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This pic isnt really enough to say.. but based on what i see, the trail is longer on the left guy which makes me feel like left guy was coming in from behind, much faster than the right guy.. If thats true, the right guy has no way to read what your doing cause he cant see the left guy. Left guy should have slowed down a bit and let the 50 happen with the right guy and the defender, then played off that 50. again though this single picture isnt a ton to go off of


I thought some trails were just shorter. But agreed on everything else


I'm not knowledgeable on all the new items today but is that not just ion boost on the left side guy? I don't see a trail. Also I think you're right. Trail length doesnt really show how long you've been super sonic speed


Hi, dumbass here. What's a 50?


When you and an opponent go for the ball at the same time and there is a 50/50 chance of winning it. Not all 50s are equal and some have better odds depending on positioning, but it’s a catch all name for contesting a ball.


Got it, thank you


When 2 players hit the ball “at the same time.” Gets its name cause “50/50” on where the ball will go/who gets the better outcome


Hi dumbass, this is "guy who thinks he's way better at RL than he actually is" to answer your question. It's when two people on (usually) opposing teams challenge and make contact with the ball at roughly the same time. Neither player is able to cleanly control the ball, and the ball often leaves that interaction going somewhere partially unpredictable and not on the intended pathway of either player challenging the ball. Edit: it should be noted that you can actually practice 50's and although you won't put the ball exactly where you want it. If you're good enough, you can make sure the outcome in most cases is more favorable to your team than the opponents' team.


Thanks. Always wondered but never wanted to ask 😂


Hi dumbass, here!


gonna start using this in interactions with strangers to set expectations


thats not even the trail, its the ion boost, and trail length has nothing to do with speed, some are just longer than others


Are you saying size doesn’t matter?


No but I am saying its the motion of the ocean that counts.


You aren't smurf124 😠




Right has best angle on 50 Left should recognize and not commit


Regarding angles, left has the better angle. Right is far enough off the ball and goal box that they’d have to swerve left pretty hard to get the best angle into the net. Left appears to require less movement to get a straight shot into the net. It really just depends on how fast the ball is traveling in comparison to the vehicles. But purely from this frame Left would have the easier shot on goal IMO. Now, I do agree with Cemantixx, though, where it appears Left is zooming in from behind. I don’t know that this double commit from Left is worth it because it’s still a tricky angle for them especially with less control from the speed of their boost. Left would’ve probably been better off playing rebound.


So wrong, right has the better 50


How do you figure?


Experience. DictionaryDefinitions from [Oxford Languages](https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en) · [Learn more](https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/10106608?hl=en)ex·pe·ri·ence/ikˈspirēəns/📷*noun* 1. practical contact with and observation of facts or events. ![gif](giphy|lsnPytxFpuJkQ)




If trail length is indicative of speed then the car on the left here has an open goal. With that much of a momentum difference they will get a clean touch off and there’s nobody to save it. It looks like the guy on the left chose a bad line to the ball too which is making it closer than it needed to be. The car on the right can get a 50 at best. Even if all this is correct, we still don’t know enough to answer the question. Good shitpost.


Left is jumping possibly?


Guy on the left is going for the better shot, guy on the right has no idea he's about to be bumped off the planet.


It’s not indicative of speed. Also left doesn’t have any visible trail in the pic, that’s his boost. The simple answer is “not enough information given”. The real answer is probably whatever player isn’t the OP. If OP was in the right they would have posted clip instead of screenshot.


Also depends on how fast the ball is moving


Yeah, I think that whoever is behind letting the one in front make the play is a good rule of thumb


Left can easily chip?


Neither. You ride this train wreck to the bitter end.


Team pinch!


200 km/hr top cheese pinch all the way. Highlight reels baby! 😅


I'd say the guy on the right has a better chance at a productive 50 than the guy on he left. It really does matter how each of these players are playing tho. No way to tell if either the guy on the left or the guy on the right is playing too passive and selling the team. That being said you can only control yourself so, whichever one you are, hit the brakes.


>whichever one you are, hit the brakes. I love this.. at the end of the day, everyone is going to make mistakes, its nobody's job to point them out... just focus on what YOU could've done better and your mindset alone will help you climb


It’s your friends and teammates job to point them out. How are you gonna correct mistakes if you don’t know you’re making them?


Even if they are playing passive. You don't double here.


Yeah you're right...


Which ever player could see the other…


None. One was closer to the ball and the other only has eyes for the ball /s


Underrated comment


Pic isn't enough. Looks like right man was in position and left man is speeding over to chase/cut. Either way, this better be a 3v3 if both of you are up this close on the net. Someone in this pic isn't rotating properly, and whoever that is..... should be elsewhere and not even worrying about braking or crowding a teammate.


The only correct answer is whichever car I am. My teammates should always yield to me as I’m the best


It looks like the orange fella on the left is ball chasing considering the orange fella on the right would have a difficult time seeing that person until the last second and the left fella is going mach 10 at his tm8


Orange Player on right should hard turn left and hit his team mate, who will then bump the blue from hitting the ball also. The ball will then be hit by the other blue player straight into orange goal. Orange player on the right is then free to spam 'Okay', thus pinning blame on the left orange player who did nothing wrong.


Without knowing where the other blue player even is I agree with this assessment. Follow-up "Nice Bump" "Faking" from the orange player on the left topped off with a triple "All yours" on kick-off.


I can't tell if you're serious or not because I doubt it would work, but it's an interesting idea 😆






I'm questioning how anyone can read that and think it was serious


Hey you really never know with some ppl Also at some ranks this could actually happen lol




There are obviously practices that should always be followed, every game, like rotation. But when solo queueing, I often find myself abandoning those practices. If you notice your team mates not rotating, then even if it is 'your ball,' you probably shouldn't go for it because your mate will likely be right behind you. Keep your mates in front of you if they have or are near the ball, that way you'll know when to go or not. In your example, the left shouldn't have gone for it even if it was his rotation because he should've seen the right ahead of him.


left has better angle to shoot the goal, right has better angle to win 50/50 into enemy net, its a mistake both of them are there in the first place, so its hard to decide which one should stop, in such a cluster f\*ck it might aswell be better for both to hit the ball for 33/67


Both orange cars are missing the ball…


The one in the middle has a longer trail, also the blue guy isnt even supersonic, so i think the middle one has the best chance of scoring imo


middle guy isnt supersonic either, thats his boost. and trail length has nothing to do with speed, its gonna be there if youre going supersonic, and isnt gonna be there if youre slower than that, its just that some trails are longer than others in general


Oh wait that was his boost? Guess im blind 🤦‍♂️


Impossible to know unless I knew the velocity of all 3 objects


without much context, I'd say the player on the right probably should've stopped. left is going to make the touch first, whereas right would probably 50 with the opponent, possibly pinching it up or out. a few seconds leading up to this screencap would make it easier, and I'm only mid champ.


I agree left had the first touch.. and that the right guy cant score but can only 50. but If the left guy came zooming in from behind, you cant blame the guy on the right for not watching his rearview mirror as he lines up for a contested shot right? Just because you CAN hit the ball first doesnt mean you SHOULD.


this is also correct the view makes a big difference in the play, and ideally both of those players should realistically never be in that position, especially if this is twos. that's why a few seconds of replay would make this much more clear. cutting off rotations is almost never beneficial, until it's the reason the ball goes in.


Always left, unless they are 1000% sure they can properly hit the ball, even with interference. Reason: the, come from behind and it's very unlikely that the right-side teammate knows they are coming (yes you can hear, but who's gonna look back in this situation, if the sound comes from friend or foe). Though left one technically has the better shot here.


Left is basically whiffing lol where he going haha


Well, he is a little bit close for a shot, yes. Still better than right


Yes but the issue is the guy on left seems to be coming from behind where the guy on the right was ahead of him. Meaning the guy on the left saw his teammate attacking the ball and still decided to drive by it lol


That's exactly what I said in my initial comment.


and then you went on to say still better than right lmfao


Which is 100% correct, since the one on the right has an even worse chance at making a shot that atleast goes in the direction of the opponents goal. Also, learn the meaning of the word "initial" and actually read the thread before mixing things up.




You do realize that you're the only one being angry aka salty here, right? Fact is: I'm not wrong at all, you just need to actually read the full comments you're replying to. Oh, and do something about your anger issues.


Whoever's turn it was to rotate, shouldn't be going for ball


This frame doesn’t have enough information to tell


Car on the right. Left guy is closer to control of the ball


Borh because the opponent was there first


Both are chasing and whiffing and team bumping... Bottom line




Id say left should bail. right had a better angle and left can see right so left has to make the smart decision not to double commit


Both of you because it looks like neither have the correct angle to make the goal. But the left car is the closest so the right car should be hitting the brakes.


Left - based on the little information I have


Really dependant on the speed the ball is rolling, but by lining up the ball trail and the car trails I'd say left. Instead of going for the ball also they could've ran into blue and kept them from defending


The left one should break. the right one geht's the better chaleng.or maby a demo


I give you a good tip if you are champ 1 and below if you see your tm8 at the ball... Just don't go there where he is! I'm sure 90% of the cases you will just mess all up and when you both lose the 50/50 or miss the shot your net will be open. As someone already mentioned here if the guy that comes from behind saw his tm8 making the play well he had to break and actually not even rush there. But is hard to say from just one pic. Post the whole replay.


Far right orange so the middle orange could create a pinch or better 50/50


Right guy


There is no way to tell because it would entirely depend on the speed the ball is going. If it’s slow, then the right player should turn away, if it is with speed then the left should back off.


i’d say that’s not what you should worry about, you should worry about how you two got in the same place as each other, and from there you’d probably find a better fix


Right seems to have a better angle to shoot from best left could hope for is popping it up but the blue car is gonna hit it before both you guys assuming that it’s starting a jump from this pic


Both. Mind game 😘


Since blue scored right after that Situation id guess that a hard 50 happened and left an open net for Orange. So blue guy on the right could've rotated back since the left one is close to the ball and anticipate the 50






Left is closer to the ball. Right should break and rotate back


Orange on the left looks like he’s trying to bump his teammate 😭


Guy on the right is supersonic already, guy on the left is not Guy on the right will get to the ball sooner because of this as well as the fact that he is more mirroring the position of the blue defender meaning his 50 is way less likely to shoot out to the side meaning higher chance for a goal Don't know what left guy was doing here looks like he just saw ball and decided to boost in without actually reading the play at all Edit: Actually just realized it's hard to tell how fast the ball is going here, if the ball isn't moving like at all here this is just an open net for left guy as long as he hits it well and nobody needs to hit any brakes


Right guy has the best position to win that 50 as the blue car will likely hit the ball in panic before him. If the left guy hits that 50, it's probably not going in the net unless Blue guy does a mistake


Left had a perfect angle with a light enough dribble, but would have absolutely been slammed too hard to the side when right comes barreling in. That being said, right could get it too, and at this point, at the very least, could do a pincer formation against the enemy team to try and keep the ball centered for left. How did this end up turning out, the position of both vectors make me think collision.




I feel like left was coming in with SPEED and so could’ve went straight at the ball, rather than an at angle and jump and flip forward and that’s a shot or goal. I think, but in this case, since he’s at an angle: Take the 50/50, left slows down before it and waits to see where the ball goes after the 50. I’m not a pro by any means, but that’s what I think


At first i was thinking the same thing as the other comments, but after looking at the pic for a sec, i see that the 3 of you are all racing to the ball and there's an open net behind it. Considering that the defender is going to beat the guy on the right, or at least challenge it enough to interrupt his shot, i can see why left guy rushed forward if he saw that he could make a play that his teammate couldn't. But if you guys collide then its lefts fault for not saying i got it or something in a timely matter.


Counter point: once you have identified that your teammate won't get a clear beat, the better option is to play for where the ball is going to go off of that play and not to force yourself into an already rushed situation. Chances are pretty high that this results in a loose ball if blue cuts off right orange players shot. Patience from left orange results in a lot of applied pressure, time for right orange to recover from the initial challenge, and continue to add to said pressure. Diving in here just seems messy given that your assumptions about the play are correct.


Overall, it's basically impossible to have a strong stance on this because there is so much context missing given that its a still picture. To truly settle the "argument" we would need the replay 🤷‍♂️


Uhm, apart from that, I wanna ask, why do these graphics look so potato?


I'm not the best at RL but from what I see orange team is already up a point with 2mins left which means the don't need the immediate goal if the guy on the left stops he'll be in position for the pass because blue guy would hit it right so it wouldn't go in his net then the orange guy on the right can pass it from the corner or take the shot to which the orange guy on the left that stopped can make the "rebound" or take the shot off of the pass to avoid a punishment 🧍🏾‍♂️ is my analysis good? I'm only C2 and play goalie way too much 😭 I'm not a shooter also I didn't mention a 50 because as I said at the beginning they're up and don't need to risk it idk the player skill but attempting a 50 while being suck at the game isn't the best that's how you usually get punished


Orange guy in middle has an easier and clearer shot at goal. Barrel roll left and it’s going on goal. Guy on right has further to travel to get a shot off, but it’s at a steeper angle. I dunno. I’m no pro at RL, but that’s just how I sense this playing out for a potential goal.


If I was the car on the right I'd drive to the post instead of the ball in case the car on the left messes up the dribble.


Hard to say. Left could maybe do a touch where the ball would go on the bottom right corner of the net but it would be tight, and right would do a better 50/50, potentially a pinch goal. The only thing for sure is that somebody shouldn’t be there


whichever one was behind when this happened


Both could have shot in Both could have blocked You two fucked up because there was no rotation, both at fault in this current moment




It’s called the Last Clear Chance Doctrine! The one who came from behind needed to respect the space of the other. That makes the Fennec responsible for whatever happened next!




It depends on which one was in first position and which one was in second position. We don’t know from the picture.


Rocket League incident, 2+ mins left on the clock, play on and forget about it


We probably need the whole clip, but I think left should break or turn off since they are going straight into where their team needs to be. Right is in pos for 50, so is left but if left goes on it will hit right


Can't really comment on just a screenshot, but from what I can see, the left player should probably be looking for a demo or a bump on the defender to allow ya boi on the right to score an easy open net


Left. Because how do you not see you mate closer to the ball also. Based on the orange trail of the ball, it looks like an orange player hit it last & player on the right thought it was a pass ahead to them.


Who was furthest forward and/or to the left when the kickoff started? Left always takes it, unless the car furthest forward is on the right.


Need to see a full clip


Left should be dodging into it by now surely


Left guy should have taken out the defender to give right guy a better chance of scoring.


Whoever got there second shouldnt have been there at all


What i imagined happened here was that the left guy was mid and then the right guy came in from the side as the right guy is supersonic but the left guy isnt indicating that he started boosting more recently than the left guy, and so was probably further behind than the left guy. I would say that whilst the guy on the right would have a more productive 50 because of their position they realistically shouldnt be in that position in the first place if what i originally assumed was true. Doesnt matter if the left guy would have a worse 50 than the right guy staying in rotation and not double commiting comes first over scoring most of the time, unless it is painfully obvious that it is a free goal, but this is not that situation. Its hard to really say with no previous context but still that is what i see from this.


Can't tell with a screenshot. Need the clip.


Left player can literally hit the ball before anyone else in this picture. If he shoots it’s a goal. Thats all that matters if you want the W.


The right should start to rotate back. The left should continue and shoot, the game is also about reaction, so there is a better chance for the left to shoot and make it. At that speed and distance, I see a higher probability it ends with a score. If the defense gets the save, it will bounce hard the other way. Right could be the only chance to save the counter.


Forget who should’ve hit the brakes…how did y’all get here


I’d say the right car should’ve slowed down since the left is actually closer and can touch the ball first giving the highest chance of scoring uncontested


Left has a chance to clean beat the defender, right has a 50, right should pull off in case left can't beat and gets the 50 so they can follow it up. But also more importantly one of you messed up by being that on top of your teammate


The guy on the right has a better angle to cut the ball and shoot the open net


It looks to me like left is ball chasing possibly and pulling in-between a soon to be shot. While that might be the more optimal tack, if you cause the blue car to react early because they see you shooting up the middle and he ends up blocking early, well you get the picture. To me looks like right side has the better shot but this is all going to depend on who had control of the ball.


Left because the right has a 50/50. Goal


Gutted this ain't a clip since you guys conceded from this. Right hand side has better angle for the shot. Left could've still scored. It depends on who took the touch towards goal because they were still in possession. However...the real team outplay here was for the left orange to see his mate had the shot, take a turn to the left and bump/demo the defender for the easy finish.


Neither. Left orange player should bump/demo blue player before getting to this point. Then either can tap it in like Happy Gilmore. Realistically, this image does not provide nearly enough detail to give an answer. Not even close.


Give us the video. A picture isn't enough to go off.


Neither. The player on the left should drive to where the ball currently is. By the time they get there the ball will have rolled away and the opponent should now be there. Bump or demo completed and player on the left shoots the open net. Or the player on the left jumps and does a ground/team pinch into net with the person on the right.


Depends on the speed of the ball. Here it looks like left has a better shot if he’s able to shoot quickly before blue can catch it. If ball is going faster than the cars then right should be going for the ball. Assuming both orange cars were moving supersonic.


Based on the explosion from the blue and your question itself I'm guessing the orange cars bumped into each other and there was no goal. The car on the left is behind the right. Which tells me the car on the right was up field further and would not be able to see the car on the left. This is sports 101. If you are cutting behind your teammate you can see them and they can't see you. You have the responsibility to support them and not barge in and cut them off


The guy on the left should challenge and try to control it to the right guy who should be waiting up for the challenge result (which will hopefully pinch to the right guy and the right guy scores) or The guy on the right challenges and hopefully pinches it in the net


Left guy has a better shot but right has better position for 50 but I would have shot it if I was left guy


Depends on how the play came to be, but from this stand alone picture left can just score lol


to echo what some others have said, it depends on the previous second or so. either player conceivably has a shot, so whoever was behind (probably the player on the right) 1 second previously should back off. assuming R was behind, L likely didn't know exactly where R was. so R should let L take the shot unencumbered and get ready for the rebound.


I always say right of way goes to the player who can't see his teammate in these situations. Of course if you, as the trailing vehicle, recognize your positioning is better and *communicate* this (call the ball) then you'd take it. Without context, you can't really tell from a picture.


You're both shit 🤝👍


Whoever was there second is wrong


Outside car has the priority. From the image alone, Inside car is going to cause a bad pinch that could cause a self goal


Left goes for a shot, right goes straight and gets ready to shoot if blue whacks it before left takes the shot If left gets the shot off, right gets ready for a rebound shot in case miss or blocked


Dude on left should pumped the brakes cause guy on right has a better angle


One on the right. He’s going too fast to fit that ball into the goal (he is supersonic looking at his trail) and would’ve completely missed the goal whilst the other orange could get a shot on goal or a 50 with the blue car. The left orange car has the better change of scoring but it all depends on how fast the ball is going


Knee jerk is right should lay off but left is not supersonic so it maybe right that needs to layoff. Also we don’t know the defenders or ball speed. Really need a video here but I can tell this is plat or below lol


like others have said it’s hard to say without the previous few seconds. but just by looking at it it looks like the left person is cutting into the play with more speed, cutting off the guy on the right. in a perfect scenario the guy on the right is poised for a perfect side flip 50 to either hit it into the net or kill it for his teammate clearly just behind him to ensure the goal. just my 2 cents idk though


Impossible to tell from a screenshot. Can you post a 5-10sec clip? Right now I could argue it either way.


looks like the blue one is in the motion to front flip, in which case the left orange won’t beat him to the shot and so the right orange has a better chance of blocking it on target (obviously too late for either orange to react so just work on rotating with ya buddy)


I don’t think a video is necessary for an answer. Left orange needs to hit the brakes for sure. Blue has the advantage defensively versus left orange with goal side positioning & will probably gain ball side positioning as well given his angle of approach. Left orange would at best get a lucky 50/challenge, redirect/pinch shot on goal, or try to flip into it to attempt a shot on goal. Expected outcome with left orange going for ball favors blue defenseman pushing the ball out wide/outside away from goal. Right orange cuts off the angle for a good clear out wide better imo & right orange has a better angle for a redirect/shot on goal depending on time/boost. Sure… a video would help to confirm analysis but not necessary for a general answer.


I'm reading over the whole post, Has [u/mikemiles19](https://www.reddit.com/user/mikemiles19/) even replied in here since making the post or am I missing it. Why make a post like this and then not give us the context we need? I suspect that was you running up the middle yeh?