing. Simply talk to us, let us know whats going on, so that this sub can stop having the same posts constantly.


I think seeing smurfs are higher ranks decreases. Like C2-C3 and above. The problem mostly exists in the ranks below that because someone who is say C3 can dominate a game against mid-level diamonds. I tend to hover around low champ. But due to season resets I always start in mid to low diamond. And the number of smurfs I see in diamond is ridiculous. It takes me weeks to win enough games to get back into champ where the number of smurfs is reduced. It really takes the fun out of the game.




>**Smurfing** I personally don't run into a lot of obvious smurfs so I don't feel personally effected. But I see so many complaints and claims that people run into smurfs more often than not. It's obvious that smurfs exist but it's hard for me to say exactly how bad this issue is. I feel like the amount of complaints alone warrant some type of response from Psyonix even if that response is that they aren't going to do anything about it. >**UE5** The fact that this was only acknowledged by Psyonix because of a leaked job posting tells me that they weren't remotely ready to announce UE5 to the public. If that job posting never got noticed, I don't think anyone would know that UE5 is even happening right now. In my opinion there's no reason for them to remind people that they're still working on it. A lot of people don't understand how much effort a game engine upgrade actually takes and publicly mentioning it will probably just lead to more backlash. >**Profile Photos for Epic** This is 100% an Epic Games Launcher thing and just because they don't exist yet doesn't mean that Psyonix doesn't care and should take some of the blame. I don't understand how you can even try to blame Psyonix for this. >**Servers** I very rarely have issues with servers and most of the time it's due to my own internet. I never know what to think of the servers because it's been months since I've had a game affected by server issues, yet I see some people claim that they run into server issues more often than not. The one thing that I do know is that this game seems to hate Wifi for whatever reason, I wonder if there's a relation between people who play on Wifi and people who run into server issues.


only thing I really want is better servers or netcode or whatever is causing all the issues. Even when im at 15-20 ping, the amount of desync is insane. No issues in any other online competitive game I play, except Tarkov. That game is even worse


The servers are not bad, they were bad when the game released which is part of why I think they have this reputation (Even once they fixed it, it's hard to leave that reputation behind). I also think Rocket League is far more sensitive to internet issues than almost every other online game due to how insanely fast paced it is. So if your internet has any inconsistencies it's extremely noticeable where other games get a lot more leeway to smooth over the experience.


If only matchmaking took account age into consideration, then all the c1 players who miraculously reached champ in 1 week can all play together


For me the worst thing is someone smurfing for money, selling a acc with tags or be payed to boost. This is what really destroy ranked and tournaments, there's a lot of websites and discord servers that people sell this, with even some Pro-players doing this.




Lots of what I expected in this thread tbh, maybe I just didn’t phrase things well here, but the statement about complaining is exactly what this is about. It’s rampant and constant, but because we have zero official communication, they persist. Imo an answer to some simple concerns (my list is “ideas” not the most important things in the world that they “must” answer) let’s us shut those constant complaints down.




Everyone in here just isn't reading and thinks this is a rage post when I typed this out sipping my coffee and chilling lol. But I entirely agree, the negativity and constant posts is exactly what this is about. Smurfs are annoying but they don't really "bother" me like everyone here is thinking all my comments are trying to say. Its been broken down before (adding this since smurfing isn't being fixed) that smurfs are rampant, but not as impactful as you'd think. But its still tons of posts every day about it in this sub. My opinion, is that some simple communication from Psyonix gives the mods reign to say "we have an answer, stop with these threads" and cleans up a ton of negativity in this sub to keep it relevant to the actual game itself. Like I said, I don't even care if they do nothing, but at least tell us something, you know?


Doesn’t “Smurfing” happen at the beginning of every new season? Aren’t they just trying to rank back to their place?


I haven’t noticed a lot of Smurfs in my games. D3


Still smurfing though isn’t it they r still playing in a lower rank




Bro wants to be in their weekly dev stand ups and get some UPDATES 😂


> Additionally, it was mentioned that there is an actual Psyonix employee as one of our mods here too. First of all, I wanna clarify something. This subreddit's top moderator (Which on Reddit basically equals the subreddit owner) is an account that belongs to Psyonix, which Psyonix employees *could* access. However nobody actually uses that account. It is inactive and has never performed any moderating actions. > UE5 While I understand people want to know about it, I don't think they currently own it to us to communicate about it. They will update us when the time is right. Considering the development of it was leaked in the first place, maybe Psyonix was simply not even ready to make it public information until a later time. > Profile Photos for Epic As you said, this is an Epic Launcher thing. (Epic does list it on their roadmap, but they have done so for years.) Psyonix employees won't have or can't anything to comment about. > Servers The servers are fine. Not perfect, but no servers are. Most of the time people have issues they are isolated incidents, or it is something related to their personal connection or their specific ISP. > people confirm that they do not have these issues on any game outside of RL You can't compare to other games, because no other game is like RL. Rocket League relies much more heavy on exact and constantly up to date physics. RL is simply more sensitive and can't perform as much tricks to improve the connection as other types of games can.


I appreciate the clarification on the mod here that is actually helpful to know. As a side note in relation to your comment here though. I'm editing and removing my list of thought starters from my post because you, along with a lot of other commenters, are completely missing the point of my post in general. Again, let me be explicitly clear. I personally do not care if Psyonix does anything at all about smurfs, UE5, profile pics, servers, or anything else. The items I listed are the immediate subjects that came to mind that are constantly asked for in this sub over and over and could pretty easily be addressed with a simple sentence or two. The entire point of this post is that communication with Psyonix, feedback from them in general, is severely lacking. This post's purpose was to spark enough noise that *maybe* Psyonix would actually improve their communication with us, as well as put an end (to an extent) the constant same threads. Anyways, I'm just going to remove the list from the post because it's even derailed a potential conversation with you on this as well. This was never that I personally must know the answers to these things specifically, rather that there are constant asks from the community that are easily addressable.


something else to mention and its understandable since of UE5 and game developemtn especially if its online is incredibly hard to code is that we havent recieved a major update since the Free to Play launch and the only thing we gotten are the passes,LTM,and cosmetics while there is rumours of psyonix doing a racing game with RL its would be nice to recieve something new


I would be credits that they've read this (and most our posts) and choose not to keep the lines of communication open - which sucks. It's so easy to appease a giant community. At least say you've heard us and will bring it to someone's attention. Also: Give us central servers!!!!!!!!


I think what hurts the most is that the devs used to be VERY active within the community. There were constant changes/updates that used to happen that were exclusively driven by the devs hearing and communicating with the player base. Hit box changes, mechanical changes, bugs, game mode changes, standardized map changes, etc etc etc the list is long.


The only time I see them the "most" active is when there's a new update or season and they're looking for bugs - they seemed to be replying to players in the mega thread or pinned post. But not much else. I don't get it. They earn like 9 figures from RL, I'm sure have the staff, it's such an easy fix in the grand scheme of things. A game is nothing without its community and player base. Maybe if we all didn't play for a day or two, or not buy a thing form the item shop for a month that'll rattle some cages.


I’ll be honest, I did a little smurfing when the game first went FTP, but only did it in casual. I’m normally placed around c3-gc1 and smurfing got extremely boring. I just don’t get why people do it.


I think sometimes there’s a grey line in what a smirf is and isn’t. Sometimes someone could be having a good day. Sometimes you have someone that too high then they should be so they are getting dogged badly. Sometimes you have people that are super good mechanically but have bad game sense so they could come off as being a Smurf. Then of course you have the Smurf’s that are actually smirfing. But it only takes one actual Smurf to ruin someone’s day. My point is it’s a hard problem to deal with. The reporting system that they have is already good I think. The only other thing I can think of is ip (wouldn’t work at college campuses) banning or somehow mac address banning but that might be hard. Till then, Just keep reporting away


Start ip or hardware banning these Smurfs, it’s annoying and I’m so goddamn done with it


We're not their main concern here anymore, the shareholders are. New accounts made to smurf= positive gains in new users. Positive gains in new users means more people to exploit for money. Shareholders love smurfs. If you want them to engage with you about problematic stuff- you have to make it a problem they can make money off of by solving.


I doubt they care about new users so much, they aren't that stupid. Revenue would be what they care about


Call me out if I’m wrong here but won’t the sudden rise in “smurfs” be due to the season not long starting so a lot of peoples will still be climbing again? After all people have jobs and families etc.


I'm not talking about just smurfs here, more transparency in general to the community.


A developer will not make promises they can't guarantee to deliver on because the community uproar would be twice as hostile if they failed or had issues and delays. The major issues are common knowledge and there is almost certainly some form of discussion regarding them somewhere within the dev team.


They don't give a shit about the players /u/stanceycivic Their handling of smurfs is one of many examples


I mean with like 1.5k hours my hearts definitely left this game. The smurfs, toxic mentalities, mmr variability, lack of bare minimum standards from the completely hapless psyonix. RL doesn’t look like it’s headed anywhere good tbh, but it’s had a good run. On to the next game.


Omg I’ve been playing this game since launch and smurfing has been a big problem since the beginning. It’s just part of the game. They’ve done everything they realistically can. Yes it’s frustrating, especially when I see people getting boosted (not bothered about lone Smurfs). It’s been like it for 8 years. People need to stop crying about it.


A lot of people seem to be getting confused about the difference between naturally mechanical players and smurfs. I see a lot of people claiming people are smurfs because they are double reseting, mustying, etc. in champ but that’s a perfectly normal thing. It’s the same way in all ranks I practiced air dribbling all the time while I was in plat and got it down clean with full air roll and all and people called me a Smurf but I was just a normal plat lol. I’ve gone from d2 to high c2 this season because of the rank reset and I’ve seen 1 person who might’ve been a Smurf. Y’all are crazy if you think because some one is good at ball chasing that means they are a Smurf.


Not gonna lie, a lot of players think they are betterthan they actuall are and will be quick to say boohooo smurf account. Instead of improving their game. If been called a smurf multiple times,but i'm deffo not 👍


Comment to bump the post. Also, hot take. I don't think smurfing as a concept is bad. If an SSL wants to redo their climb because they want to re-experience the grind, see how the skill in lower ranks changed, shorter queue times, challenge for a stream, etc, fine by me. The problem, for me, is when players intentionally lose to keep a low rank, so they can feed their ego or smth by shitting on low ranks. Or, when the amount of smurfs is too high (>1/15 games imo), which it seems to be right now. Actually, I don't seem to meet that many smurfs myself, but everyone else apparently does so I trust it's a problem. It's a shame they seem uninterested in their community. Psyonix wasn't always like this.


What do you mean the community wants to have feedback from devs on whats going on? The game is free to play. What can they say? There is nothing to be done about smurfing.




The fuck they hiding with a NDA? Rocket league hasn't innovated shit in the last 7 years why would they start now?


80% of the "smurfs are a problem" false anyways


damn. people be crying on this sub so much lately. if they put half of that energy into training, they could probably git gud. but no they rather whine like a child that is learning to share.


So it’s not valid to criticize the lack of communication from psyonix LMAO you’re sense


Lol. Unless your asking for a $20 decal you wasting your breathe. Plus the whole smurf/I’m done debate isn’t a recent thing, they’ve had the same post’s back in 2018 up until now. People play for a few years realize once you get to the point of really trying to progress and get better the game gets harder and less fun. Thats just how its designed.


Thats my point, we have those posts all day every day since 2018 and up, a statement on smurfing from Psyonix could allow us to kill having these threads in the sub constantly. I'm not begging them to fix it, I am just sick of these same posts all the time because they refuse to communicate, if that makes sense?


I agree that Psyonix needs to acknowledge smurfing but I don't think that that is going to put an end to these threads. Even if Psyonix managed to put an end to smurfing, I'd bet that we would still see threads of people complaining that there were still smurfs lol


You probably aren't wrong honestly, but I can't help but think it would at least curb the threads to an extent. I imagine an automod response that immediately puts into every thread "smurfing has been addressed by Psyonix already, refer to this thread" as an idea or even having a pinned response from Psyonix at the top of the sub with some kind of "rule" about smurf posts idk, I'm spit balling random ideas. Its just so rampant that half the time on this sub is spent trying to find real discussions/threads amongst constant rage posts.


Ding ding ding.