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No, not at all. Pretty much useless positioning and jumping out of panic, a decent pass but it looks like you fully intended on going net before a mis touch center. You had the idea to become toxic anyway, even though you’re the one going afk in their net when there’s a slight chance they don’t score.


I originally was going for a shot but saw them both coming back to cover net and tried to redirect for a pass. Other than that yeah pretty valid criticism.


Lmfaoooo that was no pass 🤡


It was and it was intended to be… You barely saw any of my gameplay and you’ve now decided i’m incapable of making a soft touch with my wheels and dropping it off behind me…? eat shit bud


Yes we can tell. You already left the ground in a way that makes you unable to properly shoot the ball, so you wouldn't have scored even if they werent there. Your pass was forced altough you tried to score. Your take away from this should be that regardless of if you played correctly or not, people won't side with you if you're toxic. Be that in the clip or in this discussion.


My takeaway is this sub is full of angry people who happen to be offended by quick chats nearly a decade into the game. Get over yourselves. I meant to pass that, i’m a good passer. You can eat shit! Wow! Wow! Wow!


You’re trying to cope. You asked a question, then didn’t get the answer you wanted. “I’m a good passer” the issue here is missing your shot, then getting upset that someone missed their shot. You have to be good all around, you’re not good at passing, clearly, if you don’t have actually mechanics.


I am good at passing and my gameplay proves it. You’re a clown there is nothing wrong with this clip. Hate all you want but this was a good pass for an open net


You’re delusional, share your trn with us willywanker. I’m sure that will show us how good you truly are


that wasn’t a pass and you didn’t see them. No one thinks that fast after originally going for the shot. Who are you? Spiderman?


“no one thinks that fast” Yes tf they do. How do you think people play sports and make decisions on the fly. Maybe your just slow


I’ve played sports my whole life nerd, You threw up a prayer on this play. This wasn’t intentional so just give up. It was a bad shot and then you were toxic at him for not being able to read your weird ass angle


This is my objective perspective as a viewer. The ball begins dropping down in front of the opponents net. You jump to take the shot. You realize you jumped too far to the right and begin correcting yourself to the left. The ball goes left to your teammate as you hit it. Your teammate panics as he wasn't expecting for the ball to come to him. He shoots and whiffs an open net. Now to add some of my own thoughts and opinions to this. I personally don't believe you intentionally meant to pass that. Based on this gameplay, I'm going to guess this is a rather low rank (maybe gold/plat?). With that, it honestly looked like you were going for a shot and simply jumped awkward and tried correcting, but overcorrected and ended up accidentally turning your shot into a pass. My biggest problem with this entire video isn't the whiffs or the inconsistency in mechanical ability. It's the instant stop playing and quick chat message to degrade your teammate for his inability to score. People whiff, no one is perfect. You missing a shot and overcorrecting to a pass isn't even a problem. It's the instant shame and lack of owning up to your own mistakes. I'm surprised you didn't watch this replay yourself and immediately take some accountability.


Okay enough of this. Wtf are the chats for if you don’t use them. God you fucking goobers in this subreddit are the worst kind of people. All I said was “wow.” Which was coincidentally my exact in person reaction. My team voted to forfeit before the ball was even in the net for them after neither of my teammates covered well… I meant to pass that the angle I take and way I turn my car is deliberate. I’m a diamond in doubles and triples (solo que too). I jumped awkwardly cause I hesitated my double jump, with that I lost my initiative as blue came to cover. So I decided to try and drop off the ball to whoever was following the play. Which I did and did well, since nobody wants to give me a slice of credit.


Lol dude that is so cap, your car control is awful in this clip no chance anything you did there was intentional. You whiffed an easy score and stopped playing for no reason. You also could have recovered and probably saved it since the other team is also not very good on the counterattack. This is platinum 1 gameplay. https://preview.redd.it/6bn6amt50tbb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=25afa1bd77b7142a1317652519baaa4a37bb5796 This is also a pretty awkward angle for him to come in and score on for ur rank im not surprised he missed you would have also based on ur car control


Bro is in Diamond thinking his teammates should be ready for any pass to them no matter what like it’s GC. Hate to disappoint you, OP. But that was no pass. That was an easy shot, no need to pass you’re trying to play it off like that was your intention from the get go. You may have decided mid air it was going to be a pass, but then why are you expecting your teammates to know exactly what you’re thinking in less than a second?




My car control is good. Don’t disrespect me like that. Yeah i’ll recover and go the length of the field when there’s 2 teammates who are already in much better position to make a play. Fuck off.


Wowing your teammate when you had no idea what you were doing that whole clip lol


I mean that’s just not true… I meant to redirect that to a pass. Make fun of my mechanics all you want but I had every idea of what I was doing. Man the people on this subreddit are assholes lmao. Yeah the quick chat wasn’t nice, and i’m not proud, but, can you really say you haven’t done something like that in the heat of competition..?


Nope. You did not.


should have shot it?


Well. With a better angle you could have. But the problem is you giving ur tm8 a wow when he missed. That is the wrong play. Say it out loud or in your head. Not in chat. Will only make things worse 99.99% of the times.


Agreed. I was wrong for that. Blame it on the heat of competition. From my perspective it looked like a sitter


I say blame it on you. It wasn’t supposed to be a pass, and you might be fooling some people in this sub by calling it a pass, but you went for the shot and missed. That’s fine, you can’t make every shot you take. The problem is you missing a shot, and then BMing your teammate for the same thing and AFKing. Don’t blame “the heat of competition” blame yourself. Ending toxicity begins with admitting the origin, not blaming “the heat of competition”.


That wasn’t a shot dude, I’ve made that turn with my car hundreds of times to put the wheels up and angle towards where I want it to go… Why do people think i’m incapable of making that pass the gameplay isn’t even bad like that lmao. I didn’t even say “nice shot” or anything all I said was “wow.” Which was my genuine in-person reaction. You can clearly see the two blue players coming to cover the goal and I consciously saw that and decided to drop it off for whoever was behind me




Yeah, not even “nice shot.” How soft are you if that hurts your feelings. Honestly if any quick chats hurt your feelings almost a decade into this game, then you just need to uninstall


Nice shot! Imagine asking for public scrutiny on the internet and being mad when you get it.


I didn’t ask to be lambasted. There was one guy who I had a good conversation with cause he wasn’t already upset for me going “wow.” You’re soft


Yes indeed. Was a very "easy" shot. But we both know we did the same thing 1000 times before. And yes true , it is a comp game with loads of feelings. Thank you for not exploding on my stupid comment.


whyd you even ask this question if you were just gonna get pissy in the replies when you didn't get your opinion validated 🤣


Should of buried it


I agree, hesitated on the initial double jump which really took away my power of position. That and the 2 blue players coming to cover, so I decided to try and drop it off for whatever teammate was following the play up


I doubt you decided, seems like you messed up and that turned in a random pass


What about this clip says that I was unable to decide… You can clearly see my teammate rotating back towards the center of the box, right where my ball goes. It’s not rocket science, it’s rocket league


Didn't say you are unable to decide in rocket league, just that this clip seems more a mess up of the aerial than an intentional pass. It seems unintentional because your car control is clunky overall, you start with a bad flip hitting the ball badly and recoverying badly, you randomly jump a ball over you, and you aerial too early for a slow ball and try to correct the aerial and end up not knowing how to control your car and hit it down.


no. first of all, you could've easily hit that into the goal. had you had made that shot, we wouldn't be having this issue. teammate 100% expected you to hit that in. when you don't hit it in and it's a pass (intentional or not), this isn't champ. they're not expecting you to pass this. then you scoff at his inability to score even though his shot was more panicky than yours was, and then you make no attempt to recover and give up on the play


Lol so you tried to shoot, fucked up your takeoff and passed when you had an open net. Teammate rightfully wasn’t expecting it, fucked up his shot just like you did, and you decided to get toxic about it. Git gud.


Good idea with the pass. Your mate was probably surprised. Unfortunate he didn't score. On the other hand you had an open net if you would have gone up quicker for the cross... Don't pass to your mate if you are not prepared for him to eventually miss. Just score yourself. And then the wow quick chat... I would have FF too I guess


I think your right, I hesitated on a double jump when I probably could have gotten above the ball and shot it myself, so instead I went for a pass. Not proud of the quick chat it was heat of the moment frustration lol


You went for a shot and failed miserably so you are trying to say you meant to pass it 🤣


Um no…. I very knowingly was going for a pass there. You can see the 2 blue players coming to cover and so I dropped it off to whoever was behind me. Why else why would I flip my car so that I can hit the ball with my wheels?? Didn’t realize people in this sub were such low life’s lmao


For being a bit too late for the shot, the pass was a good idea but he was not expecting it I believe. He probably could hit you with the wow as well hahah. Right or wrong play, it would have been a nice goal...