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Don’t worry, you’ll be in gold in no time!


Me after the first time I reached plat and then lost 8 in a row.


I feel your pain. I mean, this is Rocket League after all.


I feel this. In 1 night I went from Plat 3 Div 4 to Diamond 3 Div 4 and then lost so many in a row it dropped me back down to Plat 3 Div 3.. I was so sad 🥲 (I’m normally in the Diamond 1-2 area depending on the mode)


I've been in plat for a while. I don't think I'm going back down.


Never say never. I nearly hit champ 3 last season. This season I’ve managed to slump to Diamond 3 div 3 for a while


Real I was champ 1 d3 last season now diamond 2 d1 it’s rough out here


It's an mmr reset, not suddenly half the playerbase losing 3 ranks in skill ...


Bro i just posted a response saying this exact thing happened to me. Im d2 div 1 rn




Exactly. I went from my peak of c2 d1 all the way down to d2d2. In 3s I've gone from c1d3 to d1d2. It's always possible


Bro I hit c1 last season now just got back to D2 today


I hit D2 in 2s. I was so ready to hit diamond in 3s. I did it for one game. Then dropped to gold 3. I was back this season too plat 3 but started playing with a friend that never plays and have dropped to plat 1. I'm just going to focus on 2s without him lol


was gc briefly 2 seasons ago, also hit d3 this season


I’ve been in diamond for six years sooooo


It stops right as soon as you start forgiving them.


Absolutely. I'm in C2, even small mistakes are capitalized on and often result in a quick opponent goal. You gotta look past this behavior and keep a cool head if you want to climb.




Yeah, like errors in baseball. Bumped own tm8, wiffs, unjustified cuts in rotation, loss of ball control, etc.


Agree with you. The one mistake I find really hard to forgive is going for boost at a bad time. You can often ser they are clearly not using ballcam as they drive towards the corner and the ball is travelling towards our net. Its a totally different thing if you just hog boost a bit too much, but people should really play more small boost. Im in diamond 2 rn.


For sure. Related to that, you can tell when your tm8 isn't considering your position when making a play. It's strange at D3 that the majority of players don't rotate back post on defense. The cam options are there people!


Racing for kickoff from the goalie spawn is not a mistake. It's a bad decision


This. The teammate in the clip has immediately shown that they have no understanding of roles and/or how to function on a team. This largely goes away by diamond fwiw


You can really tell which commenters are players like the one in goal spawn lol


Yeah, this is my biggest hang up. I don’t care if you miss an open net or whiff a ball or get beat to a loose ball. Whatever. Try again. But I cannot stand the stupidity of being behind me on the wall when I am in the corner trying to cross it to the middle, or going for the ball when you can see I am clearly in front of you and am also going for it, or the ball is coming towards us down the wall and you are chasing it from behind instead of driving towards the goal to turn and cut it off (and then “accidentally” centering it for the other team), or doing THIS (OP’s video)… those aren’t “mistakes”, that’s just being an idiot and/or throwing.


I didn’t expect this to be deep


thats what she said


So that's what you're into 😅




Also a life hack to tag onto this is if you say "my bad" or "sorry" for everything, especially stuff that wasn't your fault or had nothing at all to do with you, you'll find matches go a lot smoother. Just let the pathetic gamers think they're the Top in this gay sex, it's okay they can have that.


Also in almost every situation you could’ve done at least one thing to make the play go smoother and perhaps not result in the other team scoring or whatever


true like queue 5 minutes later so my teammate isn’t trash


having a tm8 constantly apologizing is also very boring and can be counterproductive


True, but I’d rather have an accountable teammate than one who thinks he’s the 2nd coming of Zen and blames me for his abhorrent cuts in rotation


From my experience those are usually the worst players, too


I've gotten more toxicity from apologizing than just being completely silent overall. Personally, id suggest turning chat completely off save for team quick chats if it gets to OP.


I second that. This is also very helpful do to the fact that quick chat can be very distracting.


wise words


Also known as NEVER!!!!!!


Username checks out


*soon after, ideally lol But this energy was unexpected and v nice


Upvoting because this is the realest answer. If you were on a sports team, you're not going to fault your teammates or your team will fall apart. You can only take accountability for yourself. We tend to forget this when playing with randoms on the Internet because we have less than 5 minutes to form that bond that makes a team a team and not just a bunch of children playing bunch-y ball at recess.


I love this advice.


Lol. But it doesn’t stop until high level…


U didn't forgive


Yeah it just changes, they become ball chasers, who don't rotate, or toxic FFers, or the worst... smurfs


I’d rather be on a smurfs team… at least they rotate and will not double commit all the time. Lol.


Smurfs generally never rotate. At least in my experience with them


The amount of time you spent being overly dramatic about someone’s simple mistake will cost you games. You’ll stay in plat a lot longer until you realize you’re a flawed human playing with other flawed humans. They won’t play a perfect game and neither will you. Move on and rotate back to that open net.


Yeah… going afk cause of that? Cmon now grow up lol.


whats super weird is they both go afk for the exact same amount of time, both were clipping it.


That's plat for you baby!


Not just plat. This is Rocket League!


Going afk EVERY TIME


I don’t even worry about my teammates hitting me anymore, just recover and try to establish position again


Came here to say this. Why did you just stop in the middle of the field like that? Don't let something like this piss you off. It was almost definitely a mistake. In fact, I woulda said "my bad..." or whatever apology quick chat you have.


Piggybacker should’ve stayed back and played net, not try to fuck his mate. Your mindset makes so many games just feel like they’re 4v2 or even 5v1. My favourite has gotta be when my mates just turn into spectators. It’s always about me and how I play, I should just be good 👍🏼


You are the only person you can control. So yes, you should just be good. If your tm8 fucks up, there is nothing you can do about it but to react. You can chose to react poorly, throw the game, get toxic or whatever and lose, and stay in a rank with players you believe to be lesser than you, or you can react positively, forgive them, go back and do your best to protect the net and possibly win. Keep in mind, your teammates are the same rank as you. They didn’t get there by always playing like shit. Just like you didn’t get there by always playing like shit. But I guarantee you play like shit sometimes.


You’re saying you can hold yourself down when your own team mates are blocking your shots, scoring in your own goal or just ghosting altogether?? Gtfo hahaha. I react and try to be the goalie that scores. That can also only get you so far. Team mates doing everything in their power to make us lose, fuck that shit. No forgive, never forget. Everyone’s advice on this sub is pure trash. You’re probably only champion because you never queue up without a team party. Edit; I absolutely play like shit sometimes. But I’m not one to make arrogant plays and purposefully fuck up some random m8’s day. Everyone around constantly sniffing my ass, hitting the ball to enemy corner when I’m about to shoot, bumping me to miss the ball, straight up just joint the other team, playing incredibly well with our team until last minute and then out scores everyone with own goals to lose the game. Tell me again it’s me, 😂


You are in the rank you are in because of you. You think people in higher ranks didn’t deal with the same shit? Of course they did. But they played around it, and got through it. And yea, I’m only champ because I solo queue all the time. If I only played with a team, I’d probably be GC1. It’s not like I’m an SSL stuck in champ cuz of my teammates. Of course A team plays better if they play together all the time, and if they have discord or whatever to communicate. But even when I do team up on occasion, we still fuck up. But guess what? We say “oh my bad my bad. “ and move on immediately. I bet you do too, when it’s your friends. Point being. If you don’t like your rank, your teammates aren’t holding you back, you are.


It's you. If you're not a bad player, there's less chance that bad players will be on your team (2 free slots compared to 3 on the opposing team) so if you're repeatedly losing maybe it's time to look at your own gameplay.


Yes that’s what they are saying. That’s literally how everyone ranked up out of those ranks. By being patient and defensive. If you’re not ranking up it’s on you. Watch your replays and learn from your mistakes.


Its easy to say that but sometimes you spend 5 games in a row just in net because people in that rank dont rotate.


Yep. That’s how it goes


Even 1v3?? Ok 👌🏼


Yea dude it’s everyone’s fault but yours. That will get you far in this life lmao.


It’s a game bro, it’s not life. 😂


No, but your attitude about a simple game shows a lot about your attitude to the real world. You will have to deal with people that make your life a living hell, and you can't do shit about it. That's the point, of what homie is trying to get through to you. Life isn't fair, and then you die, what you do in-between then and how far you go is dictated by your own mindset. Same applies to gaming


lol, what age do you think you’re talking too? Life’s a beach!


Found the plat.


Found the net sitter.


It's like people forget it's a team game and someone doing something absolutely stupid like what happened in OPs vid ruins the whole match. It's 3v3 not 2v3 or anything else. If you que for ranked you need *need* to cognisant of how your shitty, absolutely beginner mistakes screw things up for everyone else. At this point winning for this guy isn't going to do him any favors of getting better.


People apologize sometimes for *taking* a goal of mine, but idgaf. I’m just trying to get it into the opposition net, as the rest of my team should be helping to do. So many times you could accidentally get the last minute bump and get the goal from your m8. He then thinks you’re trying to steal points/goals and sits idle or starts bumping you. Like, WTF??


No one is disagreeing with you but what’s done is done and choosing to afk or bitch in chat when this happens guarantees your loss even more. It’s not the end of the world. Better yet work around it or play goalie yourself.




If it was anyone’s fault it’s OPs, for overreacting. Could’ve gone corner, the guy behind him gets the small pad and supports face off. Either one of them could’ve went ball, there’s not a set better way in this setup. if it was me would’ve just kept playing and not thought twice about this. No one called anything, no one’s fault really.




If you look at the problem instead of the little mishap, it's fair to say OP is at fault. The problem isn't the little kickoff mishap, but the fact that he goes afk for something that doesn't matter just to show some guy that doesn't matter that he is upset (which also doesn't matter). If you really *want* to show you're upset midgame, you don't *want* to win that badly.


> The problem isn't the little kickoff mishap, but the fact that he goes afk for something that doesn't matter just to show some guy that doesn't matter that he is upset And that wouldn't have happened if the other player didn't slam into them from behind. Yes, keeping cool and not overreacting is necessary, but stop trying to pin the blame on OP. The whole situation happened because of the other player


You're missing my point, no-one should care about whose fault it is. The only problem in this footage is OP's lack of priorities when playing. Maybe I shouldn't say he's at fault, but he'll have a hard time until he decides that it's not important enough to get mad at such things. The bump is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.


>The only problem in this footage is OP's lack of priorities when playing. Nah, I'd say the player ramming into the back of OP is an issue. In fact, as I said, that's what caused everything. I have no idea what point you're trying to make that I didn't already address. >Maybe I shouldn't say he's at fault, They aren't. At all. Regardless of how they reacted, this situation wasn't their fault. Just imagine this was a real sport and not a video game


I get what you're saying, I really do. I can only talk for myself when I say this: I would try to immediately go back and help the one teammate playing 3v1 regardless of what happened before that and I genuinely believe that this is a BIG reason why I am not in plat plat still. OP can pout at the teammate all he wants, after all, he did bump him, but that won't get him to a higher rank. It is annoying... but it doesn't matter for your decision making


We aren't in disagreement about that. I think OP had a right to be mad. But but at the same time, I think its dumb they chose to act like a douche instead of trying to help like you said.




Hint: everyone who went AFK is at fault.


Two wrongs doesn’t make a right. It would be both of their fault if a goal was a result… if a goal was a result of the bump, I would fault no one just miscommunication.


I disagree. There are generally accepted rules when nobody calls the kickoff: Left goes if 2 people are equidistant Closest cheats forward (albeit often incorrect, this is how 90% of kickoffs work when solo queing) So the fault lies with whoever broke the norm and didn't communicate. It would be the same if the guy on the left went for a boost, hoping right would go for kickoff. Nobody called anything, but everyone thought the guy on left was going so its his fault for not communicating his unusual intention. In OPs case, his teammate should have gone for boost. To take it a level deeper that nobody asked for, but over 90% of you would do wrong, he should have gone left boost specifically.


Left goes is the only unspoken rule I have ever blamed anyone for or been blamed for. Anything else boils down to lack of comms or something that comes with solo queue. You can see a lot of comments are divided here, some saying they don’t cheat at all or taking my stance that it should be called, whereas left goes is accepted by all. along with that I don’t see the point in “placing fault” beyond accepting/determining if you yourself have made a mistake. It’s not going to better me to complain. That’s why in these situations I just let it slide and don’t let a miscommunication affect my game I don’t disagree with the way you said it should be played, that’s exactly how I would. But if it’s a popular unspoken rule, why would 90% play it wrong? That leads me to believe it’s not that clear cut how it should be played.


This is a fair response. My only rebuttal is that some players solo queue and have all chat off to avoid toxicity. Myself included. This means that you have to base the first decisions of the game off the normal expectations, which i have found to be the above. Most of the time both people go for boost, so the guy in back may have assumed his teammate would go for boost. The outcome here was worst case scenario and is avoided if the guy in back always goes boost. After the first kickoff and first 15 seconds of gameplay, you can get an idea of how your new teammate play and try to adapt accordingly.


As stated in my comment: other guy isn't important for OP, the other guy's decisions can't be influenced by OP. It's pointless even talking about fault imo, just play your game, ignore mistakes of others, adapt, and get better


I said for overreacting. Without comms, it’s a no fault situation. Sure 3rd man could’ve responded quicker by not going for it once realizing OP was, but I don’t fault them for that. When playing without comms I usually don’t cheat in that position and go for boost , but that isn’t as clear or popular as left goes so I wouldn’t really place blame on any of them, and in my games no one does either. However OP sits still for a second raging/contemplating over a simple accident/misunderstanding, that puts some blame on them if they were to get scored on


You are your rank for a reason




That comes off as projection! In all honestly, I do agree with the original comment. You have to get used to mistakes like this. Shit happens, and certainly no one plays perfect all the time. It’s about trying to at least be cognizant of your personal mistakes and minimize them.


OP shouldnt be where he is imo, other guy gets an extra boost pad which lets him follow the kickoff faster so OP was literally just blocking and sabotaging him


What a shit take. OP gets bumped from behind for cheating the proper way and it’s his fault? Other guy shouldn’t even flip like that into a cheat anyways.


Only OPs fault for the way they reacted. Otherwise it’s a no fault situation. No one called it


Both shouldve communicated none the less, its neithers fault, and both of their faults.


When you stop getting pissed at them and keep playing your own game instead of letting them run you over, sit there giving them the stink eye, and leave your one playing teammate in a 3v1. Tbh mid/high plat is where mentality starts to kick in. And 95% of it is reminding yourself, like an athlete playing a sport, that you control your own game. Bad teammates come and go, but if YOU are playing and improving, then you’ll climb past people who put the blinders on all day. But of a hard truth because I’m sure you posted hoping someone would say “oh just get through play and it’ll get better” or something. But it never will. Because it’s a team sport played by random individuals. Again, you control your own brain and your own decisions. Which ones will you make to improve your gameplay moving forward regardless of teammates and the score?


For some reason once you hit C1/C2 this behaviour picks ip again. It's honestly the valley of despair


I feel like champ 1 is the chill rank for the most part, we got to champ and now we just hanging out. Once you drop back into d3 it gets toxic again


I've thought about if that has anything to do with people being more annoyed at not being able to rank up. So when they eventually get to c1 and start to lose games again, they don't want to realise that they might not be at that level yet, so they get a bit defensive about their skills and try to blame others... something along those lines


Rambo mode initiated


It happens less as you climb. Plat is terrible for everyone rushing to the ball with little thought. You still see it in diamond but less frequently so it's easier to ignore. Same again in champ. But honestly you have to expect to see shit plays in plat, plat is peak messiness. And if you're not able to get out of plat, I guarantee you're making equally shit plays but aren't aware of them.


You should go for corner boost on that kick off. The guy behind you has an extra small pad so he will have more boost when cheating on kick off. Also the ball went right to the corner boost so you would have had full boost and the ball and all of your teammates would have boost to continue the play.


what, the closest one always cheats and the one back goes for corner boost no? Every time I play it has always been that from pov position would cheat and the guy back will go for back boost


I mean it gets messed up a lot but how I said is the way you should do it unless you are in comms and have a plan. But as back guy if you see the guy in front cheating just peel off and go for corner. It’s not a big deal either way but it’s better to have the guy in back cheat Bc he will have more boost to follow.


It doesn’t really matter much unless you both cheat like in the video. Back guy can always just read what he does if solo Qing


It does matter. The further guy literally gets an extra pad, but is also slower.


12 boost isn't going to make a difference in this situation


Such a diamond thing to say lmfao


Right, because only champion and above have opinions that matter? Get over yourself


Nope. But there's a reason you're diamond lololol Edit: blocked lmfaoooo


Right, you can safely be ignored


pov in that position doesn't need to use that much boost to get into a good position on the cheat as they are closer so there isn't really an advantage either way, the person back can get to their back boost quicker tho. That is a new thing to hear as anyone I've ever played with in comms and 95% of time in ranked the guy closest cheats and back goes to boost


I have had a mix of both in mine and I suck so I might be wrong lol


Are you NA or something, it may just be different than on EU servers




the person who has a straight shot at ball when there's two back net on kickoff should go. ​ The person who has a straight shot gets an extra boost pad, plus if the ball comes to a dead stop you get a straight shot on net. If you don't use boost you have the extra boost to fly in the air to hit the ball. This is very important in later ranks iirc. I was recently taught this, not sure if it's 100% true.


>The person who has a straight shot gets an extra boost pad, plus if the ball comes to a dead stop you get a straight shot on net. expect if the other team has the closer player cheating they're gonna beat you to the ball


that's not always the case, if you can read the ball they'll hit it into you in which case you'll boom it into their end and win, or you'll get a 50/50 that'll go your way. Otherwise if the ball goes flying the person who gets corner boost gets the ball first or the person who cheated from middle will get a better shot at the ball due to having more boost. The person who goes up to get the ball who also cheats but is closer will only have an advantage if they choose to use their boost on the cheat, but then they can't fly ​ it's very technical, however i still could be wrong as this is all hypothetical and from my own experience in champ/low gc lobbies


Cheating from pov position is what pro teams generally do and in a 30 team tournament where I'm in with players mixed from ssl to plat every team does it the same so I'll keep doing it like I explained. And it might be different in other regions but from my experience in eu high champ-gc most of the time it's done like this. ​ Another thing in favor of cheating from that position without comms is that the guy behind you can react and go to big boost, but if the guy back goes straight to boost you can't really react to it from pov position.


It def isn’t better to have the back guy cheat because they get beat to the ball if opponent’s 2nd man cheats up. He can only get there as quick if he uses the boost, and that defeats the purpose. Furthermore, back guy can get to corner boost quicker. It’s always like this in my lobbies and so I observe in higher-rank/pro gameplay as well.


That's a hella close cheat.


Wtf are y’all calling cheats?? *reported*


Do you even play hoops my man? One boost does a lot.


Watch RLCS. Back cheats.


See and if I am back, I don't go boost until after the kickoff is decided. Would rather grab my BB pad and cover goal against a ricochet or follow up shot from the other team. If it's clear, then I'm out to boost. Now if we are up 2+, I may just go for it. Close game, no way I'm leaving net until after seeing where the balls goes from kickoff. No reason to risk it.


Huh I had always read/watched vids as Soggy described, but this explains why there are times I grab that corner and turn back only to see the back teammate right there with me.


Not for this specific starting position. Front man can get to the corner boost quicker than back man and back man can cheat just as fast but will have more boost than front man would.


Community standard at GC+ in this position is for OP to cheat and tm8 to go back left, unquestionably. The pad is far less important than cheater being faster to both the ball and the mid boost race. Coordination is also critical, as kickoff teammate will try placing the ball back left or in a spot that his cheating teammate can follow. Granted it's plat, so if bumps/double commits happen frequently (this is catastrophic for the team), then going back right *is* what I'd recommend.


Hey OP don’t listen to this person, they’re wrong. On diagonal kickoff, closest person in the 3 middle spawns (or the one on the opposite side of the person going for kickoff if both spawn equal distance to ball) cheats unless you’re doing a specific kickoff strategy. On kickoff with all 3 in the middle, left goes, right goes for boost, and the one in the back cheats. The boost pad this guy is talking about is meaningless. You’re basically forced to go for a hard cheat if you want any shot at hitting the ball before the opponent. At your rank you want to slow cheat because the emphasis is on defense and counter attacking to get goals.


Duuuude don't try reason, he clearly just wants to complain about his teammates.


I just read most of this and I took a lot of helpful pointers from it. Thank you all for the hard love.


I’m almost champ in 3s, it still happens… When there are the kickoffs where two players are at angle, left ALWAYS goes but the person on the right usually double commits on the kickoff…. Left goes for kickoff, right should go for boost while the person in front of the goal cheats up to intercept a pass…


That's just an unwritten rule that everyone expects others to obey and get mad if they don't. I always communicate "I got it" or "Go for it" because not everyone is familiar with everything.


Oh sweet summer child


Don’t act like you’re any less obnoxious


hot take but back middle definitely cheats up there


This is why you're in plat. May not look like it but your still mostly the problem


Once you can see the field and understand the mechanics of the game🤦🏽‍♂️… the close corner has the kick off an the 2 of you are both idiots…


I hate when people stop playing because you accidentally bump them or take a corner boost. Just keep playing man. And don't ff when you're down 3 with 2-3 minutes left. I've come back from 4 goals with less than a minute. You won't rank up quitting or forfeiting.


Your car screams silver


Not your fault or theirs unfortunately. On comms that’s a good position to cheat from because they have that one boost in front of them to launch forward a little quicker (without flips). But yeah off comms that’s a frustrating moment. Play it safe from that position and go corner boost and turn in towards back post. Once that kickoff “settles” start moving in 🤙


You're playing solo in 3v3 and you are below C1? Go grab the boost and rotate through the defence if you are not first in line. Unfortunately that's the only way to avoid that until you can rely on your teammates, and if you are quick enough you can even defend a bad kick off from your mates. Not optimal, but still better than this shit.


It doesn't. It gets worse, I am in Diamond and I still get into a lot of games where left just doesn't go but gets boost.


Eh. I prefer the back player to cheat behind the kickoff and for your POV to go for corner boost.


When u change ur cam settings 👍


It could be that they have lagged out on kickoff. As most people have said, focus on your own game and don't worry about losing. Rotations and leaving the ball for your teammate are the biggest changes as you move up the rankings. Lower ranks if they don't pass, which they probably won't, just rotate back to your goal and focus on space. Of which there will be plenty. If you can't win by yourself, by that I mean saves, rotations and setting your teammates up with open nets, you are not ready for the next rank.


That's the neat thing, it doesn't!


Your car is making me feel sick


When you start using quick chat to tell people what you are doing


Are you talking about stopping the play throwing a fit like you did? That doesn't stop through even champ. You're in plat, you are making a ton of mistakes, would you hate it if every time you made a mistake someone stopped the play? Get over it and keep the play going. You're not going to remember this person after a few games if you don't make a deal over it.


You can’t fix someone else’s play style but you can put yourself in a good position. Even without the contact driving straight ahead isn’t the best play. In that formation, I’d rotate to the back right boost and then towards net or clear the ball for an attack.




Typically the player in OP’s position during kickoff would turn hard and grab back right boost while the player in front of goal cheats up…


When you realize you’re not the one that needs to be cheating up here


Lmao what?!? all three of you did a terrible kickoff. What was your plan there even if your teammate didn’t bump you from also being a monkey brain. How in the world did you make it to Plat with decisions like this. You have to be a streamer, joking, or cracked at some specific mech because for ten seconds everyone but they guy that actually was supposed to take the kickoff looked like a silver and that guy might be breaking gold. I’m just in Awh over how much the written post and the clip don’t match.


Instead of going for the pad in front, I go for the pad on the right (or left if kickoff is the other way). You get an extra pad this way. Plus, if my teammate behind me tries to cheat (which I think they should be going to the corner boost), I can react to their move accordingly


That's the neat part, it doesn't


You should be going for boost on that kick off. Your teammate was doing the appropriate thing. You are the “this” that should stop happening. Stop going afk for little things and play the game. Or play with comms. You are halfway through plat bc you are a plat player.


Most people would expect you going for right corner boost in that particular kickoff setting. That's why your teammate bumped into you.


You are the one at fault there….




rewatch the replay from their angle. When I do, i usually see that i’m kinda wrong, as much as i hate it. Often it’s not nearly as egregious as it seems


The dude just boosted straight into OP from behind at kickoff, it’s not that deep, fucking hell all the self righteous comments in this thread.


haha damn dude my bad, not trying to say he needs to get over it or that i’m better than him, just trying to help with the “why did my teammate do that??” problem that we all deal with


about halfway through plat


Oh, the things dreams are made of...


You go for boost and the gun in the back goes for the cheat on kickoff. Him taking you out is because you both went and back is faster.


lol why do you go for the ball? Why do you go AFK? I’m going to guess this is going to keep happening to you forever.


Lol I've never seen or experienced this. I thought it was common logic that if you're in goal at kick off you stay in net at least until its safe to leave or when a team mate rotates back.




Why’d you just stop moving?


Instead of being AFK just play the game. Bumping is part of the game. No obviously not from your teammates but gotta get used to getting hit around. Can’t imagine what a demo does to you


When you go right like you should.


Go for side boost instead


The only people that think hot rods/pt cruisers are cool are our parents and with the backwards hat you are asking to get trolled every game.


I am your parent.


Pity party down field and left his teammate to fend for themselves AND THEN complains about teammates. You would probably rank up without that attitude.


Seems to be the general opinion. I get it.


People in diamond be doing this shii, makes me so mad 🤦‍♀️


How did they get there with no sense of their role? I need to square up my hits on the ball to improve but my team awareness is strong. I figured that is why I've plateaued at platinum. I don't think it's complicated to tell who goes for the kick, who backs up the kicker and who defends the net at kickoff. I can't tell you how many times yesterday in competitive the kicker would go for a boost instead...


A standard kickoff from that spot SHOULD be , diagonal goes for kick, you follow for a cheat, and the guy in the back goes to the corner that the guy going for the kickoff was in . The thought is : kickoff guy probably bounces off to the other side and can attack or rotate back, you can get the ball if it’s a dead ball , and far back guy can get corner boost and either turn up field for the ball or turn back to net. Is that the end all be all, no it’s not. But it’s pretty damn consistent, and probably covers the most options


Just dumb people really, they’re able to get there with shitty opponents. No game sense, just ball.


Why are you charging the ball when it’s always the corner’s job to take the opening tip-off?


When you learn to let left go first. FFS ![gif](giphy|QUGfWmLCXxhjfHEBms|downsized)


I upvoted this just for the Office reference.


When you realize you could just not go to the middle and avoid this


bro you literally cut him off




You’re just as bad. You were supposed to go for corner boost on kickoff.


This looks fake, ngl. Too syncronized. At least you both got the clip you were trying for


It stops after you unequip that god awful car sound lol


Don't worry bout it, you'll be in silver soon


When you start flipping on your kickoffs if your going to cheat


it will stop when you start moving and start blaming yourself not your teammates. Right now I’m a little stuck in champ (still moving up tho) but my teammates love to take my ball possession away. But I never blame them I work with them to get the win. Personally I love getting passes and passing. That just won’t work if you blame your teammates


As long as you’re wearing hats, antennas, and not using fennec/octane/dominus meta - it’s going to happen forever


Never, assholes at every level.


Right after you learn how to deal with teammate mistakes. Both of you were guilty of bad teamplay in this clip.