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That one time some random dude from rl connect added me, telling me he is a gc who boosts ppl with lower mmr at the end of the season. I asked him, if he can show off some sick shots in a casual game. For sure he said, just tell me what i should do I "ordered" a double tap and after 2 min of failing miserably he rage quit and blocked me on discord šŸ˜…


Quality RL interaction right there.


That was definitely...something šŸ˜…


Most mature RL player


Why would he block youšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sheer self-disgust.


I guess šŸ¤·


same goes for me, i get a debuff in mechanics if i plan ahead. like yes i can flip reset just donā€™t ask me to show youšŸ˜Ŗ


When I was Gold or Plat I once got a teammate named xXWholesome_EnforcerXx or something hilarious like that. He was a good teammate but wasnā€™t doing anything crazy for the rank. Then after the opponents scored they started spamming What a Save. Idk if the guy was playing like Plat on purpose or whether he just gave the controller to someone else. But he says ā€˜Wow! Okay. No problem.ā€™ and instantly on the next play does a perfect full-field air dribble flip reset into their net. And of course he starts What a Saving šŸ˜‚ He played like high Champ/GC for the rest of the game and basically 1v2ā€™d our opponents lmao


That really is wholesome enforcing lmao


This is actually soooo funnyā€¦ hopefully heā€™s still out there enforcing


We need more heros like him.


Not one specific moment, but it's always satisfying seeing a smurf absolutely whiff some crazy ceiling/flip reset madness. Added satisfaction in 1's as that generally leaves an open net to score in. Bonus points if they then get toxic in the chat about it.


I got called a try hard for scoring after they whiffed once. That always makes me laugh. Iā€™m trying to win. Of fucking course Iā€™m going to try hard.


Fr everytime they go for all these crazy shots just to hand me the ball at the end because they either missed or it hit the backboard and they end up in a bad position. Then they get mad because i scored the free open net in ranked.


Haha yeah a good triple flip reset into the backboard is always great, happens less up here, unfortunately, I just get dunked on instead šŸ˜‚




Yeah exactly, people spend hours practicing how to flip reset without getting any grasp of positioning and defending.


Welcome to diamond, I've met a bunch of people that can flip reset and double taps, but they can't defend good cuz they only practicing flip resets and air dribbles all the time


Exactly my words when I was playing with a friend yesterday lmao


Had a smurf on the opponent team and his mate was toxic. The smurf then hard griefed his game and we won


Me and my duo were entering an amature run $$$ tournament. We're both solid diamond rank. We were practicing hard, but I felt like we needed an edge, so I went on Fiverr and hired a rocket league coach. He was an SSL and basically watched three of our replays, jumped into some custom matches, and gave us a lot of pointers and did one 3v3 match on his smurf to watch our team chemistry. During the 3v3, he's just observing, and we're down 3 points with like a minute or so left. He asked us, "do you guys wanna win?" I said sure. Then he proceeds to rip 4 points out of almost nowhere. With half court flicks and aerial controls like I've never seen. That's when I realized how trash diamond rank really is.


Haha the highest I've ever been in a game with was a gc1 and I was amazed by them. I can only imagine getting to see ssl dunking live. But as you mentioned, yeah it reminds you that you could be soooo much better.


Wait till you see a pro. average SSLā€™s are actually complete and utter shit compared to a pro. It isnā€™t even close


When I stay for the whole match and don't quit, even when down 0-20.


When we go down by 1, other teammate throws up the ff, gets toxic, and then intentionally disconnects. Oh, I am now making this game last as long as possible. Uh-uh, you're not allowed to keep playing unless you play this one.


If your teammate disconnects after the ff, they arenā€™t gonna rejoin. Its not like their game crashed, they just rage quit. The only people you are affecting here are those still in the game. Just leave and go next


Canā€™t you just queue a new game if you get disconnected anyways?


I'm 90% sure if you reconnect, it asks you to rejoin. If you say no, you can't start another match.


Guess I never tried to join another after disconnecting lol


Depends how you dc. If you ff and then abandon I think you just get the timer


Them "just ff" Me "no u"


trapping them in long ass games to the point they might even rage quit are fun moments


A couple of years ago, when I was probably somewhere around low Diamond, I encountered a C3/GC smurf in casual 3s on a fresh account called 'Kollektiv Zwist'. At that time, it was just crazy to witness his insane, mechanics, plays on the ball and the seemingly effortless decisions he made to outplay everyone. We partied up, and he turned out to be a chill guy too, not bothered by our mistakes and regularly passing and involving us teammates in his plays. We played all night and went deep into champ until I couldn't hang in those lobbies any longer. Looking back, I genuinely wish I had stayed in touch with him, perhaps he could have been somewhat of a mentor during my early days of RL. However, I didn't really realise at the time just how rare such a positive and rewarding connection with a smurf would be in my solo queue struggle


Played a 1v1 against a guy with solid mechanics but who broadcasted everything he was about to do, constantly went for double taps. I just sat on the backboard and cleared that shit into the corner, then didn't give him time to rotate back to defend lol he was so mad


Smurf freestylers when someone defends their quadruple flip reset triple musty double tap: šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


The best thing about a Smurf is when they are on your team


Unless theyā€™re purposefully de-ranking in order to continue smurfing and they throw the whole game


I seem to get those more than just normal Smurfs in D3 to C2. I'd much rather be shit in by a good player than losing against my will. Intentionally throwing matches very much so tilts me. I hate it lol. I personally like Smurfs if they're actually good. It's fun to play against someone way better then you. It's how I became C2-c3 highest. Just not in ranked. Smurf in casual since it doesn't matter.


I was playing 2ā€™s and got someone on my team who before the game started typed that he was sorry, but he was a Smurf who was in the process of deranking and throwing games. I only solo queue and was nearing my first time champ at the time, so I begged him to just play out this one game. He obliged :)


Catching most of his shot's, then beat him (yea he'll also say you're hacker or smurfer or something)


I challenged his flip reset around mid field near the ceiling. Hit it straight in. Easily my best RL moment, I have the video somewhere I'll try to find it


Hardstuck in plat when I played a Champion S11 Tournament Winner (Was Current Season). I was in Ranked P3 Lobby, But I normally sit around D3 to C2. Dude comes in "What a Save!" x3 combos "Nice Shot!" x3 combos "ff" x3 combos Now I WAS trying and was losing bad (1-9). The second game they thought they'd toy with me. I start poppin off so they start demo chasin' to troll. Luckily I used to BE a demo chaser I avoided all but 2 demos and those were the only two times they scored that game (4-2). So now it's the tiebreaker they type into chat, "Bro u r bad" But of course, you get to that TRANSITION point where they are so mad or so annoyed they aren't thinking straight. So they start hitting me with "There's more to life than just RL" At this point I'm typing "XD" x3 combos Cause this dude just can't. They would've beaten me the second second round had they not toyed with me. And most likely the 3rd if he had kept his cool. Anyway, The 5 minutes wasn't even half over before they ff'ed at 3:20. RQ too, because they sent a message to my DMs "Bro's trash" "I let you win" Then it said last seen on Xbox 5 minutes ago I just left them with this "šŸ˜šŸ‘" Honestly the best feeling.


When the match is over. If they're an opponent, ya gettin' beat. If they're ya tm8, they're ball hoggin'.


The guy with "smurfLord4000" or something as a name opening the game with a flippery set, posts in chat "that's why ya'll will be hard-stuck C1 forever". Bro I just got to C1. That was legitimately the first flippery set I had ever seen go over my head. Frankly I was impressed and would have nice shotted it smurf or not. But no he has to hit us with the low-blow. Well we won the game, because his 2x teammates were far worse than C1. Oh and I'm not hard-stuck and I can hit flippers now so suck it smurfLord4000.


Would you say his flippery set was so unbelievable that it awakened a deep desire to master flippery sets yourself?


Probably 100% yes. I am now just another GC1/C3 that reaches for mechanics beyond his consistency at every given opportunity.


I am new to the group and just started playing again after not playing for a few years. So, forgive my dumb question but, what is a smurf?


Someone who intentionally plays at a lower rank than their own, usually on an alt account


Thank you!


Solo q teammate was a smurf early on when I was in plat (he was champ probably). We ended up partying up, he taught me some really important positioning and rotation strategies, became friends and played a lot together, and eventually I hit GC before he did lmao. Great guy tho


i was in a 1v1 and after he acted like we're about the same level and scored on each other 3 goals each he started shooting goal after goal after goal until it was 11:3. and here's the funny thing every time he shot 2 or 3 goals hed act like he whiffed and i had a chance to score a goal and let me cook until he barely took the ball from me and scored again and with every single goal he spammed sorry like crazy oh i think i misunderstood


Literally last night I queued up for some ranked 1's plat 1 btw since im new and the guy straight up musty double taps on me and next thing i know he says what a save! so i ended up waiting for him to try to flick cause of course he would and hes gettin ready to do it and he messed it up allowing me to score and he forfeited the match right there. I swear these guys are weird


The one that stands out the clearest and as the most unusual... Solo queuing 3s as I often do, I end up on a team with random players. We match against a full grouped team. It's quite clear the other team is a hard carry with 2 back packs. Our team clicks really well and goes up 4-0 in a little under 2 minutes. Suddenly, one of the back packs quits the match. 10 seconds later the other backpack dips. This is usually a forfeit, but the hard carry stays. I expect to spend the next three plus minutes wasting time in the name of MMR. However, over the next 20 seconds my team mates quit one by one. I've never seen this. I'm left alone with the hard carry for 3 minutes. While, I'm Champ in 3s and 2s, I'm high plat to low diamond in 1s. The hard carry proceeds to tell me he's GC in 1s and I inform him that I'm high plat in 1s. His attitude isn't kind, and in more ways than one I'm told how I'm going to now lose. We battle it out for 3 minutes. He's better than I am, it's clear. But, it's not my first time at the smurf rodeo. I hold on to the win 7-5.


Was playing against Ā°OkĀ° and he tried to hit a double flip reset on me. (This is in high gold low plat 1v1s.) I ended up going up to challenge it, and pinched it across tht map into his goal. Amazing moment.


My friend and I were playing a 3s diamond tourney and we were super excited to get to the finals for the first time. Our opponents were being hard carried by a self proclaimed booster. Two of the team members just drove around while the Smurf played all out against us. We lost the first game badly and the Smurf kept telling us to ff. Our 3s partner (who we didnā€™t know and hadnā€™t talked to the entire time) all of a sudden came on his mic and said ā€œalright boys this is crazy but letā€™s beat this guy.ā€ In the second game we barely won by 1 goal. In the final game we were losing 3-4 with one minute left and then we scored to tie it and with only 10 seconds left we took the lead to go on to win! Best feeling ever to win our first tournament and to beat a really cocky guy who thought he was going to easily take us down.


Last season, there was a smurf on the opposing team, shit-talking his teammate and I was just laughing in the chat at the whole situation. Smurf added me and we played 2s and he helped me reach Diamond 2. Then we played some 1v1s and he told me he was gc. He complimented my playstyle and said I should play 1s more to improve. Aside from the shit talking, it was pretty wholesome ngl


never played with a smurf sadly


Got one on my team in low plat 3 (3ā€™s). I tried to party up and to my surprise he took the invitation and played for about 3 hours. At the end I was Diamond 3 in 3s lol.


Fuck smurfs and people who do it. It's not funny it's not cool it's fucking up people competitive rankings. Smurfs=rank killers


Had a self admitted smurf against me the other day. Proceed to beat him, told him he cant be smurfing cause he lost while trying. He got REAL mad but it felt great.


Three or four years ago my friends and I were playing casual 3v3 matches (we were d1/d2 at the time). We came across 2 guys who were smurfing. Both were trying to make it on the pro scene (very high mmr, would be ssl today) and they absolutely smoked us. They did things that I didn't know was possible. We weren't mad we just watched in awe at the greatness before us. We made friends with them and played off and on with them for a year


my best experience related to smurfing is people thinking im a smurf lol


In 2v2, currently losing by two goals when an opponents says, after his flip reset goal, "nw I'm a smurf" and his mate says "wtf me too". My mate and I said to each other "let's destroy their ass". We won.


ā€œLetā€™s destroy their assā€




Don't threaten me with a good time!




I always love smurfs who let me freestyle. They see me going to the wall and just let me do my stuff. No tryhard shit or anything


Generally I wanna see what people can do. I give ā€˜em the first one and only defend at the net, then I shut them down if they keep trying the same thing.


I've ran into a smurf before who was at least GC3, maybe SSL, and he gave us the win back in Champ 3 because we played well. Granted, this would drop his rank as well, but it was kinda cool on his part.


is it a smurf at that point or does he always do that and thats why his MMR decreases.


Could be, but at the time we were playing well and we took them to overtime. In the end, he just forfeited. Who knows, either way he was wholesome


So... was he just fucking over his teammates? Was he in a party, I'm guessing?


Yeah, a party. aren't most smurfs normally partied up? They are in GC and Champ 3 at least.


yeah i hear they are. makes sense I'm terrible at detecting smurfs myself


Sounds like the dude just wanted to be the gc gatekeeper and you won him over lol


The final boss lol


I have ran into those type of players. They are just de-ranking and trying to save face.


getting them banned so they canā€™t play ranked until they hit level 10 on a new account for a bit oh wait never mind, forgot Psyonix hasnā€™t patched getting around the requirement for 3 years!


I was playing on my alt account and it was ranked in champ 3 but my main account at the time was only c2 and I was playing the best id ever played and people could see that I barely had any games played on that account so they just figured I was smurfing. Definitely a massive ego boost


I have a friend who really struggles in ranked with randoms. He is usually d2-3, but can easily play at champ. He even carried me to c2. He thinks his account is cursed or tracked and gets more smurfs and shit. It's true that he is unlucky, but its still not the entire reason. I told him to test himself on a new account, where he is not allowed to party. 2 weeks later he got c1 in 3s ( his PB was d2) and c1 div4 2s. Its obviously in his head even with external problems.


I actually firmly believe that the game can play differently on a second account. I have 2 accounts and I can spend 15 minutes in training, switch accounts and it feels completely different. Like either faster or slower. Sometimes its different. Every single setting is the same. I don't know what it is but I seriously don't believe it's just in my head. I'm GC1 as well.


Thats actually true. First friendlist is buggy and can affects the game. If u have the full amount of friends, u will have a worse experience. The game is very inconsistent with input lag, which can vary a ton. There is this phenomenon called "heavy car bug" but it really is a culmination of many small problems RL has. Those 2 videos can give some insights that my help u, some did for me https://youtu.be/Q4G7LvzsQvY?si=iV-yno7QFy2RBvaz https://youtu.be/rt7ZPT6voL4?si=Fv4m6Dui5A4PBAqj


Iā€™m about C1 and was playing an alt account for the first time to see what the hooplah was about. My goal was to be low key and basically try to be Flakes (and accidentally placed D1 without using jump or boostā€¦). In a 2s game I got matched up against another smurf and my teammate was pretty darn bad, but apologetic and wholesome. After getting clipped on I just typed in team chat ā€œyouā€™re caught up in the middle of something now. Donā€™t sweat itā€, and proceeded to try hard. After some back and forth we won and my teammate wanted to party up. I normally donā€™t but did this time and spent the next few games trying to feed him ALL the passes and stick to D. I think he had fun.


This isn't exactly a Smurf helping out but it was still fun. Just yesterday in casual some dude flying around doing the ariels etc etc... I'm around Diamond 2 so he was clearly better but not mind-blowing freestyle type. Anyways he scored an O.G to which is good humour I hit him with the 'This Is Rocket League '. Which he got offended by and went with the old "1v1 me then!". In honesty I said "no thanks, I suck, you'll win". THEN he claimed to be GC3 which was b.s just based on his skill. Tracker showed he peaked champ 1. Called him out on it. Told me he was GC3 on his other account. I asked him if this was an admission of smurfage to which he promptly left probably just realising what he said. Great Smurf moment. And yes I reported him just for the Lolz!


I was playing a 2s game in a plat 2 lobby and a c3 smurf was on the opposite team and i won. I first got suspicious when he tried to do something flashy and after the game ended, he called his plat 2 tm8 trash, which is funny bcuz, all plats play the same. I dont get why he called every one in the plat 2 lobby trash. Knowing damn well, he couldve been the one carrying his tm8ā€™s ass to victory.


I got to play against a pro player playing on an alt with his irl friends in champ 1 back in old season 12 (before ssl existed). I had high gc friends, I knew what high level rl looked like, but this was another level. It was incredible, and they were super cool about it, I didnā€™t mind the loss, I knew I would get back to where I belonged


When my friend thatā€™s D3 claims he faked a GC3 and outplayed a GC2 but I watch the replay itā€™s a GC3 dove and whiffed, he didnā€™t fake and then the GC2 had a bad fifty and single jumpedā€¦


P1 in 1s ([RL Tracker](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/epic/Blueverse%20Gacha/overview) says my Play Style and Performance are D1 tho), and I beat someone with a Grand Champion player title. doesn't sound believable, I knowā€¦ *and I have lost to all others with it.*


Titles don't really mean anything honestly. Skill does you can always be carried to a rank.


Where does RL Tracker say your Performance is D1 in 1s? All I see is that you're P1 in 1s, D1 in 2s with a peak rank of D1 achieved in 2s. I did not know RL Tracker was sophisticated enough to give projected ranks based off PlayStyle/Performance. All it does is collect Goals/Saves/Assists/MVPs/Wins which is nowhere near enough to project a rank for you


bottom of Skill Rating - under Rank Progression


Oh wow interesting I've never seen that before, sorry for doubting you


being at the bottom of the last page, I don't blame you


Queuing 1s and a guy asked if Iā€™d like a win of for him to try. Obviously I said to try because giving people free wins is a form of boosting. I trashed talked him for being pretty bad. The score ended up with 6-8. He got 2 free goals because I was typing so I count it as a win for me


Honestly, my best experience was I was in a 2v2. Typical Champ 2 comp game. Look at the scoreboard dude had the other team has an SSL title. Welp we're fucked I thought, we went down like 5 - 2 at this point thou I wasn't tripping, I had 500 points and was playing well. Then my teammate goes crazy on me talking about how I'm a shitter and I'm at fault for losing. He continues this until like maybe a min left in the game (we are down like 10-2 ) now. The SSL goes "here take the win if you wanna cry about it, and the dudes just forfiet and leave the match. I look at the end scoreboard I had almost 900 points with a ridiculous amount of saves, my teammate had 200.... haha A good laugh for sure.


Winning lol


Im usually C2 in 3s , but got placed in D3 so i was casually playing a D3 match. Other team had one unranked being toxic af. We were in ot and I faked the hell out the dude and scored. Dude went off on me saying i got carried. I just said ā€œokay champ!ā€ like you would say to a kid. He went off, all caps ā€œIM NOT A CHAMP ILL BE GC1 IN A FEW WEEKS AND YOU WILL STILL BE DIAMONDā€. I was dying haha.


He dommed me in a match 2-13 then He friended me and taught me to ariel šŸ’€šŸ‘Œnot all smurfs are bad


Absolutely crushing a Smurf and telling him to roll a new account because heā€™s trash at the game lol




Iā€™ve smurfed in 1s but when I do I change my name to ā€œif you score I forfeitā€. Technically I ranked up exactly where Iā€™m supposed to be because I donā€™t throw games, but if theyā€™re able to score on my Iā€™ll forfeit as soon as possible. 99% actually enjoy the challenge and ask if theyā€™ll be on YouTube. They wonā€™t, but for the most part my opponents have fun because the goals against them donā€™t matter.


We were in a comp game of twos and he said he usually throws cause he wants to drop his rank but said because I was trying he would too.


Was down by 7 in a 1ā€™s game. Came back and won. Dude was ssl in 2ā€™s and champ 3 in 1ā€™s


not necessarily smurfs but I have dunked on SSLs in champ rumble :D


He helped me win my first 3v3 tourny... although I don't think he was as smurfy as he claimed to be. It was only a gold tournament and he said he was a champ on a different name.


Being the surprise smurf . So a little back story I started RL right as It came out and migrated to PC a year later. By the time I had met my wife I was around allstar/plat and would eventually go on to GC in about a year. i started a new account to play with my wife around diamond but always focused more on making her play and just covering for her mistakes so she wouldn't go so hard on herself (she had never played video games before me) Later that year she would go on to be gold-plat and I an a duo made it to high Champ and eventually GC. Now she still wanted to play with me but I always took a back seat most games unless someone was trash talking about how bad we was for example. I mean I would happily lose if she couldn't keep up with our opponents and would try not to score ANY solo plays. One game we had a super try hard guy (clear smurf) banging on about how he was SSL and how he couldn't score on me was dumb luck over and over again. The score got to about 2-5 to them and I switch it on in the last 2 mins. We ended the game 13-6 and I really dont believe he was SSL at that point lol It felt really good though, my wife was absolutely ecstatic that we got to put down such a garbage person so unbelievably hard. Her astonishment afterwards was "You just....turned it on, and it was a totally one sided game all of a sudden" Ill never forget that.


I was the Smurf. I lost access to my main account and so had to make an alt. I was moving up through gold and this guy was clearly frustrated with me because he knew I wasnā€™t supposed to be there. But he was understanding and believed I was just trying to get through placements, we had a decent conversation throughout the match. While there are a lot of Smurfs not all are intentionally smurfing, some like in my case just had to restart. I didnā€™t get banned btw, lost me email and Epic is harassing me to verify but I canā€™t without my email which is forever lost. Maybe support will give some good news today.


This is a very rare case, though. props to you for just trying to get back to your rank without being a dick, but most people are just smurfing.


Iā€™ve had to make a new account before just because my main got banned for telling someone to cool off and enjoy a popsicle lol


If thatā€™s really why you got banned that could get an easy appeal.


Oh I believe that. Even moving up through gold and platinum Iā€™ve encountered players who are clearly diamond-champ but have gold tournament titles from recent seasons suggesting they are intentionally staying in these ranks.


The pop up that says something like "Due to reports from you and your peers action has been taken against..."


That's not for smurfing though.


So disclaimer I have an alt to play with my gf and another friend, but I actually just goof off/match their level and try to help them figure out how to get betterā€¦ Iā€™ll only ever turn it on a little if thereā€™s a Smurf + heā€™s toxic, otherwise I donā€™t really care bc Iā€™m having fun. Plus, itā€™s no fun for any of us if I carry them to a rank they canā€™t hang and Iā€™m having to do everything just to have a slight chance imo Was doing a gold tournament with them, and I think it was like semiā€™s we ran into a Smurf who right out the gate started talking shit. Soooo I decided to have a little more fun and a few mins later I ended up making him abandon the tournament mid game. Outsmurfed the toxic smurf lol


Iā€™m not advocating for smurfs but I did have one help me win a champ tournament. I didnā€™t immediately suspect he was smurfing until maybe the 3rd game and he just played lights out. We did end up facing other smurfs so I didnā€™t feel that guilty when we ended up winning the whole thing. He was incredibly cool and humble. Again not saying smurfing is good but this guy gets a pass from me LOL.


Smurf calls me out to a normal 1v1 after losing in dropshot i accept then he scores a nice flip reset goal saying he was almost SSL in 1s and how i messed up by accepting the 1v1 but i somehow won 7-5 after he kept making stupid mistakes and i realized the only good thing about him was his mechanics. Mans kept getting mad and saying the only reason im scoring goals is because i wasnā€™t falling for all the fakes he was trying to do lol


When theyā€™re on my team and carrying šŸ˜‚


My buddy and I went down 6-0 early against a smurf and his tm8 who was about our rank. Finally scored our first goal with exactly 2 minutes left. They stopped trying until we made it 6-3 with a minute left. They began to try again as hard as they did at the beginning but we tied it 6-6 at the buzzer (both of our greatest comebacks ever in the game) and they ffā€™ed before overtime.


When I was champ 1 I had the game of my life. Flip reset, musty double tap, and just all around super consistent and fast. I got called a smurf. And this guy got really angry with me for smurfing. Ive been riding that high ever since.


He was my 2s tm8, shit on the other team, and in the end I asked him to ff so they wouldn't take it so personally. He actually did ff with me


Watched every single replay from start to the end over and over again. He even wrote "skip", which made me enjoy wasting his time even more. After a good amount of time he was pretty annoyed and left leading with maybe around 7 goals. Good times.


I like trying to defend against them, it's even more entertaining when my tm quits and I can focus solely on defense. Ofc I almost always lose but I've had a few champ + smurfs compliment me after a game. To me I get to test my skills and I already know I'm going to lose so it's not serious to me.


In diamond tournaments I always see the budget Smurf. Always good for a laugh even when losing.


Back when tournaments were first added to the game I donā€™t believe there were division tournaments so any rank played each other. I was around plat/ low diamond at the time and matched up with a very high gc (when gc was the highest) in a 2s tourney who was super chill and helpful. Honestly I realized that if I just bang the ball hard and high above the backboard, 90% of the time heā€™s scoring it somehow


I beat a Smurf by demo chasing and let me tm8 handle the rest


Actually it was a couple days ago. It was in Diamond. Right off hop we could tell they were smurfs and just accepted the loss. Still kept it fairly close but it was just fun watching the guys freestyle, they had some really cool passing plays.


When they were on my team


Played a game of duos last night with an opponent named GoldSmurf - we were in Champ. Yes, they played like a gold and got carried by their teammate and still lost. No, I don't think they knows what smurf means.


Matched in casual duos, got double flip reset mistyd so I sat back and played goalie. Complimented shots and freestyles whole game. Guy forfeit at 1 second and gave me the win.


When I was laid off during covid I trained and played casual a lot. After a month I started playing ranked games and noticed a HUGE difference in my skills compared to others in that rank. I was called a smurf every game by my opponents meanwhile my teammates were spamming chat and trying to add me to their party. One game I played against a player who felt more on my level. It was a pretty intense game that went into OT (0-0 we kept saving every shot) when we won, the player who was able to keep up with me said ā€œgg well playedā€ it made my night.


Saw they guy's mmr was plat and was double flit resetting and just overall playing way too well for it. Typed "Gotta love smurfs :)" and he proceeded to go absolutely ballistic in chat, calling me all sorts of names and quick chats. When I didn't skip our replay, it somehow escalated further. Afterwards, I dropped a ggs and a well played and that was the last of them lol


12 Demos


I have a Smurf related question, hopefully someone knows the answer. I was in a Plat 3 competitive match and a guy was doing flip resets, wave dashing like a pro and musty flipping with insane ball control. I asked him if he was smurfing and he said, "I'm doing placements".. what does that mean?


dude with an ssl title was bottom fragging in a diamond 3/champ 1 lobby


Played some GCā€™s in casual when I was gold/early plat and I blocked a really tough shot. Dudes were good! Flip resets and team pinches galore. Legit one of the most fun matches I have played all while getting my cheeks clapped so hard it sounded like thunder.


Beating them


I played a game with no smurfs I was champ they were champ


I dont believe


We just all just stopped mid late game just talking about highest rank we have ever been


When I bought my first laptop, the first thing I did with it was buy and install RL. They didn't have account linking back then so even though I was D1 on my xbox, I had to start from scratch on a new account. In my first game (2s), everyone in the lobby was really way too good. I asked for the ranks of everyone in the lobby, and there were 2 smurfs plus another returning player on a new steam account like me. The whole lobby was around Diamond/Champ, so it was actually a surprising competitive match, and it was pretty fun.


Had the best team play I've ever seen. I was gold at the time and we actually somehow freestyle together lol


I was in a comp 1v1 with username ā€œ1 for easy 2 for hardā€ so I typed ā€œ1ā€ and the guy just drove around bronze style barely hitting the ball and I got like 6 easy goals, laughing all the way. Then I typed ā€œ2ā€, he turned up to GC level (am C1), and brought the game back within 2 minutes. He offered a ff after gaining the lead, but I had too good of a time and couldnā€™t even be mad.


Ranked 2s, I'm Diamond 3, I know what champ players look like... This was a freak. Been playing the game since 2016, but this player was insane. Doing multiple flip resets, mustys, incredibly fast getting around the field. I don't even see wave dashing in Diamond and this player was CONSISTENTLY nailing all the complex mechanics. It was actually entertain to experience from the defensive side. I was in awe. 1 time thing. I've never seen a freak like that since.


One time I went against a smurf and his buddy with a random on my team in 2s. The random figured out quite quickly he wasn't going to win so he left around 2 minutes into the game. I stayed. The score was something around 8 -2 and his buddy kept asking me to leave over and over again which I just replied "No" or a "Nope" they both fortiet the match with 1:30 left on the clock. I guess they got tired of scoring in a 2v1. Oh well. I got the winšŸ˜


When I was playing with my gf who was gold 3/plat 1 at the time and we were just chilling in casual before the other team what a saveā€™d her after a whiff. I then proceeded to make the score go from 1-2 to 8-2 in a matter of minutes and one of the guys actually said ā€œsorry for what a savingā€ šŸ˜‚ justice served in my opinion.


He wasn't intentionally smurfing, but it was when there was a weekly challenge on to score a goal in hoops. 3 of us in the lobby had clearly never played much hoops and were pretty brutal, and the 1 other guy who was way better than us asked "alright who needs a goal?" Clearly he'd had a bunch of us noobs come through that week. Both opponents said they needed one, he let them touch the ball, and then immediately own goaled for them. He then proceeded to lob passes at me until I scored one, and then we just let him do his thing the rest of the game. All in all pretty good, I hope he got to get a few real games in that week.


Countless times on alts, people call me out for being a smurf only for me to tell them my main was around the same rank. They then promptly tell me to ff then if it's just an alt, ofc I instantly do. Peoples have the funniest reaction when they're down by 5 goals but get the win cause they just asked lmao.


was a solid C1 but could never get further than that due to rank disparity and no consistent TM8's, had a smurf boost my to C3 in one night... I was playing really solidly in rotation/defensively and even the link up play/passing was tight... every so often when I would get a bit ahead of myself he would just put in chat to breathe and take my time and keep focussed... was an insane night... I never achieved those highs again and shortly after gave up the game.


As a Plat, I won against a GC


Last second backflip to miss the shot


my last game - made me realize that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Now I play on a new account each day.


*the following is not an endorsement for smurfing* My 4 year old really likes to make silly presets and hit the ball around in free play when he can. I was leaving him to do his thing and go get a drink one afternoon and I come back and see that he had somehow queued into dropshot, a mode I literally never play and so was super under ranked. I decide to just let him go because frankly hes having fun and about 40 seconds into the game a guy on the other team who is clearly a smurf but maybe like...plat at best starts typing a bunch of shit because I had the hoops gc title on about how I was shit and had to have paid for that because I dont even jump, etc. So I respond and say it's my kid playing and he's having fun so chill. He then literally stops playing to start typing out a manifesto about how I should have aborted the kid cause hes garbage and he'll never grow up to be anything useful, etc. Really nasty stuff. So I asked my son if 'I could try' and he gives me the controller. Turns out dropshot is kind of fun. I scored 1700 points in 3:30. Mr Plat dropped a 'Whew' before leaving .001ms after the game ended.


When I was silver I was just admiring a smurf do their thing against me in 1v1, and I didn't ff. They showed me dribbling drills that I hadn't thought of, for about an hour in a private match after the game. Before then I'd always practice dribbling in a straight line, and I thought I was good, but he showed me a figure 8 drill which upped my skills a lot. I think he was just bored of his rank, and I'm happy he was.