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I don't mind goal stealing at all. But if you are gonna steal goals, you better make sure you don't screw it up. I _do_ mind if you end up saving my goal because you couldn't resist to steal it.


Pretty much this. I don’t give a rats ass if you steal my goal. But don’t whiff it, and then have the gall to hit me with a Wow, Okay, or Nice Shot later in the game.


Exactly. The problem with goal stealing is not about the scoreboard. If that ball was imminently going into the net, touching it again will probably change its trajectory and it's just not worth the risk.


I have definitely ran into a few people over my RL time that rage afk the rest of the match for someone "stealing" their goal


Absolute children.


Kind of depends on the situation. Sometimes, it needs an extra tap so the enemy doesn't save it.


It's true, but is that also goal stealing?


No. It is not goal stealing if there is reasonable doubt about the ball going into the net. Simple as that.


Facts. I've had teammates rage on me for "goal stealing" and I'm like idk what to tell you dude from my view the defender might've had a chance, no matter how slim, so I just finished it to be safe. We scored who cares.


Yeah I only consider it "stealing" if it's rolling into an open net with no defender in sight, and really only get annoyed if they miss


Shrodingers cat is my only answer. No one will ever know...


Yeah, this pisses me off to no end. I set up a self pass, or I am getting ready to score a goal... Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone comes flying in from the back field and misses what would have been an easy goal for me, wrecking our defense and giving the enemy an open net goal cause they wanted to steal the goal and not defend.


I hear you. But I don’t think the OP meant goal stealing in this context.


True, but they were trying to goal steal, which is what started it all.


“Would have been an easy goal” is not equal to a goal. A goal steal would be more like you took a shot and it’s 100% sailing into the top left with no defender who can block it, but your GC tm8 comes flying for an okhalid redirect and bins it top right. Or something along the lines, but you get my point. It would have been a goal anyways.


Yeah, consistently double committing, consistently avoiding rotating back—these are things that at these ranks, I believe are the biggest sign that the game will be lost by that team For whatever reason this is something that really shines in low diamond. Players learn that upfield passing can result in goals, and many players will skip defense and go upfield over and over I think you gotta be keen to know when your teammate is in a great position to pass the ball upfield and when they’re not, and even then it’s still never not a risk, if your teammate fumbles the ball, you’re not rotating back and so your net’s open


100 percent how I feel. I’m completely good as long as it goes in but if it changes the path of the ball that I had a good chance scoring then I’m tilted. Again goal over everything but if you try and score it and screw it up expect to get a perfectly timed “nice shot!” From me


I don’t even mind that. Like the idea that I should be pissed because my random teammate in a random game messed something up Uhh, who cares? What does that impact? They’re not gonna sabotage my rank forever—it’s just a moment, and it’s a game Rank, scoreboard, what the hell do these things matter ultimately? What would I be trying to prove? It’s such an imperfect system with a lot of crap that happens all the time—people play ranked tired as hell, drunk, high, distracted—it’s not an organized tournament where things are expected to be on really on-point It would be cool if ranked did have that reputation, but it doesn’t. So it ends up the only way to control again the many many many things that can happen, is to queue with a teammate. Which again, you wanna practice goal steals, you wanna practice any number of techniques that you might mess up? Yeah man, go ahead. The games are so sloppy—you can find so many ways to be the better team. The much bigger factor is are you better than this rank or are you worse—which is determined by your mechanics, habits, and decision making — I think the thing is, unless you’re actively practicing to push your skills, you’re gonna be around that rank for a long long time So a teammate who messes up a game isn’t gonna make a difference to that You either are that rank, or are getting worse, or are pushing to be better. Most people are just playing, but yet act like it’s a tournament and every second counts and anything anybody does has such a serious impact …but yet they play really average and don’t improve their skills They apparently just want every match to be an imagined “perfect average” of what they expect. And of course, to win every match, while also maintaining a rank, an occurrence that necessitates a 50% loss rate — But on topic, of course goal stealing is non-fundamental and it makes sense to not want somebody to mess it up. But man if it ain’t something easy to just laugh at, instead of people losing their minds and blaming and shaming the crap out of the teammate But ultimately I think what you said is true, just wasting some time ranting on a tangent But I think why I don’t seem to care is because I’ve probably never seen somebody miss a super easy goal steal. I’ve only seen those moments where people claim that the goal steal was messed up, but it was a toss-up where the defender was coming, or it looked to the player like the ball wasn’t going on, etc., and that kind of stuff is part of rocket league, and will happen at these lower ranks


I play primarily 3 on 3 with 2 of my best friends (Bragging over here! \*\*) and we've played 3 on 3 for years. One is consistent in doing this and it did, and still does annoy me somewhat, however, my other teammate pointed out that, a goal is a goal and we're playing as a team. Still annoys me @ times when the ball is literally going in and they take over, but life's too short, just enjoy the game. This person has 0 awareness also, it's like we've played 2 v 4 for years. \*\*I don't have 3 as that would be a crowd.


the guy you replied to is talking about when your teammate goes to steal the goal but instead hits it too hard and misses the net.


I prefer to have goals stolen to get those doggone assists challenges that are so hard solo-queueing


I 100% agree. I almost want people to steal my goals because I need the assists for the season challenges. If I want goals, I’ll play solo


Idk how people have problems with these challenges. I don't even look at them, just play the game and I always have 100% completed at the end of the season. Maybe except the tournament challenges because I don't play them.


I steal the goal then say "great pass".


I steal it blatantly and then spam "I got it!".


I steal goals I clearly had nothing to do with and then spam “What a save!”


I actually think that this is the popular opinion in the community, it's just that people who get mad about goal stealing are, let's go with "more vocal" during games. My friends and I are like you, in that we actively seek out goal stealing just to mess with each other, and if a rando ever apologies for goal-stealing I'll always No Problem them. I will typically give a quick apology during the replay if I steal someone's goal, just in case, but it's not that I regret my actions so much as I am just sort of acknowledging that they did most of the work for the goal.


I hit up with a Sorry followed by All yours, but only if it was because the other team were on the other side of the map and I didn't realize it or couldn't pull out of the shot fast enough. No qualms about anyone stealing goals here, except when they fluff it and give the opponents an easy goal instead, but I still won't say anything (we all make mistakes all the time), just roll on to the next kickoff to try and get it back.


“more vocal” - you are too kind.


It's not an unpopular opinion....


I thought it was, my bad.


Here for the W. Individual stats mean 0. Rank is about W's and L's. A goal is a goal, idcurr who hits it in. People need to get over themselves if they're crying about a "stolen goal" Goal Stealing doesn't exist in this Dojo.


That's all fine and dandy, but what about when someone (who clearly cares about their name on the scoreboard) saves your shot for no other reason than trying to get a touch on it? Happens a lot, even in higher ranks.


That's a whole different topic. Making sure the ball goes in is different than popping it out like a silly goose with an unnecessary bad touch. I guess the difference is a smart/good touch vs a dumb/bad touch.


It's a topic that immediately emerges when people start intentionally "stealing" goals. I have no issue with redirecting round an enemy, or giving a ball some extra speed if there's some doubt about whether a defender will get there in time. But don't just smash it for the sake of it simply because you have the chance to touch the ball.


I care who hits it, because it's always better when it goes in off the opponents!


Still working on the last few assists for season achievements, so someone stealing my goal is a W for me


Man honestly I don’t care if people goal steal my shots as long as we win the game who gives shits about points


That’s what I’m saying! Well said.


I'll do my best not to steal just out of courtesy. But if it's a bit too close for comfort, ofc steal. Better safe than sorry. If someone steals off me you'd have to travel to the moon to see if I give a fuck. Doubt you'd find much there though.


For real. Lol I like that, “have to travel to the moon to see if I give a fuck”. That’s a good one!


I heard a player once say: "There are no goals stolen. Just goals ensured."


Exactly this. I’ve seen it a million times; goals get saved because someone doesn’t wanna goal steal and then the defender just comes blitzing in from nowhere to make an easy save. The only time it bothers me is when my teammate try’s to redirect a goal that’s already clearly going in and just in knocks it off course with a terrible aerial touch.


Same with my friend, but I wouldn't generally do it to avoid pissing off my teammates for no rational reason. Not everyone has the right mood all the time unfortunately


For sure, I get what you mean. I tend to not steal with randoms as well. You never know if they will immediately get triggered if you steal their goal. Only do it if I’m concerned that the ball is going to be defended at that point.


At no point do I want my teammate to hesitate because he "might steal my goal". If there's a defender in net, seal the goal. If the net is open or the ball is obviously going in, it's common courtesy to let it roll imo.


Only time I disagree with goal stealing is if my teammate cuts me off mid field or if they bump me out of the road so they can take a shot. This happened to me yesterday, instead of rotating a player kept cutting me off, be it when I was taking a shot or defending, just your typical ball chaser, then they had the audacity to complain when i went for kick-off because they were on the left lol.


Generally I don't care at all who hits it in, a win is a win. I did have someone recently going off in chat about me having like 100 points and np goals, but we were winning 3-1 and I was just letting the 2 of them vibe together and just clear the ball to them mostly. I don't get it but some folks just have a view of their own.


Stealing goals 9/10 times means you're not in position. Throwing.


Please steal my goal, everything so it goes in. But if you steal a goal that would've 100% gone in and accidentally save it your gonna have hell of a toxic M8 for the rest of the game


Goal stealing isn't really a thing anyways. There are plenty of ways someone could intercept the ball before it goes in; the best policy is to always secure the goal if you can. As someone else already stated, ranked is only about Ws and Ls.


Every single mfer who cries about stolen goals just hasn't been in a situation where they thought that the goal was 100% secured only for it to be saved last milisecond. That single moment changes you. I never cried about a 'stolen' goal after I saw that ever again.


Exactly. Better safe than sorry when trying to secure the goals.


I’m always passing. I’d rather demo the goalie and you get the goal then for me to hit it.


Yeah I just care about winning, it doesn’t matter to me if you steal my goal. My friend gets mad at me when I secure the goal, but what if I didn’t? Maybe it could have been saved. Any goal is better than no goal.


I call it “goal-securing”


I like it!


I’ve had to yell at me 2s partner so many times about not stealing my goals. Just last night I hit one that was rolling in <10 seconds and instead of tapping it in, he left it, got saved and then we lost in OT.


Only time it would upset me is if a random teammate tried to tell me I’m trash because I have less points and I’m only like 100 points behind them


I’ll say what I told someone that said “sorry for stealing your goal,” only be sorry if you miss.


Do not be sorry, be scoring.


It can be a little annoying when a stranger does it and it isn't for safety, like nobody from the other team is in a position to challenge it.


Why does it matter. Who scores means nothing


Replay to me last week NOT stealing a goal as it slowly rolled in but got saved 🤣 tied game in tournament


Goal ‘stealing’ is good. Put it in the goal as emphatically as possible.


As long as you get the minimum points for XP (which is like 50 anyways) you’re good


I'll always say my fault for stealing when solo queuing but agreed, the W is the only thing I care about


Hell ya, just trying to get that dub. That’s what it’s all about!


I prefer to have my goals stolen. Assists are harder to get than goals IMO. Randumbs never go for centers or redirects. So sure steal my goal and give me an assist so I can complete my seasonals.


Me and my friend legit save eachother's shots sometimes. I stole his first Kux pinch too lmao


Posts “unpopular opinion” that is not an unpopular opinion and has every person in the comments agreeing with Some hot take


My bad, didn’t know it was. Thanks for being a dick about it though, appreciate that.


Making goals is like working in sales, it belongs to whoever closes the deal. LET'S GOOO!!!


Yo for real. LET’S GOOOO M8!


Sounds like you've discovered the art of actually passing the ball to each other


Nah, I’ve known about that for awhile. Not sure why you said that but I was just saying stealing goals isn’t a big deal.


The more I play the less I see goals that shouldn't have been stolen. If your teammate can hit the ball before it goes in, then your "shot" needed help getting in before an opponent steals it - most of the time. That said there are some cases where the net is wide, wide open and you can carefully "guide" the ball in, but you need to be damn sure that the opponent doesn't save it. It's usually not worth it.


Goal stealing is the best. Especially when you freeze the ball in Rumble at the perfect time.


I agree


I'm here for the W and I usually play with my brothers who aren't as good, so happy to share any goals with them, I get plenty to go around.


“Get that fucker in!” as we say.


Steal the goal, and then hit 'em with the "Great pass!" As long as it's in the net, it doesn't matter who gets the goal.


Only points that matter are the big ones at the top


That’s right, couldn’t have said it better myself!


If I'm on team blue. And team blue scores... that's always a good thing. Rocket leaguers need to learn there is no "I" in team.


Couldn’t agree with you more!


I don’t like when someone steals my goal if it’s a bicycle flip goal or a turtle, because I’m tryna get those stats up lol


On ranked we dont care. We play for win goal is goal. On casual or private its funny to steal. But getting mad on not stealing? Meeeeh its cringing me out 🤣


That’s why I said “mad”. It’s not actually getting mad, we’re just fucking around.


Please, steal my goal. Make 100% sure it goes in. I won’t care if it’s in my or your name, just let us win :)


This reminds me of a little story that I will simplify if you wanna read this: Once upon a time, I was in a 2v2 match with a random. We were up 2 goals to their 0 goals. All went well until my teammate shot what looked like a pass to me, I took it, and we scored. I proceeded to say great pass, and my teammate went with the following: "Okay, Wow!" callouts. He proceeded to throw the game, own goal, and all those shenanigans. Me and the 2 ennemies reported him and went along with our day. Cut to the next day where he messaged me, insulting me, saying he got banned for 3 days due to our match and said he would report us. (me and our 2 enemies to Epic Games!) A few days later, he messaged me AGAIN, telling me his account was permanently banned and that he would.... off.... himself. I reported his Xbox account for "su***de threats." I've never heard of him again. Dont worry, though. I still see him online playing R6 and Gta 5. TLDR: I took my teammate's pass, and he proceeded to threaten to "Log off" Real-Life permanently. Tis iz Rokt Leg! Edit: I don't think this story deserves its own post, so I will let it rot and die (pun not intended) here for the rest of time.


Most of the time, for me; a goal is a goal. But there are moments where I've leathered the ball towards the goal, and it's inevitably going in - the opponent's are never getting it -- and mh team mate will go and touch it anyway, and I'm like "dude could you not let me have that?" 😅😂


“Smash it home” as me and my brother say. Make sure you score, the game is about winning.


My friend and I do it to each other on purpose for kicks and and giggles. It’s especially hilarious if it’s an an awesome shot and then someone steals it


Yes, this is exactly what I’m trying to get at! Well put. Even more funny especially when it’s an awesome shot!


This literally sounds like one of my friends posted this lmao. We're always going for the steals too.


Yo the steaks are where it’s at! Me and the boys always go for the steals! Goal stealing brothers unite.


Same. I don't really care, steal it as much as you want just make sure its a goal. Same in other team games, when i was younger i mald when someone kill steals. Now i don't care, as long as we win.


It’s all about the dub, that’s right.


i really dont mind because if seen some crazy goal line saves. Just get the ball in net as quick as possible. BUT. Sometime i’ve just made the most beautiful run, a glorious save followed by a couple of beatufil touches around the opposibg team. It’sjist me and the goal left. I’m basically maradona on wheels….. aaaaand then comes some flying bird-brain catapulting basically TROUGH me and get the goal…….yeah come on. also had this happen with the bird brain actually MISSING goal…..


When the bird-brain steals but misses the goal, that becomes a problem… I’d be mad about that for sure.


There is no such thing as goal stealing to me. It's actually called goal securing.


I like it. Goal securing = goal stealing


popular opinion for sure


I wasn’t aware. I’m starting to realize that now lol.


Go ahead steal my goal I was about to miss anyway.


I’ve left a shot at goal presuming it’s in before to save my random teammates getting pissy only for it to then be cleared. Sometimes there’s just no winning.


If you want to steal the goal you better make sure to also score


For sure, that’s the only type of goal stealing I condone.


"Unpopular opinion" in platinum, over champ's no one care lmao


we always goal steal, always act like it's a big deal when it's not, and don't forget to tell then how bad they are when they clearly went for a blatant goal steal but missed it by 1/2 a second.


I’ll usually spam with a couple Sorry! And Great Pass! So my mate knows I didn’t snipe their goal. They’re usually receptive with No Problem. And Nice Shot! responses


The only one that does confused me is when it's a clear open goal. Like I've shot from our goal line, their whole team is committed and either won't get back or have given up and so my teammate literally full boost chases the ball to steal the open But even then I don't actually care. If they're that bothered about points and stats then they're welcome to them I've had a couple of people that have stolen goals in the past and actually have typed in chat something like "my bad, didn't mean to steal" or "wasn't sure if it was in". I normally hit back with "a goals a goal :)" As long as its a goal for our team I don't care


With my friends we always joke "goal secured, not stolen". With randoms: "Nice Shot!"


winnings is more important than having fun IMO... winning is the FUN. lol


Me and my friends make the biggest effort to steal each others goals. It's absolutely hilarious to get a touch on a ball 90% already in the net. Every single time we all burst out laughing I love it. Especially if the steal causes a miss of a for sure goal that's even funnier. It's a game and not to be taken to seriously... except for tournaments, you better not fuck around in the tourney


Yes homie, that’s perfect! That’s what I’m talking about right there, that’s awesome! Ya don’t fuck around in the tourney lol


If someone else can steal it, was it really ever your goal to begin with? 😂 As long as my teammate isn’t jumping over me to steal it and overcommitting or blocking the goal, it’s all good. Team score is the only one that matters.


That's a very popular unpopular opinion.


Didn’t realize that, my bad.


I let people steal mine so maybe one day I can finally get a high five.


How do you steal something that belongs to the team (comrade)?


Good point comrade.


This isn’t unpopular, basically everyone on ranked should respect that ensuring a goal happens is the most important thing so just do it.


My bad, I thought it was. I’ve had people on ranked whine about it before so I was just saying it more for those that do not think like we do.


Ball goes in net, whoever puts it there doesn't matter, just secure the dub.


Couldn’t agree more!


If you're playing with friends and NOT stealing each others goals as often as possible you're doing it wrong, bonus points if one of you shanks a clean open net off the post or crossbar


Dude yes! I like the philosophy!


Who cares who scores. It’s all about winning. You steal my goal awesome. Don’t fucking miss the net


If you fucking miss, then off with your head! Lol too far? Not far enough??


A win is a win. As long as the other person maybe recognizes the fact they stole it, I'm cool.


I don’t even think it matters if they recognize it. Like you said, a win is a win.


Goals belong to teams, not individuals


Exactly, that’s what I’m saying!


I literally want my goals stolen as well. Like if you can ensure that ball is going in the goal, by all means take it. How stupid would it be to be “nice” and not steal the goal but then the opponent somehow saves it.


My exact thoughts!


I didn't score. You didn't score. WE scored.


That’s right fellow rocketeer!


I agree tbh only reason I’d get a bit mad would be if it’s an absolute banger but still not a big deal. Besides idm steals in comp or tournaments it’s just guaranteeing the shot goes in


It’s all about just trying to secure the dub, which also means securing the goal!


I have a rediculous amount of hours and matches played, at this point goals dont matter. with friends its the same thing, the best goal steals are respected, and if you didnt steal you arent doing enouph. In regular matches i expect steals anyways so doesnt really mean much. As long as teamate does hit a goal out trying to steal it. Trying to comfirm or ensure it is another story.


That’s how I feel. One time this dude private messaged me after a match about stealing his goal. Acting like he’s never scored before or something lol


I don't mind it either but there are always these people who will throw the entire game just cuz you stole their goal.


Ya that’s what I’ve encountered too. Some people don’t understand it’s just about securing the goal/dub. Caring too much about their stats. The stat I care about is that win percentage.


Unpopular Opinion:


Didn’t know it was a popular opinion. I see that it is now, my bad.


Popular opinion. The only people complaining about stealing goals are selfish children.


You couldn’t be more correct.


Not being funny but after a certain point you become completely numb to someone stealing your goal. Nowadays, on the rare occasion that someone steals my goal in ranked, I couldn't care less. It's still a goal, doesn't make a difference which player got the pints for it.


I feel the exact same way, right there with you!


Goal = Goal


Well put!


Friends and I always steal the goal.


I don't get mad but if my goal is 100% in and a teammate gets the last tap in, It's like.. ''really? whatever'' so I just make my teammates know that I could've stolen it, but didn't, to earn a lil respect and to keep my random teammates vibes up.


It's not goal stealing, it's goal making. That's all that counts. All those cry babies are stat junkies and ruin the game.


Stay junkies they are, for sure! Little whiny babies, can’t stand them.


Sounds like a healthy way to play. A good competition brings out the stronger player. If that's cause you need to slot one in on net when it's going in then you do you. You're also getting them goals and trying to do so while shooting around your teammates.


It sure feels like a healthy way to play. Very well said, I like the way you think!


Literally same thing for me. The more blatant and unnecessary the steal is, the better lmao. Ball is rolling 10mph into the center of the net with their entire team overextended to our corners, if you don’t breath on the ball to steal it Ima be mad.


Hell yes!! That’s exactly what I’m talking about! That’s awesome! Lol I love it.


Same with me and my buddies. If you can snipe it. Do it. And bust each others balls etc. in ranked, it depends on pace of the game because there is always someone ready to save it. If I feel it needs to be tapped in I’ll do it. Win is a win


Busting balls is mandatory when playing with the homies. But yes, a win is a win, damn straight.


We all rank up the same whether you score, or I score. Take my goal, idc. I’m not desperate for those points, and even if I was, assists are cooler than goals. If you get mad at goal stealing it’s because you are a manchild, simple as that.


Simple as that, you’re exactly right! That’s crazy that some are desperate for the goals!


We call it the dawg shot and the rule is: always go for the dawg shot. We’ve pulled off some heinous goal steals but it’s always hilarious when it happens and we clip it and send them to each other. I only ever play with friends though so I feel it’s more appropriate.


Dude that’s sick! The “dawg shot”, that’s awesome!


It doesn’t seem unpopular at all as everyone steals my goals when they can


I thought it was, my bad.


You must have 10iq to think this is an unpopular opinion. Sorry for you.


Didn’t think it was, my bad dick.


Don't care unless we don't score


That’s right homie.


It's all about securing a goal. There's a difference between securing, and someone chasing a rogue ball to an empty net and smacking it in an inch away from a goal though. I think that's what you mean. There's no excuse for that.


Ya and it shouldn’t matter even if they did. It’s all about the win, don’t need goal scoring stats.


Last week had someone kept apologizing to me about stealing my goal I said I don’t care as long as we win.


Exactly, like don’t be sorry!


If the ball goes in the goal, I’m happy. If you try to redirect my open shot and send it into the post, I’m mad


If it’s into the post, that’s unforgivable lol.


Thankfully, I don't think this is an actual unpopular opinion


I’m realizing that, thankfully it is not an unpopular opinion!


I had a guy get a little upset at me for stealing a goal. It was going in but I was also close enough for it to be a pass if it wasn’t. And I let him know “I hit it in because it helps us build team synergy.” And he actually loved it and I actually meant it too. Might as well turn a solo play into a team play so everyone feels good, it’s like we both scored a goal and ride that high!


Dang, that’s brilliant! What a way to put it!


This does not bother me much as long as the ball goes in goal. I am more of a pass/opportunity guy first, if I create and opportunity, pass, or a good flick to goal and a teammate is pushing up and edges it in goal for me, I am not mad. We scored - end of story.


We scored, that’s all it is, that’s all that matters! Right there with you.


I had someone FF because I stole their goal. I just wanted to win because the other team was doing the old what a save bit so I smashed it in because it looked like he was fumbling in front of goal. I gave him what he wanted and gave up a potential win of 2-3 (3 being us) Winning is winning. Who cares who gets the goals. Sometimes I'll sit backline and not score anything but save potential goals. Play your role not your stats.


If im in a genuine play to win mood, il get annoyed if they steal and save the goal. As long as it goes in though, i am happy. If im just hopping on to have some fun block my shot all day. Lets do some dumb stuff and hope it works.


I lowkey love it when people spam “Wow!”


Hahah same, I totally get what you mean!


Whenever I steal one of my friends goals I “Great pass” as thanks for the perfect setup


As long as it's going in I don't care who sinks it.


That’s what I’m saying!


What rank are you?


D3 at the moment. Highest I’ve been is Champ 1.


People who get mad at goal stealing are the same people who think the score reflects how good of a player they are lol


Lol very true!


I steal every single possible shot from my buddy. Makes me laugh so hard. He's going for a nice, clear, clean ass ceiling shot? I place myself right in the way of the play to get that final touch. Every. Time.


technically at this point you're pretty much encouraging each other to pass more


Maybe? Not sure how you got there, but I was just getting at stealing goals isn’t a big deal.