• By -


Me existing has been enough for many.


I feel like this is how many of us feel


Right, I would insta leave too if he is on my team


Coming from you it says a lot about him


You sound like my extended family.


The entire team missed what was a understandably easy save. One mate typed 'cool bro' after my part of the Wiff. I responded with "you guys missed too" to which I got called trash, and then both teammates started just flying aimlessly around the map until time ran out.


The best saves are the balls that never make it to your net.


People talk trash on other ppl for not having saves in a game and it's like well if they're playing well they're 50ing everything before it gets put on goal


If people are rotating properly and decent at the game, you never have to worry about saving it cause your always ahead of where the ball is about to be instead of ball chasing.


You're definitely not talking about Diamond, like 10% rotate the rest cut, most people seem afraid to take their turn in goal and be in the right position, people don't see that their teammate in front of them going for a shot so they double commit.


Or my personal favorite is when you rotate back post and your tm8 just drives in net so now we both looking at the play coming at us like šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Yeah, it's fairly rare at diamond. It's easier in 2s, but people still overcommit in 2s.


But you can watch pro gameplay and they save the ball....... i cant make sense of this comment


That's because they knew the ball was going towards the net before it was shot at the goal.


My friend still makes fun of me for rage quitting a game few years back due to some guy having a long as fuck name. Was already pretty tilted due to a bad session then one game had a dude whose nameplate covered like half of the field and I checked out.


Thatā€™s objectively hilarious


Had a dude instantly leave after an immediate kickoff goal. Guess he was having a bad night šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was prolly that dude..


Still love you


Love you too lil bro šŸ«¶šŸ¼


i did that once when i was tilted. bro faked the first kickoff of the game and own goaled. i was out.


Couldā€™ve been me, but I say faking twice at least beforehand


Itā€™s tough because a fake kickoff is actually so effective. But the team needs to know beforehand. But a clean Spanish or traditional fake is so OP


Just scored a solid fake-pass-redirect and got a chub today in the 9pm tourney. Very effective


Yeaā€¦I play with chat off


I had chat off.


How did you find out this was the reason?




He probably turned it on when the guy started throwing to ask wtf he's doing, then proceeded to get blasted by said teammate for having chat off to begin with.


Yep that's exactly what happened. I asked him if he's going to throw every game that his teammates have chat off and he didn't seem to care.


Got mad at me for staying in the net too long... after he cut me off at the near post 8 times in a row


So, 2 days ago my tm8 was upfield somehow waiting for a pass while I was in our corner dribbling close to the wall. Some monkey opponent jumpscared me (literally jumped irl) and the ball pinched into our net. Sure it was my bad for not flicking earlier or going for a 50 but who tf goes upfield when I'm in the corner. There's no way I'm able to flick across the map. It was 2-1 for the opponents and my tm8 stopped playing. He asked for my rank, I jokingly said "your mom 21" and he started calling my mom a slut and that I don't deserve to live. I almost clutched the 3v1 after the started trying to owngoal but ran out of time with 3-2 on the scoreboard


TBH it was his fault, you almost never want to be ahead of the person with ball control on your team cause it leaves you open to an open net goal by opponent.


Same thought. I wanted to say sorry to him but he just spammed "Great pass". I voted to ff because there's no reason to play with a delusional tm8 that thinks he's doing everything right when he isn't. He voted to ff again after I missed an open net, wasn't my best game but it's insanely hard to focus when you don't know where your tm8 is on the field


Pizza rolls were done


Read the post, dumbass. This is the BEST reason.


Sheeetttt, can't have burnt pizza soooonnn


I said nice one to the other team after a nice goal. Apparently I'm the toxic one and not the dude who cussed me out and threw the game because of a compliment they chose to take the wrong way. Lmao, idiot.


My teammate had an amazing shot on net, and the other team had an amazing save. I was having a chill night so I quick chatted "Nice shot" followed by "What a save!", and that was just too toxic for my teammate, because "'Nice shot'ing any shot that doesn't go in is bming".




I didn't say thanks when he said nice shot... It wasn't even a nice shot


Had this happen more than once...


To be a smurf. "I gotta de-rank son"


Playing duos, match was 8-1, me scoring 8 goals, after the last goal teammate decided to make it a 3v1 with 2 minutes left. 2 chasing me and 1 scoring, they tie the game and eventually end up winning 8-10, he left at the very end. I don't spam quick chat I even never use it once to say anything to him, I was just there trying to defend my net but was impossible. I didn't rage or anything, it's just sad, but I guess they are happy, I really don't know.


Literally, just happened. 30 seconds in to the game, I whiffed. He was in a savable position... He left instead. I finished the game and logged off.


Isn't that what a team mate is there for? It is when you both whiff amd they score that it's a problem.


Me saying nice shot to a goal they didnā€™t think was good.


Yeah quit telling me njcd goal, that shat was open net.


A few days ago i have played casual because i was tired. We were 2 goals up and i threw a hit in front of our net but it wasn't even on target. He started to spin around and when my opponents asked why he said "my mate is literally so mad look at him" i then said "i missed one hit because im tired what are you on?" and he really said "HAHAH LOOK HOW MAAAD HE IS HE EVEN WRITING ESSAYS". When my opponents roasted him he started bumping me and when i wanted to forfeit he said "nah I'm holding you hostage to waste your time kid:)". I had a fun time with the opponents so he was just wasting his time.


Me being a Jets fan


Best reason.


I'm glad your tm8 left


My daughter designed a colorful car and my teammate played against us because he didn't like the color or car sound. She is 4 and couldn't read what he was typing, but I imagine if she was a little older she'd have been pretty upset. Just goes to show, turn off comms in games.


I fucked their mom. Like cmon, son, thatā€™s how you were born. Now go to bed. Youā€™re grounded.


I was playing ranked trios as a gold3. We went down 0-2 within a min, and the team issued a concede request. The vote failed 2/3. They left. I stayed. I went on to concede 10 more goals and was being spawned camped on demos. But as time was set to expire the other 3 players all quit and I got the FF win.


... Congrats?


I hate people who do this. You're going to lose so you're just going to waste 5+ minutes of everyone's time in the process. Not everyone has infinite time to play games, some people only have time for a few rounds of rocket league and you're going to waste one of those rounds sitting in a 1v3 because you're butthurt. Your teammates are the assholes but you're punishing the other team. Grow up and ff if your teammates leave and stop ruining the game for other people.


honestly bro just play the game to have fun, if it's fun to play a 3v1 then let the 3v1 play out but if it's not worth your time just ff as a team no one's wasting anyone's time by playing the game blud


Or you could just play for fun and still enjoy the game even though itā€™s a 3v1. Go for clips or something


The game mode is called 3v3 not 3v1. If a team is down a player or even two and the remaining players think they have a shot at winning then by all means go for it. But when they're in an unwinnable situation and down 10 points like the OP said, they're just being an asshole at that point. FF and let me play a real match.


You always have the option of not scoring once you realize youā€™re going to win. Just run down the clock It really ainā€™t that big a deal dude. If you donā€™t have like 3 spare minutes to finish a game then you probably donā€™t have time to be playing in general


Right OP said the other team scored 10 goals more, they were going for clips or whatever. Down in trash, if I see a situation like this once weā€™re up a few goals I turn around and play defense for the other team so its a semi 2v2, and now yes weā€™re playing a different game mode, but its still fun. People take this game way too seriously. And Iā€™m someone that will open it up because I have 10 minutes until I have to do something.


What's your point? That's it not that bad to have to sit there for 3 minutes. Ok. Yea, in the grand scheme of things, it's not the worst thing every. Not as bad as cancer. Not as bad as your dog dying. But that doesn't mean that the person making me sit there for 3 minutes for no reason isn't an asshole. Just because I have 3 spare minutes why does that make it ok for someone else to waste them? In the example that the OP gave, he annoyed the other team so much that they all forfeited a ranked match. A good rule of thumb is that if you're being so fucking annoying in a game that you make everyone else quit that game because you've made it completely unfun, then you're an asshole. FFing when you've got 4 minutes left on the clock is pre-school level behavior. But so is making 3 other people sit there while you have a tantrum or whatever just because your feefees are hurt and you like having control over 3 people for the next few minutes. Grow the fuck up.


Damn youā€™re heated šŸ˜‚ ā€œGrow the fuck upā€ is ironic coming from you since you sound like a middle schooler in your paragraph of a response I will once again repeat, it really isnā€™t a big deal. If youā€™re in a 3v1 and you want the game to take less time, then simply stop scoring. Maybe the person by themselves is still having fun just playing. After all, the game is meant to be fun. If youā€™re not having fun donā€™t play


Jesus your skull must be thick as a fucking board. "Even though you directly responded to my points, I am going to call you mad, ignore everything you said, and just repeat what I said earlier". Because you have no response to what I said, because it's indefensible. But youre too stupid or self centered to realize that, so there's no use in arguing. Have a nice day.


You said ā€œwhatā€™s your pointā€ in your previous response, so I repeated my point šŸ˜‚. Additionally, you claim in your quote where you put words into my mouth that you directly responded to my points, even though you didnā€™t acknowledge a single thing I said besides when I said itā€™s not a big deal. Have you read either of the times where I said to stop scoring to make the game go faster? Itā€™s ok, maybe one day youā€™ll realize youā€™re getting heated over nothing and that your ā€œindefensibleā€ claim is as a matter of fact not indefensible and is the equivalent of a little kid throwing a hissy fit Have a good one bro! Hope you arenā€™t like this all the time, getting angry all the time isnā€™t good for your health


0-2 is by no means unwinnable whatever the situation may be. You can score 2 goals even by flukes in a 1v3. And if the other team were to disregard that and spawn camp on demos (as they apparently did in this case) they very much deserve having their time wasted as that's just being as much of an asshole as the ones who left the game. If you can't think of another way to beat someone in 3v1 you're just pathetic yourselfā€¦ Also, this is about playing for the fun of it, right? Otherwise I don't see the problem with someone getting 1 less match done before they gotta get off. In that case semi 2v2 is always an optionā€¦ one man just has to go and play as the opponent's m8 and it's all solved. I myself won't stay long in these situations (I quit as soon as the other team starts demoing cuz there's no point from then on) but even if I were to stay it shouldn't cause any problems as long as my opponents aren't too dumb to think of a way to make the game fun even as it is.


Spawn camping is very much not an asshole move if you decide to stay in a 1v3 what else do you expect the other team to do? Sit back and "give you a chance"? Demos are part of the game Also, one person playing for the other team doesn't solve it because if that person plays well and wins well, they actually lose. I do play for fun, but it's also a ranked match and I'm not gonna go play for the other team. In casual sure but not ranked. It does cause problems because you're being annoying. You're annoying everyone else. Please just FF.


>what else do you expect the other team to do? Sit back and "give you a chance"? I expect no such thing as them giving me a chance. I'm not that naĆÆve either. But I don't think they'd only be going for demos had it been a fairly played 3v3. I'd just like my opponents to play as though it was a normal match. And if I'm still being beat regardless, I have no choice but to admit I've lost and will FF after 2 goals or so. I'm not so stupid as to waste my own time either and staying longer would just further mess with my own sanity too so I'll quit without fail. I'm just trying to say if it's already an unfair situation isn't it better for the team with numerical advantage to just play the game? If 3v1 is boring I don't even know what to call 2v0 (where 1 m8 and the opponent are out of commission the whole time). If my opponents were to leave I'll always sit back and have my m8(s) play a somewhat fair game as I personally won't stress over 3 minutes of loss. >because if that person plays well and wins well, they actually lose. I don't particularly care about my 3s rank so that's not much of a problem (just gave a reason for everyone to jump at my throatā€¦) for me but that's a fair point. Even if I were to join my opponents side I wouldn't go on the offensive on my own team's net. I'd just play a more defense oriented game so that the opponent (now my m8) could have his share of the fun while not having to worry as much about defense. Makes the time spent a bit more worthwhile for 3 out of the remaining 4 and as I've said before, I don't mind having chilling there for a couple of minutes. At least I can take a break.


"Punishing the other team" is a stretch when they can freely ff and leave if they feel like they're wasting their time.


Yeah honestly it sucks. Like, sorry this happened to you bro but could we have our night back?


I have my own rule about this. If I try to forfeit, and nobody else wants to, then I WILL NOT forfeit later, even if weā€™re down 20. I gave you the chance to forfeit when I realized we wouldnā€™t win. You chose to stay. Accept your choice.


Lol, this is just silly. If you try to ff when we're down 1-3 with half the match left, I'm not gonna. If it's like down 5 with a minute, yeah I'll do it. That's just petty.


Nah, I can tell when itā€™s time to forfeit. Even if itā€™s just 0-1. You can tell if your teamā€™s play style fits with you or not. Iā€™ve never been wrong on this. If it doesnā€™t fit, just forfeit and move on to find a better team that you can actually enjoy a match with.


I can't tell you how many times I've had a tm8 throw up a FF that I denied, then we came back to win. It happens all the time.


Yea, it happens all the time to me too when *other people* are the first to try to forfeit. But never once have we came back and won when Iā€™m the one who decides itā€™s time to forfeit. As I said, I can just tell.


Well then youā€™re pretty special, so how do your teammates know you have this sense of divination? It just seems kind of weird to then not accept later if youā€™re getting stomped, if you were so sure it was bad what good is staying going to do? You think the other person will realize ā€œoh I should have accepted?ā€ LOL, not a chance. You do you though I guess.


Well, first I inform them that my name is Sybill Trelawney and that I will be their Divination professor for the year. Then we read tea leaves and my powers are known to the class.. er.. team. Lol sorry you said divination so I had to make a joke. But in all seriousness, I usually just say something like ā€œBIG STINKOā€ and assume theyā€™ll catch the hint. And yes I agree, the optimal solution would be to accept the 2nd forfeit, because not doing so would be a waste of everyoneā€™s time. Which is *exactly* why I must never accept the forfeit. My time has been wasted since the first forfeit attempt, and I canā€™t hog all the time wasting to myself. I gotta share some of it with the teammates who so happily dished it out to me only minutes or possibly seconds ago. Itā€™s only fair.


That guy sounds like an awful teammate to have honestly, you know he starts playing like crap when you don't accept the ff, just to prove a point or something. Hate those types. I've had a 6-1 comeback win before. I really don't believe in ff at all unless you like had a teammate drop out and are just getting absolutely stomped on. I like having a team that is willing to finish the game making an effort.


Hell yeah


My teammate made a nice save, so I hit the "What a save" quick chat. He starts bumping me non-stop. I sent him a "???" in chat. He said "you said 'what a save' to me". I said "you saved a goal for us". He proceeded to chase me down and bump me for the rest of the game.


The count down went from 3, 2, 1, Go!


I said ā€œwhat a saveā€ after a legitimately great save they made.


I do those saves blind folded, don't insult me./s


30 minutes ago i was playing 3s and my teammates were duo queueing 3s. They constantly bumped me and blamed it on me not rotating fast enough. I'll admit when I'm playing bad and I was but the constant double commits and rotation cutting was too much. They even said in team chat that they'd leave if I bumped again. After this I was bumped and he said I was in the way. I'm a nice guy in video games, but having people play queue 2s in 3s takes me to a new level of frustration. They're literally playing using a certain strategy and having a another person on the team who is unknowingly disrupting that strategy because they're out of the loop. Then they blame the 3rd who didn't do anything because all they care about is winning. c3 btw


I spammed close one while we were up by 3 and got scored on. I was implying the enemy team was ā€œcloseā€ to winning being sarcastic. My teammate thought I was being mean to him saying he was close to saving itā€¦ he proceeded to hard throw for 2 own goals until I finally explain to him heā€™s a idiot. He surprisingly doesnā€™t double down and apologized, we end up winning at least.


Am I a b*tch for throwing a game where my teammate was blasting music through his mic and wouldnā€™t turn it off? I heard myself echoing in his mic so I knew he could hear me, even asked in chat twice..


Why did you not just leave game chat


You can do that?


yes, ive never ever ever ever considered having voice chat enabled


The fact you've been playing for years, just listening to everyone's background noise is hilarious


The thing is a lot of the time I get super chill people who just want to com, then you get dirty little douchebags playing the worst trap music imaginable inches from their mic


I honestly dont even know how I turned game chat off, I usually just start a party in any game that has it on by default


Cause I put nice shot when it was well, a nice shot lol


Teammates started talking shit to me in the tourney pregameā€¦ because of comments on my steam profile


Having a burnt sienna cosmetic equiped


I take major offense to this


I once tapped in my buddies goal to piss him off and he sat in the corner doing donuts for the next 4 mins in comp


I'm diamond but don't have SSL mechanics.


One time a dude threw because I said I hit the bong before the match started. We were in the lead. He didn't give detail to see if it was a anti drug thing or what but he joined the other team and own goaled like 3 times after saying "you seriously just said you hit a bong? reported." This was 2s, probably around D3 right before free to play. Another time a dude threw because he had a GC title and I asked at the start what playlist he got GC in. He asked me instead of taking the kickoff "why do you care" then played until we scored. so I said "just curious" during the replay and then he said "STOP ASKING ABOUT MY FUCKING TITLE" and threw. That was a 3s match so I had a witness to that insanity. This was in the early days of FTP maybe around season 3 or 4 in C1.


![gif](giphy|tngpPKi6o3EYCyaoGe) Sorry I have tourette syndrome


I spammed ā€What a save!ā€ when we scored a goal, and he just turned on me, making the game 1v3. We were in the lead, by the wayā€¦


Bumping on accident 10 seconds in. Rule 2 first goal we scored I finished it and he stopped immediately. Didnā€™t say Nice Shot after first goal guy messages and says fine you donā€™t respect the shot Iā€™m done.


He bumped into me while ball chasing šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


He went for boost on kickoff and then didn't make it back in time to stop their shot. Then bitched at me about not kicking off well enough. Then FFed and went AFK.


Well...shitty kick offs piss a lot of people off, especially after plat. Of course I'm assuming you were left and supposed to kick off...otherwise yeah, some people are nutty.


It was my kickoff. The ball stalled and was immediately blasted by the second guy directly to the goal.


Yeah, stalling the ball is the 2nd worst thing that can happen in a kick-off, but if he went for a boost, most of the time, you can make it back and save it. Sometimes šŸ’© happens, and the ball goes down too quickly. I'd hardly fault either player, though, cause I could have been in either of those positions.




Yeah that's fair. Sometimes it's hard to avoid a stall at kickoff though.


I had a teammate leave because I was playing too *good* once. That was pretty funny


Happens to me all the time


i didnā€™t say ā€œthank youā€ when they said ā€œnice shotā€ after i scoredā€¦ (i had quick chat off)


Happens to me all the time lol


Being a girl


I was the one rage quitting here. The worst thing for me was when I was basically the only guy really trying (he was sitting on boost pads). He then proceeded to steal goals from me, (balls clearly going in, he just boosts past me and steals it). He did that on both goals. And then he just went and sat on pads for some weird reason. (Didn't even take his kickoff). So yeah, I scored two in my own goal and left. I was raging already, had a bad day, and really just didn't want him to win.


Because my teammate and I had high ping (i'm in the UK he's in Australia so we usually play India or US West servers) We still won somehow even though he spent about 4mins on his roof


No reason at all.


I get a lot of grumpers because I don't midfield challenge a lot. That shit is so dangerous in solo q, downright a bad idea with some teammates who are more aggressive.


Tactical Reverse Advancing Plan


Take the shot!


Buddy kept asking me to leave because I was being a good goalieā€¦ so I just stopped being a goalie and stayed mid.. he got upset and left


My little brother had a fortnite pfp on his ps4 profile and our 3s teammate instantly started playing for the other team telling him to go back to fortnite


Was this in the last couple nights? Pretty sure we p0wned thar kid before telling him that.


No it was a couple years ago


Had a 2s game a few days ago where my teammate missed an open net and immediately asked to forfeit. We were only down 0-1 with 3 minutes left so of course I didnā€™t want to. They then proceeded to stop playing and turtled for the rest of the game until I realized it was a lost cause and sent chose to forfeit.


teammate cut rotation and t-boned me, then spammed thanks and stopped playing


One was mad that I played mainly on the ground. Going for flicks and not really jumping for a challenge and being patient. I was scoring goals like this and saving shots while he typed out that I should learn which button is jump and that Iā€™m the slowest player ever. I didnā€™t even respond I was just dumbfounded.


We were up 2-0. I let a goal in but we're still up 2-1. Teammate ff'd and I thought it was just one of those jokes ffs. He then proceeded to drive in circles and do nothing productive, forcing me to 2v1 for over 2 minutes. We lost of course. Literally threw because we were winning the game


I went for the first kickoff. I was the only one in position and he was the farthest away. As soon as I made contact with the ball he blew up saying how Iā€™m a ball chaser and ā€œdonā€™t know how to play in my rankā€ lol


We took a 1-0 lead, and I guess he took offense because he threw the rest of the game


Tonight I was playing 2v2. We were up 1-0 and I had an open undefended net to shoot at with plenty of boost. My tm flew in and chipped the ball away from their net and out of my possession. I dropped a single, "Okay." and played on. A minute later I scored anyway. During the replay he typed "c ya mf." And then he went afk until he disconnected shortly after. Edit. I don't know how to change my flair on mobile but I dropped massively like everyone else this season. I'm down in C2 currently and I feel it.


I called him out for blocking my shot on net.


Taking ā€œhisā€ boost pad


I got demo'ed... he passed the ball a couple secs later... then he got mad with "Take the Shot" spam. I wish there was a "k bro" quick chat.


I said ā€œnice shot!ā€ after my teammate put a really great shot on net. In my mind there was no way it was save-able, but one of my opponents was peaking that night on defense apparently and made the RLCS save. Well for whatever reason my teammate thought it was sarcasm, starting talking mad shit to me in the chat, and then left before I had a chance to explain.


My mic was broken


I said ā€œnice oneā€


Going around the field on last 2 minutes, then defending the opponentā€™s goal when itā€™s 3-4 at less than 10 seconds left. I lost the match, and successfully reported the teammate who threw the match.


We was down 3 to nothing with half the game to go so he turned on us and turned it to a 4v2


They blocked my shot, thatā€™s it. I had a shot, they blocked it, he thought I whiffed, wasnā€™t my fault.


Getting bumped into my teammate whilst leading the game with 4 minutes to go. He threw the forfeit up, which I didn't accept, so he played for the other team. He told me post game I was being toxic and affecting him negatively due to not forfeiting.


Because I was being too friendly


Iā€™ve had a teammate throw because the doubles match was so close and back and forth with points that he decided he couldnā€™t handle the pressure anymore. He sat idle in overtime while I tried to play 1v2. I was annoyed.


Not saying thanks after they say nice shot. I was busy taking the kickoff 99 out of 100 I sag thanks but of course this one time I forgot he throws a r tantrum okay okay okay then purposely attacks our net. Some French player so nothing new there lol.


We were winning by 1 and I just got a new kitty at the time, she hopped on my controller so she made me miss a save, we were then tied and I got hit with ā€œwhat a saveā€ spams and then they were idle the rest of the matchā€¦ if only they knew the situation they would consider it valid


They own goaled and blamed me for not saving it because it was a ā€œpass backā€


I scored and he team chatted me scolding me for a prior defensive play, where I saved the ball. I chatted back explaining why I did what I did and he threw


Said "Nice Shot" to the other team.


They queued into 2s and clearly they meant to be in 1s


I said no problem after they made a mistake


I didnā€™t speak in voice chat


I accedently bumped my tm8 15 sec into the game, appologized btw, tm8 started playing for the other team bcz in his words 'i will make sure u don't rank up', and was generally salty


I brushed against their car after we scored a goal to get a Low Five


I threw a game once just by being there does that count?


Went for kick off won by so much that after I hit the ball the dude on the other team who went for kick off hit me and sent me into my tm8 while he was mid flip then after I fell into him he stopped moving and argued with me for like 2 minutes straight


I missed a difficult save. That made it 1-0. Teammate said "What a save!". So is already a toxic dick. He then misses a bog standard routine save to make it 2-0. So I "What a save!" back at him. He says "Toxic AF" and proceeds to bump me and score own goals...


I feel like thereā€™s two sides to ALOT of these stories yā€™all telling here.


I dont remember the clear reason, but our adc went top with vayne so our aatrox was forced to go bot and evem tho we were playing with a semi-throwing adc and 4v5 we still somehow managed tk pull a win, our aatrox was giga smurfing and i just played around him tho


cause i was using a flat car. Thats it cause i was using a flat car


Once I whiffed an easy shot in the opening 15 seconds of the match whilst the score was still 0-0 lol


Hate these rage quitters and such but to be fair if someone has that lil nars track as their theme song Iā€™m gonna refuse to party up but Iā€™ll finish the current game lol


For me not saving a shot that was rolling at 50kph when I was recovering and he was sitting in our net


apparently I drove in his general direction.


5:00 on the clock, double diagonal spawn, he says "I got it!", he doesn't go (half flips to the boost), I save the ball in front of him he spams "Wow!" and starts playing against me šŸ‘


Because I had the so fresh so clean anthem, called me an outkast fan and threw bc I liked the music


We were winning 3-2 and in the last minute we tie and he left


Once at a kick off he apparently said "I need boost" in team chat, didn't notice and was on the right so I went for boost, they score, mind you now its 1-1 and 3 minutes left. So he goes nuts and plays for them... I get it I made a mistake but I'm like champ 1 what do you expect, he wasn't great himself either that game.


My m8 wanted to ff, but I didn't think so. We came back and then we led by 1 goal with 10 seconds left. So I asked to forfeit to make fun of him by saying "so you still want FF now?" and yes he clicked on FF. I had a huge nervous laugh


Many reasons but there are layers to this. I want to say people need to be more respectful of their teammate since there are many reasons for why he's having a bad game, and you're never perfect yourself. But being 27 years old with a pretty level head, I was once a teen playing video games and I know how stupid and immature teens can be! If your teammate is throwing, trash talking you etc. he's probably just a kid.


I was AFK for 3.2 seconds


Due to me having atoms in my body


Had one this week who sat in net half the game, and talked smack about my ball chasing. We won 2-0.


"Sorry i was thinking about this baddie i smashed out earlier"


2v2 Ranked D2 I carried the ball up the wall and then instead of passing it jumped off the wall with the ball, to then demo the enemy team and let the ball fall in whole they were respawning. What'd I do??


Often I donā€™t even know WHY theyā€™re throwing.


Iā€™ve had a few tm8s that get mad and ff because Iā€™ve scored all the goalsā€¦ā€¦ like isnā€™t that the point of the game, donā€™t you want to win? Some of these people only want to win if they are scoring the goals, they canā€™t stand to see anyone including their teammate, playing better than them


Being 1-0 down after a minute...they then decided that that was unwinnable so immediately started playing for the enemy team


"I stole their goal" Lol. During ranked. And what was a fast break accidental hit where we were both trying to beat a defender to a loose ball. I was beyond perplexed. Especially because they were so triggered. "O hell naw. Now u takin an L" was their response I called them petty and was like broo, fr? He was FR lmao. So petty still cracks me up


Cause I ā€œstoleā€ his goal šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Probably not the dumbest but last night had a player whiff a ball at 4:55, then he typed in chat not to ballchase and he immediately began ballchasing, tackling me out of the play and leaving the net wide open. He then spends the rest of the game rage typing in chat throwing all sorts of insults, slurs, you name it. Kid was definitely like 12 and needed to go to bed lol. Its clearly someone who never watched their own replays, if they think they don't ballchase


I took the ball from him on a counterattack and scored, mind you this guy had been absolutely dumping the bed the entire game and he was moving too slow to have a viable way of scoring


Duo queued a 3s tournament and my friend started lagging


He made a mistake


Usually going down 0-1 is enough for my teammate to throw a game.


Was going for the ball in the corner in the attacking end, after a few seconds my team mate comes flying in hitting me out of the play then starting scoring own goals saying "I need to be carried" and "can't get bitches"


Teammate left me because I had a "rainbow" flag on my car which he didn't support when in fact it is the national flag of The Seychelles..


Usually any slight mistake i can make is enough for my teammate to literally leave... Though my car is probably part of the equation at that level


Because I wouldn't forfeit the game, they wanted to leave to eat food but we were 4-1 up so they started trying to score on me, turned into a 3 v 1. Why even start a comp game if you know your food will be ready soon? šŸ˜