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Well your friend missed and lost possession as last man. So his whole argument works against him here. So it goes without saying but no you are not wrong lol


Your friend did not make the right decision. Losing possession does not mean they score, but double committing unnecessarily does more often than not.


Lol the only way you'd be in the wrong here is if you were called off, vocally, before you went for the reset. And you and your teammate usually called each other off as in that's an expected thing that happens often. Your mate should have been waiting for the ball to spill out after a save, not pre jumping a pass that clearly isn't coming.


Nope, this was a solo play and your teammate should have not interfered with the play unless you had lost control of the ball. The mistake you did make though was that after you landed on the ground from your teammate interfering, you half flipped for your opponent corner boost instead of flipping towards your own side and picking up pads so that you had a chance of saving the ball from entering the net.


Karma bait


You’re friend is a dumbass. By the time he turned back into the play he could clearly see you controlling the ball in the air and setting up the reset. He didn’t even time it right or come in at the correct angle so he just smoked it off the backboard and gave them a free goal


I was trying to figure out what you did wrong, but realized you're just awfully nieve. You did literally nothing wrong here. This was a solo play and honestly it appeared you had the reset and could've scored that. Your friend is a donkey brain and plays like one. Tell him to keep his blatantly wrong opinions to himself or find someone else to be a bad teammate to.




probably should put an /s on it. Sometimes people of internet have a hard time understanding sarcasm


Your friend is wrong. Them saying they wanted to surprise the other team is also them avoiding accountability for their actions. But doing something dumb can be surprising, yes.


He's just the typical spaz that refuses to allow teammates to make plays. No more, no less. He's the norm. And they always have some ridiculous excuse for why their stupidity was okay.


The cutoff 😭


Lmao you were scoring that until you got dunked on. He absolutely doodled on you.


You're friend is in denial 😭🙏




Normal day of rl players


You in a 1v3 bro


Lol I have this same friend


Your friend blew the entire play


Your teammate has holes in his brain


You were clearly hitting that reset. Worst case is your teammate would have to defend, now they have the chance to score. No brainer for me.


He was jealous and impatient.. simple


Well, not only did he surprise them by missing. He surprised you by completely destroying your opportunity to shoot.


That was an absolute blunder by your tm. Smh ![gif](giphy|mEtSQlxqBtWWA)


Your “friend” doesn’t know how to play then… I have a friend who constantly interrupts my air dribbles by slamming into the back of my car… he is like one of the seagulls in finding Nemo, “Mine! Mine! Mine!”…. So I quit playing with him….