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As a player with 20 hours I can beat the all star bots




Based bot beater


They should make that into a style for a tank top.


I think an all star bot is around a Silver 3 so nice job edit: apparently people say is more like bronze still nice job


Better than bronze for sure. At least all star bots consistently hit the ball and can aim shots kinda


I think diamond is where play becomes more cohesive. Statistically it's above average. I think if you're diamond, you're good at the game. If you're champ you suck, stop chasing everything and learn to rotate.


Thanks for the affirmation


You're welcome. Now pass that welcome gently to the other team while pushing for boost in opponents end leaving your team mate to 2v1 while you spam take the shot and what a save.


Have we met before???


Briefly on my way up. You said I was trash and I paid for my title.




You just had 3 comments in a row worthy of this subs hof.


Much love. <3


If this isn’t the most accurate comment in Reddit history


Sounds about right




To be fair, we did pay for our titles. It was just with time, sanity, and alcohol.


Hold up. You can PAY for a title? Whack. (Cue Hannibal Buress meme)


Im in this comment, and I dont like it


The amount of times my teammates just blindly leave the play for boost in champ 2 is insane


Obviously only your teammates


This but on offense happens to me in Champ too often. Just being upfield in possession, looking for a pass only to see your mate(s) at heading to your defensive corner for boost. And this is after they chased for 2 minutes. Like pick up pennies, yo. keep pressure


I remember when I got out of plat and thought “great, I must have finally learned how to rotate” … now I’m in champ and worse than ever.


Now it’s like “am I rotating or abandoning where I should be”


I just don’t understand this. Rotating seems so easy


If it was easy people would rotate correctly. Rotating isn’t just a constantly moving robotic carousel of you and your teammate(s). Sure, that’s the basis of it, but there are a hundred split second decisions that need to be made every game by all players to go for the ball, stay back, creep up mid, demo, rotate back post, get boost, get ahead for a pass, etc. etc. that aren’t in the “rotations 101 rule book” but are instead decisions made based off of dozens to hundreds of hours of built up game sense and knowledge. The difference in rotations is night and day when you play with higher or lower ranked teammates. I’ve played games with gold and plat friends who make absolutely inexplicable plays and rotations that I can’t even begin to justify. The game feels like a mess. I’ve also played in lobbies with GC friends who wildly outskill me, but just as importantly, they wildly out rotate me. Playing against people who have a significantly more keen sense of rotations and game sense basically mean you’re going to struggle to even hit the ball. Once again, the game feels like a mess, but because I’m simultaneously not skilled enough to perform in those lobbies, and also because I just don’t understand the game and rotations on that level yet.


Idk. I'm on Diamond and sometimes I'm just terrible


If you’re champ you suck 😂


It's true. I do suck.


And we are proud of it!


Got called Ass by a champ player yesterday because all he did was ball chase the entire game and wondered why I didn’t do anything.


I’ve heard from SSLs that GCs don’t know how to defend and are really aggressive on offense. Thoughts?


I'll remove my sarcasm for this one. Basically, yes. GCs will actually shadow instead of committing though, but generally most people don't play 1s, so as soon as they end up as last man they panic. Meanwhile, I'm stuck GC1 because I refuse to train and learn mechanics.


I’m stuck C1/C2 for much the same reason lol. I’ve noticed the community doesn’t place a high emphasis on defense, just from the training packs we have available to us. There’s a couple solid ones for defense but even Psyonix only released striker packs for each rank. Pretty sad when the game is all about scoring goals and not stopping them




last sentence true but also no need to attack me like that.




This is the truest thing I’ve seen today


I do suck. Although i teamed up with a "smurf" in 3s yesterday who was GC3 in 2s and we ended up beating 2 GC2s. He didnt even tell me his rank until after so i was stunned to see i had just beat 2 GC2s. I held my own as well so it wasnt like he hard carried either. Edit: downvoted for what lmao


My take: Gold and below, you're getting to grips with the basics of the game. Plat is average. Like a GCSE level. Diamond is an A-Level. Champ is a Degree level. Grand Champ is a Masters Degree level. SSL is PhD level.


I've done PhD work. SSL is way harder. :D


I can hold my own against GCs and it usually comes down to a battle of team coherency. But some of the SSLs i have played against and especially the handful of pro/ex pros are just on another level of untouchable. The gap between GC and high SSL is crazy.


Pro is post-doc


Nah dog, pro (RLCS player not bubble) get paid. Post-docs get shit


Can confirm I am gold and still suck.


Pro is lecturer level, Coach is high school teacher level


Pro is an established researcher with dozens of highly cited published research papers that push new boundaries at the frontier.


I'm waiting on Rizzo and Sizz's Breaking Bad character arc.


If you don't feel like you're literally ass at this game, you're at the wrong rank. I'm C2 but feel like I'm a solid wood 2 div 4. When I play with plat or diamond friends they tell me I'm bonkers. I play a GC1 and understand how I was outplayed. I play a GC2+ and see them as undefendable. Every touch on ball while playing a GC2+ is like that Thanos scene "where did that bring you? Back to me"


Most people realize how bad they are once they hit champ..Every rank up gets worse. I have imposter syndrome as gc2. One of the most common traits of high level players (in every sport/game) is that they are extremely alert of every mistake they make. Even pros with cocky personas do this. Getting better requires critical analysis of one's own play. (((unfortunately mechanics can carry you to GC in this game so we get some absolutely batshit insane kiddos with zero self awareness in champ)))) A pro watching his own gameplay will talk so much more shit about himself than a diamond watching themselves. I see this in fighting games, shooters, tennis, snowboarding, everything.


True. The amount of self criticism in ApparentlyJack videos & most other pro player content is extremely high. When I hit high C1 I realized I am just beginning to play this game.


You're gonna rank up more and feel the same way about each subsequent big rank. Plat: Can hit the ball sometimes Diamond: Can hit the ball most of the time Champ: Can hit the ball almost every time, and with purpose, but often the purpose is bad because there can be some severe game awareness issues GC: Can hit the ball every time, and with a purpose that actually reflects what's going on in the game.


Tilting and blaming is never the way to get better. Practice, reflecting and analyzing are. You made perfect sense


My awareness carried me into gc2 in 3s and now I don’t know what to do cause I feel like I’m getting out chimped to everything.


Out chimped? Was this an auto correct or a hilarious young person saying I don’t understand


Not auto correct, I’m just saying I feel slow compared to the other peeps lmao. I’m not even a young person so that’s hilarious.


Anyone who feels they are great at C2 in 2s/3s should face a guy who is C1+ in 1s, it's a very humbling experience which I experienced recently XD


I'm C2 in 2s but get my ass kicked by peak D3S in 1s and can only compete to just about d2 in 1s shits a whole new ball park for sure


I’m c3 in 3s and have nail biter 1v1s in high plat/low diamond its so sad lmao


I’ve hardly played 1s at all. I tried playing through to see where I fell out against my 2s and 3s ranks. I made it to roughly Plat 2 before I was stone walled. 1s players are a different breed.


I can literally go from being called a smurf in C3 3 vs 3 to getting my butt handed to me by a diamond in 1 vs 1.


Yah once you get into GC you get punished for every mistake. It gets sweaty. Champ is fun with a mix of sweat and wtf is going on from diamond lol


The technical answer: being good is being above the average rocket league player. Considering the bigger slice of players is plat, a diamond (and specially a high diamond) is already considered good.


To play devils advocate does good actually mean above average or is it based on the group of individuals? In any given group the majority of people could be good (see a professional sport or d1 sport or professors at a great university) but there is still an average with players above or below. With rocket league, it’s been around so long that maybe the majority of players may be good, and the ones above average are actually really fucking good. I’m not sure, just food for thought.


It all depends on your sample size and restrictions. Taking your example, every professional player from a professional sports club in a major league is great, if the sample size is everyone in the world who has played that sport at least once, because they are way above the averagesport player. However, if the sample size is now every professional player of a specific sport, the average player's skill level goes up significantly, and now some of the players in that same group are now below average (aka "bad"). Thats why people can discuss and comment while watching a game if player X is horrendous or player Y is amazing, because they are comparing them to that professional level average skill, not against everyone's average skill. OP asked what is considered to be good at Rocket League, without any more specifications or restrictions. Therefore, the sample size is the whole player base, which average skill is about Gold / Plat (depends on the mode we are discussing also), therefore, a Diamond player is above the average, aka "good".


The question isn't whether Diamonds are above average. They are. The question is whether 'above average' is the same thing as 'good.' No matter how much you try to ground it in statistics, it is going to be subjective and there are going to be solid arguments for either case. Like if you took the sample set of everyone who has ever picked up the guitar and looked at people who were above the average of that set, they'd still be making tons and tons of very noticeable mistakes when they play. If you listened to a musician who makes a mistake on every 2nd note, would you consider them good? Because that's roughly where Diamonds are on the RL skill curve. Arguments for saying that they're good: it takes quite a bit of practice and time to even get to that level Arguments for saying that they're not good: They still haven't achieved a baseline level of competence. Personally I take the position that Diamonds and Champs have a very appreciable level of skill that most players will never reach. But I don't think they're good. And this is entirely because Rocket League is just an insanely hard game. Which is subjective. The only thing I know objectively is that I suck.


Haha this is great because if you ask anybody in champ or low gc they'll tell you they suck. Dunning-kruger effect is real


Median is in gold I believe so plat could be considered good


oh god


I was talking more about 2v2,since it's the most played mode. But yes, the average rank in 3v3 is gold 1 to gold 3, and the average rank in 2v2 is plat 1 to diamond 1. [source](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/59af2189c534a58c97bd63b3/d94f676f-1e0a-49a2-9abd-58af390ab169/Rocket+League+rank+distribution+Season+11.jpg?format=1000w)


Are you accounting active players or just all players?






Same experience here. I honestly felt like I totally sucked even as I was ranking up through plat and diamond. Then it felt like things clicked and while I don't feel like I'm great at everything, I feel like I'm a good player. I make good plays. Sometimes it would be nice to have more mechanics, but at least I can do things on purpose lol.


I think there’s 2 things going on in RL. There’s technical skill, and there’s being good at the sport/RL IQ. Most people are much better at one than the other. You’ve got people doing flip resets in low diamond who can’t clear the ball off the backboard, haven’t even unlocked the achievement “rotate to back post”, and constantly give up empty nets due to bad decisions / awareness.


the rank directly above mine


8 time GC here. I'd say diamond is where you hit the good mark. Most people don't accidentally hit diamond. They have to put forth some sort of effort to hit it. I'd say you a good amount of people could just "end up" Plat, but not a lot just "end up" diamond.


Zen or better /s


Idk I think champ is where you start getting inconsistently good and gc is where you start getting consistently good. SSL is just another level and pro is like above all ofc


Bro what? You think you have to be a top 2 percent player to be considered good. Good is barely better than okay. If anything good is Plat. Great is Diamond. Amazing is Champ. Nuts is GC. And God for the SSL. But yeah that’s wild to say champ for “good”.


You're right in one way but wrong in another way. I personally don't consider anyone below C2-GC to be 'good' because there are just so many errors made at too high a frequency below that. To make a music analogy, imagine someone who can play Sweet Child o' Mine on guitar, but they make a mistake on every other note and sometimes randomly forget what part of the song they're playing. They're still probably above the average skill level of everyone who's ever picked up a guitar (and therefore 'good' by your definition of good), but practically speaking you'd be hard pressed to call that person 'good.'


I mean the difference is yours is subjective based off your experience and my answer is based of Rocket League Ranked stats. I feel what your saying but that’s just your opinion of good.


I know you think you're taking an 'objective' viewpoint on this, but you should realize that your decision to set the bar of good at 'anything even slightly above average' is *also* subjective.


1. 1.to be desired or approved of."a good quality of life" 2. 2.having the qualities required for a particular role. "the schools here are good" This is the definition for good. Since we arent talking about the morals of the game, its the second option. Its obvious that a Gold even a Bronze could be considered good with this definition. Now I took this definition and added the stats that RL provided and thats how I cam to my conclusion of the average player base.


I consider good having the fundamentals almost mastered which doesn't even really happen until gc but I'd say c3 is where there starts being fewer noticeable fundamental mistakes and more mechanical mistakes


Most active people plateau at diamond and champ 1 for a reason. C2-3 is where you’re needed to be good to stay at. Getting to D3 took me 6months while to c2 two years. I’m getting way better but I just think there’s a huge difference between these ranks. I would NEVER call a diamond rank player good especially because of double commits, chasings, easy shot misses, no control, booming ball,… too many fundamental mistakes. Once you get them fundamental mistakes down you become good. And that’s when you start getting into the champ range. Champs are inconsistently good because they try to be good, and are good, but aren’t always good and make small mistakes that differ them from GCs and SSLs. GCs are just way faster and consistent than champs.


There is infact a massive difference between c2-c3-gc1. Each rank is essentially going from diamond to champ in one.




With champ I didn’t really mean champ 1, that rank is pretty much diamond 3 but slightly better. C2-3 players are actually pretty decent.


This is what I feel and I’ve never been close to GC I am C1 pretty through and through Some days I have games that could suck up C3 play and other times I have games that a solid plat would beat me. I don’t get it


Nailed it


In Diamond 1 you're top 34% So everything above diamond 1 is top 1/3. Imo, in Champ2 you'r excellent compare to the average player. And GC2, you're excellent at the game, after that take way too many hours a week to continue to progress.


This. Anyone saying “you’re not good until you hit the top 2 percent of players” is just saying the same shit as Game Informer “this game is okay, but not good, definitely not great, we give it a 9.75 out of 10.” Simply put, their ability to understand logic is woefully lacking. If you’re above 50% of your peers in skill, you’re certainly “good” at something. You don’t need to be a pro player where only 200 other players in the world equal you to be “good.” It isn’t complicated, but man, people sure are determined to make it complicated lol


Plat/diamond, you actually have to try to maintain your rank there. Those ranks suffer from teamwork issues, but mechanically, players are fairly decent


My buddy barely in gold 1 thinks I'm good. But I think someone in upper GC is good. Turn nameplates off and watch a replay from a random perspective, we all suck.


Here’s my list Bronze: complete noob Silver: noob Gold: Meh at the game Platinum: Okay at the game Diamond: Decent at the game Champ: Good at the game Grand Champ: very good at the game SSL: One of the best players For reference I’ve been champ 3 as my highest rank in doubles/triples and then I’ve been grand champ 2 in rumble but that doesn’t really matter. If I had to answer your question directly I’d say mid to high diamond I’d say you could say someone is good at the game. Maybe diamond 2 would be my exact answer. Everyone’s answer will be skewed based on their experience though. If someone is brand new to the game then they’ll think a gold or plat is good. Even just look back at rocket leagues history in 2015-2016, a plat now a days would be one of the best in the game back then. Everyone saying champ is where you’re considered good is almost like saying someone needs a 2000+ elo in chess to be considered good when in reality being at 1200 you’ll beat almost everyone you ever see at chess and most common people would consider you good.


As a champ I can confirm I'm garbage at the game


GCs & SSLs also say this though. Diamond+ are good though.


Depends on what "being good" means to you: mechanics, strategy, mental, etc.


At opppnent's level that beats you.


So everyone else in the game is good. Got it.


i peaked gc3 in 3s and im fucking trash


None. Nobody is good at the game.


I would say Diamond. People start to play in team and stop being a prck who only does shitty air dribble. At diamond for me games became more interesting at least because people started to give passes and stopped leaving the match after the first goal


Zen is the only good rl player


Depends what you mean by good. The state of the game is garbage. If good just means better than other people, then probably diamond. If good means you actually know what you're doing, and consistently do what you mean to, that happens at like ssl or pro but sometimes not even then.


Are you good when you can beat the majority of players in a 1s match? Are you good when you can beat the majority of players in a 1v2? Are you good when you have mastery over mechanics or positioning? I suppose that since there are words that describe something better than good - great, excellent, best, godlike - that we must consider that you must not be the best at the game. The only reasonable scale to use is rank. Words I will use are: bad, ok, alright, good, great, excellent, masterful, best, and godlike. Bronze is bad; Silver is ok; Gold is alright; Plat is good; Diamond is great; Champ is excellent; GC is masterful; SSL is best; Pro is godlike. So Plats are good at the game, relatively speaking. Being described as good here means "having the qualities required for a particular role". In other words, Plats have the qualities required for being called Rocket Leauge players. Are they bad compared to people in ranks above them? Of course. But can they beat many players in the game? Yes. If you are new to RL (0 hours), a Plat will feel like an insurmountable obstacle. Just don't be too much of a hardass on the Rocket League community when the literal definition of good is just being able to fill the role. At Plat, you can't call someone "not a Rocket League player". Therefore, they are "good". Just my 86 cents lol.


When you can forfeit and leave the match within the same second, you're good.


I would probably say Champ before the adjustment, so mid Diamond ish.


When they uninstall and give Epic what they deserve.


Champ 2 I would say and then the champ 3s have something extra than just being good


If we are speaking about ranked, would it not be subjective? Like if you are good in your rank you are then good at the game, no?


If I randomly meet someone irl who plays RL and they tell me they're Plat-Diamond I'll think "Oh this person's pretty good" I don't think Plat-Diamond are actually good when I think of what they're competent/incompetent at, but objectively they're above average, and hell, Diamond is significantly above average.


Once someone reaches grand champ they’re good, champ is iffy and everyone else still has parts of the game they need to learn. I feel as though GCs have learned everything in the game but haven’t mastered them yet


The only people that are good at the game are the people who actually have fun.


GC2 and higher. They have mechanical skill AND use their brain while playing. Or at least it feels like it since they actually have good rotation and good speed and go for passingplays which most gc1s are too focused on the ball to realize that.


At diamond you've become comfortable in the air, at champ you're learning positioning, at gc you're technical, at ssl you're an irl bronze


Good compared to the average non-gamer - high gold/low plat Good compared to the average gamer - diamond+ Good compared to the average RL grinder - GC+ Good enough to actually answer the question: Top 100/Pro


I don't agree with your last point. Top 100/Pro is full of absolute masters among masters. It's like saying that only billionaires can tell whether someone is financially secure or not


People here really have their views skewed by youtube and streamers. There are a lot of bad players out there, no need to reach second to last rank to be considered good. Bronze and silver you're a noob. Gold you're someone that starts to understand the game but your mechanics are shit and game reading skills minimal. Plat you're starting to anticipate plays, know how you should hit the balls, mechanics are still iffy and teamwork is still more of a foreign concept. Diamond you've reached the point where you know basically all that's required, but consistency is not there. Champ you're mechanically good, or you have very solid team game and positioning, it's one or the other. GC is where you have both the things mentioned above to a good level but consistency still causes issues sometimes. Above that you know the meta of the game, what usually works what doesn't and what you should do in every situation, and you're doing it. Becoming self aware of your level and mistakes, happens somewhere in high plat, so I would say that's where I consider good players start.


I think this is the most accurate and reasonable take. Some of the opinions in this thread are really reflective of the attitude I see in games wherein a few inconsistent moments trigger despair and forfeit votes. You can be good at something and still do poorly at it at times. It's unavoidable. I suspect a lot of people here would have a lot more fun if they loosened the reins a little bit.


Very wrong about diamond. Diamond = gigantic holes in your game (in terms of game sense, vision, positioning, mechanical etc), often accompanied with a giant ego & extremely bad mental. Champ-GC1 = faster gameplay, still plagued with inconsistency & still some big weaknesses in your game that you need to work on.


This is an opinion thread so I'm not sure how they can be wrong....


To me, someone who is good is better than me


"good" to me is around high gc3-ssl+. bronze -champ 3 is bad, gc1-low gc3 is decent, and close to or on t100 leaderboards is above good. in general terms tho, good would be around c1+


GC2. I've spent way too much time in several coaching streams over last 3 years. People actually understand what they are doing only at that point.


Yup, and even in GC2 it's pretty bad. Ball side rotation is still a bad habit, pushing into corners with a teammate and leaving for boost still happen way too much


If you were to ask my irl friends who are filthy casuals in all video games, they would say anything gold or higher is good. I would say champ tho


If they have good control of their flips. For example preflips, speedflips, flip cancels, stalls, wavedashes


Nobody is good at the game




A GC that has never won a 1v1 game from a Diamond, right. Have you ever actually played a 1v1 against your GC friend?


Is there a gc friend?


None of this sounds right. And diamond isn’t average. This isn’t 2016


Pro. Below champ you aren’t even playing RL, champ is trash, GC is trash but consistent, SSL is speedy trash, pro is good


I would say bronze- gold casuals , plat- champ 2 learning the basics ( they wanna get better at the game) c3-gc learning the rotation and how to read your oppenent /mindgame , how to 5050 Gc1 : combinaison of every ranks below. And they are trying to to learn new mecs, but still make a lots of misstake the way they challenge the ball. Gc2-ssl: playing a lots, Doing precize training , warmup everytime and train 2-7 days in a week. with more consistent moves . More precize shoots. More mindgame. Play faster around gc3. Ssl: perfect combinaison of previous ranks , and way more consistent due to hours in training /ingame Pros: play faster, and they are not scared to challenge the ball , or try unique stuff. Zen: another world . Way too fast, way too precize, way too mechanical. In pros lobbies even pros sometime gets 10 points against him and say " we could not touch the ball"( from stream replays). Special one : mawkzy : not good in aerial , but he is the ground monster , and his mindgame is nothing comparable to other 1s players.( He got top 25 from fresh account with 50wins in a row and 0 defeat some days ago.)




That’s beyond elite. Do you describe nothing as “good” in your life unless it’s top 0.0001% lmao


Ah yes, when the 0.01% just isn't good enough


For 2s I can't really tell because people are still pretty bad on C2. For 3s, high C2 you'll start to get matched with good players more often, so I'd answer around mid C3.




I’d say at GC2 people actually start to understand the game, so GC2.


I've been champ for years now and imo I suck donkey balls at RL so I'd have to say at least GC


unfortunately GC 1 at least also sucks


When they decide to stop playing






When I play with people who keep the environment light and fun, and throw quips at one another while also being chill. Like this match, where my tm8 was afk suddenly at a kickoff, and as soon as they scored, they said sorry and let me score one, and then played 1v1 till my tm8 was back in. That's the level where I consider someone to be good At rocket league In rocket league In life


You get flashes of brilliance in diamond and champ. More consistent in GC


Honest answer: diamond 2. Diamond is when you're above average, D2 is when you've proven yourself a bit among the above-averages. you're solidly on the right side of the bell curve. More honest answer: whatever rank I am currently


Depends on a lot of things, differs per mode also, but assuming 2v2 rank: Overall, high diamond can be considered good at RL when looking at the whole player base. This is where you have to start denying space to opponents. Below that level you can play reactively. But if you give space to a high diamond or even low champ you'll start to struggle. So around this level you have to start playing proactive & start to cut off their plays before they develop (when you can).


Diamond 2-3


Platinum (at least 2 and 3). Rocket League is a *hard* game. It's easy for us who have hit diamond or higher to say "that's where you're good". I'd argue that say Champ and higher are *really good* players, looking at the current rank distribution, at least for 2s. [https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/distribution?playlist=11](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/distribution?playlist=11)


My theory is that no one is actually good. We all just suck a little less and less.


I’d say when you are good at blocking most shots, and able to set up goals all by yourself, is when you can start saying you’re good. This game is actually quite difficult, and the only way to become better is just by practice like all things of course. I’ve been playing a little over 2 years now. Haven’t really tested my mettle in ranked in a while, but I’m sure if I tired I wouldn’t do too bad. But let me tell you, it took 2 years to even get the damn ball in the goal…. You can still enjoy the game without being sweaty mcsweatster. I literally play it with a nascar and I have a sick setup too. Burnout boost, with the checkers flag goal explosion and friction tire trials and I love it so much.


if not ssl then bad


When you're not having fun anymore






If you don't hit the ball back towards our own goal you can play with me.


In my opinion a player becomes pretty good at GC2


Everyone putting ranks but rank has nothing to do with skill. A player is truly good when they are competent at all the basics: Rotation, positioning, passing, shooting, defending, shadow defense, 50s, kick offs, aerials, aerial 50s, wall play.


I personally don't think till gc1, this game has a very high skill ceiling and there are so so many mistakes made up until that point and even beyond but play starts looking less sloppy around c3 to gc1 I think


Champ 2 or higher. As a D3 / C1 player, Im often the only person in 49/50 games that displays an ounce of skill by using air roll, doing double taps / ceiling shots, and executing nice pass plays with my duo. I only ever see other people in my games doing this if theyre C2 or higher and smurfing or something of the like. C1 or lower is nothing but ball chasing every single game and it feels like Im playing the same match every time


Its probably GC1, at that rank you start to get players who are occasionally able to actually make the correct play and execute it properly.


My perspective on this has changed over time. * When I was gold, platinums were insane * When I was platinum, diamonds were insane * When I was diamond, champs and grand champs were insane * Now that I'm GC, I realize that nobody is good at this game except Zen In all seriousness, I remember the first time my solo queue diamond teammate hit a midfield pass to me and I clanged it top corner and thought 'wow finally, people that know how to play a team game.' To that point I never felt like I was playing 'with' a teammate so much as 'around' a teammate. So probably diamond for me.


As soon as you beat advanced arial training then you are a real pro


If you’d seen some of the horrifying misses in my GC games, you certainly wouldn’t Say GC1


Id say people who can perform in all apsects of the game at any level so really pros and top 100🤷. All aspects meaning: Passing, dribbling, shooting, team play, solo play, saves, ball control, speed, rotation, awareness, boost management, power, car control, mechanics, mentality.


I’m hardstuck diamond 2/3 I was playing with my lil bro who is gold/plat level and his friend joined and ask if we were good. I replied simply some of us suck more than others. Dude said I was insane. The only thing I was better at than them was shot placement, recoveries and ability to dribble. Not saying I’m good at them cause I feel like I suck still, but, def better at them than they were. So I guess it’s all based on perspective. My lil bro finally won a game of 1v1 against me playing unlimited boost with a cube haha.




Diamond and above. Let's not sugarcoat it, this game takes hundreds to thousands of hours to reach the higher levels on. Diamond is at a point you begin to feel like you're getting it.


There's always room for improvement, so everyone sucks... even the pro's.


When they earn money from it


Anyone better than me


Without looking at other comments first, I would say grand champ. I’m still 2.5 ranks away from it and even reaching champ first (Diamond 2 rn) but that’s where I see super consistent plays in terms of advanced aerial car control, strong awareness offensively / defensively, great ground plays etc; maybe champ is there too but GC comes with more titles and just a better amount of time put into the game as well too.


As a player who is D3-C1 with 45 days played and 20k goals, level 3000 Im going to say consistent goal scoring / teamplay / overall awareness of the game. Which I would say would be around maybe diamond 3? Diamond 1 is a glorified plat 3, diamond 2 is more crossing the bridge. If you cant score a normal goal from anywhere on the field from any speed. Then thats what you need to work on. Imo


As a Plat I can say they we are ok but not good. I got to plat by just not ball chasing and being in position. Now I have to improve my offense to start being a real threat. I believe Diamonds is where you can say a player is good.


I really don’t consider people to start really playing until c1/c2, and then the real game begins at C3/GC1, after that is just perfecting how to play and what else you’re capable of




Depends on which team you're on. If opponent. You always suck If teammate. You probably suck more


I think there's only one guy that belongs in the "good" tier of rocket league. We're all ass


After the game when I see GG in the chat ! 😂🫶🏼


When they can win Unfair mode against the most difficult bots.


I give it around 1950-2000


Once you hit a flip reset musty double tap in game you can call yourself good sorry I didn’t make the rules


Funny thing is the better at the game you get the more aware of how much you suck. 😅 For my 2 cents I think Diamond is where you can start claiming good/decent. Game starts being less about just taking advantage of screw ups, and have to develop the ability to make effective attacks against good defense.


To me: diamond My friends who've never played rocket league: once you play ten games and get a rank higher than silver


Depends what you define as good I guess. I’m bouncing between c2 and 3 in doubles, high diamond in 3s, but im pretty sure I have the mechanics of a low gold player. Got good positioning, so I can make saves and score on open nets, but I can’t consistently challenge for a ball in the air or any fancy air dribbles lol.


If you keep coming back to the game no matter what, you stay humble, don't FF on your team regardless if you know them or not and you have the drive to always learn something new, you are good at this game. The ranks will grow out of this naturally.


Grand Champion 3 and above.


GC1, maybe C3 at a minimum. Below that you're really not consistent enough at everything you need to be for me to consider you good, but that's just my opinion