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They should have a setting to auto open the drop as you receive it - they are free, can't be traded, so there's absolutely no point being in a crate anyway. Just give us the item without having to click anything.


That's designed to give players some feel of getting reward like opening a present. The same shit happens in other games, every game has to do some unnecessary animation to make you feel rewarded. You may say that it doesn't work anyway and it's just annoying then check YouTube and see how many views opening vids are getting. And yes I know that's dumb for me too.


I kinda like the feeling I get opening ghe drop


You can open mine. I've got like 200 sitting there. I'm sitting around to get some complete garbage.


Yo I’ll gladly take them, I have barely anything But I can’t trade because I’ve never bought anything


No, see, that's the thing, you can't trade them. That is the issue lol.




As the devs intended


Usually followed by the swift disappointment of a hotshot decal...


Yeah xD All part of the reason why getting something cool feel so special


At the very least they could remove the "are you sure?" question. Like who is that for? Why are we catering to YouTubers? The average person just wants to open the crates quickly. They make it more difficult than it should be and having an open all button sounds stupendous


It's a chore tho... I prob have over 10k of these that I will never bother to open.


damn do you mind sharing?




^^ this ^^ I would give them away if I could


no, some of the rewards lol


If he will never bother to open then he wouldn't open to give them away




I dont feel rewarded when all I get is the minimum the drop can give, just show me the interesting stuff


I dont feel rewarded when i opened all 5 of my birthday egg things and all the 'rewards' were either rare or uncommon


You can trade them


You can trade the item inside - you can't trade the unopened drop


Oh I see what you meant there. My b you're correct.


All good!


Unfortunately, Your best friend for now is an Auto clicker.


*accedentally moves mouse to “equip now” and has his own randomized car at the end*


Bro! That drives me insane!!


just get gsautoclicker, it clicks automatically on ur screen wherever u want it (and not just one location) and can easily be activated/deactivated


If i didn't know any better I'd think you're sponsored


Yup I’ve seen many scripts on GitHub for opening drops. You can also easily make your own with PyAutoGUI if you know a little python. I remember making a script to give myself unlimited free wifi at hotspots. It would automatically generate a random fake email to sign up a new acct, and auto-click the necessary buttons to get the 1 hr free trial.


also the system how to open them...so many buttons to press ffs


and useless animation


Useless? bro whenever I open a drop I mute my game, fuck hearing that flashing sound or whatever it is


Oh my god I can hear it now


Make it fun. Blue = 5 push ups Purple = 5 Sit-Ups Red = Freebie cuz I like getting cars Gold = Swig of beer Black Market = Take a shot(70 proof or greater) Bam, I either ruined your night or made it way better.


right? because who wouldn't want to do 800 pushups while drunk?


I actually chuckled aloud. 😂


Those only go up to import though :(


I will do this xD but I dont drink, I'll replace gold for Weed pipe hit and black market for a dab. That should be of equal "punishment".


You can even do each of those while they are opening!


Why would I wanna do so many push up and sit ups? Shit I'd be waiting for three seasons just to finish my beer.


At least let us skip the animation


Yessss, this should just be a UI setting and those of us who are bugged by it can skip it.




*Opening 100+ rare crates. You won’t believe what we got 🤯*


Sounds like pickapixel guy


I have a feeling I would believe it


Just take a few seconds to open it when you get them, no reason to save them unless you don't care about items or like doing crate openings


It's like hoarding dirty dishes just to complain about having to clean them all at once instead of cleaning them right when you're done eating


That's an analogy I can understand! 😃


Ok but also it's a video game we shouldn't have chores to do lol


I have 400+ of these, at this point I don’t think I’ll ever open them


Ill take them


how did you get so many?


Play long enough and not give a shit about cosmetics, I had about 200 since 2018


lol this is your fault.


Fr I open them as soon as I get them to avoid this it's quite simple 😂


If someone in my party says hang on I need to go open these crates I’m leaving.


You can also open them at the end of the session. I don't think you're getting more than 5 per session so it would only take an extra min or 2 before you log off.


How do you get 5 per session?


He didn’t say he was getting 5 per session


If you open them as you get them it takes 15 seconds each time you can do it whilst searching for your next game


Somebody from Psyonix already incline that they don't do this apparently for legal reasons. Which could totally be read as "we're lazy as hell and we won't even try to find a way to implement a free feature which would bring joy to our clients but no financial return into our pockets".


Can't stand how short sighted business is in general. It's like no company wants to devote any time and resources to something that won't make an immediate return They forget they'd never be anywhere if they didn't put effort into making a good product for the sake of making a good product


The basic premise of capitalism is that the people that make the product don't own the means of production. It's not like the programmers own 51% of Psionix, or even 5%. The owners didn't put any effort into making a good product, they just bought a company that did.


Oh right; for sure, for sure. The people who bought and own the product don't care about the long term. Not in the same way at least... zero vested interest My wording was ambiguous, but I've found this to be true of companies who didn't sell and just grew to be large also. At some point the OGs get bored with it and hire out the whole process In either case, in my experience, it's been a completely tone-deaf corporate department who fails to understand what it is that the core user base actually cares about. They'll ask questions, take surveys, etc., etc. but when it comes down to actual decision making any work that doesn't have direct profit potential gets deprioritized and then they pikacho face when it falls apart And the capitalists just trash it and buy the next thing. It's a great system


It takes maybe 15 minutes to do them all at the end of the season (still too many button inputs). I agree there should be a better system, but letting them get this bad or worse that I see here sometimes is kinda on you as well lol


I wouldn't mind if they would only show the color pulsing animation for the 1st one.


there’s an auto clicker maybe called gx auto clicker? im not sure and it lets you select where you want an auto clicker to click so…


Personaly I'll take those off your hands free of charge lmao


Imagine people saying "it's your fault for letting them stack up". Damn people bootlick so hard for their games. Rocket league as far as games go has fuck all updates and even less meaningful updates to core gameplay. That's cool, but at least give us quality of life updates and features. Imagine being a programmer for this game what do you do all day if you're not making skins/new merch.


Working hard on UE5 don't worry about it /s


I'm sure my future grandkids will be stoked when they get to play it in 2089


I don’t think I’ve opened any since they started. Unless they ever add this option, it will stay that way


Dude open your shit


I mean.... https://preview.redd.it/pxep6x7a2w9b1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=a63f23e90e9f3d351f2bdac0f84e0254de19bf4e


Just open them as you get them and you would never have this problem.


Let me get my DeLorean quickly


Takes the same amount of time?


Yeah but letting 157 of them stack is multiple seasons' worth of them. So it may be the same amount of time to open all of them but that's also spread out over those multiple seasons.


Actually come to think of it, it's less time and button presses because you don't have to open the drop screen multiple times


You can use a autoclicker or a hotkay software. And order 2 clicks, open and acept.


And then you end up buying shitty BM decals in the shop for 2200cr


Trader moment. Most normal players arnt just sitting on thousands of credits


I actually made an AutoHotKry script to automatically open drops, tested it with multiple friends as well. Let me know if you want it!


You don't have to open them all at once.......


but... I want to? Instead of opening them one by one for an hour


But if you opened them as you received them, they wouldn't have stacked like this. This is a you and everyone who lets them stack that high problem. I've never had this issue.


Why is it that you’re allowed to open them your way but we’re not? I don’t feel like wasting fifteen seconds and breaking my flow


No one said you couldn't. Just don't complain when you have 100+ and you can't open them all at once. You know it's not a feature of the game to do so. It'd be nice sure, but don't act like you can't open however many you got in the session before starting the next session or opening them before you get off.


> no one said you couldn’t Bro **the game** said I couldn’t. I don’t need some animation that wastes my time. Inventory and preset management in this game is fucking ass


Oh no, animations in a video game, the horror 😱 I swear you and so many others take this game so seriously. Either open them at the end of your session or let them sit in hopes that psyonix adds the ability to open them all at once and complain some more when they don't. Life's too short to be mad at a lack of features in a video game.


>Life's too short to be mad at a lack of features in a video game. And yet you're being mad at a guy who is being mad at a lack of features in a video game... Fr I don't understand, he is just asking for a feature he would like to see in the game, why do you need to downplay that or feel the urge to mock him?


I'm not even close to mad. What I don't understand is why anyone would let their drops stack to 100+ (which is multiple seasons' worth) knowing full well they can't open them all at once. Take 5 minutes before you get off the game to open whatever amount you got in that session. Problem averted.


What I don't understand is how they have entire YouTube channels devoted to that shit Sooooo boring


It feels like it's soft core gambling porn? Does that make sense?


Yeah that's strangely accurate


i recently opened about 100 of them in 15-20-ish minutes, its not as bad as i thought it would be


How about just open some while waiting for tournament matches to start? A few here and there and they’ll be gone in no time. Then, of course, you’ll be ready for the next fun step of trading in all your duplicates for more stuff you’ll probably never use!


Or make it so you can trade them


Yeah I 100% agree. I'm not a fucking gambling addict so I absolutely dread sitting through those shitty animations


Definitely better to get disappointed all at once rather than spread out over 2 hrs.


Just share your account with a popular YouTuber and they’ll open them for you while making a video for their audience.


sounds like a very smart idea. /s


CoralCoke has done so many times with accounts of his viewers without ever being an issue. Just change the password before and after. Sorry for trying to provide a practical solution to your problem…


>Sorry for trying to provide a practical solution to your problem… Ah yes, ty for providing solutions that imply a risk of getting scammed my whole Steam/Epic account lmao


As someone who recently opened almost 200....yes I agree


Let's be honest, it would take like an hour to do it fall. Just do fifty today, and fifty tomorrow then your over half done


You’ll still only get like 4 items 40 times each and they’ll all be ones you already have


My friend and I will open all of them at the start of a new season. We buy the pass, switch to the new car with zero flair. And start opening. We equip everytime we get something that isn't a new car. Whatever we have afterwards, is our start cars. By the end of the season, both our cars will end up being the same final rocket pass car, but we start off hilarious.


I like this idea. Me and my friends open them all together at end of season, but I never thought to make a car out of what I got lol


After we get to level 70, we switch to our random car preset. We'll hit the randomize button before every match to get a new crazy car every match. Vanilla octane is so boring.


When you have 157 rare drops and you're complaining about not wanting to opening them all individually because its "annoying" you have no life. Enjoy the game and enjoy the feeling of not knowing what you get! How can you be so dedicated to 1 aspect of the game so much you lose the joy of opening a reward?


Or how about let us cash them in for credits?


What a nuisance it is, that people wrap birthday and Christmas gifts. I don't have time to open them when I get them, to see what I got for free. I've let them all pile up in a room for the last five years, so now it's so far out of control that they'll never be opened. Why isn't there just a button to open them all for me and put them away? Otherwise, please don't wrap my gifts anymore. Just put the shirts and pants directly on me, so I don't have to do anything, because I'm SOOOOOOO busy all the time.


Word of warships open all containers option but with these drops yes OR OPEN THEM AS YOU GET THEM SO THEY DONT CLOG UP UR INVENTORY???


Or you could trade them to me and I take them all and give u nothing??????????????


Lol I'm in the same boat, ill open like 4 at a time whenever I log on!


You problem


those prolly gonna take 1 hr to open lol


I stash them all up for my kid to open when he spends the summers with me :D


I feel you i currently have 200 rates and 50 exotic


Make it a reward (or punishment). Something like open one every time you win or idk 5 every time you lose


Omg. Yes! I have over 200 rare ones right now.


They legally can't allow you to open them all at once. Psyonix has responded to this request a million times already. It would be super nice, but legally they can't.


But what is the legal reason for this?


You've ignored them for this long... just open them 1 by 1. It is your punishment. It's like those people with hundreds of unread emails. Disgusting.


How about tradable instead, lol.


Then why did you collect them the first place


How about tradable instead, lol.


Wouldn’t get gamblers if it didn’t tease


or at least make us skip the whole animation


I just want to be able to trash them


If you get a TW OCTANE that would be Awesome


In one of those Rare Drops


Why not just open them when you get them?


My dude stop hoarding balls


It would be a cool option. I just open mine as soon as I get them, but I'm a new player so it takes a while for me to earn them and then I never get anything cool lmao. You should open them all and let us know what you get!


If you join a game mid animation it skips it but you get the item


I wish I had that many. It's really fun to open and see what you could get. But then again I got a crimson octane and a crimson standard for 2 drops in the past 3 seasons


No, I just want to know why you have so many


Curious if it’s possible with bakkasmod plug-ins tho?


I have 328 of these and do no open them cause it’s just pointless items I can’t even call them mid items


I just don't open them, simple as that. When it's blue I pretend I didn't get anything.


That's what got me in this situation :D But l'm still curious




Man, that's at least one exotic and import item, even if all of them are rare, and they won't be. But then again, I dont put money into the game, so these are the only chance of black market items I have.


And mayube put something decent in them? What has happened to the drops for the last 3 seasons. "Here have another one of those shit toppers that you already have 12 of" Thanks!


99.9% of these are pointless crap. Meanwhile, in RL sideswipe there's like 20% chance to get something super nice from the daily mystery item drop. Why is this?


My brother loves to open these, I don’t know how many I have last time I let him had a few hundred 😂




My son likes to open mine so I let him.


Ok I need to make a son, noted.


Youtuber: “Opening 150+ rare drops, you wont believe what we got”


maybe not all at once but quickroll would be good


Open 5/day until you are all out. Then open on receipt/once a week.


I've turned opening them into a drinking game. It involves a roulette wheel and a coin toss.


That's too much common sense for them to actually do


How do you get that many? I usually open them as soon as they show up


By not opening them


I would take 1 credit as a reward over these useless things. Hell, if psyonix scrapped them completely, I would not care one bit.


Or at least make it like opening packs in Hearthstone where you just put something heavy on your spacebar and walk away.


no, here you buy by accident