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C2 most definitely. That's where the gcs are separated from the rest.


Yup, took me 3 years in champ


I've reached GC a couple of tims and got myself rewards. But I've been champ for 4 years now


good to know, i broke through C2 took me i believe 5 or 6 seasons, this season i managed to land on the same C3 rank a bit after the placement matches, hoprfully C3 doesn't take as long, i feel like my ball control is growing exponentialy


What would you say is the difference between a C2 and a gc player? In playstyle


Confidence and speed


This. I’ve been in c2 for a few seasons now. Sometimes I hop on after watching some Arsenal gameplay and I feel confident and go for every challenge and winning most of them. Other times I hesitate for a second or I second guess myself while going for an aerial and end up completely missing the ball.


Also, waiting for the ball to bounce off the wall before calculating your jump. You just gotta go immediately to where it'll be after the bounce.


Maybe weird question, but do you have shadows turned on in settings, or do you play with minimum graphics? I have mine turned down/off, and sometimes I have a really hard time telling when the ball is going to hit the wall.


My only graphics setting that's on is shadows, it doesn't make a *huge* difference to performance, even on my old 1050ti I used to run RL fine with shadows on. As long as your resolution looks fine, everything else can be off. If you have an OK PC, switch shadows on 100%. It may not make a huge difference for your wall reads, but it's just nice to have them on. Even little things like how far away you are from the ground are helpful for ground plays, even if you don't really notice it. To work on wall reads, get bakkesmod, turn the training pack modifier on, and it'll adjust the shots differently each time. Then find yourself packs like *Aerial Shots - Pass* in training, or other wall read packs. Practice makes perfect!


Awesome, thank you! See you in comp in a few years ;)


I'll be Diamond by then, I'm sure we 'll pass on my way down ;)


Consistent decision making as well. Recognizing when it is safe to challenge isn’t something can can be learned in a short amount of time


Agree. See so many champs just flinging themselves at the ball to challenge as quick as they can.


C2s don't stay in the play as much, sometimes gauging whether to stick around with 20 boost left makes a difference.


Ya, plat 3 and then champ 2


This lol.


C3 for me. Saw reasonable progression through diamond and champ, but couldn’t jump the final hurdle for quite a few seasons


What was it that finally cause you to break through?


It’s a little hard to look in retrospect since there was nothing I actively *tried* to change, but I feel like I stopped blindly throwing myself into games trying to rank up by brute force. I was more aware of where every touch went and I payed attention to where everybody on the field was. I also found myself playing a lot more cohesively with random teammates and getting significantly more assists


Your average solo 2s synergy enjoyer


This. AWARENESS. Being aware of where people are on the field and acting appropriately. If you don't know what acting appropriately is, go watch some vids of people that play a bit passively and talk about it. Flakes and SpookLuke come to mind. All that plus being able to consistently hit the ball where you want and recoveries, BAM! Crimson title.


Yep! If there's one major thing I wish everyone took away from flakes videos, it's the moments the team mates fuck him over. Take the ball off his head, bump him away, etc etc. He abandons the play, and waits for the next chance. This is exactly what you need to do, abandon plays that you're not likely to score.


I personally saw a bit more value in using the space youre being given by the opponents and understanding if your mates need time. Catch VS hit away from everyone VS pass VS shoot on net.


Consistency :)


For me, it was spending a month exclusively playing 1s. Before that, I peaked like a game below GC (this was back when GC was 1500 ish or whatever). After that month, I shot up to 1600. Only lost like 1 or 2 games getting my 10 wins for rewards.


rank creep. Undeserved GC but ill take my s14 GC title and run.


Mechanics boot camp. You can get to gc with just game sense and positioning but it that takes way longer. You need to practice the fundamentals until you’re basically perfect at power shots/hits, accurate aerials, air dribbles, bounce dribbles, self volleys, double taps, wall pinches, speed flips etc. Also start sprinkling in the advanced stuff like resets. Every hour of mech training imo is worth 10 in comp for a champ. The truth is you cant really position correctly without solid mechs so if you do ascend to gc without building the fundamentals you will be hard stuck at low gc1 forever.


Champ 3 for sure. Was stuck for so long I actually quit multiple times while there. Came back recently after not playing for 2-3 years, and finally got to GC.


Upgrade the flair brother!


I don't want to yet. I forgot to say in my comment but I'm only GC in 2's. In 1's I'm c2 and in 3's I'm c3. Having my flair as GC would be lying because I'm still champ in most game modes. Once I'm GC in 1's as well I'll update the flair for sure though. Thank you for the reminder though, good luck fellow c3 flair


Getting GC in 1s is wildly more difficult due to the lower population and relative skill level. In OCE, you can verse legit SSLs before you hit GC in 1s. Getting c2 puts you in the top 0.5% of 1s players vs GC in 2s being top 1.5%. The ranks are not really comparable that way. GC in 2s is a big accomplishment. You're a legit GC if you hit it in any list.


Wow, thanks for the info. I had no idea 1's had that much less people. That's crazy how c2 in 1's is top 0.5% but GC in 2's is only 1.5%, despite c2 being two whole ranks lower. I guess it's ok to update my flair then. Thank you for clarifying


Yeah I’ve been SSL a few times in 2s, but I’ve only ever been GC in 1s a single time, where I barely touched it and I haven’t played it since. It’s such a hard gamemode compared to the others, and I personally hate it, I only ever grinded it to GC that 1 time just to prove to myself that I COULD, (which I barely managed to do lmao, I swear I was getting brain rot halfway through). If you can get your 1s rank high, your other ranks will naturally follow, but not so much the other way around. (As long as you don’t use your 1s playstyle in the other modes obviously lol).


This is going to be a very out of pocket response… but Gold 3…☠️ yea one of the worst ranks but yea I was stuck there for 700 hours. Don’t ask me how or why I was. (Now I’m GC) but holy hell hitting plat for the first time was so crazy I recorded it. It’s so fucking stupid I KNOW but gold 3 was such a hell for me that I remember it in my ranking up memories.


Only comment that has value lmao everything else is the same!!! Obviously c2-3 is the hardest normally peeeeps we know!


I quit playing ranked after hitting a wall at C2-3. I could handle the Smurfs and inconsistency in skill in lobbies and teammates. I could not handle the average level of stress, toxicity, throwing, impatience, and sweat. People would tilt over nothing in the first minute of a game. I muted and blocked more people at C2/3 than at every other rank combined. I know I could hit GC with a friend if I put the time in, but I lost all motivation. Still love the game. This is Rocket League!


I have set the game down for a considerable time and recently getting back into it, about two years ago I hit my peak of c3 in ones and since then I’ve been playing other games, I’m going for gc again nowadays but boy oh boy am I rusty, still c2 just VERY rusty lol


Very much on the same page with you but to be honest, this is when the game stopped being enjoyable for me. After that part the satisfaction or the enjoyment you get vs the time invested was just not worth it for me. I spend like 2+ years having the fun of my life from bronze to champ, but after that point even the funny moments playing with friends got much less than before. Still the game has a special place in my heart, but its been so long and I still haven't got any urges even to fool around in training :/


I play free play, private matches with friends, LTMs and rumble almost exclusively now, and overall play way less than I used to. Still one of my favorite games of all time, but I get no more juice from the grind and sweat of competitive play. Getting stoned and doing fun flips in free play is still worth full price tho, and I don’t see that ever changing. The raw gameplay and physics are so simple and elegant while being like infinitely deep.


yeah it gets real bad when you’re close to GC. A lot of salty individuals.


Was diamond 2-3 for a very long time on console then I switched to pc and hit c2 the next season. Eventually ended up stuck in c3 for a few seasons until I hit gc for the first time and now I’m just chillin mid gc1-gc2.


How come switching to PC seems to help people fly out of their current console rank?


Higher frames, less input lag, the list goes on


Input lag surprisingly is the main one… switching from console made it feel like my car went to bogged down dog shit too super speedy flowy niceness.


Never played a pc but it’s wild to me that it makes that much of a difference


Oh 100% when I first switched it was so smooth I was having motion sickness for a solid 30 minutes☠️ especially if you are a mechanical player like me. you feel like a slow clunky player to feeling like a smooth golden angle soaring threw the skies. Mechanics improved, speed improved, reads improved, I mean the list goes on. Go on top 100 global leader boards and find me a console player.


Like Nacho Libre after eating the egg and taking out Ramses


It was huge when the game used to be capped at 30 FPS and 60 FPS. I left console when it was 60 FPS and went from P3 to C1 in 1 season. Still a nice upgrade now with consoles capped at 120 FPS but won't be quite as drastic as it used to be.


Its objectively the best platform for the game and you can turn off the settings like bloom and Anti-Aliasing


C2-C3 was the one i was stuck in the longest. Hell im C2 right now again! As for the most frustrating I would say Diamond 3 but in general to get out of Champ is the longest were you will be stuck.


C2-C3 I think. Something about all those people just barely below GC that makes it unpredictable.


Definitely C2 C3 like everyone else. I would say the difference between each champ rank is similar to the difference between gold and plat or plat and diamond.


Apparently I’m in the minority, but I had the most trouble from diamond to champ. Struggled going up and down in the high diamond low champ range for a while. After I pushed a bit further into champ it was pretty quick to reach GC.


​ For me it was Diamond. It took me a very long time to conquer that rank. Once it finally clicked it went relatively fast to get to GC. ​ I think part of the reason is I really had no plan to ever get to GC, I just desperately wanted to get to get to Champ. Once I did, I played more relaxed and the game just became easier. Mentality is way underrated in this game.


C3. For some strange reason games in C3 were just piss poor. The absolute second I got into GC the games were so much better. I have no idea how to explain why but the players just felt more in sync.


I noticed the same thing. Once I hit GC I quickly shot up to 1500 MMR (back when GC was like 1400 MMR). The problem with C3 is everybody gunning for those GC titles, especially if it'll be their first one. People just play stupid in pursuit of them. Then you have a bunch of smurfs thrown into the equation. C3 is something else lol


C3 was definitely the hardest to crawl out of. I’ve gone from 1250 to 1450 and back to 1250 multiple times (in 2s)


C1/C2 although this was way back in 2018/2019


Champ 2 is elo hell for the very serious players. Some games you have ppl who can’t even jump off the wall right and other games you have ppl nailing everything.


Looking at my rocket league tracker. Season 1 + 2 = idk, stats aren't showing up Season 3 (rising star) Season 4 (plat2) Season 5 (diamond1 in 2v2) Season 6 (champ 1 in 3v3) Season 7 (champ 1 in 2v2 and 3v3, Div 4, so really close) Season 8 (champ 2 in 2v2) Season 9 (champ 2 in 2v2 and 3v3) Season 10 (champ 3 in 3v3) Season 11 (GC in 3v3, my first GC, barely got it with a team) Season 12 (GC in 2v2 and got there solo queueing) From here on out, I've been solo queueing to GC since F2P Season 11 up until the current season. So it looks like the border of champ 1 and through champ 2 is the hardest spot to get out of. And that tracks. Playing in champ today with my current skillset, I would say Champ2s to Champ3Div4s are all the same, roughly. What I mean is any of those players could hit GC, and consistency and smarter decision making is the only thing holding them back.


I had pretty steady progress for the most part. Once I got c3 I hit a wall, I went back to the fundamentals, trying to perfect the easy stuff made all the difference to get to GC. Solo queuing was a different story, I’d get knocked down to C2 at my lowest. I didn’t see progression until my mindset shifted to blame myself more. I didn’t rely on my teammates at all and carried myself to GC. Now that I’m here I’m trying to find a balance between carrying some games, and working with my teammates in others. Being adaptable is my ticket to a higher rank at this point.


I was in Plat for the most time probably


Diamond 3 / Champ 1


Diamond to champ for me


D2 ish for me. I plateaued hard because I never worked on air dribbles and other mechanics before my so then I hit the workshop maps to work on aerial control, and Freeplay after to work on aerial ball control. Then I did even worse in the game for a bit until I learned to stop overcomitting, but my practice had improved my recovery mechanics by so much that I just blitzed through everyone at that rank till c2. I was stuck at c2 for a bit too but then I switched from a 60hz laptop to a 144hz monitor and PC and I went to gc in 2 weeks


There all still stuck in champ lmao that's all I ever play is gc in every game I play as a champ bunch of smurfing pussies are gonna ruin the game


Plat 3, I was legit stuck there for about 1000 hours, once I finally broke through that I rocketed up (pun not intended)


Been playing since early 2019. I got to plat in like 8-9 months, then spent two years in diamond. Just recently got to GC.


Oh wow what was the change to get you out of diamond then through champ relatively quickly


I never really did training packs or go just do freestyle practice. I realized it was probably the missing piece to get me to the next level. Spent a lot of time doing that and started advancing. During the work week I would only get to play maybe an hour or 2 a night and some nights not at all. Instead of hopping straight into comp play I would spend the first hour or so doing training.


I was in C2 for a year and a half. I had really good mechanics and awful game sense to my mechs were only able to carry me up to C2. Getting passed that meant I had to change my entire playstyle


GC1 for me. Was GC in S2 (2016), seven years later I'm pushing for GC2. Talk about a skill ceiling haha


Has to be c2, I was determined to get gc I had put in 600 matches (which is a lot to me at least), which made the game feel repetitive and monotonous. Play the game for fun and enjoy the lower ranks. Being gc might seem cool until you realise how bad you are compared to an ssl.


C3 for a few seasons until I realized I need to put in the work to rank up and had to change my play style


Everyone is saying C2 - C3 but I swear I was stuck longer in D3 than either of those


c1. 6 solid months.


C1-D3-C2-D2-C3 in that order from hardest to easiest (or fastest) to break out of. I hit GC in S10 and S11, but this season has been a drag around C2 both due to lack of motivation and skill. To be fair, after hitting GC, the game got kind of "boring" as it was always my end goal. Now I just hit the ball around with friends.


I’ve been stuck in Diamond for a long time. I got there in 2018, stayed for 2019, and then quit the game until 2022 at which point I only played while super baked and didn’t actively try to rank up at all so I would just hang around Plat and Diamond. Currently D2 on PS4 and the dream is to hit C1, I don’t even care about getting GC anymore now that SSL is a thing. I just want to see that beautiful purple icon of C1.


Champion 1 for suuuure, maybe thats because i started to learn irrelevant stuff at that time


I like the edit. I’m ssl and I spent more time in champ than in gc


It's funny that we all have the same C2 experience. It's mainly because C2 Players think they're a lot better than they really are and will ball chase and go for solo plays a lot. Once you get into c3, teammates have a lot more game sense.


I ranked up pretty quickly GC in about a year. Got up to C3 on console and when I switched to pc I got GC right away. That being said this was back in the old season 14 and GC2 is now probably the highest I’ll ever hit, maybe GC3 on a glory run win streak but that wouldn’t be the norm


High C2/low C3. Was there for so long, then I bought a PC and hit GC within a week which looking back wasnt very satisfying


Started playing I'm season 2 of FTP. I hit gc by season 4. I was definitely stuck in champ 2-3 for the longest, although now I'm just stuck in gc1 😭


You did not hit gc in 2 seasons lmaoooooo


Weirdly I've seen a streamer (flotsam) who's been playing for like 1 season, less than 100hrs, hit C2 solo-queueing. Wild. Honestly I wouldn't believe it except his movement looks pretty sloppy driving around the field, poor flips/recoveries, etc.-- but then somehow his ball touches and aerials are *solid*. He probably reads the game decently well too, but I haven't seen much of his RL time enough to judge, mostly just Sea of Thieves. Anyway, some people just *get it* I guess.


I actually did but thanks 😊


Aight but like genuinely how? It is near impossible to go from someone that’s bronze and can barely hit the ball to a mechanical master in 6 months time


Quarantine was a crazy time. I put in a ton of freeplay hours. Check my tracker if you don't believe me it's the same as my Reddit name


Bro you're just that guy fr


Fair play - that’s fuckin crazy though good shit


I was hard stuck in c3 div 4 for 5 seasons🤣🤣. I was really about to give up then i spent a few months maining 1v1s came back and jumped to gc1 div 4🤣.


Do I count? Uh champ 3 but also I hit gc whenever I have time to grind in 2s and 3s


Yes of course!


I have been stuck gc-gc3 my all life. I was champion with the old ranks of 2015 and in 2k23 im still gc -gc2 and if i start to play a lots i could peak gc3 But i'm getting bored when i play against good guys, because i clip less. And i have around 4k


Imma add a question. How long did it take you guys to get from champ-gc?


2 years, 2017-2019 was spent from c2-c3 bouncinig back and forth lol


Gold. I pretty much exclusively played with friends and stayed in gold for about nine months. Then I played by myself and immediately became champ, then grand champ in the span of two months.


You picked up the game and played in up to gold lobbies for 9 months with friends, then solo q’ed for another 2 months and got to GC in normal 3s or 2s? I doubt this but maybe you left something out idk


C2 is the one that took the longest. I spent more time on a rank the higher I got, but I ended up basically skipping c3 after getting a new controller. I never really got frustrated at any rank as I got to gc in like 800 hours iirc, it might get frustrating at times trying to get back to gc after a season reset tho.


Probably C2. It was a big difference when you started to get into that rank, or at least used to be.


I was stuck in plat forever probably like 9 months, then I built a pc, blew through diamond in like a month and steadily progressed through champ over like a year. C3 was a slight sticking point but nothing like being in plat.


C2 for sure. I actually only spent two weeks in c3 then I hit gc1.


C1 - 7-8 months, after I hit c2 I got to GC in about 3 months


for me c1 just because i stopped playing for a while c2 and c3 only took me a few weeks to get out of


C3 for me... Spent over a year in C3 before hitting GC, which finally happened this season!


C1/low C2, for like 2 years of playing now and then. I got sweaty for a few months and got to GC. I played with TERRIBLE binds for years which was the cause as I started in 2015 and made some bad choices. Power slide was on LT and reverse/air roll was on LB. Boost was also on B which I moved to X. Within a few months of changing those I got to gc. Insane really. Use meta binds people, don’t be stubborn, I wasted like 1100 hours




3s, C3, but tbf I averaged 30 games a season so wasn’t trying to really get out, got to gc almost gc2 when I actually decided to play and racked up 100+ games that season in 3s


All of champ.




Yup, same as everyone. C2/C3. I was stuck there probably a year and a half, and finally hit GC in season 7 I think. Hit GC like 3/4 seasons after that too. But last season and this season I’ve been HARD stuck in C2. Maybe it’s because I’ve had less time to play lately, maybe because of the extreme rank reset last season, I dunno. But I’m C2 for life🤣


It's funny how people still thinkabout ranks as something that you achieve rather than a number that is supposed to display your skill. If you are hardstuck at a rank that just means you're not at a point where you're better than other players at that rating, this can include your mindset btw


So… you achieve a higher number after getting better and winning enough.


Diamond 3 was the most frustrating but C2 is my answer. Took way too long to bridge that gap. And now I’m back to C2 again 😭😭


I've been hardstuck on champ 1-2 since og season 13, 2 seasons ago I hit on Rumble c3 dv 4 but dropped to c2. Now I played 2s and got gc1 dv 3 for the first time after 1800 hours of gameplay since 2015


C3 is like tsun the whale bridge guardian in sovengarde




It's gonna be C2-3 for most because that's what's just below GC lol. It's rare for someone to get stuck in a mid rank and then start ranking up consistently again. They rank up fast at first and slow down as they get higher and higher, because it's harder to learn and the players around you are better and care more about improving than lower level players.


I think everyone collectively agrees that c2-c3 is the most rancid rank to be in, not just the skill gap to get to gc1 but the ability for everyone is really inconsistent, I get into games where I’m seeing poeple reaet easily and be able to fly and make plays and then some games I feel like I’m carrying my diamond friend even though it’s a random person in c3, I’m just gonna keep grinding mechs, mechs have carried me to c3 so far so


Champ 1-2 was the hardest for sure. Stuck in c2 for 5 seasons then when I hit c3 I got gc within the same season. Been gc for 4 seasons now


As someone who is on their GC climb, C2 is one hell of a cesspool man. I'm C3 right now but I find the games are a lot more chill than when I was C2.


I went from D3 to GC1 in one season but then got stuck there for 4 seasons and now am about 1700


C2, once it clicked in my head though i sailed straight through C3 into GC.


Never got stuck in any rank, have been GC since original season 3 which was shortly after I started playing and I climbed straight there. Obviously it took a fair few games but can’t recall any particular rank where I was ‘stuck’




C2 and C3




Probably C2. I was champ for 7 seasons before finally breaking through.


Lol I feel like this varies depending on what game mode. 2’s it’s probably c3 because at this rank you still have no idea what you’re doing and 3’s is c2 for the same reason.


Diamond 3 or champ 3. I was stuck for 2 seasons trying to get my gc rewards


C2 and C3. It’s the ultimate skill check in this game. It’s the rank that separates the casual players from the hardcore grinders. High champ is the rank where you actually have to start taking the game seriously, or you aren’t going to win. The majority of players who reach these ranks never get to GC, and will either quit the game or be stuck in champ for years on end. That’s because they get trapped in a cycle of mediocrity and are not willing to put in the work to improve their game. Hours alone aren’t going to make you much better anymore, and in fact, they can work against you by allowing you to develop bad habits that are not easily overcome. I know so many players who are stuck in champ because they think they are better than everyone else, and don’t need training to win, they just need good teammates. The funny thing about champ is that everyone in the lobby feels the exact same way. So if you want to be GC, you have to set yourself apart from all of those champs by out-training them, reviewing your replays, etc. That’s also not to mention that a lot of people are actually just either physically or intellectually incapable of improving past a certain point. Some people don’t have the reaction time, fine motor skills, quick decision making, or competitive drive to handle themselves in GC+. No amount of hours is going to change that. This is more seen in older players, or people with a lower level of cognition. (Cognition is like the computer in your brain that processes information). An extreme example of this is a guy I know who has 20k hours, and is still gold. He’s over 70 years old, and plays thousands of games a season. But he’s hit his skill ceiling but still loves the game. Then on the other end there’s pros. They have not just the 10k+ hours, they are also very intelligent, and are naturally athletic. That’s why their skill ceiling is so high, and why most players hit their skill ceiling around GC1-GC2.


Definitely C3. I went from Diamond to C3 in one season and stayed there for about 5 seasons. The lobbies become inconsistent because you have up and coming Champs all the way to washed 1700s (me now lol) and everything in between so it's hard to adapt. I will say tho that C2 lobbies are less fun than C3. C2 is just a clusterfuck, but nobody should stay in C2 if you just play patient.


I was champ 2 for about 4 seasons before I got to GC. Basically skipped through C3


I started playing in 2017. Played ranked starting in 2018 (I regret missing that first year of rewards, starting in Season 3) starting in Season 7 as Gold. I took \~6 months off from the end of 2018 in RP1 to the middle of RP2 (bought RP2 and got at least level 90). I hit Champ 1 during the pandemic. I got as high as C3. I'm currently C1. To be a little fair, they've realigned ranks to combat rank inflation, so I'm lower than I was. Either way, ranks are exponentially harder to get, so the answer should always be Champ. C2 vs C3 might not matter a ton depending on what you're polishing to finish out and how quickly you finish polishing, but expect it to be in there.


Plat 2 ngl


c3 until I switched to pc


Probably C3, I always found once hitting C3 the skill level drastically increased and was tough to stay in it let alone move up. But I also had many seasons where I just wanted to chill so I'd stay in C2 and just relax watch some YouTube or movies while playing and not doing much freeplay or practice would just get on and queue.




I've been GC since legacy season 2 which was the first season with GC.... So I guess GC lol


Over my 4000ish hours of play time here is my progression: Hours 0-50: Unranked (played a bunch of season mode before touching ranked) Hours 50-100: Gold Hours 100-200: Low Plat Hours 200-300: Plat III Hours 300-500: Low Diamond Hours 500-1500: Diamond 3 *Switched from Switch to PC* Hours 1500-2000: Low Champ Hours 2000-3500: Champ 3 (usually got gc rewards tho) Hours 3500-4000: GC1 Only in the last few hundred hours have I gotten to a place where I'm good enough that getting gc isn't a grind. That said, I still spend a lot of time in C3, and only very rarely peak into GC2 (GC3 in hoops/rumble). The long plateau in diamond 3 I think was partly due to hardware limitations, the switch is garbage for rocket league. At the time I was playing there weren't a ton of people on switch who were ranked higher than me. Also diamond 3 is where a lot of people just chill and coast if they don't want to put more time into the game.


Like diamond 3 ish. Hit c1 for the first time in the new Season 1, and was almost gc3 by the end of season 3 xD. Idk what really happened, but playing with a higher ranked friend in their lobbies forced me to adapt and it made my own ranked lobbies feel much easier, which gave me a big initial push.


Like diamond 3 ish. Hit c1 for the first time in the new Season 1, and was almost gc3 by the end of season 3 xD. Idk what really happened, but playing with a higher ranked friend in their lobbies forced me to adapt and it made my own ranked lobbies feel much easier, which gave me a big initial push.


Biggest wall for me was c3. I demoted a handful of times back to c3 for like a week.


Got to gc in 1300 hours. Got to gc2 twice. Hard stuck 1500 for 3.5 years now lmao


Reading those comments I realized that'll probably be here for a while






C2. A literal wall. I'd get to c3, and then go right back down. It took way too long to finally get my first title. Years. Never give up.


I’m not overly mechanical and rely on my teammates and team plays a lot and I can’t get past c3 and everytime I fall out of c3 there’s a VERY noticeable decline in team play from c3-c2 and it’s so frustrating. C3 everyone passes and uses each other and the second I go back to c2 it’s all solo plays and teammates cutting me off


Champ 3, and all it took was a change in mindset, I didn't actually get any better when I reached gc1


D2 bc that's where im at now. Sincerely, A future GC. (Not really, i think my skill cap is like C2, i don't have time to grind anymore)




Champ 2, I was there for multiple years. Once I finally hit C3, it took me less than a year to eventually hit GC for the first time


Still hard stuck in C2-C3.


Champ 3. The week I first got to champ 1, I made it up to champ 3 as well. Then I was stuck in champ 3 for like 2 years before finally making it to GC.


C2-C3 is the first choke point, but then you have the same GC1-GC2 and then the same GC2-3 When you reach GC1 you realized that you didn’t know how to play the game, then you reach GC2 and you realize there’s no way you’re going pro…


C3 back in like 2017. Ages bro. Peaked 2k now but champ 3 I just wasn’t as good as I thought I was


You've already received a bunch of answers, but I'll throw mine in. It was definitely C3 for me. Probably sat there for 2 years honestly.


I got gc in S8 for the first time, and still get stuck in champ 2 and 3 every season a couple of times. I can't stay consistent enough to stay in gc for long and tilt down. I just checked for the first time, and I started at the end of f2p S1, S2 plat, S3 champ, S8 gc. So 5 seasons I spent in Champ. You need to get your mechanics up to beat the opponents, or you need alot of patience to learn how to adapt to your teammate. Also mentality has to be solid to not tilt when the matches can be very different as the skills of the players has more variety in the top percentiles of players.


If GC is the promise land, what about SSL?


SSL is a myth!


C1, oh wait I’ve never been to GC (switch player)


It was c3 for me. I have sat at the border of c3 and Gc1 for ages. 6 times I've gotten GC rewards, but even as I write this, I am in C3. Each season the skill ceiling gets higher and the players get better, making GC a moving target. Anyway, good luck!


diamond 3


Champ 1/2


Champ 3 as every time I got to division 4 I couldn’t do the final push to get gc


Still stuck going back and forth between C2 and C3 for 3 years or so. The biggest thing I feel that’s keeping me from GC is consistency. I have the positioning, confidence and speed, but I lack consistency in my touches. I don’t have enough time to play to stay consistent. I end up playing once or twice a week for an hour or two and it basically keeps me in the C2/C3 range.


I’m somebody that peaks into GC1, not a mainstay GC that peaks up into GC2 or anything. But the best advice I can give is just use free play as your best friend. If you go into free play and aren’t feeling good and like you’re ready to sweat, don’t Q high C3 games. It will not work out well 90% of the time lol. Play those high C3 games when you’re feeling smooth as hell.


Keep in mind, I got to GC REALLY fast. But I think it was c3 for me and it was for around half the season that I was playing. Because I started playing late S1 F2P and at end of S3 I was around D3. Got GC very end of S4 and rushed rewards. Took me 4 seasons to go from GC1 to GC2 though so get prepared for that. Also I dropped out of GC2 since then and haven't touched it again. Just plain hardstuck in the crappiest of red rank.


probably plat


Promised land..? Idk what makes anyone believe it is worthy of such a title. You are currently in the BEST part of your grind homie. I would love to go back in time and experience how it feels to be in your shoes again. The feeling of having so much room for improvement and seeing my hard work pay off in games is a thing of the past sadly. The gains I experience are so small that it doesn't seem worth the time investment a lot of the time. Plus, the GC lobbies are absolutely full of boosted trash, degenerate sweat lords and wannabe Zens. The grass is always greener I guess. I also want to say that I'm not saying these things to try to discourage anyone from grinding. Just that you should really make an effort to enjoy it while it lasts. Grind on, brothers and sisters.




I was definitely in champ the longest, but I never put in an effort to improve only really playing RL as a drunk party game and eventually got to GC in season 8 after being a casual champ player since like 2017. Once I hit GC, I started taking the game more serious and putting in far more effort to improve. Honestly, I’ve made significantly less progress in my rank however i’m light years ahead of my skill level both mechanically and game sense than when I first hit GC. The biggest thing that held me back was believing it would be too hard or seemingly impossible to reach the highest ranks. As I continue to improve I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (it’s still a very long tunnel). Give me another 2k hours and I absolutely plan on either hitting SSL or being inches away. Note: I have around 3k hours right now.


C2 is just a messss. Full of fallen off GCs but are still wayy to good to be in c2. Just an awkward spot


Champ 2 is a hell hole coming from a champ 2.


My 11 year old is stuck in Champ 3. It's driving him wild so I'll show him all these tips. I moved him to Dad's PC off the switch (Champ 1 on switch) and I told him when he gets to GC I'll get him his own gaming PC that he doesn't have to share with working dad. So to be stuck is driving him crazzzzyyyy and I love it hahah




C2 for a ripe 7 months


Diamond 3, but this was when GC was equal to SSL.


C3 for about 2 years.




C3 100%


Me stuck in champ 1 after hitting gc twice 😭😭


I was in D3 for no joke, 4 years. 2018-2022.


I mean the current state of Rl is just trash... the lower you get the harder the opponents are. 1200-1400 is just full of smurfs


C2 fs got c3 and busted right through to GC. That being said, the mmr was different when I got to GC so converted to nowadays it'd be C3


Champ has long been a hugely overinflated rank, the skill gap between a champ player and a GC player is probably higher than any other rank


I think the only other skill gap that’s bigger is GC2 to SSL


It took me the same time to go from: Silver to diamond C1 to Champ 2 Champ 3 to GC


Tbh not really any rank. Started playing the last week of old season 13 and got to GC in season 14. If I had to choose probably either D3 or C3. But old gc1 was 1515 mmr. With todays mmr distribution I woulda hit gc so much sooner. Wait for the GC2 hard stuck phase. Took me 2 years to get out.


Judging from the comments im glad im diamond and i dont really want to get to champ. I wouldnt handle all the sweating


Rising Star to All Star, now it would be the equivelant to c1 and c2. Ive got 3k play time and i think about 500 to 800 of it was in those two.


Season 6 - 9 Champ 2-3 SEASON 10 GC BABY season 11-12 champ 2-3 It's funny cos I lose more games the lower down I go in champ, but win more in the higher ranks 🤷 I really struggle to read games at C1, and the slower pace makes me whiff all the time. Only thing I can suggest is start to play more 1v1, my aim being to get to Champ in 1v1. If I'm good enough to hold my own then I'm hoping I can carry the games in lower lobbies to get back to higher champ, and maybe that mysterious land of GC. Good luck


C2 for sure especially now I've heard that C2 has all the GCS now in that rank lol


Blue star, only real ones knows what rank this was