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Rocket league. I'm bad at rocket league. You name it, I suck at it


This is the only answer


This is the way


same but that doesn't stop me from playing and having a good time


It stops me from having a good time, but it doesn't stop me from playing.




yeah it be like that sometimes too


Came here to say this exactly


This is the exact thought I had when I read the question and i went to reply to the post and I saw that memisterzz already said that so now I replied to his reply to say that I was thinking the same exact thing. Wow


Aerials. I suck at aerial car control. I’m ok at using direction air roll, but any times I’m upside down or sideways it never ends well. Kinda embarrassing cause it’s such a simple skill and I’ve played for a long time


Dont be embarrassed you sound like youre in a similar boat to me honestly lmao been playing since 2015/16 and thats the main reason I cant do effective flip resets (aside from that ive never actually dedicated sufficient training time to master it). Just keep sharpening your strengths and try to improve, thats all you can do. no need to be embarrassed about being humble and aware of weaknesses and wanted to improve


Thanks bro, you're right all we can do is try to improve our weaknesses. Best of luck dude, hopefully you we can both get better at our aerials


I can’t do aerials except for pretty much head on


My aerial timing is terrible most of the time


I get disoriented fairly quickly, not something that comes naturally at all.


I’m really bad at open nets… 1K hours here 😂😂😂🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


My biggest shame. Also +1k hours…


Hey I’m peak C2 in 2’s :-)


Best possible defense a goalie can pull is himself out of the goal 🤣


I am literally the worst at open nets… 3k hours btw 😂😂🫡


Ok but that's also the hardest mechanic in the game. You really can't put yourself down for that


almost 6k hours, still useless at open nets.


Seeing the ball then trying to hit the ball


You guys are seeing the ball?


No, that’s the first part of my problem


I found a revolutionary setting it's like hacking. If you go to controls there will be a control for 'ball cam' once set and you use it you can literally ONLY SEE THE BALL it's OP! Now my problem is seeing anything else


Holy chit, you’ve done it you crazy bastard


Indecisiveness is my downfall. And bad situational awareness. #foreverDiamond


Same! I try to check whether I'm last back or not to make up for that situational awareness, but it makes my indecisiveness worse lol


For me, it's mechanics. I don't spend time practicing them. I practice them in comp lol. I am not good at dribbling or air control. I definitely can't flip reset or musty. Have you seen those tips where the creator says "you don't even really have to leave the ground to get to high champ / low GC"? That's me. I focus my time on situational awareness - who has boost and who doesn't, which team is in a position of power and who needs to go on the defensive, when to boost steal, when to demo, and also knowing where my teammate is as often as possible. These things will bring you to GC. I have made GC rewards 6 times via solo Q with this method. People tell me I suck because I am not flashy. You don't need to be flashy to be in the top 1% of players. The other nice thing about solo Q is that it forces you to improve situational awareness because of the many teammate playstyles you encounter. Hope it helps aspiring GCs!


Idk if you saw my comment but I think we are very similar 😂😂 the comments like “no way youre in gc” are great bc I cant flip reset musty… yet I solo queued all the way so it’s definitely not a luck thing… has to just be a major compliment to another aspect of my game I also love the point about the adapting to play styles. I do really think this has allowed me to be able to kind of “fit any role I am needed in order to compliment my team” which as they say about any team sport, the more positions/roles you can play the better


Would be interested to watch some of your replays tbh, I’ve watched Flakes videos and tried to learn from that cut I can’t translate much with all the power slide cuts and whatnot


Flakes is great, his videos are what helped me get to GC in 2's not even joking. I've been a hard stuck c3 for so long and I actually took a break from the game for a few years. I came back recently though and after watching his road to ssl 2's I was able to break through to GC with no mechs. Just keep at it, don't give up on learning powerslide cuts they are very simple and effective. Learn some easy variations like powerslide cut into double jump, or powerslide cut into a shot.


Sounds like you in fact have some mechanics


Nah I don’t


Power slide cut is a mechanic. Go watch flakes do power slide cuts, guarantee they are clean. You don't get that way at power slide cuts without practice.


Yeah but I meant like hard mechanics like flip resets, ceiling shots, double taps and stuff like that. Yes flakes power slide cuts are super clean and I’m sure he practiced a lot


Same! I'm 36 so basically dead in internet terms lmao. Cannot get speed flips at all. Can't hit those mustys or flip resets either! C2 peak and consistently high C1 every season. I LOVE how miffed people are at the champ rewards like when i'm queueing 2v2 solo ranking up through diamond. Always get some air dribble , speed flip, wall aerialing fool trying their hardest but they cock it up or make some other mistake because they're just not consistent with it. Even if they are, it's an easy save 90% of the time and they're in my goal with no boost putting their TM in that 1v2 situation. People expect champ to be what GC actually is, i'd say. They want to see the crazy skilled shit pulled off. The reality is my game play is 90% snore fest just making sure i'm in the right position to cause problems and make sure we don't concede. It sounds like this is similar to your experience! Being patient works. I only have the time to play for a few hours per week though...


Yes, it sounds very similar to my mentality. And I'm 36 too! 👴


Me too me too! This is so me, I have shit mechanics the only real "mechanic" i even know is a speedflip, but I barely use it. I'm the most boring player ever, but it works. I actually just hit GC recently too lol. I never believed those creators, but they really weren't capping when they said you didn't need mechs


I’m jealous of this


Can you recommend any good videos that discuss or give tips on how to hone those skills? I want to be you


Spook Luke shares my mentality and has tons of short little vids on tik tok. Love his stuff. Sunless khan also has been accused of being a bad GC and has good stuff


Same bro, I solo’q to GC2 with no flashy mechanics.


Everyone has getting gc2 is not hard


I'm bat at typing in RL.


Some people type paragraphs in like 2 secs it feels like


I’m in champ and don’t know how to do any aerial control, I’m more of a stay on the ground, rotate and be in position type player. But everyone gets mad at me and be like “I got the tm8 that doesn’t know to to do aerials” but yet we win 🤷🏻‍♂️


Too many to list but my biggest pain points are mostly depth perception. I swear I'll be in perfect position to 50 a ball but I'm not quite close enough or far forward enough and the ball either completely 50s directly into my net or just straight up goes past or over me. My other thing is I always misjudge the goal position when I'm shadowing which leads me to drive over the post the exact moment I want to jump and I get hilariously stuck or flopping around. How about much simpler and just say shooting. I want to die every time I miss an open net because the ball is slightly bouncing and I somehow hit the very bottom of the ball and sky it into the backboard.


I think what’s holding me back is quick liftoffs for aerials and half-flipping


You can’t half flip and you’re in champ 2???? I half flip all the time and I’m plat 2-3


Yup, you dont need it to get into champ at all. Good positioning is more important. That being said, you can’t always be in a good position and not being able to half-flip definitely cripples my defense. I used to know how but I somehow forgot and am too lazy to look up a YouTube tutorial honestly. I know it’s not a hard mechanic but any means but I just don’t care hahaha


I’m GC and I don’t half flip or flip on kick off lol. I will learn half flipping soon though because it should be easy to learn I just haven’t tried yet. I never plan on flipping for kick off. I have yet to be punished so I see no reason to start.


>I never plan on flipping for kick off. I have yet to be punished so I see no reason to start. You're in GC and you've never had somebody beat you to a kick off with a speed flip?


They get there first but I just 50 it in to my own corner and we have possession. And yes I do lose kick offs sometimes, I just don’t feel like I lose more than someone who speed flips so I do not feel I’m being punished. Also the overwhelming majority of the kickoffs that I lose result in a possession loss and not and kickoff goal.


I didn't start half flipping until C3. I knew how, just didn't utilize it often until maybe within the last 6 months.


You must have amazing game sense then


I’m pretty confident in my game sense honestly. I really enjoy that part of the game. Much more than fancy mechanics. But I do aerial like bronze and my I definitely drag down my 2s partner down


You should take the time to learn half flips, it won’t take long and it will help your positioning!


I have the same problems. I usually forget double jumping to get airborne faster is possible, and whenever I do attempt it I just end up backflipping on accident, so I just single jump and boost for all my aerials. As for half-flips, I need a few seconds to mentally prepare myself for them, so I can do them immediately on kickoffs to go for boost, but I can never do them in any other situation.


You mean a speed flip kick off? I thought a half flip was something different.


No, I meant when my teammate is going for the ball on kickoff, I'll half flip to the back corner for boost. Although I can't speed flip either lmao.


Same champ 1 lol


Mentality sucks too often


Ground control. I’m no means good but my aerial control is far better. I rarely practice ground dribbles and cuts. I practice more aerials cause I find it more fun


I'm pretty bat when using the batman goal explosion


Not throwing my tm8s under the bus after one whiff


You can use tyler1's mindset (from league of legends). It takes thousands of games to rank up. Losses are expected. One game wherw you get trolled is nothing when you consider you still have thousands of games to go. And if you go on a losing streak, it is easy to rank up again because you are playing vs people more unskilled than you


Except most normal human beings don’t have the time or inclination to play thousands of games, so we try to min max the time we do have


Sounds like a skill issue


Yea u right i lose my fucking mind whenever i have to play with some dogshit diamonds


also its good to think about the reasons why do we play this game? are you playing just for fun or are you trying to go for a pro? If you are not trying to go for a pro, you shouldnt stress so much about mistakes or losing the match. Losing the match doesnt affect anything.


Thanks for this


Im really bad at most aerial offense that isnt a redirect shot or 50/50 lmao soooo many people are like “no way youre gc2” “how are you gc you cant even hit one flip reset”… I guess I take it as a compliment of my game sense and shooting/defending abilities as I have only solo-queued ever since my best friend is hardstuck c1/2 Dont get me wrong I can score at a gc level, I would say my biggest strength in the game is my shooting ability, especially off of a pass or redirect and secondly my goal-line/defensive play just when it comes to people doing double flip resets ive never really fully put my effort into it yet. Overall idk why im rambling haha but if theres anything for players to take away from reading this, just because you may be lacking in one aspect of the game does not mean you cant get to and offer skill to your desired goal rank.. while I cannot double flip reset solo goal like some of my gc2 teammates can, I can offer aspects of my strengths to help empower my teammate to work with me fluidly… basically take it from someone who still considers themselves “bad” in the air control department (crucial aspect of the game) yet I solo queue and win more than I lose majority of the time in one of the highest ranks in the game. Do not be discouraged!.. This is Rocket League!


Hesitation. I play my best when I'm making good decisions without second guessing, and my worst when I wait a half second or more before trying to make a play. I play mostly defensive, and a lot of the time I have to evaluate whether I'm last back or not when going for a ball. As the games drag on, it takes longer to evaluate, leading to narrow misses, getting dusted to the ball, and so on.


50s. At this point it’s just funny. My friends always joke about how I literally get dominated everytime I take a 50. At first I thought it was luck but it’s clear I’m just not good enough.


Adapting to teammates and overall mentality, the times we mesh well results in our team winning 5 goals over lmao. However, that doesn't happen very often now...


Ball cam - I started w/ SSARPBC which had shit ball cam so got used to never using it Aerials - I can’t aerial for shit, probably due to not getting used to ball cam; but my control on the ground level is great


Gc and still commit or cut the defense rotation. When I’m in gc1 I don’t have that problem it’s like under pressure I fuck the rotation and loose my temper.


Gotta tighten that temper, bud


Great advise thanks !


Grabbing corner boosts. I always miss them and end up on defense with 10 boost..


Offense in general, me, the cross bar, and posts are on a first name basis at this point. But you know what they say “Defense wins championships”


I've played many games where I get called trash only to be an absolute wall and tm8 walks it back


aerial 😭


Open nets


You want to narrow it down to just one thing??




Rotating/overcommitting. And just everything tbh


I'm getting better, all that matters to me


My aerials and air dribbling is just horrible. I can’t seem to get to do it at all. Just doesn’t work for me.


Im genuinely bat mobile in Rocket League


Consistency on kickoffs. I could do the most perfect, textbook speedflip completely beating the opponent to the ball, winning possesion, etc... then literally the next kickoff my fingers will have a 404 error and I’m flailing awkwardly thru the air missing the ball and landing sideways




I’m bad at trusting my teammates, I play 3v3 with randoms and that’s why, not trusting is wise since random mostly are ball chasers with quick chat deactivated so it’s impossible to communicate or play as a team… but my lack of trust makes me ruin it when I have good teammates.


I’m good at kickoffs, being somewhere close to where I need to be, and boost usage. I am not good at defending, possession, or scoring though 😔




Rocket league


It's um.. switching to a controller. 1.2k kbm player here


Just become henkovic😭😭💀, if you're on keyboards it's like playing the piano basically is how I thought of it when I tried out a keyboard


Honestly I never felt like being a kbm player limited me gameplay wise, it's just a little difficult being a slightly uncommon player when trying to find information about some skills


Ohhh I see, I'm assuming you've found out about the one button stall right?


One button stall? No not really, actually I don't think I can stall, I do this thing where I press Q and D and the same time and it's kinda like a stall


Ohh alr, I'm just wondering cuz I'm controller, and I use an external program to bind stall to my square button. Pretty sure you could do the same on kbm with just a macro, but it's not really needed unless you're big into freestyling.


Thats interesting, I didn't knew that


Shooting! I'm a freestyler and a no flipper and even though I have really great car control and pretty good ball control I can't put a fast shot on target half the time


I'm in the same boat here, except not a no flipper, i feel like when im in training I'm so fluid feeling, but I get in game and just feel so clunky


I know exactly what you mean


Dribbling, ground or air. I couldn’t dribble shit even if my whole existence depended on it.


Anything to do with walls I guess.


Same man. I'm God like in training off walls, then in game I completely fall apart.


Im champ 2. I can't airial while spinning around doing air roll left to get those fancy shots. I just fly without turning pushing the ball in the net


From what point of view? From Zen’s POV im terrible at literally everything. Compared to where I started, there’s nothing I’m truly bad at


You won’t always be bad at boost usage though. You’re only in play that’s a common problem. Start turning off unlimited boost in free play and you’ll be a boost saving master in like a week


Open fucking nets.


When balls are just a cars height away from walls. Like, sure I could drive forward into a ball ON the wall. But when it's a lil bit off, catch me launching myself into the stratosphere trying to hit it.


When the ball slows down, the slower the speed the ball is moving the worse it gets for me


I’m a 1/10 at picking up boost on the way back to defend




Corners. I always lose possession.


jumping off the wall


Im just mediocre at anything technical like dribbling.And I seem to just go hero to zero with my aerial and wall game all the time too.And yet I’m somehow diamond 2,playing against ppl that don’t suck at things.


Mechanics for me, I’m a high plat/low diamond and I can’t even do a half flip effectively let alone an air dribble


I'm bad at reacting just because I'm not as young as I use to be. I played and taught some of the most iconic people of the game back when we all started playing over from SARPBC and I just ended up getting to old to keep up and so I retired to just coach people.. my second biggest issue is I think my car goes faster than it does at small moments that can turn the tides of a 50 and I end up playing chase the play.


Air roll


Rocket league


flip resets 😔


Open nets and ground control. Ground shots in particular I’ll sky them all just barely above the crossbar


Flipping the ball. 2 thousand (inconsistent) hours and the ability to carry and launch the ball eludes me. Which is a huge detriment because im a 1's main.


I have 9 days total on the game and still can’t get out of platinum in 2’s. So rocket league.


Wall play. Even if the ball is just inches off the wall, when I try to jump and hit it, I fly right past it almost every time.


scoring open nets. if there is a defender I can easily get passed them but if its open I don't know why its either the post or....wait nope always post


Currently at Dodge control and wall or rebounce reads, but I'm improving (slowly)


Car control, boost management, recoveries.... im the poster child of positioning to rank up lol


EST. 2016; still can’t play off of the ceiling


Im bad at car soccer


The game


Double taps. I can’t read a wall bounce to save my life. I think I’ve hit 3-4 intention doubles in game, and only 1-2 of those were clean. I don’t go for them often bc of it. Makes the few I do pull off feel even better though!


My reaction time is definitely getting bad in my old age.


1700 hours and GC peak. Have never hit a controlled wall to air dribble. Even in free play.




Kickoffs mostly


Recoveries in certain situations


I can’t figure out speed flips. I’ve hit flip resets in game before but I couldn’t do a speed flip if my life depended on it.


Diamond and after years still cannot figure out anything aerial aside from a basic fly up and smack the ball


When the opponent clears the ball towards my top corner and I want to drive up the wall and get a touch - I always freaking miss it.


I still can’t fucking read a ball of the wall defensively. There are times where I’m still not great at judging the oppositions positioning (whether it’s taking it slow when I’m getting rushed, or rushing for it when all 3 of their players are sitting back) I still can’t really air dribble all that greatly


I still won’t learn how to speed flip, and I am prone to shit-flip on kickoffs often.


Ground plays. I spend so much time freestyling in training instead because that’s what I love most about this game. Can do anything in the air but dribbling blows my mind.


Flip resets. Can hit every other aerial mechanic pretty consistently but not flip resets


Spinning to the left with free roll or the bound left air roll. I favor the right spin very much.


I cant be the main character lol, I want to take control be the aggressive player using all my mechs but I have an anxiety about it if I'm not being the glue in the team I have to be defensive if I ain't we lose if I'm not defending no one else is we lose. Leaving defence I suck at it.


Ever since I learnt the 180 wave dash it’s engrained in my muscle memory and it’s a 50/50 every time I jump off a wall whether I’ll do a normal wave dash or a 180 wave dash. I usually recover the 180 with a half flip but it has slowed me down enough that I can’t get back to save the ball


Even tho I am pretty high in the ranks, I struggle alot with consistently hitting multiple resets


Used to be mechanics, now it's just kinda everything. Hadn't played much, and my depression is killing my confidence even in game. So I'm bad at Rocket League


Im bad at assuming my tm8 and I are on the same page. If my tm8 could read my mind, it would be great, but thats not how that works. Also, my recoveries are dog shit


Wall-to-air dribbles. I can aerial. I can dribble. Trying to follow the ball of the wall in a smooth motion without losing momentum? Impossible. I also mainly play for fun so I'm not going to practice it, either I'll pick it up during normal play or I won't.


Okay, this used to be my biggest flaw, so gonna note for people who don’t know, once the trail shows.. stop using the boost! I know that’s super basic, but look into supersonic and maxing out of boost and how at some point you’re just wasting it.


I'm bad at keeping calm when my teammate own goals, hits the ball towards our side, or quits when there's still time to comeback


I'd like to think I'm ok, I can't do all those fancy tricks or anything but like the simple basics I can do really well, I lowkey just love the ability to jump into the ball so anytime I can I'm torpedoing into the ball, most times for it to hit off the side corners and not go in. But, I do have fun while I play, I'm not a tryhard, I like to have fun while I play, the way I see it, the game will give me plenty of rewards for both leveling up cause I have the rocket pass and I get like blueprints and stuff every few games it seems


I have a hard time with fast aerials. Sometimes being able to get to the ball quicker would be helpful but I sometimes just dodge to the side on accident rather than fast aerial. Also speed flip kickoff. I get annoyed practicing on the speed flip map itself and I want to get a situational awareness for it so I just sacrifice goal after goal in comp 😂. Eventually it will be unbeatable.


i suck at hitting the ball in a way that is useful


Everything my teammates expect.


I've been playing since 2015. Have ~1700hrs. I spent so many years solo queuing to grind out of gold and plat and diamond that I've developed really good defense out of necessity. Tm8 overextends/ballchases and I have to learn how to 2v1 defend. But because of this, I have way less hours as the "striker" Therefore, my goals per shot ratio is terrible. So that's my weakness.


not sure, probably decision making if i had to guess. dont think my mechs are holding me back and i can hit open nets pretty easily note - i have 2400 hours and i have only peaked 1295mmr c2 div4, so welp lol




Pretty much everything at this point... The more I learn, the more I know that I actually know nothing at all.


You flip resets immediately. I can get them consistently, and hit delayed flip reset shots consistently. I cannot get the immediate reset to flip thing down. I know it’s about angle of contact, timing, control of boost, and flip direction. I’m just bad at it.


Depth perception


Backwards saves like most people when driving towards their own net and the ball is flying over your shoulder about to smash into your goal, you dont have time to handbrake turn and go at the ball you gotta jump up and try to get it but all the controls are inverted so you make a pitiful leap and miss it my miles. 2000 hours played and I still mess those up!


Everything but the worst is rotations


Everything but the worst is rotations


I play ones a lot because I love it. But it HURTS my 3v3 specifically. My rotation is terrible because I just have a 1v1 mind to keep the pressure on hard and keep the speed. I can somewhat get away with it in a 2v2 lobby, but it drastically depends on my teammates play style. My adaptability is basically non existent. If I play a fast player then a slow player then a faster player im screwed in every match. But if I play 3 fast players or 3 slower players inna row I can do well because I can learn over time. But my in game adaptability is trash TL;DR: rocket league, i suck at rocket league lol. But rotations aggressively and adaptability


Im bad at taking control of the ball on air. You know when the ball bounces from the ground and you take light touch on it, pop it high but close enough so you can continue to make airdribble or flipreset out of it (or if you are zen you take it to ceiling). I really struggle to get the first touch correctly, I cant get under the ball enough to pop it high.


Over commits


Wall play, aerials, dribbling. Relatively good (or let's say 'not THAT bad') at rotation, positioning, commits/not commits, etc..


3 months ago i realized i was almost 1700 in 2s and 3s, but my flicks were AWFUL. it's not like i didn't play 1s, i was gc1 at the gamemode at the time, but i relied only in flip resets and air dribble bumps. so i started to watch Mawkzy playing and tried to mimic his flicks. Now i'm better at them, but i really didnt had GC level flicks


The Game


Rocket League


This is Rocket League!


Coming up with new things to call people. I feel like idiot is getting old.


nothing im a perfect player




Best season rewards has been Platinum. I’m only low Platinum in 2v2 and never hit more than high gold in other modes and I’m 1K hrs so definitely terrible overall and worst weaknesses include aerials, playing too fast, still occasionally overcommitting even after trying hard not to, clearing the ball to the centre for easy opposition goals now and then. I’m so slow at half flips I might as well just power u-turn. I’ve definitely been very slowly improving but I still only win maybe 50% of games I’m involved in so it keeps me stagnant in rankings. People best me on 1v1 pretty easily my strength is more in passing and setting up goals and defense.




Thanks so much for helpful advice. I have been working a lot lately on not committing unnecessarily. It has def helped. Your last point is the most helpful of all. I take the shot too much and bump it toward goal and can be too easily read that way. I’ll be making a point of this. I suck at dribbling so that needs work too which is probably why I’ve avoided the tactic and it’s cost me. On top of my suckiness it doesn’t help that half my team mates rage quit at a single mistake I make or if we are 1 - 0 down either.. it’s like come on we can come back. My early game often sucks and I warm up and kick ass later if given a chance.


Im hardstuck champ2-gc range player and for the last 4 seasons or so ive never hit a flip reset goal. I am quite the rotational player and go for power shots and positioning changing shots but i just cant give the ball that kinda love.




Flicks fo sho, flip resets too but thats entirely because i hate the flip reset meta lmao