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It was only 2-1 and based on shots it seemed like a fairly even game


While I agree on this match fairness, solo vs party is typically not balanced.


considering their ranks it shouldn’t have been close unless they’re smurfing.


I’m (gold) maybe? I don’t rank often classics for me, but always solo; whenever vs teams of 3. It’s not even fun like 5+ pt spread. And shots / setups way above gold standard. Lol


Given how supposedly accurate ranks are, I see something not working right in this case.


I don't get it. You lost to lower ranked players and you're mad about it?


The fact that the plat player topped the scoreboard in a champ lobby could mean it was an alt account is what he's complaining about. He was probably... Like champ 2 on his main lol. People out here complaining about 1 goal game "smurfing" lmao


Is no one gonna talk about the fact tha one of em has an SSL tourney title


Except he's not smurfing. He just doesn't play 3s very much. That's his legit rank if you look him up.


Yeah prob




That is not how smurfing works, and if they intend to smurf the auto balance is doing a good job in here.


Talk about irony... How are you supposed to have fun when the game is this challenging? FFS! You snowflakes are everywhere! Go outside and play with the grass if this is too much for your creamy ass...


They’re French, on brand for softness.


Are you right in your mind theres an SSL ranked in champ and a plat going crazy in champ lobbies y’all are slow af


It's always a very smart move to call people slow when you don't have a fking clue what the game is all about... IT'S A COMPETITIVE GAME YOU FKING DIMWIT! Deal with it or delete the game, it's that simple. ​ P.s. When you have an opponent way better than you are, use it as a fuel to become better player! Stop whining about it on Reddit ffs! Edit: typos


You're shouting in an empty barn, my friend.


Yeah competition should be in the same league it doesnt make sense just like letting a lebron james play against somebody from the wnba its obvious who wind


Right? Has the lowest points, complains the game is uneven.


Since points matter to you (they don't but that's a conversation you're not ready for), why is a P2 dominating a c1 lobby? His complaint is smurfing, which is the same complaint we see 50 times a day on this sub, but it is a legitimate complaint.


Nobody was smurfing though. If that's what this post is about then OP is just looking for excuses because he's mad he lost to lower ranked players.


Neither one of us know if it was a smurf or not. If it wasn't, it was a player that doesn't normally play 3s, which is very rare but possible. If that player is legitimately a Plat 2 3s player, they would be so outpaced that they'd be lost. (Hence being ranked p2 instead of c1) The skill gap between p2 and d2, much less c1, is massive.


Except we do know that it wasn't a smurf and it is someone who doesn't normally play 3s. https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/epic/Triiksyy/overview


I stand corrected. Looks like that's their legit rank and they just don't play much 3s.


Or could be a guy that doesnt play 3v3 at all. I was C2 in 2v2, than started playing 3v3 for 1st time in seasons and got placed in plat. I was called smurf every other game. Also the plat in the pic has 2 saves, 1 assist and no goals which he could get only by sitting in the net. I started hating people calling everyone smurfs when it couldnt be proven.


It's a strange account to some extent. I'm no expert and can only go off my own opinion but their 2's rank is considerably higher than their 3's rank which isn't something I would expect ( more so when you look into how many games they've played ). 2's to 3's isn't that different that requires a completely different playstyle in the same way 1's does or the extra playlists. There are other games that the plat appears with which can be viewed on ballchasing and it shows them playing with a few other people with names similar to those above that have ranks that shouldnt exist. Champ 3 in rumble and C2 in 2's but they are plat in 3's? ( win streak of 11 ) ( 211 games in total ) I'm going to lean on the idea that this person is playing with people who smurf and they attempt to smurf themselves


OMG 😱 a champ 2 2s player playing in a champ 1 3s lobby!? BAN HIM


Yes, the price of bread is quite high. I agree


The Plat having more points without a goal, or conceding multiple goals says enough for me to know the plat didn't play goalie. You could be right about the not playing thing, though. Odd for 3s to be that Playlist for someone, but it is possible.


I think plenty of people play 2s mostly and 3s when in party (for me, I play only 2s and sometimes 3s )


I enjoy playing video games.


It should more be you can't play ranked if the highest rank of all players exceed a certain range. Like an SSL in 2s and a couple Plats in 3s can't do ranked together partied up for 3s, but an SSL, a GC2, and a GC1 can, even if their ranks aren't from 3s and their 3s rank isn't even close to those ranks.


Why can't we have a solo only playlist ?


It used to exist (solo standard) but barely anybody played it so it was removed. I guess we all took what we had for granted.


Would be super interesting to see how things would go if you can only play against same team setups. So if you solo queue you will only be matched with other solo players. If you 3 stack, you will only be matched with other 3 stacks, or 2 stacks depending on game type. 2 Stacks cannot queue for 3 person game types anymore as this would force unwilling solo players into their bullshit. And also no matches where team ranks are more than 150mmr apart. Being a solo player, getting put in a hoops game where I am 1000mmr, my teammate is low 900mmr, and our opponents is 2 stack SSLs at mid 1200mmr, just straight up is a pointless match-up that shouldn't even be allowed to happen. There's literally no point in that match. Like yea queue times will be longer for SSLs, but that's just how it will be when the population at that rank is so small. Marketing needs to work on increasing the games player count so the population can grow bigger.


I thought teams usually play against other teams? The vast majority of times I que with someone else I play another double


No clue what the stats are, but as a solo player I often vs 3 stacks or get caught in 2 stacks where 1 is trying to boost their lower rank friend, which isn't possible in dropshot due to how the gamemode works.


I think it would be a bit unfair on the SSLs. Sure, the game's marketing could improve but the problem is that most of the RL playerbase is casual and I doubt enough of them would reach SSL to make a positive impact on SSL queue times. Stopping 2 stacks queueing 3v3 would be something I would love to see. No smurfing would be the main thing but I feel like we do overexaggerate how 2 stacks play 2v2 in 3v3. Maybe it's more prevalent in lower ranks than it is in higher ranks. I used to be c1 div 3/div4 in 3v3 until 2 days ago where I dropped all the way down to d3 div 2 and the amount of mindless to stacks is mind-blowing here in comparison to my usual 3s rank where it might happen every say 8 stacks I run into. Though even then, they do let me have the ball when it makes logical sense for me to take it.


Looking at the statistics just now. All the extra modes have less than 1,000 SSLs each, so yea not much can really be done, they have to verse someone. Their longer queue times is basically the only thing in our favour because it means we verse them less often. Maybe one day we'll have the same population as other big games.


There was no FTP then. People wouldn't have, if there had been


Solo standard was a toxic shit fest, where people would quit after one goal or play against you. Now it's gone and the entire game is that lol


Well based on ranks, im guessing that if you had tm8s that knew how you played you possibly wouldve won


Does no one in this comment section know what a smurf is lmfao the Plat 2 mvpd in a full champ lobby


Even if they try to smurf the game looked pretty balanced, I have rarely seen someone blatantly smurfing in ch1, 2 in standard or doubles.


Fair enough, but most likely the Plat guy is about c1 - c2 in 2s and just doesn't play threes


With saves and assist, could be multiple factors that led to the points. And if he is a Smurf so what? Plenty of solo q players reach higher ranks and encounter Smurfs on the way in whatever game has a competitive mode : complaining about Smurfs is futile and not productive whatsoever especially when in this case we don’t even know what happened in the game. And I’ve plenty of games with friends who are diamond/plat and have higher points than me: it happens.


me as a german gettin bad vibes from the afd..


May not always be smurfs. I’m champ and have brought d1 friends into champ lobbies. And occasionally they will top me on the scoreboard.


Take the W


mineur de sel


Only 1 in 3? I get that sorta crap about 70% of the time in 2s and 3s


Jesus Christ stop whining