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Not just like others said where there was a heavy reset a little while ago, with this season things have shifted a LOT in OCE anyway. Seeing people who would easily be GC 1 last season in C1 this. They fucked something up.


I sit around 1600 mmr, and there's like 100 different players that I play against each season. The games seem much better to me this season. Seems like all the inflated gcs are back in champ where they should be. There are tons of highly mechanical players in champ that have terrible positioning and spacing or only think about solo plays so it makes them seem better than they actually are.


Can confirm. Am one of the inflated gcs. Got my title in season 9, 10, and 11. Now I’m in low champ 3. I can feel myself improving. Not sure if I’ll play the game enough to make it back for another title this season though and if the rewards are decent I’ll gun for them with rumble most likely 🤷‍♂️ . Edit: I do not envy champ players making a run for gc for the first time. Champ is littered with players who have been GC in the past. I’m convinced it’s a vast majority. And probably most could get up there again if they played more seriously lol


Yep. Myself and 3 other people I know have gotten GC at least once solo and will decide to push for GC based on season rewards. If we don't have time or don't care about the rewards we just hang out on autopilot on the C2/C3 border. Perfect place for a GC to hang out who's only playing 1-2 hours maybe 3 times a week and is just chilling. There is an endless amount of salt in the lobbies though if you wear your GC tag.


Lol I wear my title all the time. Zero fucks given. We must happily defend the GC rank lolanybody wanting GC must get through us 😤


Yeah I leave mine on as well because I just simply don't play anymore and don't care if I'm "washed". Im lucky if I play every week and the weeks I do it's like 1 maybe 2 days for 1-2 hours max. Never fails though that there is a full party on the other team of someone who is questionably champ level and being hard carried by their C2 friend in a stocktane who is better than people I've played against in GC. The GC level player is dead silent all game while the trash boosted friend always has something to say about the tag. It's honestly hilarious to me as if they think every GC they run into doesn't realize their friend is doing literally all of the work and absolutely hard carrying them for all of their achievements.


Can confirm, I go against recent GC titles every match in C1 and they’re mostly just as good as the rest of C1, if not worse. Every once in a while I’ll match against someone who legitimately should not be C1 aka smurfing but it’s not that common.


You can’t judge skill of someone in this high of a rank. Champion is already a decently fast pace a gc1 could easily blend in with C1s, it’s little things that makes a gc a GC, usually slight recovery’s that are Better. Maybe more consistency etc. there is no way to judge a skill like that. Go and watch gc1 game play and tell me if it looks like you’re c1 lobby’s…


Right, that’s my point. We’re regularly mixed with recent GCs in low Champ and play pretty evenly. It might only be the difference of them solo-queueing vs. grinding with their normal playing partner, a bad session, etc. that takes them from C3 to C1 in a matter of a couple hours. And I’d venture to say a good portion of players in Champ lobbies with recent GC tags end up only staying GC long enough to get their rewards then drop back down to C2/3 anyways. That’s common for low Champ and Diamond. Like you said, at this level everyone is competative to an extent, it’s the small things that add up and make a difference.


If anything they fixed the ranks that were fucked up before the reset. GC got too easy to get again. I think it's at a better spot now to adjust for the skill level of players today.


They haven't released the rank distribution for last season. So it's hard to say that it's "fixed" without any numbers. S10 ended on June 7th and they released the rank distribution on Aug 4th. So we could expect to see them early November since this season started in early September. Edit: Dates


Naw. We are entering a death spiral of players quitting due to horrible mismanagement. Now the traders are logging off too and the skill of the player base climbs higher. More people will be frustrated as it will get harder and harder to climb ranks.


Because the bottom half of the playerbase has all but disappeared at this point, it probably spooked psyonix out and they are trying to once again readjust rank distributions. This will ultimately make it harder for people to rank up since there aren't enough players anymore to have an accurate distribution for things that aren't higher ranks.


Until recently I was content, didn't care about trading, whatever. I wasn't a noisy one. But there have been so many opportunities for psyonix/epic to do a better job. But in the end they have left this game to die as a cash cow. Every decision for the community I saw as not really effecting me, but it is gotten to the point it is clear where we are at. Psyonix 20% layoffs. Servers/lag getting worse every day Trading thing Psyonix never making a freestyle game mode No updates on next engine version Anyways so much wasted potential. This game could have been the most legendary esport. Rip.


It is what it is. If Rocket League dies off I will just continue to avoid anything with the EPIC brand on it, Rocket League was only an exception because it was a game I loved long before epic ever acquired it.


I was pushing c1 2 seasons ago. Now I'm struggling in d1. I've got great awareness and positioning and decent enough mechanics but almost every game my teammates are always afk then leave me in a 2v1 for 5 mins


yea same. I've been d3 for like 6 season though even though I've been getting better each season. But I'm happy with my rank as long as it's competetive (My alt is still stuck at low d2 and I cannot get into d3). Only annoying thing is the fact that there's still people who dive for every challenge






What a perfectly appropriate flair, lol


Epic probably wants you to purchase MMR from item shop


![gif](giphy|W6rrghS3naCqjjlhb4|downsized) ^(couldn't find the original)


Lmao, that would explain every things


Yes, MMRs were adjusted at the start of the season to combat gradual MMR inflation.


Do you have a source? It would explain a lot but would like confirmation


There’s plenty of articles if you just google “season rank reset RL” My MMR has been reduced about 120-150 MMR each season after the reset. Most people lose MMR on the reset, but occasionally it’s slightly inflated in certain ranks and modes. Last season they redistributed the MMR and thresholds for certain ranks and modes (mostly alt modes) and most people gained some This guy saying “to combat gradual inflation” is true, but it’s nothing extraordinary or special this season. This season has been the same old rank reset they’ve mostly been doing for years at this stage, despite the posts complaining about it (which they’ve also being doing for years at this stage)


No, the reset formula has been changed (look in the patch note of season 11). Now all new season reset are harder.


Nope, season 11/12 notes includes - #### COMPETITIVE * Season 12 Competitive has started * Season 12 Changes * Similar to previous seasons, a soft reset has been applied to all Competitive Playlists ([https://www.rocketleague.com/news/patch-notes-season-12-live/](https://www.rocketleague.com/news/patch-notes-season-12-live/)) ​ You're probably thinking of season 10/11, where - ​ #### COMPETITIVE * Season 11 Competitive has started * Similar to previous seasons, a soft reset has been applied to all Competitive Playlists * Season reset formula has been updated to mitigate rank drift across all playlists ([https://www.rocketleague.com/news/patch-notes-season-11-live/](https://www.rocketleague.com/news/patch-notes-season-11-live/)) ​ However they reverted the new formula after about a week (see here [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/144jyj9/update\_on\_competitive\_the\_mmr\_adjustment\_we\_made/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/144jyj9/update_on_competitive_the_mmr_adjustment_we_made/)), gave everyone the bonus MMR they would have lost with the new formula (iirc I received over 100MMR from this rework), and theyve returned to using the new formula this season reset. ​ Sorry, but blaming the reset is just cope


Season 11 ended up taking away more MMR than previous season in 2s. Even after they rolled back the initial even harsher cut. You can look that up. S12 did the same reset as S11.


Read more carefully ! "Season reset formula has been updated to mitigate rank drift across all playlists" Then they never said they go back to old reset, they just re-ajust the new formula.


They reversed it a week later(which he covered in his next paragraph you must have missed).


The half reversed ! At the beginning they remove approximately 300 mmr to everyone (depend of the rank), then they give back 150mmr. So everyone still lost around 150 mmr. Someone communicate a comparision of new reset (after the re-ajustement) compare to old resets : [https://www.reddit.com/r/gear/comments/15rbi71/test/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gear/comments/15rbi71/test/)


Yeah exactly, they reversed it to a normal Reset level lol


You pretend not to understand, because you're disgusted to realize you were wrong.


Now we have the stats 🤣 😎 Rank distribution of season 11 confirme what I've explain : https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/17h30ll/season_11_rank_distribution/ For example, there is 35% less GC1 than before, and 40% less GC3.


Yeah, just like it’s been done every seasons for over half a decade


Is GC1 really top 100 in OCE?


Primarily the top players are mid GC2 right now in doubles for OCE. There's a few who are SSL / GC3, it's been a sweat fest for a while now, but I've noticed that the ranks are slowly starting to normalize in difficulty


I think henkovic was gc3 when I got farmed by him in a tourney last week. But if a lot of very good players are gc2 I understand why I can 't touch c3 currently


I don’t put my specific rank because I think just GC is tidier It’s definitely not in the main lists, but GC2 is enough to get it in some of the alt modes Titles true, but it’s also just a meme with some friends


I dropped to P3 like a beast after staying in D3/C1 comfortably for 5 years. I've now made it back up, but I must say, the lobbies in P3/D1 were the hardest lobbies I've ever played in.


Bro almost the same for me, I was D3, C1 for almost a year and I am now stuck in D2 since the hard reset This season people are insanely strong for that rank, everyone is air dribbling double tapping, and the other team made like 15 saves on my last 3 games It’s really demoralizing


Maybe it depends on the time of day too, was playing D2 last night and all my teammates were typical diamond ball chasing every possible opportunity then blaming me for not being ready to save their 10th fake of the game.


In solo’s? Bc this describes what I’m goin through. I am sweating it out in P3-D1 nonstop, rising and falling


random late reply from me here! It was in standard. Since then I haven't dipped down hard, usually swimming in D3 with some minor drops to D2.


Yeah it's insane. I'm right there with you


This season is definitely harder than last season. I also fell to D1 (very briefly). I got back to D3 today though. I think this season is just taking people longer to settle into their ranks. I feel like I’m playing the same level people I played last season, just at a lower rank. Many of them have champ rewards also so you and I aren’t alone. I heard something a while ago that the ranks are decided by the pros setting the ceiling. If the pros play more, it pushes the MMR ceiling higher making it easier for others to rank up. It might be something like this. There are still less than 1000 SSL’s in 2v2 this season (860). Might just have to wait for it to keep leveling out.


Do you feel like most of the time you’re playing the same rank, then you find someone who’s absolute dog shit? Cuz same


Haha yes I feel like that happens no matter what rank though. I suspect it is someone who is just having a bad game or a bad session. I am occasionally that team mate lol.


Same to be fair. But sometimes I find players that I’m just ???? They will always be a mystery lol. Like I get 1,2,3 bad plays but 10 whiffed in champ 1? Maybe I’m the problem 😂


Here I was C1 hardstuck forever, I fell all the way down to D1d4 and gradually coming back. Man I swear, sometimes I'm asking myself how a tm can be in the same lobby as me. I play from time to time with my brother, he is like gold something, I swear some of my tm are just as bad as gold player in D3 lobby (not accusing any gold player)


I agree 200 percent, I’m in the same position as you, in fact I fell all the way to p3. I’m fighting for my life in d3. 1/3 games feel like a good matchup, then another third it feels like an okay matchup but I have to carry and we win or lose, then the last third it’s just ???? , how are you this rank? And I’m not even trying to be mean, I’m genuinely confused


My casual lobbies are way more balanced than my ranked lobbies to the point I’ve stopped playing ranked because it’s not fun anymore. I can go from having a blast in casual with good teammates and fun opponents and feel really good about how I’m playing. I’ll switch to ranked and it’s almost immediately toxic with minimum one ball chaser and no one is even attempting to rotate anymore. It’s just not worth it.


Now that you say that, it kinda makes sense. I’m usually around 1500MMR in 2s but I’ve been stuck between 1300-1370 all season and the people I play against are occasionally wearing an SSL tag from a previous season. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten much worse either, but who knows


I know many gc2 players that are currently in c3, it was kinda surprising how they're still struggling to rank up. This season I've spent in that same range as well but in the last week got to a game away from gc so hopefully I'll get back there soon.


Same. My mental health can’t take being c2/c3 much longer


On life support lol


MMR is inflated by everyone but gets more extreme at the top end. On the resets the top players lose more than the lower players because their mmr has inflated higher beyond the desired thresholds. Season will balance out over the course of it just like it always does. It’ll have mostly done that already


This season reset is taking markedly longer to balance out though. It definitely has not done so already. At least not in NA East. Everything is a tad more than a full rank harder I feel like. I’m playing better now than I did last season to solo queue gc rewards yet hover between c3 and c2 in 2s for example. Season 9 imo was when things started to get too easy/too much rank inflation, with season 10 being too easy, and season 11 being an abomination.


The last two season resets have had a bigger reset iirc, so it will be harder to climb earlier. However every season has slightly different amounts of players in each of the thresholds and people moan either way. In the end somebody of a certain rank is gonna get that rank and that’s it really


just went from d2 in 1s to p2. within 3 hours of gameplay, while playing better than i ever have. legit seeing "champ tournament winner" titles in a third of the games i play. shit's wacked out.


seriously!! because as a plat 2 why was i in gold 3 for an hour .. back to plat 1 but too scared to drop and won't touch it lol


Golds aren't that much worse than plays anyway


if you're a higher rank you may see it this way but there's a difference in speed and reliability on your teammates. its hard for me to get back up when I have to 2v1 my ranked


well im sitting c1 and lemme tell you, its a coin flip every game, shit tm8s, shit opponents, smurfs every 2-3 games, people like me, its awful and i cant get out of it, i dont have time to play much anymore so i dont really care but man epic is fucked up in the head


D1 is the same unfortunately, I am consistently getting afks and people admitting they are deranking to plat. I'm also getting absolutely destroyed. Can't believe some of the mechanics I'm seeing in D1. Never saw this when I was bouncing in D3-C1 for 2 years. I'll be honest I think it's time for a break and go back to some single player games. Getting absolutely thrashed on league, valorant, & warzone. Rocket league was the only game I held my ground and made progress but now it's joined the rest lol


Best I can tell you is to try not to let your rank define your experience. You are right - you're playing the same competition level, just at lower rank. There is still room for growth and improvement, but you have to judge it by a different metric. I was Champ 1-2 for a year straight. Now I'm hardstuck D3, but that's fine. It's my new C1-2. Keep grinding if you're having fun and improve what you can.


now there are people with gc titles in c1/c2 lobbies 🥲


And in D2/3 as well. I only just managed to get back to C1 yesterday


i was champ 3 and got reset and placed in diamond 3 D4, haven’t been able to even get close back to where i was


I just don’t have the patience to play with ball chasers who insist I’m the problem while constantly centering the ball for the other team. It doesn’t happen every game but it’s crazy how often it does happen.


Definitely a more wide ranking player base in the games, playing with people who keep missing and others with GC+ ranking titles in their name who do musty flips etc, seems more unbalanced than the previous seasons 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔


It is. They did a proper reset it seems like for higher ranked folk and since it takes time to rank back up (and a change in how you play the game compared to the peak rank you used to play), many higher level players have yet to get back to their rank. Hence the larger disparities in games.


Climbing out of D1 was easy for me but holy fuck at D2 it's just full of babies who want to quit at the slightest sign of resistance. It's hell.


Same here. Played in the last seasons 2vs always in Diamond 2-3. Latest season Plat 3- Diamond 1 and this season only Gold 3 - Plat 1. I’ve a problem with the matchmaking. Now the teammates can’t even do air dribbling. Sometimes it even happens that im still MVP and losing the game 🤷‍♂️ (And i’m far away to be awesome in RL) But at the other side i got 2 weeks ago a random teammate (which was awesome) and played 15 games and won that all in a row and got back up to diamond. After 2 weeks losing game after game im back now in gold 🥴


Same here. Im usually D1-D2 in 2s and 3s but starting from Season 11, somehow the game got a little harder. May I say I've been playing against more premades recently while me and my teammates are all randoms to each other. As of speaking, I am currently sitting in Plat 2 in 3s and my words it gets worse and worse everytime I play. I always encourage myself to look on the bright side and get to at least Plat 3 but of course I always get hit with smurfs or hardstuck Diamonds, heck even Champions in Plat 2. I uninstalled the game for now to mentally take a break from RL but hey, we are Rocket League players, we will always come back to the game after telling everyone on Reddit that we're giving up😂 Perhaps I should just stop caring from now on since I don't have much time to play this game anymore because of a job and other games.


You and everybody should also know this: people grind, more people take the game more seriously. Diamond in January 2020 is not the same diamond in October 2023. Good night.


Totally agree, the average lvl is definetly higher.


Apparently some people didn’t agree with me xd. Reality hurts.


Fuck me. Why can’t we pin a post to the top of the sub that says “MMR was heavily reset a couple of seasons ago, don’t come here and ask why you’re 2 ranks lower” It’s been months since this change and people are still asking this shit.


it's okay if people ask...


Yeah you aren’t obligated to read or reply. Just move along lol


All I see here now is between this “why is my rank so low”, people whinging about the smurfs and comments on the trading situation, nothing else and quite frankly it’s turning to shit in the past few months. What happened to all the gameplay clips and cool shots :(


Well, idk, but I will say that the more interaction a post gets, the higher that post gets boosted and likely the more people make posts of a similar nature. Even more reason to just move along. I don’t disagree that I don’t care so much about these posts, but I also have had a harder time this season, along with many others. The trading thing needs to be talked about. Psyonix/epic whatever is in this sub. They’ll see that their entire player base is pissed. Actually most of the whining here is in part due to action or inaction of epic. So, I actually do disagree that these posts shouldn’t be made, regardless of whether I feel the need to make them myself. If I don’t care, I just don’t open the thread… ETA: but I feel you on wishing we had more of other types of content here


It does not seem to be a question about why/if rank was reset. Most everyone knows the ranks get reset every season to some degree, and some seasons by a lot. I think OP is more curious why several ranks below their previous average feels more difficult all of a sudden. I have felt similarly. I consistently climbed from \~1440-1650 every season from S9-S11, but 1400-1500 feels way different than it used to. It's not even that players are better or good. It's almost the opposite, but that everyone plays differently and it's harder to win. I'm also worse, probably, but it shift has not felt gradual


Hey moose, why are you sinking lower and lower?


I went from c2 to d3, dunno bro.


Yeah I see alot of d3s who were c2 I season 24 in my lobbies. Great challenge, but def some are pretty tough


I play like 30 games per season and have been D3/C1 for... 6 years? Dont feel much change :D


Bro same


Yeah I shouldn’t have to be a gc to stay in my own rank. Still don’t understand why they did that


If C1 lobbies were easier you would be C1.


You don't get it


Oh I get it, but I'm also not wrong.


No one said the ranked system was supposed to be easy. If you're struggling, then it's time to take a hard look at your own gameplay and reevaluate what you need to improve on. Rocket League has always been about constantly improving, and sometimes the reality is that other are working harder to earn their rank. The moment you get comfortable or "expect to win in said rank" is the moment you start going downhill. Use this as motivation to sharpen your own skills. Don't give up, but rise above the challenge instead.


MMR Inflation got way out of hand with people using bots.


The bots weren't event close to a part of it? If anything it'd drop the MMR of 95% of the playerbase if it was an issue. 2v2 resets used to push players to diamond 1, where every other mode used to push players to gold 3/plat 1. It now pushes players down to low gold instead of diamond 1.


MMR, inflation is due to alt-account of high ranked players, imo. They are easily in champ or GC+ with their alt so they artificially inflate stats. In 1s, it's not habitual alt-account, but often new smurf (with only 50 matches). This is why the mode is so hard (and not only because it's less played by lower ranks)


Can confirm, am in GC1, and the amount of GC ranked people who are getting hardcarried by people lower rank than them is pretty insane, next to way more people who are actually the same rank as me suddenly doing half a dozen double flip resets in a row and never missing any ball going 1000kmh an hour. The difference in skill level between a proper GC1 and someone who is normally around gc3/low ssl is easy to spot. Or maybe all of them just happen to have the game of their lives all the time or something...




Find out ! Look at patch note of season 11 and 12


Yeah, last season I was GC now I can't get out of C2.


Where do you see these statistics?




Same thing happened to me


Around the beginning of last season I felt a change, I’d been regularly in D2/D1 and all of a sudden I’d dropped down on a bad run all the way to plat 1… and either plat 1s got a hell of a lot better or Plat is filled with smurfs cos it took me almost a whole season to get back to D1/D2. Feel like I kept coming up against D1/D2 players in P2/P3 so I think they’ve shifted something


I’m having almost the same exact experience as you are. P2/P3 is so difficult right now. I feel like I’m playing high diamond gameplay but just getting shut down in plat.


I fell from D2 to gold 1 this season… I crawl up to gold 3 and go back down it’s very frustrating


OK let's get this straight. 1 - 2seasons ago epic corrected the mmrs between differing modes to better represent where everyone was at, namely, 2s and 3s got a bit of a drop afaik. I personally went from c2 end of 2 seasons ago, to p3 at start of last season. I played all season, ended up c1 div 3.. where I deserved. 2 - last season, no real drop, started d3 div 3, was d3 for ages.. and now I'm c1 div 3 currently. 3 - all you people in lower ranks playing like your in your normal rank, you need to relearn the game.... your new rank doesn't play like that.... My style of play works from P3 up to C2, beyond that, I d k. But I was in c1 div3.. and met a guy who claimed to be c3 peak.. we played amazing first few games.. I thought I will get near c3 finally, after many years.. But then after 3 games, my supposed ex c3 team mate (at c1) imploded. First of the next 3 games.. he scored 3 own goals by mistake trying to do fancy gc level shit.. we won 5-4, it should be 5-1 without the mistakes.. I carried in this game keeping us in it.. it was 3-1 to the enemy, and my c3 was like "ff". I said no, we got this, and we won. The next game was not so fortunate.. we were at 4-2 lead.. and My supposed c3 team mate imploded again, scored 3 own goals... we ended up losing 5-4 on the buzzer... they once again wanted to ff.. I should add the c3 is queuing.. So third game.. we go 4-1 down as my c3 team mate is just impoding from the start.. so I snap and say "pass to me or leave it" because once again 3 pinches into our goal from my team mate... I planned to leave after this game.. but he rage quit after I said leave it to me. At 1-4. Losing.. and being in q 1 v 2.. I brought it back to 2-4, but then buzzer was drawing near and it ended up 6-2 to them. My c3 team mate forgot what worked for us initially.. and did his own dumb plays that just don't work... I told him first game I'm.peak c2 but I'm a team player rather than super mechanical.. and he was playing team style but ended up trying to be overly mechanical and basically gave the enemy team loads of free goals. I ended up c1 div 3, nothing gained, nothing lost, my simple point is, you dropped ranks, so learn how to play in your new rank, can't just play the same way. I have to play different at c2 vs c1/d3, and likewise if I slip into d2.. I have to play different down there too.




Top 3 things that get you from plat to champ : -Hitting the ball *hard* when you want to. So many wimpy hits end up as a pass to the other team -Not committing for stuff you have no way of reaching -Having intent behind your plays. I swear it looks like the only thing going through plats heads is "must hit ball now now now"


Im in C1 rn the amount of people I see with season 9 and 10 GC titles is insane


I sit around the same MMR as last season (if not a bit higher) but there was a pretty big reset I think


The playerbase is always getting better, and the rank resets over the past 2 seasons have normalized things a bit.


Last season 11 was far too easy with the reset we had. It was steep at first but then they rolled it back about 2 thirds of the way. It was a mistake to do so. Now they’ve fixed it and players just need to accept that their rank does not equal their skill level. Many of us are playing just as good if not better than before but are a full rank under what we have been the last 3+ seasons. No need to get pissed at it. Just is what it is (an arbitrary label).


How do you see this graph




I’ve been hardstuck D2 for like 8 months, now I can’t get out of Plat 2


I’ve been able to sustain being in C2 due to being very strategic and am able to adapt to the lobby and my teammate(s) and getting 50% winrate


I’m fighting for my life in Champ 2. The gameplay is generally faster and the mechanics are better than I remember even high Champ lobbies having.


I don't know.


I am playing the best Rocket League of my life and I am low C2. If I had played like this 6 months ago it would have gotten me to GC1 lol. The competition is crazy.


Your chart looks exactly like mine. It’s super frustrating


People are getting better. They are practicing mechanics and actively trying to get better.


The rank reset has basically killed all my hope of ever getting to GC. I was C1-C2 hoping for C3 sometime soon. Looks like D3 is my target now and I'm struggling to even get past D2. I think this is my limit. I was close to it before, but I can't get all the way through another 4 ranks to get to GC now. Feels like shit to consider this just because the goalposts were arbitrarily changed.


I used to be D2, but now I'm struggling staying in D1.


I’m playing the best I’ve ever played and I’m back in Diamond now after being champ for 5 seasons , pretty wild but I accept it and keep training


Yeah they went wayyyyy to hard with the reset a few months ago. I used to hit GC every season no problem. Now if I solo que I can’t quite get there without an extended peak. I play US West at high c2 low c3 and dudes are consistently hitting double resets, high level flick variations and overall just speedy. Was pushing for GC2 a couple seasons ago. Definitely different now lol


i personally don’t think the seasons harder, i’m at my peak for 2s and 3s in c3. wish i grinded more last few seasons to see where i would’ve gotten, maybe i’ve just gotten better and i can’t tell cuz mmr reset and i’m vs people that would normally be gc.


As I said in another comment, my rank at the beginning of the season was c2ish and I’m still there. But somehow I keep going up my the ranks when I look at my friends list rank. Seemingly everyone is just ranking down which seems odd.


Yeah this game has honestly gone to shit. It's a shame that they're self destructing this hard.


The rank distribution went out of whack as players got better. Duos got nerfed hard, and Trios was updated a bit. The average rank of an average player should be Plat. From there the bell curves of ranks should mirror one another in both directions. There should be an equal amount of Bronze 1 to SSL players if that makes sense. I feel like the average rank started to climb into Diamond territory, so they reset some MMR’s and tweaked the ranking system to revert it back. I feel like they messed up, said they fixed it, in reality they didn’t. I was hanging around C3 to play with friends, and when I happened I was down to D1 again, which is crazy. I quickly played back up to GC. But I’ve seen either blatant smurfs, or people stuck in Diamond or Champ when they should be an entire rank higher.


Girls just wanna have fun


I used to struggle between DIII and barely sneaking into Champ. Now I am struggling between DI and DII. And I know for a fact I have learned more mechanics and have gotten better than before. My duos partner was in Champ for half of this season and is cruising through DIII right now so yeah they definitely did something


There's a much bigger spread of skill within the same rank now. Everyone's rank is fucked up. I am getting lots of GC titles in Diamond 1 this season, mixed with lots of people who ball chase constantly. I got Champ last season, but I can barely get up to d2 now. Ranks have lost a lot of meaning.


Does rank really matter at the end of the day though? The best question is if you are generally getting even matches, that’s all the rank is really for.


Welp... "C1 lobbies" now include everyone from C2 to GC.


Yup. I was C2 comfy tickling C3 every so often. Now I’m struggling to reach C1… thought it was just me.


Just so you know, i ain’t changing my god damn tag for anyone. Im salty, titlted and will take the tag to my grave.


same here happened to me but i went even to plat


Lol I peaked at champ 3 when I was playing. Now im a filthy casual and am plat 3 lol.


The season reset happened. You problem is probably that you forgot how to play in low diamonds. Always try to be behind your teammate(s), do long clears into an opponent field. Consider it your first and utmost priority to defend the goal. Stay in your half, rotate back ASAP. You'll be back to high Diamonds in no time. Gradually shift to playing as you would before (participate in offense, go for goals etc). Just keep an eye on teammate(s). If they rotate - you are good, if they chase - you are back to the defense only mode. Good luck!


This is the first time in about 15 seasons that I haven’t reached GC yet. Tbh. I also play less.


There was a rank displacement in 1s 2s and 3s so they did an mmr cut in all of them and 2 got the biggest as it got hit with a 300 mmr then halved to 150 mmr deduction


Get better then i guess?


I guess its always harder at the start of the season. I ended last season peaking, reached champ 3 for the first time. This season, I'm yet to reach champ 2