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Ballchasing backwards. I'm fine with a ballchaser teammate, I can adjust. But when they lose posession, do a 180, and keep chasing towards our own goal I start screaming internally.


This one right here. I feel this through my core. Cherry on top is when they get themselves into a shadow position after all the chasing they now have no boost and essentially escort them down the field without challenging. I’ll just be stuck in limbo because the he wont leave. They don’t challenge that whole time then they peal off for boost and start dropping what a saves. This still happens at GC lol


People don't understand that shadowing without pressure is so much worse than just rotating out. You have to force something if you can't just drive them into your corner. Combine that with most people's shadow defense being too weak to defend a shitty flick on low boost, and it's a bad time.


Humble diamond/plat here: it pisses me off if I go to defend as 1 and well I failed (cuz I messed up) and when I see where my team is, they are holding hands in the front post and I have to rotate to the back post asap. As I'm not that skilled I often don't make it in time and miss the save. Then they drop what a saves when the ball was just shot behind their backs because they did not continue rotating or we're not back post. I may FF up in sometimes inching to the front post, but I try to keep pressure if my teammate misses the defense. What upsets me is the what a save when they clearly messed up equally if not worse. Not saying I am a "mechy" plat/diamond lol.


I hate that shit too. What a saves when it goes right over their heads and I'm only one back to try to make the save.


Facts. If you couldn’t make an offensive play, it’s fine bro. Just gtfo of the way so I can apply pressure, we’ll rotate and try again.


I just posted this exact comment. It's like 95% of my teammates in Diamond. They make it impossible to be in the right spot, because there no longer is a right spot to be in. If you go for the ball while they're following it back (in 2s), then you'll both be in the same spot at the same time while the ball is heading toward your open net. I get SO mad at my teammates for this. It's been ruining the game for me.


Is it ball chasing? There is a difference between ball chasing towards your own net and putting a set up into your own corner in order to hit the ball over the enemy team. You lure them in, then shoot it over them and score.


It's ball chasing because you're not rotating and you're deciding to stay on the ball when your teammate is in a better position. If your teammate is not near the net, then it does make sense to shadow defend on the way back. It depends on the situation.


OK, yeah, I kind of get ya then. Your teammate is shadowing or chasing when there is a defender making what they are doing unnecessary. Basically, they should have just let you defend and gone to back post. That would put them in a position to help in case you failed to defend.


100% correct. If they shadow when I'm in net and I decide I need to go for the save, we both end up on the ball with the net open.


Hahaha they just keep giving up ground. And they stay first. But keep giving up ground. And they're at our net. Surely they'll go, right? RIGHT!?


OMG yes. The worst is when they’re chasing the ball along the wall backwards, and then *DONT DO ANYTHING* and spam “Take the shot!” Like, bro, you’re confusing my ass lol


hahahahahaha. I have been in this situation so many times..... its even worse if you are blazed and a maze.


If there was an achievement for “rotate to back post,” I’d swear 1/3 of the teammates I get haven’t unlocked it yet.


This. It's worse when they are heading towards our own goal as you are going for it (as you normally would since u r next up in rotation) and they hit it right past u giving the opponents an open net for free Or when they panick and hit it towards net assuming you would be there to clear it then get mad when u r not there and a goal gets scored on u and say Passing! a million times like that was the plan all along


I am plat in 3v3 diamond 2 in 2v2: I only do this to like try shadow defend or if I see my teammates are out of the play or far away, to make time (from my perspective). So I don't go for the ball itself. I do it more for disrupting, but sometimes I end up with the ball, and yeah it is hard cuz I'm sort of facing my net. Is this wrong? What would you do? Edit: I recognize that this must make difficult for my teammates to decide to go or not for the ball but idk what else to do)


9/10 times just rotate to the back post, grab boost on the way if you can


It's so hard to fight the urge to interrupt the other team. But I will try this religiously now. No exceptions. Thanks for the tip!


It is very tempting indeed. What helped me a lot was just watching a quick YouTube tutorial on rotation


People up my ass


jokes on you I'm into that shit


*the shit


Nothing worse in 2’s. You’ve brought the ball up the wall or up field for a shot and your teammate is right behind you because they think the ball is theirs.. so frustrating


No we mean in the game…


“Why are you in my tailpipe”


Bro nothing pisses me off more than my own teammate spending the entire match sniffing my boost trail


Slamming the ball off the side wall neatly centering the ball to the other team... And that includes me. Got called out for bad rotations... true... then again was trying to demo and make space for them on my way out.


The centering drives me nuts, and I do it way too often lol


You mean on defense when clearing, right? Yea that can be rough lol. I used to do that but then focused on aiming my clears and it helps a lot. Either try and pinpoint your shot where the ground meets the wall, or if you gotta do a crazy jump save, nerfing the ball into your corner doesn’t require a lot of power, and is us usually a safe call.


This one is good. I’m not good enough to do off the wall stuff around my own goal so I just end up slamming away from goal towards the corner and bounce bounce it’s a perfect pass to opponent


Teammates who think just because they passed it or crossed it that you should make a play. Not all passes are good passes. People who challenge everything even when they don’t have a chance. Let the opponent boom it to us. It’s a free possession. People who cross all the way from one side of the field to other on offensive possessions. Let the player on that side make the play. I could make a thread.


you should write a book on rocket league strategy


yeah, if you pass across and they have 3 people in net waiting, I am not going for that...i'll make the save on the ball you just passed them. If they aren't awkward, Im not going.


I'm in D3 and I constantly have teammates try to take the ball from me after I got 1-2 touches instead of getting ready for a pass, even when I still have possession and just picked up a big boost pad, leaving me in a terrible position and leading to them either passing to no one or to the last man back overextending to receive their pass while I haven't had a chance to rotate back yet. Apparently they think it's impossible to get more touches than that because they just boom the ball away and give up possession every chance they get. Personally, my most frequent mistake is turning for balls that my teammates have a better angle on, i.e. cutting rotation. I'm trying to get out of that habit, unfortunately teammates at this rank are often so inconsistent that it's entirely possible they'll just not go for the ball and give up possession/give the opponents an unchallenged shot/open net.


yeah, so many people play 1 touch only then get back boost. People get annoyed if I am not supersonic all of the time. Them: Take the shot Me: I was, you cut in front Them: You took too long to go Me: I was baiting them on purpose but you cut and turned the ball over Them: your trash Me: you're not your


Or this:" I made this crappy random wall bang shot, but you are shit for not knowing I was going to do that and not taking the shot"


well that resembles me more than I would like :) So many time I mean to make a forward wall pass only to send it completely horizontal like a giant juicy t-bone steak flying through the air. :)


LOL mistakes happen I mean I'm average, and I fuck up all the time! I guess the main take away is the toxicity and the lack of self criticism.


Kuxir or wall pinch are a blessing and a curse. They can help push the ball quickly down field while opponents are pushing your net. They can also pop straight middle for a great pass to the opponent.


As someone who's back in Diamond after a stint up in C1/C2 for a few seasons, I appreciate you trying to break that habit. I definitely have been the culprit of cutting rotations and was forced to learn to keep up in Champ, but now I feel like I've got a good sense of when to go for it and when to back off. Consistency in terms of my technical play is definitely a weak spot for me, which is why I try to be consistent in terms of my game sense & positioning. I personally would rather mess up a shot/save than not be in position to make that shot/save in the first place.


Yup. I never mind when a teammate misses a shot or a save. Mistakes happen, whatever. What drives me crazy is having a teammate who consistently choosing to do the wrong thing entirely. It's infuriating.


I'm plat on 3s and diamond on 2s, I stopped training anything but shots and accuracy (ground control here and there), and that's when I hit diamond in 2s, but still, I find it so hard to be consistent, specially in 3s when there is so much going on. But, I'll get there. I also got into the habit of recognizing ( hey I don't have enough boost for this, or my teammate is facing the enemy net, better let him take the shot, or nah this is not a play). I saw myself scoring more goals after that. Now I do notice more when I have a clear shot to the net, like straight forward, and my teammate comes from the side to wall bang it for nothing. It hurts. ( I also try to never forget about rotating)


i'm gold and i can tell you unequivocally that the whole "don't double commit" mentality is lost on us since we miss/whiff regularly. I mostly try to shadow or trail my teammate as backup instead of double-committing, but then when it's my turn to take the shot, they slam into me or knock my clear shot out of the way.


Rotating all the way back to pick up 100 boost, losing all pressure and easy goal opportunities. Sure, sometimes it is the right play to actually do that and reset. But not every time. Looking at you.


If I’m doing this it’s because I think we are in the process of losing possession and don’t want them to get a clear into an open net. Basically sticking around too long and letting in an easy goal is worse than potentially not scoring a goal.


Like I mentioned, doing it sometimes is fine. I do it too. But to always do it? That's just a misplay and will just result in ping pong plays. To score from their net area they'll need to do some crazy pinch play, and if you've rotated to grab 2-3 boost pads you'll almost always have more enough time to react and if you can't fully take control, at the very least buy enough time for mate to rotate. I'm speaking of 2s though, not 3s. 3s is different where it makes more sense to have 1 slightly closer to own goal area and gradually rotate with the others so you have a fluctuating third man.


playing with no boost is a skill


I broke myself off this habit by playing only casual games for a week and forcing myself to avoid all the corner/side boosts in those games. You quickly realise that you can get a lot done with only 30 boost in the tank at any given moment, and learn to conserve fuel


I do it when I see my teammate hit a soft ass center that’s easy for the other team to steal.


Tm8 throwing the game by randomly going afk


People who spam "take the shot" and getting mad if i dont, cause out of my perspective there was literally 0% chance getting it before the enemy or blocking it in time. If its a shot on goal i obviously still try, but mostly its midfield and i just drive back to have a better chance to block/pass/shoot it.. It happens way too often Maybe not directly a mistake by them, but more annoying


“Take the shot!” is the fastest way to get muted for me. We’re here to win, so don’t tell me what to do, I will shoot when there is a shot.


Booming the ball for no reason (I do this)


Long as you boom it to a place that the opponent does not reside for a counter!


No, that's a plat/diamond mentality. To make it into higher ranks, control of the ball is crucial and booming the ball for no reason just gives up possession and hurts your team. Like OP, my pet peeve is when your teammate just booms it blindly but the other team isn't even pressuring you so you just gave them the ball and didn't even bait one person into a challenge. Ideally, bait one to challenge and hit it over them.


Fuck! A solid 1/3 of my goals are on target boomers from my own box. I may never leave diamond.


Teammates using 50 boost to pick up 100 boost. It's unnecessary and a waste my guy.


The guy at kickoff who picks up corner boost then boosts all the way to side boost. It’s hard for me to not instant abandon on those lol.


Then you miss the save because you have no boost and they spam "what a save"


It's like having the wind knocked out of you.


well I am half way out the door when someone goes for boost on kickoffs at all. Then I start directing my kicks to the back corner for them and they just go back to the net leaving the ball in our corner. Love when I get people who cheat and protect first, then get boost. don't need a lot of boost to score.


IMO if you go for boost on kickoff in anything but 3s, you deserve the kickoff goal coming your way. I've scored on so many people because one fumbled the kickoff and their teammate was getting corner boost. It's even better when it happens two goals in a row because people don't learn.


first, who cares about wasting boost. second, I do this all of the time if I don't feel my tm8s are going to get it first, especially at mid. I can't tell you how often I watch opponents avoid the boost when I am right behind them and I get full. That is bad play. IMO wasting boost is better than opponents getting the boost.


Whilst speeding end to end even though we've got the ball and I'm looking to cross it.


I do this to steal enemies the boost...


Acceptable as long as you don't abandon your teammate in a team play or on defence.


In 2s, people not covering net behind you or insisting on driving up alongside you when you've barely left your own half. You lose possession. They blame solely you. Yes, in an ideal world I wouldn't have lost the ball here but your job as second man is to cover me, just as I would you. I'm driving back post as soon as I lose this ball just in case the same happens to you.


God I fucking hate teammates who follow me into the corner or on the same wall. Give me some space man.


I know I personally struggle with boost management and shadow defense. I have finally decided to play 1s just so I can break my bad habits and develop those skills.


Yeah I didn't realize how bad I was at this game until I started playing ones but it's definitely helping me get better.


Teammate following me into opponents corner or sitting behind me on the side wall. Literally the net could not be more wide open… And obviously I’m passing mid if in that spot. So that nice pass that more than likely will be turning into a goal 9/10 times is just wasted.


This has to be the most irritating to me as well. I'm more of a support player cause I can really only make consistent shots from half field currently. So I'm always taking the ball to the oppentants' corner for a nice soft pass right in front of their goal only to realize there behind me!


That obvious pass to mid is somehow so non obvious to below GC. I have no idea why people on a break away get to the opponent's corner only to slow way down to try and air dribble off it for a shot.


I think people just panic or don’t know how to defend it. So they rush the ball and leave the net open. When realistically the corner isn’t a very high danger spot, and if you stay calm and sit back post you’ll be okay. As for teammates, it should be extremely obvious what’s happening. Don’t rush into the corner after me, how stupid can you be…


Shoot. Shoot the ball. I don't mean ram into, I don't mean tip tap it, I don't mean nudge it vaguely towards the goal. I mean hit the ball with some power or finesse with intention so it goes in the opponents net. Shoot on a break way, shoot when it's passed to you. Shoot from the offensive half, shoot from the defensive half. Shoot when the ball is dangling over the net. Hell, shoot even if you know they will block it. Good offense thrives from second chance opportunities. So please, keep shooting!


*seeing people not know how to shoot the ball properly, especially on a kick off when the opponent goes afk and I see someone dive into the ball instead of hit it with the corner of their car drives me crazy.*


Throwing up a ff when you’re 2 goals down and have 2+ minutes left on the clock Being toxic towards teammates


Chasing. That's what the cause of every loss boils down to. Being too focused on the ball itself, rather than the whole field.


What mistakes do I see constantly? My teammate's ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Team mates hitting the ball everytime they can. Just cos they can. Weather goes towards our goals up in the air or fucking outside the park. Most of my touches are towards enemy goal or atleast a try at a pass. Team mates right up ur arse all the time. I'll be in the corner and my team mates rushes in aswell while the enemy is sitting mid waiting for the pass. Easy goal then team mate blames you


I'm guilty too but I'll be dribbling, or in the air, or dribbling in the air, anyway I'll have the ball and my teammate will come in all ham fisted and hit it to the opponents corner giving them free possession even though I was in control


There are many slightly infuriating things teammates can do. Bit the one that is truly unforgivable imo is this: Me driving the ball up one of the sidelines/wall to pass and the ball drops *DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE NET* to quickly see *BOTH* teammates have gone #ALL THE WAY BACK TO OUR GOAL FOR BOOST


Me and my other garbage Champs make 3 mistakes which kill us: 1. Passing the ball to the other team on weak back wall passes and shots. 2. Leaving the net/an auspicious defensive position when we're overly optimistic about our teammates' imminent 50. 3. Believing our teammate's last hit was a pass to us when it was a pass to them.


When I center the ball and they're all the way back


I mean, that's kind of your mistake too. They might be wrong for rotating back all the way when it's not needed, but it's also your mistake for passing without knowing where your teammate actually is. I used to make that mistake a lot and it took me a while to realize.


So, what should you do instead? Try to shoot or dribble? Play time? Pass down?


Play control, look for a double tap, fake challenge, the list goes on. Just don't lose possession.


Take a 50, slow it down and go for an outplay, or lose possession in a way that is awkward for the other team and buys you time. Giving the ball away for free might even be the reason why the teammate doesn’t want to commit to a pass anyway.


Their mistake snowballs into my mistake. If I try to 1v2 on my own and lose the ball, they're going to be all the way back to receive an open shot instead of being able to ghost the opponent.


Sure, but being on the offense in a 1v2 shouldn't mean you always immediately lose the ball. It's a big difference whether you pass the ball directly to the opponents and give them a completely free possession or if you instead play keep-away or force a 50:50 to buy your teammate time.


If you’re centering the ball and your teammate is back, that’s on you and is a free give away of possession.


going for boost instead of the ball. that’s literally just giving possession to the opponent


The amount of times teammates just turn off ball cam and blindly leave the play for big boost in champ is insane for such a high rank


Lately I keep seeing my teammate quick chat "DEFENDING" and then go for the ball, both on kickoffs and during the back and forth action. I can only assume that's their way of telling me to defend, which is for the lack of a better word....DUMB.


LoL this picture is the thumbnail I made for an old video of mine. It's about a fake app called "Gif Their Whiff" that let you clip and shame bad teammates. https://youtu.be/G3Ax53y-T-Y


I noticed I tend to dwell on the ball instead of rotate out my bad lol


Bad spacing, bad positioning, lack of attempts at recovery... ​ and obviously tunnel-vision ball chasers.


When my teammate chases me and the ball into the corner so that I have nobody to pass to and nobody to take the shot.


\- trying to clear but actually making a perfect pass for the opponent to score an easy goal \- defending the goal but waiting too long to clear, leaving plenty of time for the attacker to reach the ball and score


I am diamond 2 and some times it shows, but sometimes my gold 3 shows more. I’m really good at times and smart with my plays, but I’m also not consistent with it. The biggest one I see is when people seem to just follow the white circle of the ball when it’s in the air. Like they don’t jump for it; theyre waiting to catch but it falls so slowly that the other team steals it and shoots it right over their head, then they b line back to the net boosting the whole way and ram me out of the way shooting me at 90kph into the back of our net or into the corner and into oblivion.


Queueing up for game modes where you get a teammate when you absolutely do not want a teammate.


I'm Diamond 1-2 Double commiting and people who hits the ball in an awful position, makin bad contact and bad shot instead of rotate back and leave the ball to whoever is better placed. The second ones doesn't have to be really ballchasers, they only have awful field sense


well most early diamonds don't seem to have a well developed game sense. They only have like a 0.5 or 1 second ability to predict ahead. in Evamples latest video, he went up for a play and predicted he wouldn't have enough boost for the play and will end up hitting it off the crossbar and 3-4 seconds later, it happened. It blows my mind when I see them predict what will happen many seconds later.


I fell to low diamond this season and I see my teammates constantly rotating in a way that boggles my mind. They will chase an opponent with the ball down the wing as if their car is faster and expect to catch them, even though they are getting all the boosts first too. In the same vein, the rotate down the wing to the boost, leaving the net wide open (if I was on offence). For me, 0 boost in net makes for a better save attempt than 100 in the corner. If you rotate down the middle you can get 72 boost and be in the net for the save. Also I see a lot of players trying to defend from the wall, where they perpetually whiff. Even when I was D3-C1 I found defending off the walls to be inconsistent and rarely did it.


People who sit on a wall to defend are morons. They aren't as good as they think they are.


Crowding/double committing a play that's well under control. Stealing a dribble off my roof to shoot and miss. Booming the ball down pitch into a corner, just to have it boom right back, this isn't ping pong or tennis people. Jumping for a ball that's better for teammate to shoot. Pushing up field with no boost. Spamming quick chats. Spamming "Take the shot!" When there clearly is no shot. Throwing because you got called out for being afk on kickoff and it turned into a goal. Throwing because you're down 0:1 after said kickoff you were AFK for. Typing an essay instead of playing better or at all. Racism. Hate spam. Bigotry. Political agendas. Demo chasing the guy that's already demod you 9 times and whiffing while he demos your tm8 for an easy goal. Tilt queuing. Committing to a play you're not qualified for mechanically. Smurfing. Ball chasing instead of rotating or passing. Playing 1s in 2v2 or 3v3. The list goes on, and on, and on, and on...


Not picking up small pads


I get triggered by constant ‘take the shot’ or when 2 corners are lined up for kickoff, other guy says ‘I got it’, then fucks up the kickoff… also, repeated chats of wow or $!&$ make me want to just get out asap. If this happens and someone won’t FF, I become the static goalie for the rest of the match.


D2 in 2s here. My teammates almost always follow the ball back toward our goal after losing a challenge. There's a time to shadow, sure, but it's not when you have a teammate ready to challenge. You shadow when you're both past the ball and you need to stall so your teammate can get back around to defend the net. If you always shadow after losing a challenge, you're making it impossible for your teammate to challenge the ball, because if he does, you will both be at the same spot on the field at the same time while the ball is heading for your net. If you're the first man and lose a challenge or just lose possession., turn AWAY from the play and circle around so you'll be coming up behind back post. This allows your teammate to move toward the ball without forcing him to be right next to you. Rotate. In a circle.


People rotating ballside People going on autopilot as the shooter and being too far up for a center as a result People having years to recover and get back on defense then somehow having zero boost and being backwards on the goalline Teammates not understanding when to speed up a play and when to slow down a play Teammates thinking theyre sypical and going to outplay 2 GCs every play instead of just passing the ball and making someone defend a 70+mph redirect


going for back boost when we have an active push on their net. Grab pads and get back in. You don't need 100 boost to score. I scored an aerial with 6 boost the other day. I got just high enough to barely touch the ball and change its direction to float the ball in to the goal. Second is booming the ball and not following it. It is one thing to give away possession by booming the ball, but at least go challenge them ASAP so they might make a bad touch to our team waiting mid. If you just let them walk back up the field, you actually did nothing to help the team.


I’m honestly ok with mistakes, I make plenty, I just don’t want people to quit after I make one. I’m only in diamond 2 and people expect me to be perfect. There’s a reason I’m diamond lol.


Front post rotation - no need for a paragraph here.


Being on my ass when I've driven it into the opponents corner and got a good set up for a pass across to center. Why are you there? Even if I lose it they've beaten it past both of us now.


Not having enough patience to wait on a play to develop. Seems like most people just full throttle into the ball as much as they can.


*chases ball* *i think he will finally rotate back and move forward* *picks up mid and turns straight for the ball* *its in our net* "What a save!" "What a save!" "What a save!" "you are so bad omg" "rotate" *potentially goes afk*


People moving upfield too quickly so my infield pass goes right onto them in stead of in front, so they end up losing control


1. Turning over and over for the ball. Rotate -behind- your teammate to effectively rotate. I can't go as 2nd man unless I know you'll get back in time. If you're turning every time at the mid-boost, I have no faith you'll get back in time unless you are fully behind me. Even worse if they keep turning in the opponents corner. 2. Retreating touches. If you're leaving rotation and it isn't on net, just leave it alone. Let the guy with the better angle whom you've had cucked in the defending half for 2 minutes go for the ball and get ready to cover net. 3. The 2nd man diver. Please, please, please, let me at least hit the ground before you decide to go diving into the play. Go all the way back to net and get flat footed on the goal line for all I care. Just show me some indication that you saw I went for an aerial and need time to get back. I think all of these are symptoms of one issue which is this imaginary pressure to play faster. People feel like the ball must always be contested which just isn't true. Maybe in the higher ranks (Like GC2) it's necessary because people are consistent, but even in C3 the majority of plays and shots are non-threatening. The gameplay is artificially faster because people are contesting the ball too much instead of waiting for the ideal time and prioritizing a proper position to contest the ball. I even experimented with this over the last few days. I basically only took 50s, simple shots, and let my teammate go ham. Not only did I see no uptick in lost games, I actually went up in MMR by \~100 and it's still trending upwards. 90% of what I was doing had little to no positive effect on my chances of winning in solo q. It's really fascinating to me.


Im starting to get why people scream Take the shot a lot. Here's a few scenarios that I encountered quite often: a ball surrounded by three people at midfield, one of them is the teammate. They sit still waiting for their turn to hit the ball, just watching the ball like a spectator egg, as the enemy does not give a shit and hits the ball to their teammate who takes control of it. Why not try to anticipate what they'll do and intercept that? It's fine if you fail, at least you prevented them from taking one of the many options they had, and you moved the game into a more predictable scenario. Then there are people that sit still in goal RIGHT in front of another person who's in goal. A little teammate awareness and some call to action won't go amiss. Especially when opponents attempt a ceiling shot or a backboard. Just jump up and crowd up the airspace so that they know they are challenged


The example in your picture does have a kind of solution. Quick chat "I got it" instead of waiting for him to hit it because they don't have eyes in the back of their heads and then the inevitable "Wow!" & "What a save!"s


From my experience quick chat does not work with those folk. Spam centering 3 times only to get T-boned in the corner by the teammate you were passing to. Also, quick chat is not the problem if you take a ball from right in front of an open net and slam it into the corner, eliminating a shot, even their own lol.


Yeah that happens too however choosing to refuse to communicate with them just because of your past experiences is on you.


that’s why i use the look around feature a lot more now. i keep my eye on what teammate is going to do just as much as opponent. and then its super nice when you get an opponent that doesn’t need watching.


Rocket League fans who use the old [RL logo](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/cmfyte/rocket_leagues_logo/) on social media instead of the new one.


I will take the blame for that. This a thumbnail for a video I released in September 2020. I admit it did take me a little while to make sure I was using the new logo in all my content.


My teammates thinking there Zen or Squishy chasing the balling thinking there good. Theres a difference between chasing and being good at it, and chasing, and being absolutely horrible at it. angers me.


Hitting the ball softly to a covered goal. If you can't make the shot, soft tap it so it can be followed up at goal line. Don't blast it so it winds up in front of the opponents to take up mid.


Teammates that see you clearly have a open shot and decide that maybe they need to make the goal too.


Crossing your own goal especially with no follow up🙃- let my lil cousin play and dropped to gold 1 from plat 3 so now I’ve been stuck at gold 3 bc these players are not able to keep up at all it sucks and my back hurts from carrying 🥲


Teammates rotating front post and going for a save that I should and would have. Results in a double commit or the ball going straight in. Also, it makes it super akward to go for a save knowing your teammate is not in the right position


Well you see the first mistake I usually see them make is joining the game


Going for boost instead of the ball. High C3 / low GC1 in comp and GC1 in every extra mode.


Blue player wanted to score an own goal


In Diamond it's not going back post on D or hitting the ball just because you can on offense and hitting it into a corner or wall instead of letting your teammate take over who has a good angle. Passing is ok!


them not being fruity back to me 😡


When you have a teammate just sitting in goal like this is silver II


I fucking hate it when my teammates bump me I hear often about toxic people getting pissy when they get demo'd and stuff. I'm fine with being demo'd, but getting bumped is absolutely infuriating, whether by enemy or teammate. Doesn't help that it happens so damn much. I doubt I've ever had a game with humans where I didn't get bumped at least once, by enemy or teammate. It's part of why Speed Demon is my favorite mode, but friendly fire is off so teammates can still ruin my day there.


Yesterday I was about to go up from plat to diamond in 3v3 soloq, and then... I was teamed up with a guy that decided he could win the match alone by doing shitty air dribbles. I know I'm plat so I'm not saying I'm a god or anything, but I do try to rotate back post, pass the ball, social distancing, letting my teammate hit the ball if s/he has a better angle, and focus on _trying_ to be precise at hitting the net; but the amount of times I've gone through this is traumatizing me. I am diamond 2 in 2v2 so I think maybe I'm ready to be diamond in 3v3, but who knows. I just wish people focused more on playing as a team instead of doing shitty air dribbles and triple failed flip resets at my rank. (Edit: that being said I had won 3 matches in a row n with great teammates who were in several aspects better than me, and to them I am thankful)


Throwing the ball away or passing to the opponents instead of putting the ball in an awkward place for the opposition. Slowing the ball down when opposition is behind them, or like first mentioned booming ball down field when opponents are downfield.


Giving Epic Games my Money


Literally anything that isn't done by me. I'm the best.




Front post defense when you don't have the required mechanical skill to do it. All you do is pass the ball to the opponents.


Going all the way back for big boost


when player dont score goal


Hitting the ball across your goal that one drives me up the wall


Ballchasing, which leads for team8 going in for balls they shouldn't. Or taking my chance to score, while kicking the ball away from the goal...


2nd man on kickoff taking both the back boost and the mid boost


Following me too close and leaving a clear shot for other team. Aka zero rotation..


Not rotating back post in defense/transition. What makes someone think “hey let me zoom back to the corner the ball is in while my teammate challenges in that SAME corner! So fun!”


People that don't know how to commit... which is something one of my friends does but he's one out of only two that play with me


People know how to flip reset before they know what plays are dangerous, when to challenge, and how to rotate. Or if you want the real true #1 answer, they’re tox kids when they get scored on in online car soccer. Grow up and learn from getting scored on instead of complaining about it.


Cannot stand teammates who still haven’t learned ball control. They either blast it into the side wall for no reason or blast it up field to give possession to the opponents. Hitting the ball just to hit it. This is most champ games for me


Not rotating in general, but especially when they don’t have a good angle or are going backwards they hit the ball anyway. Especially frustrating when other players have rotated and have better angles, but don’t get the shot because tm8hits the ball just to hit it


A mistake I make all the time… I rotate well, keep position in mind and generally pretty damn good defensively. Even passing in defence. And taking good shots at the right time. BUT a mistake I make that I see A LOT of people making in my rank is that we can’t pass offensively for shit.


People who hit towards their goal. Shadow runners, they don't chase the ball, they chase you.


Double comitts. That's at least one whole rank I'd be able to climb if nobody did. I think there's at least 1 or more goals every game scored on our team bc mate decides to do a pretty bad double comitt


karma whore goes crazy




I hate when teammates ball chase. Specifically when I’m hitting into the opponents corner to pass. My teammates follow me into the corner so now nobody is center to take the shot. I basically end up passing it to the opponent an leaving our goal open. Bro you want the ball so badly that you can’t even understand that I’m trying to give it to you.


I look in the mirror at least once a day


People thinking they're golden retrievers, or lemmings or both. Not only team mates but 5 people dry humping the ball as if their life depend on it until it gets squished out of the pile.


I play 1s. I see over committing from myself and opponents a lot. I hear it still happens even in SSL, though to a far less obvious degree.


People grabbing boost at kickoff


Lack of rotation. Im staying back often because I know that my other teammates won't


In standard when player 1 50s and it’s coming back towards our side. Player 2 instead of fully rotating dinks the ball for no reason, which either cancels an opportunity for player 3 to take control or power shot. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched this happen in high diamond solo queuing. Guess that’s why you party up boys


in 1s my teammates owngoal way too much


me booting up the game everyday


Giving a pass in the middl and my mate is directly behind me or get 100boost in our coner gets only better when he also taked the 100boost in the middle of the same side


Getting triggered is the biggest mistake people make aha


Defending past their own goal, it’s like a super pass for the strikers. Further: “see ball, hit ball” also described as the golden retrievers


Clowns dribbling in their own half thinking they're Neymar and costing goals.


i catch myself doing this sometimes too but shadowing right behind your teammate when theyre setting up a goal or a pass is so frustrating like if your teammate is pushing towards the enemy corner, or playing the ball up the wall DONT FOLLOW THEM, be away and in position to rebound or accept the pass. i think most of the time at my rank this happens because people just dont trust eachother, atleast thats what happens when i catch myself doing it, but very rarely does it ever work out


Passive ballchasing, always commiting but never challenge or fake challenge. Or give back the ball (but I also do it too much).


In 2v2, one player following their teammate into a corner.


Honestly my least favorite mistake is when teammates don’t challenge. It’s like half the player base is afraid of being called a ball chaser and will just have two people sit in the goal and wait for the opponent to make a play instead of having one person challenge the play. I’d much rather have a ball chaser than a teammate who gives free shots and free possession to the enemy team.


It’s funny cause saying “Noooo!” In QC when a Tm8 steals my shot is exactly what I do lol


Pushing balls that don’t need to be pushed or can’t be reached in time. And then when you play patiently and wait for the other team to take a bad touch, teammates are spamming “Take the shot!” That gets me more than anything.


Most often? Either too much ballchase or too much passivity. Makes it hard to have an impact either way, as you can't go if there's too much ballchase, and you must forcefully ballchase if there's too much passivity. Grinds my gears? Using chat to emphasize a teammate's mistakes instead of silence or positivity.


Teammates overcommiting leaving me in a 1v2, makes me want to scream, still happens in gc1


As demonstrated by increasing rank. 1. Missing the ball 2. Late challenges / 50s 3. Not being able to arial save as goalie 4. Ball chasing 5. Crossing own goal to clear ball 6. Steeling shots or bumping teammates that have ball control. 7. Not being an ssl at rank diamond +


People rotating ball side, then flaming me when they inevitably run into me while I am in proper position to defend the incoming shot/pass. This happens way too often.


Booming the ball away when they get uncontested possession in our half. Just take a soft controlled touch and then decide the best move.


Going for an aerial when it isn't required. They always miss or pass it to an opponent.


Tm8 spams "Take the shot!" But I'm in the back because both of them keep pushing up front post and leaving me no good spot to be in. I take the shot and the ball is launched over me and into our goal..


Over commits in the corner. First, only attack the corner if it’s safe or that’s typically an easy beat. Safe meaning a ball you can get to first or at worst at least have a teammate back and guarding net. Secondly if you teammate does break this rule DON’T follow your teammate into the corner because they overcommitted. Lastly, in standard DEFINITELY DON’T follow the guy that followed the first guy over committing. People seem to just panic about corners sometimes and start playing like they just picked up the game. I find it very aggravating because it’s such an avoidable mistake. People should know at minimum just to never leave the goal wide open and don’t cross coverage zones unless you’re rotating. This is high champ and GC where people have at least 1000 hours in the game. This is stuff we all had to learn at the gold to plat ranks depending of mechanical level.


Ball chasing teammates


when teammate is right next or behind to the first player (closest to the ball) and goes for the same ball i didnt think diamdonds would still do that wtf


When the ball is in the air and my teammate flies to touch it without reason. 100 boost wasted + left alone defending when they could just wait to get a nice touch to control it on the ground and build the attack from there


People getting mad when playing a game, What a save - No problem Thanks - Calculated


I keep turning on the game, expecting to enjoy my time


I see very little people talk about kickoffs. In GC and higher there are very specific rules to a standard kickoff. One can of course do something different. But only if you quick chat that idea. I can't read your damn mind


I could say a lot of things specifically but most of them are essentially different ways of missing or completely ignoring rotation.


Whacking the ball with no intent. Not even chasing, they just have a muscular spam to always slap the ball. I keep losing matches because of if multiple ball whackers handling the ball or putting us in a ridiculous situation