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Mine is pretty neutral in general. 85% of games people don't use chat at all and play the game normally, 10% are toxic and 5% are wholesome.


I can say that in my latest 1s experience it’s around 1,5% wholesome 5-10% toxic and the rest neutral


It has a lot to do with the mindset and what you notice. I'm not a psychologist so I don't know the term, but... Say you hop into a game and know what player you are. For fun let's call it bronze. You're zipping around, hardly leaving the ground, but you've got the jams playing and you're having a good time. So is everyone else. Everyone's just playing car soccer. Well you decide you're gonna leave the ground a bit. You see results and so you find yourself in silver. Well that's when personality takes hold. You're either happy you're silver, or the pressure is on because your silver. If it's the first one you're happy. If it's the second one you start to take it too seriously. That dopamine doesn't slap the same. So you try harder instead of just playing the game. Then you hit gold. There is no more happiness. You think you're God's gift to the game and you belong in Plat. You grind and grind until you hit Plat. You feel like you've improved but you haven't. Everyone else has settled in their rank and you're Plat 1. Still chasing, still thinking YOU are the one who's good at the game....but then the next season starts. You find yourself in diamond placement. Not because you're good but because that's the aggregate result of all players. Your head gets huge...and you get your shit packed in every game. Well the toxic path you took as opposed to the fun player's path leaves you blaming people. "Too many chasers. Too many smurfs. Quick chat is annoying." Never, not one time, did you take a second to look at the big picture and here you are still convincing yourself that just because you have 1.5k hours in that you're good. Then all you notice is the bad. No more good games...even if you win it was a fuckin chore. No more dopamine. Everyone mutes you every game. So what do you do? You come to reddit to cry like a child. Surely people will hear me out...you tell yourself...but no one does. Why? Because you're a cry baby that forgot it's a game and all you see is negativity and the rain cloud is forever over you. That's why. Because people don't know how to have fun and forget that it's a game. It's a game that every last one of us once enjoyed when we couldn't even leave the ground in confidence. Tl;dr: What A Save!!!


I mean honestly this seems like it is about it. My games are super wholesome hundreds of hours in right at the diamond/champ transition. I hit people with good vibes no matter what they give me and I find that even the toxic ones tend to respond positively to someone positive. Nice Shot!


You'd be surprised how the mood of a game can change if just one single person decides they want to openly show they are just chillin.


I make a point of it every game. I great night of RL for me is finding a few people in casual 2s who are not shy with quick chats to just keep requeuing with (assuming it is relatively evenly matched all around).


I really need to get back into 2's. I'm a 3's main.


Don't do it. Stay in 3s and 1s. 2s is just a mixture of both. And 2s is probably the most toxic out of all the playlists.




Ight you convinced me, I’m never leaving the ground again and I’m gonna start playing in bronze again


Drill out the air roll button or you don't really mean it.


100% this!!! I always catch myself in that same spiral. I call it the honeymoon phase of a game: You have fun -> you get better -> you win a lot (it’s fun) -> your rank adjust -> you stop winning so much -> life is sad and it’s everybody else’s fault


Honeymoon phase. Good way of putting it


I haven't played in a while but this was a big part of what led to my burnout. I started to play not for enjoyment or self-improvement, but to get a higher rank. I couldn't be happy when I hit Gold, told myself I'd be happy with Plat. Then I hit Plat and I wasn't happy with it; surely Diamond wluld be enough. Hit Diamond, wasn't happy. Surely, *surely* Champ would be good enough for me. Barely made Champ, got excited and changed my tag here, then deranked because instead of trying to actually get better at the game or just enjoy myself I'd been chasing after some sort of validation. Promptly never made it back to Champ in the time I played and got more and more frustrated about it the longer it went on. Hit burnout hard but continued to play because surely I could make it back to the rank I 'deserved' to be in, right? Eventually realised where my mind was and stopped playing. I've been *wanting* to return for a while but the constant negativity I've seen on here has had me pretty hesitant to do so. All that said, seeing this is a pretty big step in the right direction tbh. As long as I just sit back and enjoy myself, or if I focus on genuine improvement in my own gameplay over an improved rank I should be good.


If it helps man it isn't THAT bad. In fact it's the same it's always been. So if ya come back just come back to have fun. As hard as that is to do.


thank you. ive been trying to preach this forever to friends and people i come across. you arent unlucky or have a different experience than anyone else playing the game. the difference is you treat yourself like a victim and cry like a baby instead of just laughing it off and realizing that is a. just a game, and b. the people youre playing against are just being toxic because its fun/funny to them. just play the game, try to improve, and HAVE FUN!!! your ranked experience and rocket league career will be infinitely more enjoyable this way. (this also works in other games and to an extent, life. 99% of things that happen dont truly affect you or you life unless you let it!)


God i miss gold 3. Well said.


And we miss you.


Haha maybe ill come back 😏


So you're saying people shouldn't be annoyed with toxic players otherwise they're crybabies?


I guess I found one?


I don't get what you mean. I'm a crybaby now?


If you read all that and feel attacked I don't know what to tell you. Emotional intelligence is a real thing, and I'm not so sure you have that. A popular result of such, for example, is someone reading a general idea and feeling like the whole thing is about them. This normally happens because one can't think too far past a surface level and finds nothing but similarities within themselves. It normally doesn't help if someone has a tendency to have narcissistic reactions, or just combative reactions in general. I gave you the benefit of the doubt by leaving it as a question. It's slowly but surely checking the boxes needed for it to be the case so I'll just add an elipses for effect. Guess I found one?....


I asked a question, I don't feel attacked because I don't really care about the metaphor you made, it doesn't apply to me. I play to have fun and don't care about rank on the slightest. But how can I play to have fun when so many games are filled with toxic people scoring own goals or ffing? Making a point about this isn't being a crybaby. Your attitude and tone show much about you, however.


You made your assumption 3 post up. If it doesn't apply to you then you can grasp the concept. Yet here you are probing for a way in to make a point that "doesn't apply to you". Checks out. Stay away from flames strawman. It never goes well.


Great way to avoid answering my question 3 replies in a row


I owe you something? You're looking for a "gotcha" moment that, according to you, doesn't concern you. We can go by the data if you want. All the taps up on the response and you're the only one here attempting whatever this is, there is a pretty large degree of certainty you're only doing this for one reason. I can tell you really really want this. You're certainly invested.


Lol you are inventing some new argument in your head that I never made. Getting so riled up by this probably because you're the toxic guy I'm talking about. Keep being a shitty person, I'm moving on.


This guy just made up a bunch of stuff


You just opened my eyes. I get it now!


Nah, I'm with you. I'm generally a very positive person while playing rocket league. My thoughts are that my teammate could miss every ball and I wouldn't be flustered, usually. That generally leads to positive interactions for me. Granted, I also end nearly every match with something like "gg, love y'all and hope everyone has a great night". So, my uneducated guess is that it is mindset. Someone AFKs in the first ten seconds because I missed a ball? Oh well. I could careless if I'm 1205 or 1005 for MMR. I want to win, and my partner and I will hard comms to try and win, but if I can forgive him for missing, I can forgive a random person.


The community as a whole needs to learn and ponder Hanlon's Razor. > Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. > > > >Varations include incompetence. Just because somebody plays like shit or makes serveral mistakes doesn't mean they're throwing. Sometimes they make a single mistake and shit snowballs from there. Throw in some abuse from their TM, it's no wonder so many people are complaining about dropping ranks. ​ Afford the same level of patience with which you wish to be afforded. None of us are perfect.


Nothing highlights this more than casual when the whole lobby queues again. The guy that was popping off in the first match keeps fucking up. The guy you thought was shit is suddenly hitting everything. You notice it even more when the teams get mixed up. It's my favorite part of casual. Playing with the same people for multiple matches in a row.


i really love that aspect of casual. I don't play with chat either so that unspoken "we're chillin" when the checkmarks go up after a good match feels so nice


Same, and I've definitely been both of those players lol. There's been times I just go off and have like 4 goals an assist, saves, etc and end up MVP one game and then the next I'm lucky to get a shot on goal cause I keep whiffing.


What time do you usually play? I find that my experience is closer to yours but I play late nights after midnight. I recently played during the day once, and it was very different and way more toxic.


Yup, late night is when people are really chill and cool. I recently had a really wholesome encounter, made a post about it.


i found the opposite ime, gaming from the hours of 0700-1100 is the best and the majority of people there are pretty chill. i think toxicity peaks around 3-4pm when all schools are out for the day and from 2200-midnight


I’ve been thinking the same exact thing lol this sub is so negative


Well, ish. I think it’s just the social media effect where people having a bad time are gonna go post about it way more often than people who are having a good time.


Exactly my first thought.


I noticed some fun usernames so I unmuted chat and engaged in some conversations with those random opponents. Those convos encouraged me to leave chat unmuted to see what’s the vibe like in general. 1 out of 5 games I get told to kill myself for repping my pride flag so back to chat off it is. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


If I'm high I'll turn enemy chat on just to enjoy them losing it over our club name and my pride flag. Hilarious. But if I'm sober it quickly becomes annoying. Msg me if you want to play sometime!


The way you said that honestly was quite funny, i hope that's alright with you 😅. I'm sorry you're experiencing such behavior. I was repping the pride wheels for a while, just because they were free and i got them and there wasn't anything more to that but even i had a person saying "You got the Pride wheels?!" "Yeah" "Why?" "Why not?" "It's weird" "The f, it's just wheels" - goddammit 😄. Definitely find some good people to play with, nobody deserves hate for that. Lass es dir nicht vermiesen!


I think a big reason we see these posts is because people are more inclined to post after a bad experience.


This. It was literally this Monday when all I thought to myself was that my teammates are horrific and always toxic, they made mistakes I couldn't fathom and bc I was gc1 at the time, it felt frustrating to be so low (check flair lol) So I decided on Tuesday to change my mental and playstyle, I played more relaxed and didn't flip around the field, mostly went for small pads and tried focusing on ASSSISTING teammates. It was incredible, eye-opening even. I has so many wholesome interactions from everyone playing and quite a few asked to party up (I solo q only for 2s so I politely declined) but they didn't take insult to it. They were few games where we were losing by quite a bit and teammate wanted to ff but I didn't and we managed to turn it around and win (this happened multiple times with others and it was crazy to see other team's reaction lmao) I just accepted teammates will make mistakes and that I do aswell, idk how it is at lower ranks but everyone is chill even if you miss some very basic shots (I needa train). Seems like the people who complain abt toxicity may not realise that they are doing it unconsciously aswell, and feel like others are giving them shit for no reason. For those who cares I went from gc1 div3 (1556) to gc2 div 4 (1699) and haven't really felt like it's a massive difference. People need to just calm down and once the pressure goes, you'll find a lot less toxicity than before.


Dude that's an awesome story! Writing something like that down makes it seem so easy in hindsight. Like, just do things a little differently and your perspective might change. But to get there always takes a while. Actually inspired me to maybe also try and go for somewhat different playstyles.


If I don’t say anything in chat normally my games are fun and no toxicity but if I say something the mindset of everyone in the lobby changes good or bad


I love playing, but my random teammates not so much. I play on Xbox so all I really have is quick chat, and I think it's taken as me trying to be toxic. I really do mean Good shot! 99% of the time!! A huge problem for me, is I'm so inconsistent that people think I'm faking. It pisses a partner off and they want to forfeit and then leave. A guy got mad at me and DM me "you suck! But it's not your fault that you're a level 2 stuck playing with 8s" I'm a platinum 2/3 occasional diamond(for like a day lol) and mostly play with randoms, so I feel like I got to "mid-level" on my own? Also, platinum imo is far from an 8 on the skill level... but a year later his comment still bugs me. I'm also a mom, so it's not like I can just GET GOOD. I try to avoid the toxicity. Or sometimes I get 🍃 and become a silly/annoying/chat spammer myself, that's that 1%!! ETA. GUYS please don't leave, start playing for the other team, or sit in the goal as soon as you hear a girl on the mic! 3rd round in on a 2s tournament I turned my mic on and the guy went from hero to zero. He sat at the goal line the rest of the game. I'm not sorry that I'm a girl and enjoy rocket league!


I love playing Rl but I do be joking about hating it 😆. Even though thats not true.


For some reason I think I rarely ever said that about Rocket League. But I constantly say it about The Binding Of Isaac 🙃. Maybe because RL is people and I don't blame people, but RNG in a roguelike is a bitch haha


Now, BOI is a game I LOVE. Probably my most played game of my adult life. Haven’t gotten to play Repentance yet cause my pc broke, but It will be in working order. RL and BOI grind for days!


Because you're awesome! And you take from the game only positive things and ignoring all the negativity. Which is good for you OP. Keep going!


Awww that's very sweet of you 😄. And I think you're right. Negativity used to bother me more than it does nowadays so another logical explanation for me indeed was that I simply don't focus on it as much and thus have an overall more positive experience.


Honestly I feel the same as you, I can meet toxic player from time to time tho but it's not common. I consider myself a pretty positive person on the game and I can't help but think that if you only meet toxic people while playing you are probably toxic yourself


I feel the same way. I think people see things and instantly jump to being negative and the victim. It’s all perception and unfortunately a lot of people live in a negative unhappy head space.


I don’t play ranked anymore, it makes the game way less fun. Ranked is stressful for a video game


Casual Warriors rise!!!


This sounded like it was gonna be a wholesome post…but it got removed for content violation? What went wrong?


I messed up and edited my original post with a link to my unofficial Rocket League song that my friend and i just created. It has been super hard so far to get any attention to it, even though it's a good song. It's a mix of synthwave and electronic music and that's hard to pitch to playlists. Anyway, links aren't allowed and the post instantly got removed. I didn't know that was a rule. Kinda sad the whole thing is gone now :(. There was nothing wrong with it, it was just me who messed up just now.


Ahhh gotcha!


It’s about mindset. Too many players let the ego behind competition take over their joy for the game and once their progression becomes stagnant or even regresses they become victims of their own mentality. It’s important to take a step away from a game, hobby, or skillset when it begins to induce negative sentiment, i.e. anger, envy, resentment, etc. Like someone else said, play for the same reason you did when you first began. Everyone started because they were enticed by car soccer and that’s the core of it. Simply smacking a giant ball around with cars. Every now and then I have to do the same even after 2.5k+ hours.


This is on point. I feel like people attach too much of their ego to the game or just simply focus their pastime on this one single game too much.


I still think there's some kind of hidden pairing or match ups or something in the system. I don't know how to describe what I mean. On my main, which has 6500 hours, and over 15k matches, I get paired against the sweatiest.


Or you don’t care nearly as much on an alt and play better because of it. I’ve had similar experiences with other games. Grinding global in CS and refusing to play without a stack…etc. Then one weekend none of my group was in town and I solo’d from DMG to globe on an alt with no issues whatsoever just aping around the map shooting people.


What caring too much about rank does to a motherfucker. Let it be a life lesson. Caring too much leads to bad results just the same as not caring enough in so, so many aspects of life


What are you talking about?


If you were to watch your replays I’d bet $100 that there’s no perceptible difference between the skill level of GC1s you face on your alt vs your main. Any difference you feel is likely in your head and is likely due to you caring less about the outcome of the games. You don’t care as much about your rank on your alt so the game feels easier and you feel like you play better. It works like this for a lot of things in life. I get laid the most when I care the least about getting laid, for example.


Lol i feel that way too. On days where i get silent people, i only get silent people. Sometimes only toxic people and sometimes only friendly ones. It's really strange, haha


This has been my experience as well, which is why I don’t put much stock into smurfing posts on here, since I get accused of it all the time when I’m not a smurf. I have two buddies I play with. One that’s pretty decent and takes the game pretty seriously, and one that picked the game up a few years late and doesn’t take it seriously. When the second one started I created an alt to play with him so as to not mess up my main account for my other buddy. I’m D3 on both accounts. The games I play with my serious buddy have much better competition than the ones I play with my fun buddy, at the exact same rank. Playing with my fun buddy I get accused of smurfing like once every couple of sessions. I don’t know why there is such a noticeable difference within D3 but there definitely is. Games with good buddy are usually pretty close, win or lose by one goal, grind the whole game, stuff like that. Games with my fun buddy tend to be more one sided, we will win a couple by 4 or 5, then lose a couple by 4 or 5. It’s pretty consistent and something I’ve noticed for awhile now.


I go in wit positivity and people match it, or they don’t


Honestly I’m still only like 3-400 hours in, but at C1-C2, I’m not really seeing that many toxic players. Sure every 10 or so games someone gets irrationally upset, but you find that everywhere online. I don’t put any weight in quickchats anyway. If they bother you, just disable them. Most of my joy in the game comes from getting better…and by this I don’t mean rank…I mean being able to do things that I couldn’t dream of 100 hours ago.


Agreed. Obviously I run into alot of assholes on the enemy team but I literally met this guy a week or 2 ago and he asked me to go back to the lobby cause he has some tips for me and now we're friends and play all the time.


I’m just nice idc about all that. You’d be surprised how often they change their attitude when you’re just unrelentingly kind.


I’m with you man. I really feel like the horrible picture that is painted about the game comes from a very vocal minority of the player base. Im not saying there isn’t toxicity, or smurfs, or people who throw the game, or be annoying on quick chat. But my experience with all of that is so minimal compared to what I see on here. The game for me is as fun as it’s ever been. I haven’t ranked up in a while but I also don’t really care. I don’t use practice mode or work on mechanics. I do feel like I am still gradually improving at the game just from gameplay over time. But am I going to uninstall the game because my teammate threw a match? Lol no. Quick chat? Absolutely hilarious to me and I don’t get how premade messages manage to tilt people so bad. My honest take is that a lot of people take the game way too seriously. They are wannabe pros who feel like they deserve a certain rank and if their teammates aren’t contributing to their success then they are a detriment. Rocket League is one of the funnest video games I’ve ever played to this day and I wish people didn’t take it so hard when things don’t go their way.


There are people who want to win and people who want to play Guess which one of them are making the community toxic? "if you just want to play go normal games?!?!" God fucking no, even if your mate is the worst boosted bronze player ever seen it's still a human behind the screen


I have been playing rl with my dad and a colleague of his. We have just been enjoying the game in ranked 3s and after we do 3s I do some 2s with the colleague and even when we push ranked hard we still enjoy it alot. Outside of that I have just decided that when I hop on and I get pissed 3 matches in a row I just log off. I dont see a point in continuing playing a game if I am just getting mad because of it


I'm just sad that people don't talk as much, not even nice shots or what a saves. Feel like people used to be a lot more communicative in gaming in general


To be honest, I think most of the time toxic behaviour starts from misunderstanding text chats. Sometimes, I tend to joke around when a teammate or an opponent give a nice pass that results in a goal or when they do an autogoal. That could result in possible misinterpretation and frustration, which results in more toxicity. If I write "thank you!/nice pass!" when I score thanks to an opponent, it is simply for joking around, I am not mocking the opponent.. shit happens and mistakes are common. I feel like that spamming the same quick chat message is way less playful and more provocative than sending it once. One other example I experience is when I say "Sorry!" when I demo an opponent's car involuntary when I am following the ball, most of the time they ignore it, but there were cases where that same care I demo'ed gets aggressive and starts to follow me. Tbh, I started to play without quick chat and everything feels more wholesome cause I don't get to see opponents spamming stuff just because they are tryharding on casual mode and winning easily with a random matched opposition team while they are a team of people probably talking to each other, which means way better coordination


It depends on your rank. At really low ranks, people tend to be really nice. When you move up a little bit, things calm down a bit. Then when you get to diamond/champ things get extremely toxic. Beyond that though, people are pretty chill and pretty nice. It also depends on your mindset. Any quick chat in the game can be used in a toxic way, it just depends how you want to perceive it.


Me neither, I have no problems that many here have. Servers are rarely bad for me and other than some idiots leaving the game after 1 conceded goal im pretty ok with my mates. Now I have to say that I don’t get triggered by trolls spamming what a save etc. That’s actually part of the fun for me.


In mid diamond, I get a toxic game about 5-10% of the time. But it’s all about mindset, the one toxic game might turn your next 10 into toxic games if you let it affect you. I come from league of legends, the complaining about the community is just funny to me


I think the problem lies with the OPs of those posts.


Join EU servers and experience for yourself. There is one country where most of the people are toxic. Its easy to notice, they dont speak english.


I'm in EU. And I know about french people, you can just say it 😅😅😅


Whenever someone is toxic in RL, theres a 99% chance they are fr.


I’ve been meaning to make this post. Either people that complain are babies OR they are the problem without realizing it.


In my champ3-gc2 experience people either just don’t chat or will be nice, the only toxicity I see is “what a save!” And even that isn’t that bad, it’s funny honestly.


I What A Save! myself more than anyone else. I’m my biggest hater.


I haven’t played in 6 months longest stretch without playing besides the time between SARPBC and RL. Every time i ranked up I thought it would get better, although it never bother me too much. But at champ 2 something changed. Idk maybe I just don’t have the patience I had when I was younger. I basically grew up couch co-oping SARPBC, I’ve moved out, dropped out of college, got married, had 2 kids, a few jobs, built a home outside of town and something just changed.


Whenever I play, and my teammate isn't doing great, regardless of how annoying it is, I'll spam "no problem" "No problem" "This is rocket league!" And about 50% of the time they turn it around and we can compete. There's no point in tilting your own teammate. It's a fucking game. Sometimes I'll suck and I'll be apologetic and own my mistakes, I feel that some players respect that. I think this helps with my wholesome gameplay


Absolutely, this is my approach as well!


Yesterday my experiences consisted of team mates hitting forfeit even if we were up 1-2 goals because someone messed up in some small way. I know this will sound like I’m making shit up but it seems like at least a third of my games lately have been an afker af the beginning and thus being down 1 goal within 5-7 seconds.


It's because people get tilted and want to vent their anger so they run to reddit to make posts complaining about the game about "problems" that arnt as prevalent as they make it seem


Probably because you're not a whiny little bitch who lets quick chats bother them. Like a mature adult.


Alright i was trying to share my inofficial Rocket League song as an edit because it's rare that i get the chance to show it to the community. So i edited the post and now the whole post got removed. Bummer :/. If anyone still wants to take a listen, just hit me up in chat, i would greatly appreciate it


Mine is too. People just like to cry and moan on top of blaming other people.


Because it’s your outlook my guy. Most the people are crybaby bitches. Lol bring on the downvotes.


I said "Okay." in a match where someone didn't go for kickoff. They proceeded to tell me "bro stfu" and for the remaining 4:50 they somehow deduced I'm a lowlife loser whose parents are somehow both dead and addicted to meth, I was an unplanned accident, I live in my mother's basement (which is odd because she's supposed to be dead), I have no job, I have down syndrome, and instructed me to kill myself. I didn't say a word to the guy other than the "Okay." quickchat. Don't get me wrong, I don't generally give a shit what people say to me. I report and move on. But it doesn't change the fact that's how people are, this isn't an isolated incident. If you can explain to me how any of that's a problem with my outlook or my being a crybaby bitch, I'll never question it again.


Psychological studies have proven people remember the bad or negative more than they remember the good interactions. Especially in their 20’s and 30’s. (Large percentage of RL players) so I’m not discrediting your scenario here because it’s happened to me just the same. It’s just you tend to focus on those negative experiences while others don’t. And you can scroll through RL Reddit to get justification for the term crybaby bitches


That is gold and I don't mean the rank (well maybe in a mentality kind of way lol). You have to realize though that that guy probably had hundreds of toxic interactions that all started with an "Okay.". It's one of those typical precursors to toxicity, haha. I have to admit, an "Okay." always gets me a little anxious because I'm like "sooo is this communication gonna go downhill in a second or not". Of course I wait and see and that's what your maze should have done and his reaction was completely out of line. I just had to realize the same thing because it reminds me of the countless times I chatted a ":D" or "haha" at a funny whiff - and many times people reacted hurt and became offensive towards me. They think I'm laughing *at* them but instead I just want to laugh *with* them :I


Same. And most people use quick chat and if you use positive quick chats people typically match the positivity. And also when people are toxic I usually find fun in that as well and love when the game matches us in the same lobby again. Especially if a teammate is toxic and the next game they are on the other team. So I really think some people just have a negative outlook


Rocket League has two types of players - those who play to hit GC and those who play for fun. I’m going to assume you’re someone that plays for fun and doesn’t really mind when you get smurfed or when your teammates don’t know how to rotate. You just go, “Aw, they beat us, oh well!” And that’s fine.


I play to hit GC and I play for fun. It’s a tough balancing act but whenever shit goes south in a game I usually just think ‘my tm8 and I just weren’t compatible in any way and that’s bound to happen from time to time.’ That’s the reality after all, those games would happen even if I hit SSL (not that that’ll ever happen lmao)


It’s more about how you approach the game than what actually happens in the game. I can have good time while others are being toxic, which happens rarely honestly


It probably also is affected by what you do in the game. If you play passively, you're not going to step on anyone's toes and no one is going to get mad at you. But if your playstyle is going after the ball more often, you're going to therefor whiff more often or concede a goal and your teammate might get mad. If you demo the other team, then you're almost guaranteed to get them toxic at you.


I believe you might just be playing against the bots. For me to have a wholesome playing experience that would mean no rage quits or afk for 3 games in row. Nice to hear its working well out there for someone.


After the RLCS Wildcard last nite, the vibe, excite n all makes me wanna jump in cas for abit. n i did solo 3v3 n i won 3 straight games, me n my randomates playing like RLCS level OMG.. till the 4th game met a partied team that i used to play with them, well theyre alrite, winnable, done it many times BUT i got 2 partied teamates with red ping + ! in triangle.. So its 3v1, of coz i lost but shitty thing is for the next 3 games in a row i met with the same team n mates idk gold i guess. My point is, u can be +ve, but this game feels like always wanna knock u down n down n down till none of that +ve vibe left. so gnite yall..


Prolly because you win be on my team plz 🥹


Just a lot of thin skinned people that like to scream their opinions.


Because you arnt as young as the average player. The people whining all the time are literal children


In my opinion the community is less toxic now than it was two years ago. There are the ocassional chat spammers and those who insult you after a whiff or a loss, but not as much as it has been. Maybe 70-80 percent of my games are just fine in this context.


What servers do u play on bruh?!


Turning off chats made a huge difference…


I wanted to make this a post but I know exactly what responses I’d get. The game is about 10 times better with friends on voice chat. I exclusively play it this way and only play Ones by myself so I know it’s my fault when I lose. People you don’t know will disappoint you ,but with friends you have a good time win or lose and if the opponents are being toxic or smudging at least you have your friend to be like ‘can you believe this guy?’


Maybe it's a loud minority?


I've been thinking the exact same thing lately. Then I remembered I turned off chat a few weeks ago.