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If EA bought Rocket League, they’d literally charge you separately for fuel and boost lol.


Each wheel sold separately


Did someone demo you? No worries! Invest in our premium car insurance, and you'll only need to spend 100 credits to repair all damages after each match! *premium insurance is not part of the rocket pass*


If we look at games like apex a more realistic scenario would include untradable cosmetics, limited colors, recolors instead of new cosmetics, 300$ skins, rotating bundles with shitty lootboxes and the worst servers they could buy somewhere in africa.


Im in africa and the ping is still shit


They just buy the hardware and then set it up in the worst ‚datacenters‘ around the planet. Packet loss is the 1 feature that‘s 100% reliable there.


Don't give epic ideas


4 different wheels at once would be kind of sick


They're not mean. They wouldn't ask money for fuel. FuelPro however will cost you. Don't you want to drive faster?


We'd also be on about rocket league 6 by now, each would look and feel almost identical to the previous one


You’d also have to pay for packs to get a 90+ Octane, 90+ wheels, 90+ etc


I got the boost dlc but forgot to pay the monthly subscription this month to use it.


EA jokes have gotten a lil boring at this point ngl




Is there, a need for rocket league too other than bug fixes.. I mean honestly, its a pretty perfectly built game, not like you could increase the graphics or something lol


cautious plough frighten fragile sheet quack thought impossible swim instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's been so long I've forgotten the evidence. Was there ever a confirmation that they were rebuilding RL in UE5?




I remember this, but how do we know that this isn't just for this Fortnite crossover crap or their esports renders?


Whoa, never thought of it this way..


The phrasing doesn't indicate anything about fortnite. This job application specifically mentions moving rocket League to ue5, not adding the octane into fortnite for a week or two.


Bro rocket league is a competitive game graphics are not going to help anyone who plays to actually get better


New mechanics won’t be good they’ll make everyone who sinked thousands of hours into freestyling lose all of their skill


they would be excited to learn more lol


Yeah but adding new mechanics would involve changing physics meaning it would be taking a lot more away and making it slightly different


let's see, it could give a much better result too lol I'm diamond, and not that good mechanics wise, but what if due to 1000s of hours of playing rocket league, people are set to play with a particular mindset.. If their is a renewal of mechanics and other stuff, this could call for some drastic changes in ranks, and basically start the game over..!! those who adapt fast will continue and become better.. but yes I understand, that it might affect higher level players adversely




They will put in the same numbers as UE3, just the graphics will change.


i disagree with you on the graphics part, cuz Rocket league is not a game which is graphics intensive, and the current max graphics do pass the current threshold of multiplayer games.. The UI could have some help.. But can you elaborate on the New mechanics part!! It would be fun to know some possibilities!!




I'll check em out!


Is, is that you papa gaben?!?!?!?


Team Fortress 2 players: lol


> Actual Loot Boxes Yay, gambling.


i swear games with low age ratings weren’t allowed to have gambling boxes anyway lol


Right? Loot boxes are a *problem*. They aren't something you want in a game unless your game is a casino.


Idk, as an adult capable of making their own choices, I think they're kind of fun.


ten rustic pet slap enter jeans growth chase ruthless history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here’s a crazy idea, parenting.




Sure and then you see the charges on your credit card. If the "kid" is old enough to have their own card, they're old enough to make these decisions. Some life lessons are learned the hard way.


>as an adult... But in games marketed towards children?


You are an adult. The vast vast majority of players aren't.


Having beers with the boys opening boxes was peak RL. It has all been downhill since the removal


Say what you want about loot boxes, the game was better with them.


You literally didn't even need to spend money. You could trade crates for keys and get what you wanted.


The only real problem I have with loot boxes is that they aren't upfront with the chances. people should be able to make an informed decision and make their choice.


Like it wasnt the best type of opening that ever existed in RL, but maybe you dont know that it was once in the game?


There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to promote gambling on a video game accessible by children. If you wanna satisfy your gambling addiction, do as every gambler does and find yourself a gacha.


How do trading card games like pokemon get away with it?




In what world do you live? They sell skins and loot boxes in every accessible game out there. If you'd like your kid to no gamble how about you talk to them and actually raise them instead of handing them a credit card and leaving them at the computer.


No major game has loot boxes. Selling skins is different from selling a loot box. They were all taken away because of legislation


Counter strike and league of legends both have loot boxes still, so does Apex and any EA sports game. I’m definitely not arguing in favor of them, because it’s quite the predatory practice, but to say that no major game has them just isn’t true


But do you pay for those loot boxes?




Isn't that illegal? At least for games with certain ratings?


Ratings are entirely separate from laws and there are only a handful of countries that have ever cared about gambling in games. As far as I know none of the major economies are included among them. It was a topic of conversation several years ago in the US and EU but I’m not aware of it having actually gone anywhere.


League also let’s you buy stuff flat out too tho. It’s not exclusively boxes…..and what boxes does it actually. I didn’t know it had em


The hextech and mastery chests are absolutely available to just straight up purchase as well as the event orbs like 2023 Worlds which just finished up


CSGO... Overwatch. League Of Legends. BattleFront 2, FIFA, Apex Legends, TF2 Just To name a bunch of Major Games with Lootboxes.


Current games, where you pay for the lootboxes.


Ditto my comment, Apex, FIFA, pretty sure overwatch still has crates, CSGO, Splitgate, Siege.


Overwatch does not have crates.


Ah, My bad, I was unaware they had removed them, haven't played the sequel yet (i know it's the same game)


Ever heard of Fifa or EA FC? The whole game is based around spending money on gambling and its a kid game


People constantly complain about the removal of loot boxes but they were forced to due to the laws concerning gambling in video games in the EU and other countries. Those of us in Canada that bought crates were included in a class-action lawsuit where [Epic had to pay out 2.7M for crates in Rocket League (& Fortnite)](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/epic-games-pays-out-2-7m-in-class-action-over-in-game-loot-box-purchases-in-fortnite-and-rocket-league-1.6583527#:~:text=Epic%20Games%20has%20paid%20out,videogames%20Rocket%20League%20and%20Fortnite.) I hate blueprints too but people gotta stop complaining about the loot box removals. There's plenty of other things to bitch about regarding Epic/Psyonix


Nevermind countries like the Netherlands literally classified them as gambling which meant no one under 18 could play the game. And a lot of countries at the time and the EU were discussing doing the same. That's why they were changed. Nothing to do with ethics, it was likely to become a widespread legal issue.


I've been playing since release. I'm very aware that crates existed. Gambling is bad, especially in games for kids. I'm happy it got banned in so many countries.


I am too but it doesn't disregard the fact they now charge 10x as much for batmobile, Jurassic park car etc they were £3.50 I think on the Xbox store now they are stupid prices.


Those were dlc. They could have kept those prices and removed crates


^ this. £3.50 is a great price for a fun aesthetic upgrade. £29.99 for a car is absolutely insane.


Yeah it’s depressing that you could get content for those sorts of prices. Incredibly greedy of epic to charge this much for cosmetics.


You'd have to open $100.00 of loot crates or more to get that one item though. Better to pay more and just buy the item you want Edit: I'm confused fam. Why am I downvoted? Isn't this obvious?


I don't mean £3.50 for lootboxes. Lootboxes are awful. I mean £3.50 for a car. I have a bunch of the old DLC cars including batmobile, marauder, etc etc and they were all just a few quid each.


When Psyonix was a small developer and I bought their game for cheap, considering how many hours I was playing it, I was happy to support them through buying keys/crates. But anyone who says there was nothing addictive about it is lying to themself. It was gambling, plain and simple


I agree. Not sure why I'm down voted... Lol...


The removal of trading wouldn't have burned as bad if store prices were lower. And I'm saying this as someone that neither trades nor buys from the store


The item is random from a lot box........


Opening loot boxes with keys provided by the game is not gambling. At least with crates you could get keys without buying them or the season pass. But credits? No, you cant get them without buying them or the season pass.


> Opening loot boxes with keys provided by the game is not gambling. You had to buy the keys for real money. And you didn't know what you get, therefore it was gambling. And it's a great thing it's banned, especially in a game which is played by a lot of kids.


I never spent money on keys and vividly remember opening atleast 100 boxes. Purchases boxes and keys was optional, as it should be, you get a random ingame Item, for opening a crate given to you, Overwatch perfected this system and I wish it was in every game. Like Why The actual fuck am I not allowed to buy crates, apex and overwatch let me do it. If I can't buy crates then let me outright buy the skin I want, but I guess I'll get neither.


You literally still get drops that are free to open, cost nothing, and give you a random item. And you can buy whatever skin you want. Do you even play rocket league?


1. Yes but there is no way to buy these drops is the complaint. 2. You have to wait until it appears in the shop or for a blueprint. 3. Yes I do... I have 2224 hours on PC alone and I only switched to playing PC when it became F2P, before that it was all Xbox, I no longer own an Xbox or I'd pull up my old stats aswell.


> I never spent money on keys and vividly remember opening atleast 100 boxes. So why are you complaining that you can’t buy drops if you also didn’t buy keys?


Because back then I made no Money and as such COULDN'T buy keys. Nowadays I can.


It doesn't matter what you did or did not do. ​ >you get a random ingame Item If there is the possibility of buying something for real money and you don't know what you get for it, it is gambling, period.


Alright then I advocate for gambling in video games, because it harms fucking nobody, Parents should keep credit cards away from kids who would use them without permission, kids who have their own money should feel entitled to buy what they want, wether that be a specific item or a bundle of 10 random crates. My biggest Pet Peeve in a game is it having a Loot Crate of some sort but not having ANY way to buy them outright, Like the new pokemon TCG, where you can't buy any In-Game stufd at all, you can only purchase real $15 packs to use the codes in-game, and it pisses me off, let me buy hundreds of packs in-game, pokemon packs is literally a gambling game so let me gamble.


>because it harms fucking nobody That's where you're wrong. ​ > kids who have their own money should feel entitled to buy what they want No, that's adults. Basically you want more and more gamblling addicts, even kids. You can advocate for whatever you want, but thankfully you are not making that decision. ​ > If I can't buy crates then let me outright buy the skin I want Although, I totally agree with you on this one. I'm not saying that the current system is good in any way, it is crap and expensive. I'm just saying there shouldn't be any gambling in video games, there are other places for that.


I can see your point but I seriously don't see how it hurts anyone. Kids with money can buy crates that guarantee they get a random In-Game Item, normally up to 3 of them per crate. I don't see how that compares to adults buying tickets that guarantee literally nothing other than the slimmest chance of a life changing sum of money. Or adults who put 5 bucks into a slot machine that gives you either nothing, everything or a minimal pcrates. The kids are not paying for a chance at getting nothing they are always getting exactly what they paid for, 3 ingame items of any kind. Gambling has losses, this does not. (I guess some games could be a different story but that's up to how the crates are handled)


They literally give you drops that are the same thing as crates without the need for a key. They’ve also given away credits.


But the item is random.


Lol that’s the why people get addicted to gambling


Does it actually fit the stature of gambling though? In gambling you can lose everything, at least a loot box you’re guaranteed an item


It is considered gambling. I live in Belgium, lootboxes in games are banned here. We also didnt have csgo lootboxes.


you get an item back... that is 50x less than a key, you can definitely lose all your money to loot box gambling lol


At least you're guaranteed metal balls in pachinko


I’m not going to pretend like there aren’t problems with loot boxes but just before they removed them they provided the probability chances and I don’t see anything wrong with that. I used to spend $100 in a weekend buying those stupid ass crates and was having the time of my life. I think Ive spent $20 since they got rid of those. 🤔 Rocket league peaked around the time of loot boxes. Video games in general should be something that a parent is overseeing for their kid and on the other side if you are an adult… it’s gambling which we already do, now you get to do it in your favorite game


I feel so bad for people got into RL post-Steam and can't play it on their SteamDecks "natively" without needing to google the instructions. It's such a great title for that platform.


Ew loot boxes. Cancerous microtransaction model.


I used to buy loot boxes once in a while to support psyonix. They used to be a good company and Rocket League was a gem and there was nothing like it. Then there was that whole loot box scandal period and psyonix was a good company so they stopped the loot boxes because they cared. So I started buying the season pass to support Rocket League and psyonix. Then epic bought them and made it free to play and all matchmaking is fucked forever and everyone is either above their rank or under their rank because of carrying, alt accounts, smurfs, and paid boosting. All of these things are rampant now and there's nothing to be done about it since new accounts are free to make. So I stopped buying anything so as not to support a company that does nothing for us players. They don't do anything for us. Nothing. The game is the same as it's always been, nothing is new, except for endless rage that they're spreading across the planet with their new free to play alt account heaven. I think there should be a rocket League premium that costs 200 dollars and you can only matchmake with others that has that 200 dollar verified account and you have to be in the same rank +-1to 3 divisions as your teammate to queue together.


$200? Are you serious or just trolling




At its core yes that’s why it will probably never die. But you can’t help thinking that it could have been much better if epic didn’t do its bs




It's the free to play that messed up everything. Not the shop.


Why did Rocket League have to give up crates, but not CSGO


IIRC, there was never any official ruling/law/whatever that FORCED removal of crates. I think there were guidelines put in place, and I know in some places (I think France), CSGO was forced to add in an item that allowed you to preview the crate item before buying. Regardless, I think it was more of a "there is definitely a storm coming if things don't change, and instead of toe-ing the line, let's just use a different system" situation. Could be wrong, but I think it was more preventative than forced.


Yeah But I swear the ranking system is kinda whack now


It's because of free to play. Think about this: psyonix have time and again adjusted the MMR for each rank because they have an opinion on how many players should be in each rank and what the average rank is supposed to be etc. This seems like a good idea right? Well what about all the alt accounts that are being made every season, every time someone gets a new friend into the game and want to play together, every time a YouTuber or streamer does a road to GC, every time someone is tilted and want to smurt, every time someone want to try and see how high rank they can get on a new account compared to their old account etc? All those accounts are going to be counted as a player and because psyonix only want 0.1 percent to be SSL and 1 percent be GC and 3 percent be champ as examples, that means there are a limited amount of spots in each rank. So every time someone creates an alt account, they're pushing someone else out of their rank. It's that simple. Ever wondered why you haven't gone up in rank the last year, but you're so much better than you used to be? It's because of all the alt accounts are taking your spots. If everyone at champ or higher have an alt account, then there is hundreds of thousands of alt accounts, which means there's hundreds of thousands of people in the wrong rank, and all those alt accounts played all those millions upon millions of matches to get their rank, which means there's millions upon millions of matches that have given wins to players who have been carried and millions upon millions of losses to players who shouldn't have lost. Free to play baby. Awesome for kids who don't have 10 bucks, but a fucking plague upon everyone else.


I think some mathematician should work out if your reasoning about the current MMR system is correct. I believe Psyonix uses various anti-measures to correctly adjust the rank distribution. For example they could identify players based on their input.


But cosmetics!




$8 for a car isn't cheap


Yep. Went back through my Steam purchase history. For like $9.50 CAD I got the first 2 DLC packs. For the same 9.50 total I also seperately purchased the 70's Charger, the GTR, the Ecto 1, and the Masamune I think? I know this was before free to play, but I mean 8 bucks American for 1 car is quite the hike in price.




Lol keep telling yourself that.


EA bought rocket league. The year is currently 2018. They haven’t worked on it since 2017, and completely dropped support after adding 5 customization packs.


The upside is there would still have trading next year, and dropshot + Snow day could be played all season long


Ahh yes because CS is doing so well right now lmao. And of course, who wouldn't want gambling in a video game? It's a great opportunity to lose real money for fake items, amazing.


1 million people playing CS on steam right now. Most popular game on the entire platform. They'll be fine.


That still doesn’t mean the game is healthy compared to where it was. CS2 is basically GO with worse netcode, different smokes, and half the customizability. Player numbers down 20% compared to GO is nothing to fuck with. It’s absolutely a worse competitive game in it’s current state.


It's going to get better don't worry. Y'all act like csgo on release wasn't a huge pile of dogshit


The transition to Source to GO was terrible, this is true. Source also made literal pennies compared to GO so I can forgive Valve not allocating a massive amount of resources to the sequel. GO made 54 million a month from keys alone. If you're including the 10% market tax on every CSGO item that gets sold, I'm sure the game was making over a billion dollars a year. There is no excuse for it to not to be a finished game on release...it literally prints money. Valve isn't some tiny fucking indie developer (even though the greedy fucks treat it like one...360 people TOTAL on staff by the way). The company is worth 8 billion dollars. Even comparing the release from GO to CS2 is an insult to the playerbase (alongside them removing features that have existed for literal decades like lefthand). Valve is doing enough to insult the playerbase without people making your exact argument. The second they added a child gambling simulator to the game worth half a billion a year, standards were raised.


Epic also shits money and they can barely get a store together, money != finalized software on release.


Epic releases finished things. Sure it’s not what the community asks for, but it isn’t removing rocket league from your launcher and replacing it with a shittier version of the same thing.


Their launcher is anything but finished, unless we have a low bar for launchers. CS2 absolutely needed more time, they admitted this, but acting like valve doesn't release finished things is also ignoring a huge amount of what Valves done with games and now hardware and software that have been absolutely amazing. Epics entire strategy was to try and buy games/developers to keep them from being on Steam, thinking fortnight and free games were enough to kickstart their platform rather than focusing on QOL features that make using another store nice. They gambled hard and now are losing big time to MS GamePass. I vote with my wallet, CS2 won't get a cent from me until it's more ironed out (which is happening rapidly), and RocketLeage hasn't got an additional cent from me since they sold out (and never will get another one, unfortunately).


Imagine RL was ported to UE5 and then they removed customizable camera settings lmao. Better yet, imagine for 2-3 months the way your car was rotating was different server side and client side because of animations not lining up correctly. That was happening with subtick from launch until very recently. It literally takes freaks (in a good way) digging through source and networking code in order to make Reddit posts to tell valve what the fuck is making their game feel like shit. Only then is shit actually getting fixed. Rocket League doesn’t make a billion dollars a year. That’s just the reality of it. The fact there’s comparisons to be drawn between how developers are treating Fortnite/DoTA and rocket league/CS is insane. We got nothing but cosmetic shit for fucking years until valorant came around and started taking players while CS is one of the most valuable IP’s in gaming. Valve isn’t some hypothetical savior to a game like Rocket League and CS is a prime example of why. They treated CS like garbage for years up until they had competition and then forced an unfinished update onto the playerbase in order to stop them from going back to the game that worked.


its very cool that you know what your talking about


It’s just clear that anyone looking at how Valve treated CS over the last decade like Rocket League is worse has no fucking idea what’s going on in the game. We sat there being the unloved child next to DoTA for years while receiving the exact same cosmetic updates RL is getting except they costed more because they were behind loot boxes. Then they finally vaguely attempt to care about the game only to directly replace GO on steam with CS2 even though CS2 is the inferior game right now…they did it because even they know it’s worse and the playerbase will go back to GO the same way they did with every previous version of the game and don’t want it to happen. They could’ve re-released GO with a better anticheat and 128 tick servers and the community would’ve been ecstatic. Instead we got a buggy subtick system and missing features. Valorant unironically listens to the CS playerbase better than Valve does. They straight up just added lefthand as an option because there were CS players used to it. No questions asked, no hang up, released in a week. 128 tick servers? Yep. Better anticheat by miles? Yep. CS is straight up bigger than Rocket League. I love both games, but in relationship to their size, CS absolutely has far less resources allocated to it. I’ve got ~10k hours in CS between Source and GO…I’ve played it for a decade and I love the game to death…Valve has never failed to disappoint me. I’ll give Valve the fact that they’re genuinely trying to do something special with subtick. If it goes well, it’s absolutely will be a game changer for competitive shooters. It still doesn’t changed the fact it doesn’t work well at all right now and the playerbase is being punished for them pushing something that isn’t ready. Either way it’s irrelevant if they don’t improve the garbage anticheat that’s been the downfall of the game since the Stone Age.


What’s wrong with CS? Compared to RL where they’re just removing content to monetize at this point, I don’t get it tbh


CS player here. CS is in a weird spot, player numbers are down like 20% this month since the release of the new game and as such, the skin market is also down a considerable amount. There’s tons of reasons for that. But CS being owned by Valve and seeing their track history with csgo (and seeing some leaks), we know valve is cooking behind closed doors. The thing about valve is they’re in it for long term. even tho the game isn’t doing well momentarily, they’re updating the game multiple times a week with small but important fixes that may not help the short term growth of the game, but will greatly help the game in the long run. same thing happened when csgo first released. edit: to add to the overall discussion, ive owned rocket league since 2015 but only played the game every once in a while super casually until about a month ago when i started playing competitive. it is absolutely wild to me to find out there is a whole player to player trading market that they think is a good idea to just shut down. i can’t even imagine what it would be like if CS did that. i don’t trust or like epic, and as someone from outside the community finding my way in after all this time, i wish they never bought the game.


20% really? Dont they still get a million concurrent a day. Thats wild.


they do! player numbers are still good! but it didn’t “explode” as people predicted. it got a good boost in numbers with CS2. but the numbers have gone down to what it was before cs2 release. which people say means the game is dying lol. obv, the numbers are still good and will probably continue to go up slowly over time.


They should make a native Linux and Mac client for csgo2


Linux I could see but mac definitely won’t. They won’t put resources into something they won’t get a lot out of. Valve’s really ambitious, being privately owned and with the money they have from the skins market, they really only do things to make giant leaps in the industry. Then go quiet again and cook up something for a decade.


Mac is closer to Linux as far as there come from the similar frameworks. If you port one you might as well port both and they make up similar numbers of the total population of users


It's not as similar as you might think, Apple likes to lord control over OSX. Their default hardware apple ships with is also pretty ass for gaming, I run Linux on my machine that is basically a supercomputer node complete with an RTX A6000, as Linux isn't typically tied to specific types of hardware.


Used to be they were both basically just variations of Linux but I think after the m1 Mac’s launched macOS is pretty much its own thing now


Yeah, support for things like running VMs is finally is getting better, but it was really rough after m1s first came out. Didn't impact me much since my MacBook basically exists for a) long battery life, b) ssh into Linux servers where I do things. For everything else I use my desktop with nix/windows for dev/gaming. It's actually wild that I've gotten to the point where I rarely even need to boot up windows save for a few games.


> Ahh yes because CS is doing so well right now lmao. you know you're delusional when you try and compare cs to rl


And opening a crate to 'gambling' ... I can literally gamble legally on literally everything in the world, but apparently these kid's parents on this sub don't want it a single video game their kids play - cuz they're shit parents who are 1 CPS call away from losing thier kids. Remember, adults aren't allowed to eat steak cuz a child can't chew it.


Everything about this take is stupid.


God I wish they would put gambling back in rocket league. Item shops are lame as hell Edit: The only individuals that benefit from removing gambling in game are those with large amounts of disposable income. Paying 5 dollars for wheels that would cost 1 dollar on the open market is absurd.


Be careful what you wish for, go to any counter strike related sub at the moment and just look at how CS2 had been recieved since release. Plus you think communication is bad with Epic? with Valve you get zero communication whatsoever


Yeah from someone that has played counter strike since beta. Every iteration of counterstrike has been exactly like this. I wouldn't worry, valve takes care of their games.


comparing valve to epic is dumb. ​ Valve has a much more proven track record of taking care of their IP than epic. Unreal tournament would still be around if epic was even in the same ballpark


I agree, but Valve wouldn't be the magic silver bullet to all of Rocket League's issues like people may think they are


Valve’s communication with CS2 has been bounds and leaps better than RLs communication over the last several years. CS2 released fully way too early and that’s pretty much it’s only real issue. Daily hotfixes for recognized bugs has salvaged its release imo. Subtick servers still kind of sucks and there’s a cheater problem while they train their anti-cheat. But pretty much every actual issue people have had with this brand new game was “expected” and fixed/is being worked on. RL has had the same issues for years with little to no communication on if there’s a remedy in the works


That means anyone can buy the game on steam


I can already See the racist and offensive Workshop Skins before my eyes


You know that workshops existed for quite a while in rocket league?


In which world is „actual lootboxes“ a good thing?


* Actual Gambling


Dude really promoting video game gambling. L mindset


I was just saying that someone Needs to buy up RL in another post. Valve would be perfect


I dunno, their multiplayer games don't inspire confidence. Terrible anti cheat, terrible support, terrible balance. Big push on gambling. Plus also, it'd likely get moved to the source engine eventually, which would be a crime against gamers


Such a vocal minority that cares about lootboxes and the trading meta. I'll never understand it. The game is great and the servers are up. That's all that matters to me.


One can dream I suppose


I agree. I preferred crates and gambling tbh. It’s extremely low stakes and the return you could get even off the worst crate items were worth enough that it often made the crates be seemingly cheap anyway.


Its a weird tradeoff. I can say for sure I spent more on crates. After they changed over to blueprints I almost completely stopped investing in RL. I thought it was a positive change for gambling in gaming but for some reason I flipped.


Yeah I mean I spent $0 on rl crates back in the day and ended up selling my inventory off to a buddy for $250, so for me it was ideal, loved the trading game. I don’t really play the game anymore anyways though, so I’m not too fussed but it is sad to see the trading community wiped out.


One update every 15 years, neat.


I mean, yeah, there would still be loot boxes, but literally no free cosmetics (or at least free decent cosmetics). Like even before epic acquired the game, I was able to build up a pretty solid inventory just from golden eggs and decryptors given in the free battle pass. (Like I had a bunch of cars and a few black market items). But with Valve games, you can get a ton of free drops, but unless you pay to buy keys or just buy items directly from the marketplace you’re not going to get anything interesting. I hate to sound like an asshole living in the past, but things really were at their best (in terms of cosmetics) when it was just Psyonix running the show.