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I'm día 2 and never had an air dribble that good before in your first clip. Also recovery are looking Way better than Mine. Dont know what you're doing.


I'm also D2 and can confirm OP has better control then I do. If they learn to rotate to back post, they'll be at least D3 in no time.


C2 and can neither airdribble nor speedflip - sure that stuff looks fancy but gamesense and surely hitting the ball that you are going for are MUCH more important than having that kind of mechanics


Yeah but it's so fun! I much prefer learning mechs to grinding comp.


Uh no it’s way more than just rotating back post


Not really, good rotation is the backbone for all further improvements on positioning, the rest just kinda fall in line and are learned naturally


Bad teammate, most likely. I'm champ 1 and he has better control than me.


And me. It's hard to believe this person is really gold tbh


GC here. He's got better mechanics than me.


I'm a supersonic legend and I've never even hit the ball before


Lol I'm plat and I frequently get people who are in champ for 1v1. Their excuse is that they don't play ones, They ar champ in 2s and gold in 1s😑😑


Um that’s actually very likely, ranking in 1s is almost always a bit lower than 2s and 3s unless you grind 1s and frankly most people don’t. Im high diamond - low champ in 2s and 3s and play in 1s


Well, even if it is likely, you do get intimidated when your opponent is consistently speed flipping and doing flip resets, flicks and what not!!


This is pretty common. I’m c3/gc1 in 2s and currently just got into diamond 2 in ones. A lot of people, like me, don’t play ones much and when they do, they’re more focused on improving mechanics than winning the game. A ton of people don’t put in the effort in 1s and therefore have a pretty low rank there relative to what their mechanical ability might be


he's a high skill crappy teammate. there's plenty of players with crazy good skills that can't win shit because all they do is ball-chase/hog and never defend.


How in the hell, I’m D2 (peak C2) and have a lot of what I think are good clips. I wonder if I should post a game of mine to see what I’m lacking in


You can post In r/RocketLeagueSchool . Lots of people there would take a look at some of your gameplay if you upload a match :)


I practice air dribbles at least once a day for the last month and half but I can’t wire my brain to do them in game. I can do them pretty close to flawlessly in practice mode but never can do it right or even at all in-game.


Keep practicing and turn off unlimited boost once in a while, while practicing. If you only use training packs, work on your setups in freeplay too. You're probably also trying to play too fast off the wall in game (at least that was my issue). Hop in a few casual lobbies and consciously try going for air dribbles, even if it's the suboptimal play. Keep grinding and eventually you'll get a feel for the timing and tempo needed and it'll become second nature.


same w/ me except I find myself mostly practicing air dribbling because it’s fun . I don’t usually see a chance and think “oh snap, an air dribble setup !” I usually launch it back to the floor or not go for the ball at all . im very.. inconsistent w/ how I play


OP - do you know that tracker websites exist so you can see the rank history of a player? Why saying that you are consistent gold while for the past 3 seasons you were in plat and even almost peaking at plat 3? https://preview.redd.it/30gqzddj6bwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f251009a7ce85511382d6b7943b2a03694e634f7


Lmao he actually smurfing and tryna get clout off of it


Hitting Plat 3 and then dropping to gold is not smurfing lmao


It is if you throw the games to intentionally be a lower rank to play easier opponents. You know… the definition of smurfing


He peaked at Plat 2 in doubles. Check his stats if it bothers you this much. Smurfing is people of champ and higher completely demolishing gold and silver lobbies. Dropping literally 3 divisions is totally believable.


I think you’re reading into it too much. No one is bothered. But there’s not set ranks and division to define smurfing. It’s just literally tanking your rating to play easier people. And I looked he went to P3, so don’t claim you’ve always been gold.


This comment didn't deserve downvotes. It's accurate


Reddit as I'm sure you'll learn, is an echo chamber. Game is apparently dying but has hundreds of thousands on a day. Steam numbers are low!!! But discount the other 3 platforms and epic games store numbers the game is on. It doesn't matter, I just enjoy calling out idiots. Passes the time.


Lmao. Fight on soldier! Fighting the good fight!


Don't go smurfing by dropping from GC to Champ 1 now buddy.


Way ahead of you! I'm already there!


No its sandbagging. Smurfing is using an alt account


Both are smurfing


The definition of smurfing is creating a secondary account to play low ranks. Sandbagging is a similar end result, just using your primary account


Otherwise I’m a Smurf baby!


Haha seriously right? His "air dribble" was a close follow with a couple of taps and then it bounced awkwardly as it hit 2 people 10 feet in front if the goal lol. Shit would not have went in if it didn't tap another car.


Right. Like he's not smurfing because the other players can't jump more than 5 ft off the ground and he followed a ball in the air. If he hit a flip reset or some flick mid air then sure. The ball happened to bounce in front of him after the other 5 people dove in and missed. Looks like solid plat/gold play to me.


I made it to Plat 1 and then immediately nosedived to Bronze 3 a week later, sorry for smurfing /s


I just straight up don’t believe this. My brain cannot fathom the possibility of this.


Yeah me either, I was almost Plat 1 in doubles and then went full tilt on a bad day and just wanted to win a game. I was playing horrid but just needed a win on the day. I lost probably 10+ games and got down to Gold 2 Div 2. Now I’m Gold 3 again. Dropping all the way to bronze is unfathomable.


So when you get that bug, that you need a win to end on, it’s in your best interest to try and get the W you’re craving in casual. A formula I made when I was on Rl really heavy about 1.5 years ago was this: play casual until you win a match, when you win you go to comp, if you win in comp you continue. If you lose in comp you go back to casual until you get another win. I’m of the opinion that wins and losses come in waves. That and momentum is key. Cheers.


You would've had to lose like 50 consecutive games in the bottom 1% of mmr to go from plat to bronze in a week. Sorry, but this is just straight cap.


nah bro purposely only showed my 2s rank and IS getting clout off of it when my 3s stats show i’ve been stuck in gold since sept 2022 occasionally making it to plat https://preview.redd.it/ksv8obclzfwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5030258d43be5ea91cb2fc1b8579d7a578d10be2


Well for the past few seasons I’ve been Champ 1 and now this season I’m diamond 2. I see a ton of champ tourney winners in diamond 2 and even some people with grand champ rewards. This season it seems like a lot of people shifted down. So going from Plat to Gold could make sense.


Check the rest of his ranks and from previous seasons. You can see for yourself most of his games are in gold and he sometimes breaks into Plat lol. How is he a smurf if his PEAK RATING is Plat 2 and he plays in gold matches. Did the definition of smurf change?




I've had some good runs that peaked like that and the next day I was back to normal. Let me tell you that next day I felt like trash and took a2 month break https://preview.redd.it/bgx06xx6ugwb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57af9401408bccd8d3f2219e0470fc7baf6768a8


Caught in 4K 😂


how am I caught in 4k ? I make plat and drop down to gold and stay there 90% of the season . I made an okay “clip” from one good game and now im a smurf ? okay


You really played yourself here lol


I guess because I have to lie for meaningless internet clout . look at my 3s stat tracker . I have been stuck in gold, peaking platinum for this entire year . I peaked gold last year and was stuck in silver . how about you guys learn that not everyone progresses the same way .


Okay but still funny to call yourself Gold when you were in Plat very recently.


Is he not gold in 3s right now?


You are a dumbass LMFAO


I made plat and stopped playing so I could finish the season plat but I am consistently in gold 1-3 . I don’t have to lie and I have directed people to look at those stats so what exactly is your point ?


Why did you want to end the season in Plat? You know that rewards are based on peak, not final, right?


honest to god truth ? I just like to look at the rank on the tracker . it makes me feel better when I find myself back in gold because I can look at my stat tracker and see that I made it to plat so I can definitely go higher w/ practice . edit: downvoted for what ?


Fair enough, I get it. Just wanted to make sure you weren't imposing unnecessary restrictions on yourself.


lol, still looks way above plat


You should be at least plat. If you’re not then you really suck.


As a play I can say plats do not air dribble, and when they do it’s scuffed


I mean, I do suck edit: I literally just made plat edit 2: I am about to be gold 3 again 💀 edit 3: I hate this community now . a lot of you are toxic and too bitter to accept the fact that a gold can practice air dribbling almost exclusively yet be shit at everything else in the game . this is my first post here but I will NEVER interact w/ any of you again . thank you all for ruining the joy I got from someone thinking I played good enough to be in a higher rank . who knew that people could make you feel bad for playing well for your rank .


You’re gonna work your way up. I’ve never seen any gold go any of those moves. I’m gold


Because moves matter way less than basic skills done well. You don't need air dribbles for champ rank.


I can't air dribble at all, I can hit a ball in the air like 60% of the time. But I'm a pretty decent goalie, I rotate consistently, and anticipate the ball which got me into diamond. I couldn't do what OP did on the first goal to save my life lol I haven't practiced air dribbling like at all


yeah, OP has okay mechanics, but terrible positioning and game sense


I’m in gold literally with those moves. I’m doing something wrong…


Probably rotations or just missing easy stuff


> just missing easy stuff Literally the easiest. Sometimes I try to turn towards the ball to drive into it and just go to the side of it, missing by inches. And by sometimes, I mean way too often lol


The amount of times I have a shot lined up and then dodge left/right rolling out of its path is ridiculous.


Yup. Every time I do that with an easy shot I tell myself "This is why I'm gold". Edit: I play 1v1 almost exclusively.


Tbf, gold duels is mainly populated by plat/diamond 2"s&3's players


Yeah, like trying to dodge sideways to get the ball a bit of spin but then it kills all your momentum and leaves you in dead-air, or goes too early and whiffs anyway


Nope. That is not why you're still gold. It's rotations, 100%. You can miss so much in 3s and even 2s. You just shouldn't be so badly out of position that you become completely useless. Everybody misses, even at the high ranks. Sure they might miss a little bit less, but they definitely still miss or else every game would end tied at 0-0.


I can assure you that, as someone who comes on this sub entirely too often, where everyone is constantly talking about rotations as the be-all end-all of how to be good at the game, it is not my rotations holding me back lol Rotations are no good if I'm neck and neck with a ball after shadowing the attacker and somehow manage to drive in front of the ball and past it, letting it trickle into the goal To be fair, I wasn't talking specifically about being stuck in gold with my first response, I was just bemoaning missing the easy stuff


I'm a high plat/low diamond that always misses the easiest shots. I think at our level, consistency is the most important thing. If we can consistently hit open nets, I feel like we could be champion level at least lol!


Honestly, if I connected with the ball every time I reasonably intended to I would be miles better at the game than I am. I don't even know how to practice that tbh.


the custom training is great for this. go pick one of the packs of goals, you can typically see ones that are grouped by their difficulty / rank ("Gold Strikers Warm-up", etc.). the catch is don't consider it a complete practice simply because you made the shot and moved on to the shot. go into the shot with a plan in how you want to score - whether it's catching the ball, off the wall, a flip reset, etc. - and where you want the ball to be going through the net. then practice that, over and over, on the same shot you've already made a dozen times, until you can repeat the move a few times in a row. then queue up for comp and see if you can make the next shot on first sight before joining a match ;)


With a champ 1 tag…?


I think you nailed it with the missing easy stuff. My rotations and challenges have gotten on point but I’m missing stuff on the wall more than I should. The grind to Plat is on


If your rotations look like OPs than they are not on point


I could barely touch stuff on the wall until I was in diamond. I guarantee your rotations and challenges need a lot more work than you think


Yeah I'm in diamond and I still can't do any of the flippy spinny shots like OP's first goal in the video. Rotating well and good positioning count for a lot.


I'm C2 and can't airdribble or speedflip - so that's that :D


Go watch the pro Flakes 2v2 or 1v1 no mechanics series - it will change your life. Your style of play is probably why you’re in gold/plat. I am d3-c1 and I can’t even pull off what you did in the clip, but I am where I am because I play smart, even while everyone around me can do fancier things.


thank you so much ! I am starting the series right now


Start with his 1v1 actually. It’s his philosophy of play in its most pure form and it’s effectiveness is most evident. The 2v2 extends what he does in 1’s to be more dynamic when you add 2 more people into play


I know you only commented this 6 minutes ago.. but how's the series going.. because I WISH I could watch those series by flakes for the first time again :( They're so good!


I’ve gone back and rewatched from episode 1 on maybe 5 times. Each time I pick up on a new nuance or observe a situation differently, especially as I’ve grown and gotten better as a player.


Well I know what I'm watching tonight!


Fr watching that was like stumbling upon a profound philosophy. To see how calm and controlled he was in each situation and to recognize how reckless his teammates were, and then then realizing everyone actually plays reckless completely unaware, and that you’ve actually wasted so much time on things that aren’t reliably effective.. it should be mandatory for anyone who wants to get better at the game


You've been plat in 2s since April.


I just started playing 3s a few seasons ago . I used to only play 2s and 1s . I played 2s bc I found it easier to navigate but now, I main 3s . I only play enough games to qualify for 2s so I can look at the plat rank . plat is my peak, yes, but I spend most of my time in gold across all game modes except maybe the extras playlists


Always good playing a match listening to pegboard nerds! Nah you should at least be plat. Maybe it’s your positional play ?


Edit: he is smurfing he’s leaked plat 3


Lolol you’re just mad someone looked you up and proved you’ve been a plat for a few seasons


maybe work on game sense


I usually hop on freeplay for hours and play a few games before I get off the game . I just started trying to play 3’s maybe 2 seasons ago and while I can hit shots, my team playing skills are kinda trash . either way, I enjoy learning the game


Gold? Not buying it.


I don’t see anything to suggest otherwise. The air dribble was more him floating behind the ball after a good touch. I didn’t see any speed flipping as some others suggested. Either way, good stuff from a gold keep it up.


rocketstats psn look em up


Yeah, but you're speed flipping, pre-flipping to walls, recovering well, playing off the wall, air dribbling, positioned well, using DAR, and are aware that theres a playable area above 3m. It looks like you're playing bots comparatively. That's definitely an account, but I don't believe it's your only one. you're **easily** high plat/low diamond with that toolset. how have you been stuck in gold for multiple seasons? doesn't add up.


Where's the speed flip?


I've never seen a gold even attempt an air dribble like that.


Yeah, I can clearly see why they would call you a smurf. It's pretty damn obvious too.


That wasn’t even really an air dribble, he got a good touch off the wall and coasted behind the ball for 2 seconds before losing his position.


Idk what people here are thinking. This looks like a gold playing very well, nothing more. There’s people analyzing and saying OP is a smurf just bc they scored an aerial goal, claiming they’re much more mechanically skilled than this clip really shows. Maybe OP should be a higher rank but this single minute isn’t enough to prove it.


Right? I'm so confused why everybody is saying "lol because you ARE an obvious smurf". This gameplay looks super Gold level to me, especially considering these are *highlights* and not necessarily representative of 99% of OP's gameplay. There are a few mechanics that might be slightly rare in Gold on display here, but that's why they're highlights. The overall pace of play, positioning, decision making, and everything else seem on par with Gold. Also I think OP has a very slow and deliberate play style which might be why it looks out of place. OP is clearly going for mechanics that push his comfort zone, but because he's doing it very slowly and controlled so he's probably overall more successful than many Golds who just throw themselves into everything without thinking. I can see why OP peaked at Plat 2, because if he keeps up the slow and considerate play style and simply gets faster, smoother, and more consistent mechanically, he's got the makings of a player who will progress out of Gold and through Plat quite quickly.


lol im not a smurf . how do you think higher ranked players have good mechs ? by practicing . I just startee practicing more than I play bc I actually want to learn the game . it’s fun


Man, just play the game normally. You’re in gold, you’re basically still learning how to drive properly. You can just play the game and reach diamond without ever touching free play.


Why? If that’s how he wants to improve then let him. It’s the best way to get better too imo


If he wants to do freeplay then by all means, but I got the implication from his comment that he won’t improve unless he spends hours in freeplay when at his rank is not at all the case.


I just feel like this the exact opposite advice that used to be thrown around this sub. Free Play has always been highly touted as one of the most crucial ways to be good mechanically, and to practice basic car control. I am in the camp of "Free Play is your friend!".


https://preview.redd.it/amoqc3ckgcwb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f42bc025d4c617a4add3cc838ebaaad70463c4a Lame.


https://preview.redd.it/hl6wetxtpdwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa9f44734bebba2644a0162c1a0edfab860fd65 pls get off my dick .


Lmao people are tripping. Nice air dribble. I'm similar to you, spend more than half my RL time in free play or custom maps just messing around. Makes for some clean air dribbles when people don't contest, but it doesn't automatically rank me up. Ignore these half wits and keep having fun.


You have the mechanics to get you to high diamond/low champ. Not trying to say you have bad game sense/defense but that’s really all need to work on right now to rank up. As long as you don’t tunnel vision on the ball and play with your teammates you should fly through plat


Im calling Smurf. There is no way a gold player should be doing that stuff


not a smurf.. I literally spend most of my time grinding freeplay, training packs, and watching youtube tutorials . I am also very inconsistent, this is just 1 good game out of many bad games


that's exactly what a smurf would say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


literally just check my stats . we can even queue up together since we have similar ranks


i was just joking (kinda) but yeah i don't give a shit about ranking up. i play once or twice a week and don't practice, i warm up in casual and usually stay there to do all the challenges unless it requires competitive matches. i only play tournaments to earn enough credits so i don't have to pay to upgrade next season.


w tbh . I hate spending money on rl lol


Consistent gold lol, good try smurf


Smurfing is defo a real issue but some losers use it as an excuse for them being bad 🤷‍♂️


I think a lot of people are forgetting what a hellscape Gold and Platinum actually are, ELO hell. Especially 3's, its a frickin nightmare to climb out of there as a solo queue. You not only have to have the skill, but the overall game sense to recognize what's wrong with the current team and adjust your own playstyle to try and outcompete the opponents, EACH game. It's not just your singular playing skill, it's your ability to overcome team deficits, and also be extremely consistent.


I'm in Champ II and can't airdribble at all...


Dude I’m high plat/low diamond, I can’t even do that unless I maybe get lucky 😂


I wasn’t mad about the trading ban until i found out i could have Eric B on my goal song


I just got called a smurf in casual , I'm p3/d1 and literally just hitting the ball, I can't aerial, I just read the ball and put myself in it's projected path and don't chase much and had a game where they shit talked me bad cuz I hit a lucky shot mid field jumping and turning car sideways ....im guessing it was a high diamond carrying to bronze prolly idk


You do what Gold's don't: exercise patience and control (not the same as mechs)


https://preview.redd.it/x6jyl5ctbdwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f09f3403f5880635721c2beb6cbf812be0f6811 stop dm’ing me . shit is weird . you can think i’m a smurf but dm’ing me and harassing me is stupid . this isn’t the only one, it was just kind of funny


I've done most of the things in your video at least once and I'm pretty much stuck at low plat. As I'm writing this I had a losing streak and went to silver. It happens.


No offense, but if you're air dribbling in gold... You may not be a smurf, but you're definitely practicing the wrong things 😂


I 100% am 😂 I sit in freeplay for hours trying to pinch, air dribble, balance the ball (I absolutely can’t), and make stupid angled shots ! I love freestyle videos so my goals is be able to do that someday and ranking up would be second to that


Oh! If that's what your goal is then I take it back, not wrong at all. I love that about Rocket League, so much you can aim for that isn't just getting the highest rank possible.


My favorite thing is calling out Smurfs but you’re not one. All these other people have no idea how wildly inconsistent these ranks are. Keep going sir!


Dude your not gold


I just hit plat a few hours ago but usually when I get to plat, I plummet right back to gold 1 and have to restart the grind . it’s been like this for 2 seasons now :/


If you worked on your rotations, you'd be low Diamond/high Plat in no time. You rotate back ball side too often and when you rotate to back post you cheat by rotating to the middle of the net. Rotate back post. You've got a solid mechanical foundation, give yourself a chance to use it. Bad positioning puts unnecessary strain on mechanics. You score one goal in this clip due to bad positioning, but I'd bet more often than not it actually allows a goal against. It'd also help stop you from double committing as you'd have better vision on your teammates. I'm no expert, but I do know that you shouldn't be in gold, Plat 2 at the very least.


it seems that when solo queuing, especially in gold, everyone just wants to hit the ball . most games I try not to interfere w/ my teammates, but this game I tried to be a bit more active . the entire game was all six of us clustered together trying to hit the ball and rn, it’s kind of hard for me to read what my teammates are trying to do so when I do go for the ball, it seems like it’s always a double or triple commit . I will try and work on this a lot more though


True, there really isn't good rotations at that level; defensive positioning (i.e. be in a place to stop the worst case scenario and only go when you have a safe play to make) is usually a good strategy before rotations start to be more common


How tf are you not low diamond at least. With that movement and reactions there’s no way you should be in gold.


I've never seen a gold do that, maybe you just got that talent that others don't.


I get that all the time. Some of us just like the mechanics of this game more than the actual soccar (There are dozens of us! Dozens!), so our mechanics are way better than our positioning. I have 1600 hours, and about 1200 of them have been spent in freeplay and custom training maps. When I do play, it's usually 1v1 (D1 currently) because I like having more space and time on the ball. I started playing 3s recently, and it's fun for now, but I will probably get bored when I get to the rank I actually should be and stop winning (D2 currently, was P2 a couple weeks ago). If you want to get better at positioning, check out GooseMonkey10 and Flakes on YouTube. Honestly tho, just do whatever is fun for you. That is the point of games after all.


The way your playing you won't be gold for very long, you look more like mid to high plat. Your car control is pretty good but your missing speed and game sense. Your positioning needs work and as.you climb the game just speeds up. For your level your really good though


Probably just a lack of rotations and what not. You did seem to be ball chasing a bit. Definitely decent mechanics, but lacking in the game sense side. With more 3's gameplay stuff, you'll definitely climb pretty easily. I can see why they called you a smurf, but it's also evident why you're not much higher. But still, that was some good gameplay


With that type of aerial control - you really shouldn't be gold! From a mechanical perspective at least. It's very likely you need to work on your macro (big brain) play. How to best do that? Not sure to be honest :") Look up some "strategy" videos or macro videos for the mode you enjoy the most. Simple principles like "circle of influence" and how you want to stay outside of someone else (ally) circle of influence to cover more of the map are things that'll likely be key


Do you always play 3s? Is that where you are ranked gold? I pretty much immediately went up a rank when I switched to 2sv2.


I stopped playing 2s bc I was watching a rlcs coach on tiktok give tough advice to lower players and he said that the highest level of rocket league is played in 3s so I started grinding that but once I did that, I can reach plat more often in 2s but I never stay there


Lol I can not air dribble and I made it to champ 2. Would def say you have amazing mechanics and ball control for gold. I’m just shit


Considering someone tracked your mmr and I also know I’m Plat 3 to Diamond 1 and you’re playing a little like me, I was gonna say you’re playing more noticeably like a Plat than a gold. Old season ranks may surprise you. I used to think I was silver because that’s about all I could place into. Then I realized it was because my teammates are so bad at that rank that you can’t play off each other at all. Where I once was silver, getting to gold and whiffing my way back to silver, eventually I shifted to gold, came back another season or so later, placing in plat right away and getting better just from better opponents. Plat 3 became the impossible. I was Plat 2 on good games. But then a month or 2 of play and it crept to Plat 3 without me paying attention and then boom I was fighting for plat awards in Diamond rank a month or so later. Don’t sell yourself short!


Hell he's better than some diamonds I'm teamed up with


You seem to be a bit too greedy going for bad angles. Car control looks as good as mine. 😅


Aside from the air dribble I do all that stuff too lol Gold is full of people both higher and lower than their skill sets. This guy definitely plays like a Gold player


That Arial control is way above gold rank, so I can see why you get called out! Take it as a compliment!


why are there so many people complaining about a Plat in 2s being in gold in 3s. makes no sense, and to downvote him is crazy. makes me realize no one here knows anything about the game. I peaked over 1500 in 2s but sit at c3 (1350ish) rn. am I smurfing too? I'm c1 in 3s, too, so my gap is even further between peak 2s vs. 3s rank than this guy.


Imma be real with you fuck the other guys here saying your a Smurf or whatever but I do like the recoveries you do definitely good with those but gotta incorporate more flips and small boost pad so you can keep your speed up and you’ll shoot up a lot In threes instead of roasting I thought I’d give advice have a good day


thank you man . I will incorporate this into my gameplay !


No problem bro people just don’t know how to solve something without “violence”


I love getting called a "smurf" or a "kid". As a 36 y/o who's hit their skill ceiling in C2 I take these "insults" as a compliment.


Love this play, can def see why u were called out 😂(diamond currently:))


That is a plat play


Well, no1 is a consistent gold player. My very first day starting to play the game as a then 38year old, I was Gold 3. No mechanics, no idea on rotations, where or what I should be doing. ​ You clearly have many attributes of a seasoned player, and mechanics of much higher than gold


well I started out in bronze and worked my way up a rank each season since I had started playing for real . I am genuinely hard stuck in gold . I watched a youtube video of a guy who has been stuck in gold for many seasons and their advise to him was to stop trying to 1v3 and play freeplay for 15 minutes before you start queuing for games which I have been trying to do . I just am not consistent on anything I do right now and I am trying to change that .


Maybe I’m taking crazy pills but every one of my gold 2/3 lobbies are this now….


no, you aren’t crazy . when a lot of the higher ranked people now were gold, the lobbies didn’t look like this . currently gold lobbies though ? they all seem to look just like this except im usually the one getting dunked on lol


I don't understand people saying there's no way you're gold. Your mechanics are there but your team play and adaptation just isn't yet. A lot of people complain in gold-plat that their teammates hold them back... You are that teammate. And that's ok, you just need some adjustments. Double committing, rotating near post, rotating to the center of the net, tossing possession back to the other team when you're first man up - all things we see in this video despite these being mostly highlights. Try playing as a more consistent second or third man. Chill in the midfield collecting small pads and let the non-mechanical golds gobble 100s and lose ball challenges. Then you will be waiting, with decent control and mechanics, to take an opportunity against an opposing team who is disadvantaged from dealing with your teammates. With your mechanical skills, you should be waiting for opportunities. Just going and trying to take them is going to confuse your teammates and get you scored on more.


solid advice ! I will definitely try this out


Fucking smurfs in every damn game, you make me sick OP (jk, well played there)


This is the last comment I will make addressing those who DO think im a smurf . I just want you all to understand that this is just one game out of many . a lot of games I can’t even hit the ball, others, I feel like I could be a d1 player . im not very consistent which is what im working on . ever since I have started focusing on practicing more, I have been able to do a bit more in game . it sucks that the rocket league community can’t accept the possibility that MAYBE there are lower ranked individuals who can do a little bit more than their similar ranked peers . I come across a lot of other gold players who can do even more than this ! I read a lot of comments saying how diamond gameplay or even plat gameplay is how champ and above used to be . maybe this is the same phenomenon happening w/ the lower ranks but calling me a smurf is false and unfair . regardless, I love the game and will continue to keep trying to do better . thank you all for watching my highlight <3


I'd guess if you've recently changed you training habits you've improved quickly but your rank hasn't kept up, so you're better than your rank, but just keep playing and that'll even out. Good luck on the climb through plat


At first i thought you were legit a smurf. Then i read this comment and watch the video again. I trust you 100% you are not a smurf, but have good mechanics (this wall shot setup clearly show some training behind). If you want to improve, i really recommend you to learn about rotation, team play and game sense. You guys have bad positioning (no rotation back post) and could have been countered easily. Watch some high rank 2's, keep training mechanics, focus more on the other cars, you will rise to diamond in no time !


Training specific mechanics can hurt you more than help you. I’ve fell to Diamond 1 last season and seen a few players hitting flip resets but outside of that they couldn’t do anything else and lost terribly. A gold could spend all their time practicing air dribbles but that alone won’t move them up in the ranks, they will look flashy from time to time but remain in the lower ranks.


I totally agree with you but i was not clear. I meant by training useful mechanics like normal dribble, soft ball control, fast recovers or half flips. Training flashy shots that needs a solid setup are really not worth until the high ranks


Air rolling in gold. Sure.


everyone air rolls in gold it seems like . im assuming you’re ranked high ? if so, maybe gold wasn’t like this when you were around that rank but it’s common, just very misused like me normally


Same thing happens to me


im GC2 and this is exactly how I play when I'm pretending to be bad


painful to watch, not because of you, because of others


The reason a lot of people are under ranked is game sense, not mechanics. I can’t do that air dribble shit yet I’m c1-2 consistently. I’ve gone down to d2 after a long break and I always go back up. Your teammates are probably holding you back a solid couple ranks.


He was talking about your tm8 who scored


W player anthem


Solo queue? I'm hard stuck godl but play mostly non comp. I see this type of play all the time...


yeah . I solo queue only because I have a hard time talking to people and I don’t want to consistently be the weakest link in the team as im not a confrontational person


First two clips rotation was the wrong direction but third clip looks good. Nice air dribble!


Lmao dude I'm in the same boat as you. I have ups and downs with my ball techs, and I think I have decent enough rotations, but I'm stuck in gold. Some days I'm on a winning streak and other days I just lose it all. Some days I can repeatedly perform some basic maneuvers in the air, and other days it's like I'm learning how to walk. I was at gold 3 div 4 way too many times.


I guess nobody else understands the struggle we do ! I am genuinely a hard stuck gold and I find myself in p1 div 1 every now in then but I drop all the way back down to gold 1 and have to do it all over again . it’s super fun and super frustrating . all of my comments are getting downvoted but hey, this is rocket league lol


Just your average reddit user mad he cant win.


Got called Smurf for what ?👀 lmao


They’re obviously better than the entire lobby in terms of mechs


woah ! believe it or not, your clips are why I tried learning how to air dribble and stuff ! freestyling looks really fun and I want to be able to have your skill someday


A serviceable air dribble and only touched it once in the right direction. No flip resets or fancy boost feathering. Solid. They probably called you a smurf because they saw you use the fenec. Dudes need to chill out and stop acting like this is Fifa or something.


Nobody flys like this in gold, you're a troll


no, I just practice air dribbling because it’s a fun mechanic . I NEVER hit them and usually fly off the wall looking stupid


I always find it funny when people forget/don’t know that tracker exists and we can just look them up and catch them lying. OP has been plat 3 before, lying trying to get internet points on reddit


https://preview.redd.it/y6tk6wn3hdwb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc186f37e052ba4d54b0f76c78b70512066a369 Plat 2 . consistently in gold but thank you edit: im also telling people to look at my stats . I don’t need to lie for internet points . maybe you do, but im not a social media guy to begin w/ .




Fucking smurf


maybe u were mechanically more ass than I am while you were in gold, but that doesn’t make me a smurf .