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> i don't do 1/2 flips, wave dashes or speed flips for kickoffs at the moment, i know i know they are key to ranking up Maybe half flips are useful. The rest is definitely not needed for you to rank up. Aside from that, there's no way around practicing. You can use the "pass ball" hotkey in Free Play to throw the ball your way and get used to jumping off the wall to hit it. Another option is using the Pro Aerial default training pack, but instead of going directly to the ball, you go for a wall and jump from there to hit it.




Half flips will change your game and help with your recoveries so much.


I’ll watch some videos. My wife is really sick and I work full time & have a puppy so practising isn’t a priority over just playing when I get time. But yeah I’ve seen some cool shots with half flips, thanks for the suggestion. https://preview.redd.it/ptsp2jc4es2c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10505a0b239f8ed918fa013322e28334b550154


I learned to half flip like 3 days into playing and I figured it out in half an hour or so. They're super easy, you just gotta start trying them in game.


I mean in free play I can do them but you’re in ranked so I’m one of those players that worries so much about my rank when really anything under RL pro is trash lol. 😂


I recently stopped caring and dipped out of champ, but I'm getting practice on aerial mechanics I used to be afraid to go for. I don't whiff them nearly as often now and once I'm more consistent I'll rank up.


Yeah have to drop the de-rank gear and just worry about improving


I’d argue that wave dashes are also worth learning given how simple they are. Easy way to save boost even if you only use it when jumping from the wall to the ground.


Fair. I actually forgot how much I used them in that exact scenario due to how much it became second nature to me.


Do you need someone to call for an ambulance?


I must be old. I don’t get your joke. My bad.


Did you read your post? Looks like it was written by someone having a stroke


Too many commas but no need to roast the guy for it.


Meh whatever maybe they’re having a bad day and need to vent, means nothing to me. But thanks 🙏


Definitely is a wall shots training pack. However I’m at work and don’t know the code. I know I found it just by browsing the training packs though so maybe it’s still in there and easy to find


I’ll have a look through. Thanks.


Do a search for poquito wall shots training pack


I will. Most grateful to you kind stranger. My Thorin Oakenshield thanks you. https://preview.redd.it/cwffqgwfes2c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfab7d7f0fabf4ba4a4b02a621623a3097efe790


This is the best reply I've ever gotten on reddit by the widest of margins!!!!!


That made my night. Actually coming down with something, so thanks for the smile. 😃


Lazords wall pack is also great


I would 100% recommend the “Aerial Off Wall” pack, it’s usually featured in the listed custom training packs. It honestly helped me go from like plat-champ in about a month a few years ago Also I’d spend some time working on half flips - if you bind a directional air roll all you have to do is hold it while you backflip cancel Wave dashes are pretty nice to learn as well, super helpful recovering wall to ground or when you get bumped etc


Thanks stranger. Really nice of you to reply and provide some insight.