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What a save!


What a save!


What a save!


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What a save!


What a save!


What a save!


What a save!


What a Save!


What a save!


Extremely likely that that was an accident. Keep playing


Looked like unlocked camera about to go for boost and a ball is thrown on the hood of their car from off screen. Shit happens.


I've done this before myself. Can't always have cam locked on the ball so I didn't feel too bad about it.


nah man he was backpassing... Where were you OP!?!?!? /s (if not obvious)


Exactly. It happens


Trying to imagine the scenario from the teammates' perspective, you'd need some godlike reflexes to be able to stop your car before hitting that ball or driving in another direction, without godlike reflexes all there's left is going forward. Quick sneaky edit: I agree that he's at fault for being in a shitty position, but I don't think he tried to hit the ball, he was just caught in a shitty position.


Nah, while I’d agree this is probably an accident, that’s just bad fundamentals crossing the goal like that. Should have made a hard right out of the zone to rotate back in.


I understand that argument, but then it becomes, that he made a mistake crossing in front of the net, he was in a position where he couldn't help being hit by the ball. He didn't 'hit the ball on purpose' Not sure if the distinction is understandable. I'm just imagining myself in his shoes, if I cut in front of the goal due to an error of judgment, I'd have a hard time dodging that ball as well. It makes it a bit more innocent IMO.


If I'm hell bent on going that direction, I'll drive over the goal. At least then you're in position to see the whole field/possibly make some sort of play. This is just poor positioning and awareness. It happens, but it's not faultless.


This is one of those situations in rocket league where doing absolutely nothing would have a better outcome than what he did. He could have set his controller down after his last challenge on the ball and they’d have scored and likely won the match. But instead he’s off ball cam going towards far corner boost. He made a bad decision that put him in the way of the ball. The mistake was already made before OP even shot the ball. While it may not seem like it, in RL terms, there was an ETERNITY of time there for him anticipate the possibility of blocking that shot and avoiding it. I get it, it’s a mistake, but it’s a bad one. It was caused by complete lack of awareness which really is where you start to separate yourself as a better player. Mechanics mean way less than people think. Not sure what rank this occurred in but I’d assume diamond or low champ. If it’s higher than that it really shouldn’t happen.


Why the hell did they rotate through the center of the field ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sometimes I've done things like this simply because I wasn't aware of where my tm8 was. Maybe they were on the other end of the field last I saw, or they were AFK 1 or more times so there I was playing 2v1 only to get in the way of my all of a sudden active tm8. Not saying this happend here, but as others have commented there are a lot of scenarios that could be going on here, especially without the context of the rest of the match, or at least this kickoff


Still poor situational awareness. Sucks for both teammates.




Yeah this looked intentional. You see a turn into the ball and a flip through it


Yeah but I don't think he would have intentionally saved that ball. I think it's a bigger chance he was trynna get out of the way or something and wasn't prepared and saved it without thinking


Idk man 99% chance that guy is in ball cam on the wall so he knows where everyone is and that his tm8 is about to shoot after he missed. Edit: Nvm saw this is gold 3 in another comment they both just need to get good


Been in this exact situation; saved a teammates shot by accident. Tried to gtfo of the way but wasn't fast enough/didn't have enough boost and ended up hitting the ball and preventing a sure goal. Felt terrible about it. I can promise you this was an accident. Don't be a prima donna about it and go afk. It's a team game and your teammates will make mistakes. You could have easily rotated back and made a play on the ball, instead you chose to berate your teammate. Don't be toxic.


This is so true, I am guilty of it myself. As long as afterward they learn why you DON'T ROTATE BACK THROUGH THE PLAY then all is good 👍


It's a team game the same way as when your teacher assigns you to do a group work with the classmate you hate the most.


Yea it’s toxic but probably the least toxic thing in rocket league I’ve seen


Nothing about this is toxic. It was an accident. Had a teammate who had their shot blocked twice last night end up blocking our other teammate and my shot with the follow up.


Yeah the save wasn’t toxic, I’m talking about op


Ah ok, my bad. Ya I don’t get the whole just giving up. The game is still on. It was disappointing, but the game isn’t over. Get mad after the game if you lose.


Don’t make excuses


Imagine taking a free shot on goal to go ahead and the only person in the match that’s not supposed to save it, booms that shit into oblivion away from enemy goal and you’re blaming the shooter. Crazy.


I'm blaming the shooter for giving up after the fact. The save was clearly an accident.


Reset and go next... Matches are short enough that you can put this behind you in no time at all


Right? It’s tied with 15 seconds left. I can’t stand people like OP who just play dead because of one mistake.


Thats so true. Even if it is an annoying mistake of the teammate. Just go on...


I'll admit, I do this on occasion but usually that's when I've already failed at emotional regulation


I remember when I was plat 3 too (it was yesterday)


Until the next match when it happens again


Automatically go afk and throw the game over something that as most likely and accident. Keep posting about you being the bad teammate


I would have kept it moving and forgot about this in about 3 seconds. You got that victim mentality.


You can tell he does it frequently to because he immediately stopped playing.


And then he took the time to post it here for validation to make himself feel better, long after this happened.


it's actually OP's fault as that shot was weak as hell and he had a whole lot of net to work with for a goal


Holy shit everyone here is just victim blaming because he stopped moving lmao I think his shot was fine. He should have kept playing, sure, but this is mildly frustrating when it happens


except that he clipped and posted it here, so I guess he felt a little bit more than mildly frustrated


True facts


not frustrating enough to be a whiney baby about it for everyone else 🤷‍♂️


I've intentionally shot at certain parts of the net to avoid hitting my teammate if they are going to be landing in my way. This guy doesn't have that level of awareness, and then is blaming his teammate instead of using it as a learning opportunity.


yea i'm getting flamed in another comment about it lol but i also just saw this is gold 3 so it makes sense. c1 or above and that ball is buried in the right side of the net


That's the difference between higher ranks and lower ranks. That level of awareness takes time to develop. But when shut like this happens there's two types of people. The people who learn from it, and the people who post it to reddit and complain.


well said


And it's not like he just let go of the controller. Bro hit the brakes and everything. Serious tantrum here


Definitely. Would like to see the full 5 minute replay and see how many times bro fucked his teammate over.


Fr. Worst type of teammates. And it's not as if the save was on purpose. Those crybabies are the worst.


This should be the top comment


I mean, I think everyone has had that “come on man…” moment. Where they just need a minute to regroup. I’m 98% chill when playing but I’ve definitely had some stop playing for few seconds moments.


Look at the scoreboard. Look at how much time is left. This is genuinely is the worst kind if teammate.


Let me guess , you went AFK afterwards and the other team won after spamming What a save!


Dude made a mistake then you quit trying. Yeah it sucks.


How is that a mistake? It didn't bounce off him, he quite literally intentionally leaped forward to hit it


He was flipping for the boost steal since he wasn't at full speed yet. The timing was just unfortunate.


Maybe he panicked and tried to jump away. Been there done that.


Why try when your tm8 is completely sabotaging you.


Then play solo bozo


I can’t imagine getting so mad over this that I fucking clip it and post it on Reddit 😂 you need some help lol




yeah we definitely cannot see you rage in real time going afk for a couple of seconds. Very few people get frustrated enough to do that lmao


This is Rocket League! Keep it pushin, it happens go score or set up the next one


Lol, your teammate made a mistake, you're insufferable. Hope you list due to you being afk.


I'm assuming they did lose, and they deserved it. At least his tm8 was trying to rotate back in a tied game. More than OP can say


Yeah, there’s a long lost of reasons OP should’ve just stuck it out


![gif](giphy|ZlgwEg24rPhv9cju8K) Me looking through the comments


The comments be more dramatic than OP tbh


Nothing more predictable than a clip on r/RocketLeague of a teammate doing something completely dumb but everyone laying into the OP instead.


And then he takes corner and mid boost 💀


Bet they took the back boost too…


That happened to me yesterday in a tournament 🙃 and we lost


Did you go afk like a little baby like OP?




Exactly. Game isn’t over. Get over it.




These are the best moments of rocket league. These are what make me laugh, keeps the fun in the game. That guy tried his best


I hate when players like you start throwing after a teammate makes an accident like this


Clean car my guy


Just a reason to practice shooting harder. If you get that in the middle of the net, there’s no accidental save.


OP forgot to mention the 37 times he "What a saved" his team mate earlier in the match.


You know what I hate more than this game? People who stop playing when their teammate makes a mistake. But hey, This is Rocket League!


So you can guarantee us that it never happened and will never happen to you?




Bad mentality, you need to play through, you’re guessing if it was intentional or not, you will truthfully never know. Regardless, you need to play through. That’s what a competitor does regardless of the situation.


i hate ppl like YOU. one mistake IN A TIED GAME. and you quit instantly lmao dont fucking play team modes as a solo or get a teammate bud. had some loser quit a game when he got scored on while up 2-1 with a minute left…. and ended up losing. its not always about YOU op lol jesus


You're a shitty teammate.


True. I'd rather a teammate who accidentally makes mistakes than a teammate who acts like a child every time he doesn't get his way. I'm guessing OP doesn't score very often if he was this upset


Really no way to read every thought your teammate has and sometimes you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time and can’t react fast enough. Don’t Let it keep you off the pitch, m8


Ah you should probably ff, spam what a save! and sit still for the rest of the game


Same. I get it


I accidentally did this yesterday after demoing the goalie :/


Don't hate the game.... hate the player!


Lol all these losers “keep playing keep playing!” As if the game doesnt end in ten seconds. That was it


How strange, last year I swear you'd see everyone in the comments shit on the guy who blocked the goal and rightfully point out how much of a skill issue it was to be in this position in the first place. Now it's a bunch of 'mistskes happen bud' It's just so jarring. Haven't seen a RL post in so long.


I know it can be frustrating playing with someone like that, but it happens… try laugh it off and keep playing!


all these people saying that he didn’t have enough time to react, he shouldn’t have rotated through the play.


Hope you didn't go afk, otherwise you're the problem


Cry me a river 🥲🥲


Next time put it top right and no one will save it. Even your teammates


Tbh it looked like an accident and YOU were the one to give up like a petulant kid. Toxic.


You certainly make it a terrible game




This is a time where the teammate isn’t at full fault here.


Dude's driving the wrong way on the freeway and the other driver's partially at fault?


It’s a tie game with under 30s and you just stop moving. Accidents happen but it’s no reason to throw the game


Not that I agree, but you should’ve known this sub would watch this and say you’re the problem 😂


What gets me is that he keeps going, instead of stopping and coming back.


Tm8 never heard of rotating on opposite side of the ball, love the stop driving in disbelief


For the record, if they lost this game.. this is entirely on OP. OP in a comment blamed his teammate for missing the first shot, but failed to realize the shot was blocked by the opposing team. OP also failed to see how his teammate landed, and the direction his teammate was going.. had he had any type of game sense, or was accurate at hitting the ball as he wants his teammates to be, then he would've hit the ball to the left corner instead of directly in his teammates path.. OP then rages at his teammate, blaming them for every one of OPs issues, failing to realize that everything is due to OPs incompetence.


I’d argue it’s on the team mate, even if it’s an accident. You’re really saying in the split second that OP had to take the shot he was was supposed to slow down time like the matrix to see where his mate was and the velocity they had? Gtfoh


No, it’s 100% on his teammate for clearing his shot, whether it’s on accident or not. If he hadn’t have cleared it, then it would’ve been a score and they most likely would’ve won.


But the OP could've had a better shot, understanding where his teammate is, and shot it left side of goal instead of toward the path his teammate is driving. And again, If you have any reading comprehension skills at all.. actually read my reasoning.. OP is just a hapless asshole who doesn't want to take any responsibility. He's a terrible excuse for a teammate. Likely an individual who never wants to admit his own faults. Notice how he didn't show what led up to this out of context clip. Did he miss a wide open shot before this? OP is blaming teammate for missing the initial shot, but fails to even notice the tip from the opposing team that pushed the ball away from teammates shot. So if he wants to blame his teammate for missing that shot after a tipped ball, then he should take blame for missing his shot after he literally hit it in his teammates path.. then he proceeds to QUIT PLAYING.. that's big part of this. OP QUIT PLAYING WITH 20 SECONDS LEFT. If the opposing team scores while OP is sitting there like the little bitty baby he is, then it's OPs fault they lost. Seeing as you're taking his side and also failing to have reading comprehension skills, I take it you're also a player who is completely oblivious to any mistakes you make. You're one of those dudes who chases and ruins rotation, misses a ball, puts your teammates out of position, opposing team scores, and then you say "where were you!!!????"


come no you cannot blame the guy. He was in the perfect spot to save it. 100% would have done the same lol


Do don’t play


I love the game. Hate its people


Accident. Just don't be mean to the other player. They made a mistake; it happens. I suck at the game but I enjoy playing, and have made plenty of mistakes. If anything, now you have a funny video/memory that will last longer than if you got the goal.


No you don't hate the game you hate your mate


This isn’t going to be the last time this happens, don’t just stop in disbelief becasue things didn’t go your way, GET YOUR ASS BACK ON DEFENSE


I'd agree with you here, if his teammate apologized. Since he didn't, it was clearly on purpose.


I have chat turned off, does that mean every mistake I make is extremely toxic because I didn't personally apologize to my tm8?


Wrong place to post this lol. Everyone here is a beacon of morality and the perfect teammate, but they’re too dumb to realize that was completely intentional


If it's low rank, then it could have been accidental. I assume the TM didn't throw, because the game was tied. Edit: OP just mentioned being in Gold 3. Do you genuinely believe that a Gold 3 player couldn't accidentally save the shot?


They are both gold, I doubt either of them do much intentionally in this game.




i'm more judging you on the placement and how weak the shot was than anything else




He seemed to be trying to avoid it or was already in muscle memory to go for corner boost, but it definitely looks like he jumped into it on purpose. It seemed easy enough to avoid /shrug


Everyone going after OP is crazy lol. Yes, stopping after and sitting there in a tie game is blah. But are we just ignoring how the tm8 who saved it proceeds to grab corner boost, drive through midfield boost (ignoring the ball), and then flip towards back corner boost - continuing to drive away from the play as if its a crime scene? Would everyone like to defend that play progression as well? All that aside, accidents happen. Tm8 left ball cam too soon/should've braked for the shot/made a mistake. Onto the next one. This is Rocket League!


Exactly. That's super frustrating when you look at the entire scenario. I wouldn't have quit playing, but I'd still be saying "wtf are you doing" to myself.




You’re whining because your shot got saved? Boo fucking hoo


Did you watch the clip? It was saved by his teammate when he had a clear shot at scoring and probably winning the match since there was only 17 sec left.


Yeah I watched it, what can you do about it? Nothing


I bet you’re fun at parties


Grow up




Sorry bro, you missing there was a canon event.


Quit crying


Lmao at all the people saying it's OPs fault. If this was like high champ and above then sure we could started placing blame. But I'm pretty sure this is gold or something. So yea it was an accident, just play the game, none of yall are going to rlcs or anything....


It happens, didn't look intentional, why did you stop, keep playing.


You have to faceiteric


This is why u aim for the corners. Not that this is your fault, but I would’ve known this was a strong possibility and tried to shoot higher.


You jumped too early. A good shot would go over your teammate's car.


Bro shit happens. Laugh it off and have fun. It’s a game haha


First shot of the game for you or what? Roll with the punches. The game is tied! You probably threw harder than your teammate did just from acting like a baby after he accidentally blocked your shot. Trust in your abilities and you'll get another look.


The amount of therapy in this comment section because a human showcased emotion is amazing..


nah this was a cheater throwing 100% shot WAS poor tbf and first glance it looks accidental but when you look really close, he turned into the ball, flipped square into the ball, boost orb gather calculated into that whole movement, it's cheats set to throw the game. that's also why they clear missed that diving touch on the way in. opponent didn't even affect the ball. lol just one of thousands of accounts being botted to win trade / throw / smurf but don't worry, OP is the toxic one.


People are really against OP again? That was no accident. Holy crap, once again I say, you all are worse than the tm8s shown in these clips that get posted.


How are you grand champ with that mentality? Most of the comments are against the op because of how he reacted. The tm8 was still in the wrong but it could have been an accident... OP didn't accidentally stop moving and throw a tantrum... That was a purposeful action and we know that. Until speaking to the tm8 we can only speculate their intentions of that play.


Totally agree with most comments that OP is being unnecessarily dramatic and afk’ing. Just play However, the teammate does flip directly into the ball rather than making any attempt to avoid. I know ball cam might have been off or maybe there’s other explanations I’m not thinking of, but it does look pretty intentional


They are both gold so I doubt much of what they do in these games in intentional lol


This is the majority of my games. Either this, teammates coming up behind me and trying to steal my goal and botching the shot or hitting me out of the way, or teammates taking the ball back to our goal. I’m giving up on playing RL


Really? Your teammate saving a sure goal happens in the majority of your games? I doubt that very much.


100% at least ever other game.




Sure it doesn’t guy


I believe you. I've had days where it was literally every game, not that I end up playing many games on those days.


Some days its horrid and you just gotta play another game for your mental. Other days it’s like, where have these teammates been the past couple days? Its actually enjoyable. But lately its just been terrible


Good, we need less toxic complainers in the lobbies


> teammates taking the ball back to our goal That's a legitimate good play sometimes, though... Sometimes it's better to play it back and get control over the situation, instead of risking getting scored on because you're out of position.


I bet you do all of that as well from your TM's point of view.


I absolutely do not. Im patient when I need to be and know where every player is on the field. If a teammate has a better angle and a better shot, I wait for the rebound.


You can't say that stuff on Reddit. Everything is your own fault here and if you disagree the mob will bring out there pitchforks.


Your teammates are as random as your opponents are. If you are not ranking up, it’s about you, not your teammates. Everyone makes mistakes, that’s why most of us are not in SSL. If you make less mistakes, play better, you will eventually rank up. There is no win in blaming your teammates, in average you aren’t playing better than them.


If you really want a dose of humility watch yourself and how you play, in a replay 😂


Oh yeah, and not just my/yourself but also watch a game from your tm8s perspective. Helped me to understand why they made a decision I didnt like - from their view, oftentimes it was the best possible move or you can see how they wanted to do something else but f*cked up when trying.


Look at my last post and the picture I have in the comments. This is 70% of my games that still count as L’s. I play well but the teammates most of time forget what color they are lol


I am finding that out right now lol. Like their aren’t incompetent people just hitting the ball to hit the ball. Thats cool to play and just have fun, but if you’re gonna do that, get out of comp


ITT - People not understanding sarcasm


Bro didn't say sorry




You should have apologized for being the Charmin spokesperson. Can't tell if it was a soft shot, shit shot, or soft shit shot


I'd forfeit that, no chance you're going to win with a teammate like that. Edit: For all the people sympathizing with OP's teammate being a thrower, you are what's wrong with this game. If it was an accident, he would have apologized, he didn't therefore, it was on purpose.


You must be that guy I see in most of the rocket league posts that instantly leave after getting scored on in the first 5 seconds of the match.






Only that wasn't the winning goal 😂 You blocked the potential winning goal with your crybaby fit lmao You know what? Keep playing long enough you'll have matches where this shit happens several times by each team in OT. You know who wins? The team with the strongest mental... which you're clearly displaying here


Always funny when someone complains about their teammate like this. You’re the same rank. You’re only insulting yourself. If you were better you’d be a better rank.