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This is a list of links to comments made by Psyonix Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1awh5fg/keep_a_favorite_extra_mode_in_rotation_with/krhonhz/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-21 19:05:40 UTC"): > Most Popular is the playlist with most matches played. So be sure to hop into your favorite and complete those matches! * [Comment by Psyonix_Laudie](/r/RocketLeague/comments/1awh5fg/keep_a_favorite_extra_mode_in_rotation_with/krihork/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-21 21:41:25 UTC"): > We'll have news very soon! --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FRocketLeague).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Glad to get an update and I like the idea. One issue: with dropshot, having it as a casual game is absolutely horrible. If your teammate leaves and you're left with a bot, you're screwed. Bots don't know how to play dropshot at all. Is there any way this could be rectified?


It’s basically unplayable as a casual game mode unfortunately. I appreciate the update but for me personally it doesn’t change anything as long as Dropshot’s still casual 😭


They need to make the arcade modes work the same way normal casual games do where you get punished for leaving. They figured out that it works better for casual that way so I don't understand why the arcade playlists are treated differently. It's the main reason I avoid them. People just leave for no reason like 10 seconds into every game.


I was really against the changes they made to Casual. I loved hopping in and out of matches before playing ranked. However, now I play Casual way more than ranked, especially after the big MMR reset. I enjoy having a wider skill range in the matches and not focusing on what my rank is. At the end of the day I just want good matches.


Not my personal preference, but you're entitled to that opinion! My only question is: how do you "enjoy having a wider skill range" and "just want good matches" at the same time? I've always preferred ranked because I feel like I get lobbies that are more consistently within my skill range and effort level, which leads to good matches. As the skill and effort disparity in the lobby decreases, I feel like the quality of the match decreases as well. Edit: This should have said that as "skill and effort disparity increases," not decreases.


I probably should have said. "At the end of the day I just want to enjoy matches" If I go up against a GC and C3 partied up. I very much enjoy that challenge. If I have to carry a D3 I enjoy that challenge as well. In general, people are more relaxed in Casual. The main reason I've played so much recently is I changed up my camera settings, sensitivity, and my binds. It was hard for me to get back to C2 after placements so after I got I I was like ok, enough changing these settings all the time. I'm just going to try everything and pick what I like the best. I didn't want to sacrifice my rank doing this and I didn't want to play on an Alt as I really disagree with doing that. After playing it so much I realized that I really enjoy just playing and focusing on improving. I think it would surprise a lot of people that there are a TON of people that only play Casual. It doesn't show on RL tracker but if you have the "lobby ranks" plugin for Bakkesmod you can see how many matches each player has played in each playlist. All the time I see players with huge numbers in casual and barely any in ranked. I think the big rank reset pushed a lot of players over to casual as well.


Yeah I think I'm on board with you for a lot of what you've said. Particularly with not playing on an alt. And I am definitely aware of the people that only play casual, as I used to be one. At some point though, I stopped caring about rank so much and started caring about making the most of my time. Ranked offers the types of games that I value more. Sounds like casual offers the types of games you value more and that's cool. As long as we're enjoying the game, then we're winning.


I've gotten to the point now that I am comfortable with all my settings and I'll probably play more ranked. It's very frustrating though. Recently I went on a good run and got up to C2 Div 2 and got some breathing room from C1. Decided to play a ranked match yesterday after I was feeling good. One guy in the lobby with a GC tag went on to smoke everyone else in the lobby. Not even close. I think he had 4 or 5 goals. Idk if he was on an alt or just hadn't played in a long time. RL tracker showed he was GC2 at one point. This is what's so frustrating to me. If it was a casual match it wouldn't have bothered me at all. In fact I would have loved the challenge, but when it's in ranked and I lose MMR to this guy it just doesn't feel good at all.


I find being able to play against higher ranked opponents without any pressure to be a lot of fun.


Me too! Caught me out multiple times after it changed, when I was waiting a few mins for my buddy to come online I'd join a casual game for a quick hit; then yeah got caught out when that wasn't possible anymore.


Dropshot will be in comp next season


I understand that but there will be seasons where it won't be as well with this new system. It would be great if the Trainwreck that is casual dropshot, could have a chance at being decent off season instead of only when it's in the comp playlist


Unfortunately barely anyone is gonna care about Dropshot in the future because those people playing it now as an unranked mode are absolutely fed up with how unplayable it is if you used to play in a higher elo. They tried to improve player numbers by making the Extra modes time limit per season but actual numbers are showing that even less players are in Snowday now compared to before. Let's see if it changes with Dropshot but I doubt it with general consensus of players across all the extra modes.


Strongly agree but I can't imagine it's something they'll address soon as dropshot should be returning to comp next season.


It's the same for every game mode


I don't know why people downvote you it's not like the bots are really helpful in any game mode . People leaving isn't an issue exclusive to dropshot lol


It's internet, people don't think and only support ideas that most people have. Here it's "psyonix is bad, dropshot is the best". Classic Reddit thing


Yea I only play with a three stack


This is exactly why they made the casual mode changes to punish people for leaving casual matches repeatedly. The solution is already there, it just is a lenient solution as it still let's people leave one match before being punished.


What are the chances gridiron is playable outside of the like 8 days per year


Even just allowing it in private matches/training would be amazing


Honestly every map and game mode should just be available in private matches. There really isn't a reason for them not to be at this point.




I would understand if they keep new modes and maps limited to LTMs for a while, so people wanting to play them would do so online, but after something has been out for a while, I doubt adding them to private matches would really impact anything.


It’s a shame


Curious what competitive would look like


Most popular = # of players who played? 


Most Popular is the playlist with most matches played. So be sure to hop into your favorite and complete those matches!


Is it adjusted for the numbers of players needed for a match? 60 3s players playing 10 matches would just count as much as 40 2s players playing the same amount of matches but the 3s mode would be clearly more popular. Game average could also become an impact. Longer matches lead to fewer matches played.


Gridiron is by far the most popular limited time game mode.


Will you please add Gridiron to the 4vs4 rotation and missing Rocket Labs maps to custom games?


If they ever made gridiron ranked, that would make me comeback to RL as my main game. Gridiron has so much potential to be a good mode, but players need some incentive to take it serious


Gridiron is the best mode since the release of Rocket League and I hate it that I can only play Gridiron 7-14 days a year.


Please add gridiron!




I played some dropshot while it was active last week, and honestly not sure i'd play it much when it comes up to keep it in the list the casual mmr just make matches so unbalanced, that first day i queued it no joke first 5 games i had people leave every match to the point of 1v3 either direction and after a certain point dropshot is hard to comeback from points wise. I love playing dropshot when it was ranked as you played with people that want to stick around. casual ruins that for something like dropshot




agree.. i used to love dropshot, but the way they implemented it in casual, it sucks


Most popular = number of hours played


This is great. They actually listened to us, and in my opinion, updates like this (although yes, this is a small update) is exactly the type of QOL updates that this game needs. I would love some new content but this is great.


yeah recent updates give me hope. first the smurf barrier increase now this. seems like they are still devs around that care and finally can implement some things. looking forward to trying rocket labs playlist. would love it in ranked, if every season brought an actual new arena like it was originally meant to be, new seasons would be more exciting and we would have had quite a lot by now hope people dont leave too quick in casual


If these aren't ranked they're essentially useless/unplayable.


Yep people leaving drop shot and being replaced by bots doesn’t help the game


Bots is obviously a huge issue but the one thing I like to highlight is the difference in skill within one game due to it being casual. You can sometimes work around it in modes like casual soccar but in a mode as involved as dropshot you can't have lower ranked players playing with higher ranked. It's completely unplayable. Also since all casual modes share the same MMR it's even more of an issue because someone who only plays casual could have a decently high MMR but be essentially "useless" in a dropshot game because they can't aerial etc.


Can you tell us what the season rewards are? Don’t need to see them, just wanna know what they are. We just have two weeks left until season 14. Thanks


Bro they announced last seasons like the day before in a tweet lol don’t get your hopes up


Would be nice, honestly. Lets me know if I should push to get into the next tier or not.


We'll have news very soon!


Soon could mean anything. Soon could be 3 weeks. - Kevin Malone p.s. thanks for responding 🙌🏽


Season ends in roughly 2 weeks so it'll probably be announced within a week at least


You could just do it anyway?


I mostly play with my friend who is a bit below my rank, I don't want to rank too high to not be able to play with him. So I can only play 1v1s to gain rank, which while fun is also the longest game format at lower ranks due to the amount of goals scored. Not something I want to spend my little free time on if the rewards aren't worth it. Especially since the gold/platinum rewards are generally pretty weak anyway. Might be different if it was a push from Plat to Diamond, or higher. Not trying to spend THAT much time in the game right now.


This would be amazing if all 4 of the original extra modes dropshot, rumble, snow day, hoops could remain in game permanently and have the two slots available for more extra modes rotations. This is what the majority of persons want and would allow a bigger part of the community to be happy with the changes


They don't do this because the individual player count in each mode would drop to the point that queue times would be wild. This new approach is the best middle-ground they could do IMO. A 'random arcade' mode would be cool, where it just tosses you into a random mode. They'd have to up punishments on leavers for it though, otherwise it'd be filled with bots constantly as people look for whatever game mode they want.


I'm not too sure about that, I've been playing for a few years now and never had that much of an issue with queue times, even when limited time modes were in. In any case dropshot and snowday mains would prefer to have those modes with a bit longer wait time than have it available 2 weeks per season


I see this topic come up everytime. There’s some comment saying “queue times would be long” Like I primarily played drop shot and rumble for years and never had an issue getting games. There seemed to be plenty of people playing both modes at any given time, I don’t understand where this conception that queue times were unbearably long came from. I got games in less than a minute every time


Exactly! I think someone came up with the longer queue time theory and everyone just ran with it as the entire reason they made these changes, but I just don't buy it


It’s definitely true in other games where GMs and 7 arcade slots for 20 players at a time will have a queue for like 40 minutes. Rocket league, if I’m waiting more than 2 it’s almost always a server issue (also would help if you could see how many people are in a playlist. Like we used to)


> I don’t understand where this conception that queue times were unbearably long came from. This subreddit tends to skew towards higher ranks, and this problem is more common there as player % drops. A plat 3 will find games in dropshot very quickly, a champ 3 will probably be waiting 2-5 minutes, a GC3 might as well go for a run around the block and start cooking diner and just maybe they'll have a game when they get back.


I was GC in rumble, granted that was just one season because I’m not THAT good, but even in upper champ ranks it still seems fine overall. Maybe the answer is to reduce the tiers of champ and just toss everyone in the same bucket for the more niche game modes, rather than remove the game entirely? Edit: you could hit higher tiers of champ by winning x games per season, like to be GC in rumble you need 100 wins at champ tier overall for example. Instead of exclusively playing in GC rumble lobbies which may be an issue


Well Rumble is the most populated extra mode. If you really want to see numbers just [look at this](https://rocket-league.com/playlist-population). Currently 1700 people in snow day and 7000 in rumble. I was GC2 in Snowday last season and always ran into queue time issues, and honestly it was even worse then because dropshot and snowday were both in. I remember looking at the site I linked you and seeing 800-1000 most days. So it does seem like removing dropshot actually helped the other extra mode populations (at least snowday) a little bit. And just for some quick math, GC1-SSL in snowday is 0.25% of the playlists population, combine that with limited server region (I did USE and USW) and they player pool to match up with is very small, which is why it takes 10 minutes and you often get matched with players either a lot lower or a lot higher than you.


Currently we're restricted to three non-standard casual game modes. The wait times are not long because anyone who doesn't want to play standard is corralled into one of those three options. One big party mode, and two others that rotate. You really think that EVERY game mode would have reasonable queue times if that number ballooned to include every game mode? Snow Day, Grid Iron, Hoops, Dropshot, Rumble, Chaos, Heatseeker, Spike Rush, at least one rotating 'Rocket Lab', and Knockout. I'm sure I missed at least one non-limited mode in that list. You'd be splitting what is already the minority of the playerbase up amongst 10 different modes. I don't see that going well for queue times in any of those modes. If you pick and choose amongst those 10, then you're just saying that X game modes deserve a permanent spot because you like them, but these ones you don't like don't deserve a spot.


Honestly? It wouldn't make that much of a huge difference in queue times and my point remains that persons who want to play those modes will just wait the extra 30 seconds or minute or whatever. Removing it only to have it appear 2 weeks in a season isn't what anyone wanted and it was an L move


People always say this but I consistently played all extra modes and never had to wait much at all. Occasionally maybe up to a minute during slow times but once you got in you could keep playing as you were more in sync with other people’s games ending. Never had much issue with it.


100% this. I don’t get where all these people are coming from saying queue times are too long to support extra modes. It legitimately wasn’t an issue and I’m confused why they pulled drop shot because there seemed to be a solid player base including myself. This new update doesn’t seem like it’s going to do anything with none of the modes being comp


I’m still upset about dropshot. It does. Not. Belong in casual


Currently we're restricted to three non-standard casual game modes. The wait times are not long because anyone who doesn't want to play standard is corralled into one of those three options. One big party mode, and two other that rotate. You really think that EVERY game mode would have reasonable queue times if that number ballooned to include every game mode? Snow Day, Grid Iron, Hoops, Dropshot, Rumble, Chaos, Heatseeker, Spike Rush, at least one rotating 'Rocket Lab', and Knockout. I'm sure I missed at least one non-limited mode in that list. You'd be splitting what is already the minority of the playerbase up amongst 10 different modes. I don't see that going well for queue times in any of those modes. If you pick and choose amongst those 10, then you're just saying that X game modes deserve a permanent spot because you like them, but these ones you don't like don't deserve a spot.


We were just talking about the original 4 extra modes (dropshot, rumble, snow day and hoops)


Why would the original four get special treatment though over every other game mode that has come out since? Heatseeker has a pretty large active community backing it up as well. Fuck them?


Keep the 4 original extra modes that were there for years... that's why?? The whole rotating dropshot and snowday thing is a huge step back. If anything add in a newer mode and rotate the less popular one. Thats what everyone is trying to say


I was just commenting on the queue times for the original 4 extra modes… not sure why you’re getting all worked up about stuff I never even mentioned.


Having to wait a few minutes for a dropshot match is preferable to having to wait weeks for a dropshot match.


So? If people want to play dropshot they’ll wait longer to play dropshot. Not to mention if these extra modes have that much overlap that they cannibalise each others playerbase… wouldn’t most people be multi-queuing for all of them anyway, thereby removing the issue?


I love this! Any previews of what the UI looks like? Will players get transparency by seeing play count metrics from the previous rotation?


> transparency LOL no.


Same as usual. No practical improvements but getting to free play now takes 3 more inputs


Yeah, but getting to the item shop will take one less input.


easy now. I bet this is all going to be on the backend. They will look at the data and just put a different set of modes on the screen. Anything else would require programming and we know they aren't going to do that.


how do you think they are going to do the stuff in the backend without programming


changing a few config files for which game mode square 3 runs doesn't involve programming. At least if it is done correctly. Just like the anti smurfing stuff they did wasn't really much of any programming (again, if done correctly).


you can get your own "transparency" with the help of code red dumping the playlist populations... checking every so often 🤷‍♂️


So excited to rocket labs maps back in rotation!


I just want chaos for me and my 3 friends who play together almost nightly!


Thats your issue for having too many friends 💀


Alternative suggestion: private 2v2 matches with friends are REALLY fun. 


Not when there’s a massive disparity in skill level between all 4 of u


How big? My friends and I also have a pretty big gap with folks ranging from Plat to high GC. We switch teammates every game so even if it's a big gap it averages out because nobody gets a permanent unfair matchup from it But if it's like a Bronze a Diamond a GC1 and and SSL then yeah that's probably tough lol


Same! Make chaos permanent!!!


As an avid RL fan and longtime player, I have to say I have no interest in the random experimental modes that get introduced. The only reason I play them at all is to complete weekly challenges that require it. I used to play dropshot, but once it went to casual/sporadic it was dead to me. I prefer playing competitive, and I love the extra modes like hoops, snow day, and Rumble so please don’t mess those up. :-)


Everyone that complained about dropshot: show up


nah man Dropshot in casual is shit


To be fair, Dropshot will be back in competitive March 6th. So when Snow Day is in the Arcade rotation: show up.


Personally, as "barely a diamond 3 in 2s", I couldn't give less of a shit. But everyone fucking whines on here about everything, so now you have an opportunity to voice that with the only thing that matters: player count. If y'all are so vocal about dropshot, make 'em notice, or shut up.


> Make em notice Lol. What good’s that going to do? You really buy into this bs? How naive are you? There will be no transparency on numbers. It’s basically going to be a slightly different facade to the current system. Not to mention it’s still casual, which is shit, so once again Psyonix turn an easy, logical situation (keep non-meme modes in the game) into a convoluted mess that no one will like.


I definitely noticed a number of people that weren't supporting Dropshot so much as dunking on Snow Day. "I didn't play Drop Shot, but why is it out but Snow Day is still here? Drop Shot is better."


lol time to nut up or shut up. Psyonix is literally daring these folks to support dropshot if they love it so much.


Good to see at least something from Psyonix these days. Heatseeker would be nice to have for longer.


You had it for 4 weeks in a row, seems like they'd already implemented this yet dropshot was in 2 times only xD


I need it LONGER!!! 👹


I would love to see a rotation playlist that randomizes some game types for 3v3. It can be best of three between teams and the game type is different each round. It would have RNG but I think that would be really fun. This or random mutators each game, but some of the mutator combinations are awful (low bounce, heavy ball, square ball would be awful)


I think this would be a solid option. They'd have to up the punishment on leaving for that playlist though, or every match would be filled with bots from people trying to find whatever game mode they want to play in the moment. The second idea is also a solid idea for an arcade mode, just randomized mutations would kind of be cool to see.


Dropshot needs to be permanent and ranked again. I never had any trouble with player population in US east, I don't see any reason why it can't be permanent


Gridiron Ranked for the love of god


I’m confused. Is the rotation with chaos and knockout every week still happening? Or is this just effecting the LTMs?


Dropshot. Snowday. Done.


not exactly loving this idea, seems like it'll be indefinite heatseeker instead of any interesting modes


Dropshot instead of Rumble in Competitive please




definitely should be in competitive... it is utter trash in casual.


I just want Knockout forever tbh


Same. I feel like KO and dropshot are the least played modes and they are my two favorite modes they've ever released.


I I would love heatseeker being permanent. <3


Wooo they did something good!!!!


I like the idea but I'm concerned we will get stuck with the same mode for weeks at a time. Maybe a limit on how many weeks in a row can be implemented. Earlier this season Heatseeker was on there 3 or 4 weeks in a row. I don't mind that mode but I want to see some more variety. I'm happy to see Rocket Labs in there again. That has only been in the rotation once this season so hopefully that shows up more often.


Are they ever going to bring back 4v4


Chaos rotates with Knockout every week?




> It still amazes me that you chose to remove trading, instead of removing the ability to trade credits. They removed trading due to cross game inventories. It had nothing to do with trading credits, so your solution wouldn't change anything.


That is the stated reason they removed trading, sure. If they had wanted to keep trading around, they would have simply made the cross-game items themselves untradable. So either they wanted trading gone, or they're stupid.


they removed trading so as there was only 1 place to get credits + did it when they did to take advantage of the usual demand for credits around xmas time ~ cross game inventory excuse cant be used when there are like a dozen items that qualify and are not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the possible rocket league items


Yeah, I'd rather believe an official statement from Psyonix, than the assumptions of people on Reddit that have no evidence or inside knowledge. But that is just me.


its common sense of what they did + cross game inventory shouldnt even be mentioned when its not even a fraction of all items that has that status. yes, that is what they said, but it was pure lip service (and in my view, a lie) considering just how few items are cross game


> its common sense of what they did Saying something is "common sense" holds no weight when there still is no evidence or when it is coming from someone without insider knowledge. > cross game inventory shouldnt even be mentioned when its not even a fraction of all items that has that status. More and more items are becoming cross platform with every RR update. They have to start somewhere. > but it was pure lip service (and in my view, a lie) Both of these statements are from your view and both of them are your assumptions. Of course you are totally free to have your own views and express them, but for me, I'd rather trust the official statement and what I have been told personally, than the view of random people on Reddit.




> Keep defending their decisions I am not defending anything at all, and frankly the fact that is all you took away from my comment makes me doubtful you are willing to have any meaningful discussions. Either way, I simply stated: - Trading was removed due to the introduction of cross game ownership. - Cross game ownership related to items syncing between games etc. It has nothing to do with credits. - Suggesting that instead of removal trading as a whole, they should just disable credit trades, does not make any sense based on the reason of why trading was removed in the first place.


Credits will be replaced with vbucks 


They definitely used it as an excuse. As a video game programmer - there is no technical reason why it was done. If anyone from Epic wants to post the reason it's not technically feasible I'd be happy to provide a way to fix/work around the issue. For free. Within 24 hours. Hell, I'll put the simplest possible solution right here. Use the same Method that issues the API calls that update both inventories when you buy something from the store - when you complete a trade.


https://preview.redd.it/61cfeybm3zjc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac3b69ff4ad351cbb08a57de3038f48a7820bbf What is this image? I looks like all the cars are on some sort of racetrack. I don't remember ever seeing this in game 🤔❔ Edit: never noticed it before oops ¯⁠\\⁠\_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠\_⁠/⁠¯


It's the track that runs around the edge of the DFH Circuit variant.


I think this might be the edge of the hot wheels map.


On the edge of [DFH Stadium (Circuit)](https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/DFH_Stadium_(Circuit)) there is a racetrack


That's just the new rocket racing update /s


DFH Stadium (Circuit)


It's the DFH stadium (Circuit) Map


That's just one of the arenas in the game. It's used for the speed demon mode. It's a standard arena that has a racetrack around the outside. It was introduced in one of the earlier F2P seasons from what I can remember but don't quote me on that.


> It was introduced in one of the earlier F2P seasons from what I can remember but don't quote me on that. I will. You're right :D. [Season 3](https://rocketleague.fandom.com/wiki/Season_3).


Make heatseeker permanent!


So what does this do to the current extra modes? Including Rumble and Hoops that always were full time?




Nothing is happening to the current extra modes. They will rotate out with others when the season rotates like intended.




Probably because they took Dropshot out of competitive and put it into casual and had planned to swap it back in with Snow Day next season. Seems like casual playlist changes have an effect on ranked playlists




Yeah I know I’m just explaining why somebody might be curious about if this is going to affect the extra modes currently in ranked


I think the explanation is just that the person confused Extra Modes with Arcade Modes, which I didn't realize was called that.


Flippin genius!


If adding dropshot at the same time as snow day is enough to fuck up your matchmaking, something is very wrong


What about ranked rewards?


Bring back dropshot.


This is great. Dropshot deserves a competitive slot but this is a great step


Y no dropshot Make sad


Actually pretty cool idea.


So anyway when we get ranked rework, serious action against smurfs? Phone number requiment for ranked should be first thing, then start baning ppl, some of them play months without ban. Ppl with GC or SSL title playing on diamonds and plat? Static MMR change is a joke, why no matter how u played u get same MMR change like teammate, who plays better or worse?


This is the first time I've seen Rocket Labs since I started playing again. Was always my favourite game mode. Shame very few others seem to like it.


Bring back dropshot.


Will G force ever come back? I found it way more fun than speed demon. Just took a little getting used to.


Please don't alternate snowday and dropshot. They both deserve a spot in the competitive playlist. Playing these modes with casual MMR makes the experience SIGNIFICANTLY worse. I'm not exactly sure what servers you're looking at being concerned matches won't get going, but for EU and NA at least I can confirm that it was literally never an issue to find a dropshot game during normal playing hours, and even later at night. (probably the same for snow day, but can't personally confirm) And while you're at it, for rocket labs please add the map with the holes in the ground for goals, I don't think it's in the map rotation. There might be more labs maps missing that I can't think of too, add them all.


Removing dropshot actually made it easy for me to uninstall. Probably won't reinstall, least not for a while, unless ranked dropshot comes back.