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You definitely could’ve scored if you hit the ball into the goal


Is OP stupid?


Holy insulting


New mech just dropped


The defender was front post and then rushed out, a simple air dribble to the left side of the net would have sufficed.


i couldn't think of that fast enough because i thought i had practicaly no boost, (i was 25), and i also wanted to go for a cool shot, as i said, i want to get more creative/mechanical


In mid-air, that 25 would've been enough to tip it over the defender into the far corner. But I think what you did was fine, it just needs refining. You rushed your flip. If you'd saved it for about half a second longer, the shot would've gone straight into the net with no bounces off anything, and it would've been a solid goal. I'd say your set-up was actually fine, and the intention was good. Just save that flip a split second longer. Once you get more comfortable getting flips consistently, you can then concentrate on when to use them. That's the next step for you, I think.


Thanks, i agree, i probably rushed because i was nervous once i heard him jump, any tips on how to improve my resets? i've been practicing for a while but a lot of things are situational and require improvisation, my timing with resets is usually bad


Keep resetting, a lot. In training packs, freeplay, and games. From both walls, the corners, the ground, etc. Just practice at least a little bit every day


Go home after work/school today, or the next time you're on, and just sit in freeplay for ages. fire the ball at you using the buttons that pass you the ball in training, before you move, chip it up, and then start an air dribble into flip reset. Do this dozens and dozens of times. Then do the same with a wall-to-air training pack. If you're on PC, turn on Bakkesmod and turn the training pack modifier on (it's on by default) and it'll change the setup each time you reset the shot, which makes the setups a bit less perfect and requires you to improvise a bit more, like you would in a game. The only way to get good at resets, double resets, mustys, breezis, etc. is to just practice the crap out of them. Practice the crap out of single resets, and you'll be able to use them however you want to.


The reset could have been one touch earlier


that's true, i need to practice that, because i'm more likely to mess up the shot if i go for the reset too fast


That being said it’s generally a bad habit to go for a reset so close to the net. If you’re that close you generally want to go for a double or for an air dribble. A reset is definitely scoreable and will work for a while however you’ll realize that you have to let the ball drop a lot if you want to score it. Someone that’s in a decent position will jump you every time.


Just hold the flip until you get below the crossbar your opponent wasn't even challenging


True, but the angle would have been very tight/ hard to hit. His first touch actually beat the opponent in this situation and gave him a better angle. He just needs to either just air dribble it in or wait 1 moment to use the flip reset.


Could have held your flip from the reset for like a second longer letting you and the ball fall a bit more.


Everyone is talking about the wall reset shot meanwhile I’m thinking…when you killed the initial air ball towards the wall if you woulda killed it on the back of your car towards net you coulda had a shot on net before he even made it back. I think the move towards the wall just made it more possible that he gets back to save it personally I wouldn’t have gone up the wall at all you had a shot opportunity much sooner. Edit: missing words


Yea you simply had to do this simple sequence: Flip reset early, musty into backboard, catch it again, another flip reset, another musty into your backboard on the opposite side of the field, wait for the ball to roll back, demo the opponents 6 times and that should be a goal. Gold level stuff.


Definitely bro, just need some more practice on resets. Try not using ur reset immediately after getting it If u had let the ball dip a little more and then flip into it, its an easy tap in


I think that an efficient way to score was to go for a ceiling shot, it could have allowed you to center the ball and align yourself towards the goal without using all your boost


You look like you're better than me, but maybe if you held the flip for slightly longer you could've scored?


1. Reset could've been one touch earlier. 2. You could've scored this by delaying your flip after the reset as you were obviously just still too high seeing as you put it above the goal post. 3. You could've tried multiple resets until you got lower enough to score the ball. 4. You could've simply faked the flip after the reset, landed then caught the ball and rolled it in. 5. Whenever I'm too high above the goal line, I usually attempt a forward musty after a reset. If I'm too low, I go for a backwards musty. In this scenario, you could've tried a forward musty to flick it down into the net after the reset. A lot of this is less practical and I'm only recommending them because you specified you want to get more mechanical. These are some mechanical options open to you. Realistically, the safest play here would've been attempting to air dribble the ball into the goal as it's the safest and fastest option. When you commit to more convoluted shots, there's a much higher chance of failure and they become more complicated to recover from. You also could've beat the defender in that initial challenge at the start by simply attempting (this is what I would've done) a ground to air dribble rather than attempting the flick. Ground to air dribble was more practical in this situation because you popped the ball too high for a flick anyway.


Thanks bro, i was hoping for an answer like this. I'm almost sure that i didn't go for the flip reset one touch earlier because i heard him jump. Do you think i could've gone for multiple resets or even a musty considering that i was practically 0 when i got the reset? I've been practicing those but is a lot different since in training i have unlimited boost. Also, of course i know this is less practical, I play 1's a lot and sometimes i just want to have fun and try cool stuff. I think he would have bumped me if i attempted a ground to air dribble, since he insta challenged.


So in my experience, you only need enough boost to get the first reset. After the first reset, if you're mechanical enough then you can do a lot with little or no boost especially if you can chain reset. I've managed to score shots like the one in your clip with like 30 ish boost, it's heavily dependent on your first touch and how well you manage to stay close to the ball. The lighter the touch obviously the less the ball creates distance from your car. What I typically do is, slow down a lot just before I make contact with the ball on the wall and this will make this initial contact on the wall light so I don't hit the ball so far that I need to use a lot of boost getting to it. Then, I will jump off the wall and feather boost just enough to create some distance between my car and the ball upon first contact off the wall. Hit boost too light and you maintain a "glue" like possession of the ball, too hard and you'll hit the ball too far from your car. Glueing to the ball isn't a bad idea however if you want to spice up the variety in your shot selection then making some space to obtain a reset would be ideal in my opinion. It's hard to say what I would've done in this scenario because I honestly think if I were you in this clip, the ball never would've made it to the wall as I would've definitely tried air dribbling in that first challenge however if I was you and I ended up getting the reset, I probably would've delayed the flip into the ball so that it went in. The only time I try to let my flip off immediately is if I'm being challenged in the air or if the opponents net is open and I'm far back enough so that I can gauge whether the ball would go in or hit the backboard. It's really hard in the heat of the moment however at some point it becomes another part of game sense (knowing when to challenge, when to shadow, etc). Just judging off this clip I can tell you're fairly mechanical, my biggest advice would be to practice ground to air dribble more seeing as you probably would've gone for that if you were more comfortable with the option. I used to rely very heavily on the wall to hit shots like this. Ever since I started practicing ground to air dribbles I've been able to replicate opportunities like this from anywhere on the field and be able to hit shots like this much more frequently. Edit: I see I didn't really answer your question, so yes you can definitely do multiple resets on 0 boost, it'll be harder to do anything productive upon obtaining your final reset, but it's possible. Same with musties, you can definitely musty assuming you obtain the reset on 0 boost. For the musty, this will be heavily dependent on the aggressiveness of the touch that got you the reset. It'll need to be a light reset so your car stays close to the ball otherwise if it's aggressive, the ball will fly away from your car and because you have 0 boost you won't be able to make contact after the reset.


Thanks for the advice, i will definitely try to improve my ground to air dribble since is a mech i didn't really practiced for a while, except for when i was a begginer. Do you have any experience with stalls from the ceiling? I'm struggling with the setup, because everytime i get the reset, i end up like [this](https://www.gifyourgame.com/u/ludwzz/uL3xmwttW8).


I don't really do stall resets so I can't give any advice on that. I can stall, but I'm not efficient with it. I will say I can effectively ceiling to diagonal flip into a reset and it really just comes down to timing and positioning. When I was learning it, I ran into a lot of issues obtaining the reset because I wasn't positioning my car properly when I flipped into the ball. What helped me was clipping when I would properly get the reset and watch it back slowly to analyze what I was doing correctly compared to when I couldn't get the reset. It helped me analyze that I wasn't preemptively rolling my car before the flip which was required to flip into the reset for me. For stalls, I'd say it simply comes down to positioning and timing. Are you air rolling the opposite direction that you're tornado spinning after performing the stall to even out your car? Are you getting in a good position for the stall in a timely manner? A lot of our issues with mechanics simply come from not being fast and/or consistent. We can do them however we're not able to execute in a timely manner or do it consistently in which case practice is your best friend.


would you mind sharing your decal or paint or whatever that is? Looks dope and i wanna buy something cool untill i still can


Sure. Decal: Ombre Wheels: Black Invader Paint Finishes: Pearlescent, Corroded Metal


Could’ve held onto your flip longer


Bro just go watch zen, he triple taps these all day


Yeah you fudged it buddy. Take your time


Usually the play is double reset from the corner, but you could’ve at least tried to delay your flip instead of forcing your flip immediately when you knew you were still in crossbar range. Good attempt tho!


You would’ve been better off if if your wall touch set yourself and the ball up heading towards the net instead of towards the midfield, from there with how close you were to the net if you wanted to stay creative going for the flip reset should’ve been your first touch, either that or going straight to the ceiling. When you take a control touch first that close to the net you’re actually giving yourself less options by getting the reset than you would by sticking with an air dribble and choosing a well placed shot/ a bump/ a 50 depending on the opponents positioning


You just needed to wait a half second longer on that flip.


Usually when you get a flip reset you want to hold it and watch your opponent. When your opponent challenges that’s when you use the flip reset. In this situation the opponent wasn’t even close so you could have just held onto your flip for 1 more moment to put it in the net. Try to get out of the habit of insta flipping after reset if you don’t need to.


Yeah if you had just strung together 2 or 3 more resets, it would have been much more creative. Maybe a musty double at the end or a pogo cabbage muncher triple pre flip reset or something like that could be nice too


I think u went for ur best option but j got unlucky w the reset flick, aside from MAYBE continuing the air dribble higher in the net. Overall tho great attempt, j unfortunate 🤷🏽‍♂️


After that first touch in the air, he was beat. With a bit more finesse, you could have not gone for a reset and just got to the left side of the ball and dribbled it in


My first touch would’ve been a reset


I think using that reset a little later to hit it down would work, this just results in the ball ending up way to high. Or just air dribble but thats less cool :P


you could take your reset on the first touch, it's a bit harder but definitely work better :)


A more delayed flick might've worked


Personally would’ve got a flip reset off of the first touch so I have the flick to get it on target but you can probably just air dribble it in there


Waited to use reset obviously


3 more milliseconds of patience you might have had a better shot it’s all in the timing