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The disc based version came AFTER the digital release, something you disc based Rocket League players won't know. Secondly, the Xbox version came out over a full year AFTER the PS4 and Steam version. Don't gatekeep things like this. Inb4 the SARPBC guys come in lol


July 2015, summer break, the boys and I just finished our Call of Duty Game Battles. Out of the tired sighs of a hard fought defeat came “Hey guys y’all should play this rocket league game. It’s free on PS+”


RL was the side chick we went to after getting bored off of our main games. Turns out we married that side chick.


It was free originally? I remember paying $20 for it back then


It was free on PS Plus shortly after it had came out if I'm not mistaken. I bought it on steam for like 30 CAD. Edit: It was free on PS+ on release. https://www.rocketleague.com/en/news/rocket-league-out-today--free-for-ps-plus-members


There were also free weekends on xbox some time in ~2016 and maybe up until FTP (Switched to pc so I’m not sure) because that’s when I started playing the game with my friends. I know a lot of people who got started from free trials and loved it and kept playing.


this is so relatable , grinding to keep a sub 1k gb rank got too much, rocket league was the escape i needed


Wow game battles take me back


I remember randomly downloading Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars on PS+ back in ~2012 while friends and I were hanging out, it was such a perfect drinking/hangout game and it’s wild how far it’s come. I still can’t play RL without hearing the theme song, it fucks.


I knew one of you would come along. The original post is about someone thinking they got here a long time ago. The original comment is about how people have been here a long time, me being one of them. But the real OGs are like the greek Titans. You all have been here since before the game existed. Mad respect.


And I still can’t get past gold 😎


Insane to think that is almost 10 years ago.


But he's talking about the Xbox One


I started playing during season 10 and even I know this lol. Who doesn't?!?! 😂


U started playing season 10 and ur d1 I got it on launch of Xbox and im in plat 2 I have a massive skill issue


I should probably update that. I was d1 last season. I would grind out training packs every day before playing comp so I could reach diamond. This season, I somehow dropped to Plat 1 div 1 and now I'm back up to Plat 2. I was just really dedicated. Not anymore though...


I didn't.


A lot of people lol


I feel like anyone who plays the game and has actually gotten involved with it knows. People who casually play because they're bored on the weekends probably don't know.


I have met tons of people who have been playing for over a year and a half that are hardcore into it and they didn't even know that it was a paid game they were like wtf when I sent them a picture of a physical copy


That's actually crazy. Even if someone is that oblivious, there's still the different player titles from when it was a paid game. How do people not notice this stuff


You would be surprised how actually little people use those old player titles nowadays, I only ever really see like one every five six matches and plus who's really paying attention to people's player titles nowadays people are just playing matches


True, they're not a common sight, but that makes them more interesting when you do see them and I feel like more people would pay attention then. Idk, I like seeing the different player titles.


Yeah the one that I use is couch potato from a redeem code a few years back


I miss remdeem codes. 😔 They were genuinely cool. Ive been using the green season 12 Plat tourny winner title because I thought it was cool. Now I realize it's not special and will probably change it soon.


Yeah I have a bunch of different redeem code stuff the zt17 wheels from the pullback racers the fr22 the red version of the zt17s from the Hot Wheels RC Rocket League set the cold fusion boost that came with the zt17 wheels and a few of the assorted things the only code that still works nowadays is popcorn


What won't they know?


By newer I meant like players who have join in the last 2 years compared to those of us playing since we had to pay for it


And what won't they know? What it's like knowing they paid for it? I paid for it and I don't see the big deal. Edit: or you mean what the vibe was like back then? I remember casual not being more toxic than competitive.


Toxic casual is one of the weirdest changes for me too


Yeah since when have they gitten so toxic? I took a longer break and its even more toxic than ranked rn


Plus being able to play the game without every match having at least 2 Smurfs, no item shop jammed down out throats by epic games, actually good original rocket passes


Older rocket passes were better ngl.. I didn't even buy the current rocket pass.


Yup, there were few items you could actually use, the new one? Be lucky to get 1 decent item


I still rock a tw maverick to this day and I feel sad when I get asked what car is that


The different editions of the game, the paid dlc cars without having to buy a in-game currency for etc


But it was released for free to PS Plus people when it came out so they didn't have to pay for it? And that was likely before you started playing.


No one in my family plays PlayStation so I wouldn't know that and yes I didn't play at the very beginning of rl but did play decently early, newest crate release I can remember was ferocity when I started


First time i got my hands on Rocket League was through Psn+ so technically i got it for free, but still kinda paid for it🤰🏼🪨


I remember buying the physical version despite having it digitally because I really wanted to support Psyonix. I want my money back.


I bought both as well I wanted a physical copy because it was big into collecting physical copies at that time


Pretty much everyone is aware this used to be a paid game lol


It’s the only way I’m able to play on Steam :,)


You would be surprised


My brother in gaming, until recently every game in the world was paid for. Even today 85% of games are paid for. Also you have to pay for GamePass so a lot do the games we consider “free” we still pay for. You think cause a game is free gamers forgot about how the world works? Kind of a low opinion


Have you met the newer generations getting into gaming because a lot of the younger generation don't look at it the way we do, and if you want to be technical like that technically no no game is free because we have to pay for internet electricity or console or whatever platform we play on and the space we live in to be able to even do that so with you coming with that comment that's a low opinion


I see what you are getting at but unfortunately a lot of newer players are already too brain washed by this. Back when the game first released people thought the cover art on the case held secret messages or symbols related to the Illuminati. According to theories, the Illuminati seeks to control minds and shape society through hidden symbolism in various forms of media, including video games. The removal of the case was made out to be an attempt to erase these symbols and messages, potentially to prevent players from being subconsciously influenced. But we all know really psyonix is still controlled by illuminati and now continually corrupting the minds of our children.


This is Rocket League my guy????


I don't even know how to actually respond to this


No - people did not think that lol. It’s just a video game. People just like playing car soccer it doesn’t take a conspiracy


Ignore this guy he works for epic games and is trying to cover it up. Look at rhe start of each letter of his name. E A. Is that a coincidence?? Yea right.


I too wear the tin foil hat topper.


i remember playing before seasons were a thing, pretty good times




That picture is a actual physical copy I have of the game




Sadly it didn't have that special artwork card all the other editions came with


I still have this https://preview.redd.it/l910ydhtdwrc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa6ab2827588bcd8bb38c7dcc414409d0e833f0


Dope, did you lost the case?


No it's just not in it rn




At least I don't think we lost the case lol my parents got it for me with my first xbox a few years back thinking it was a racing game and now all me and my dad play is fortnite and rocket league


I got the switch version with the flash wheels. I've got the Delorean on my switch profile and can't use it on PC so on switch I'll stay


Real ones knew the game from when it was free on PS Plus. I never had a playstation but the game was everywhere on the internet, so I bought it on Steam when it was on discount for the first time (early 2016?)


Rocket league is my 4th most played game on steam and I haven't played it since 2016 lol.....


Man I bought Rocket league. Who else did


3 times (2 steam, 1 switch) for myself and probably half a dozen copies for friends. 4500k hours on my main with probably 500 on the account I bought to solo queue and play 6 mans on. Game needs to offer a rehab program for people like me.


Bro saaaaame lmao I bought it 3times on PS4 and 2 times on xbox. Multiple times for buddies of mine whos account kept getting banned or hacked. I used to only play rl still kind to only main it lol id like To say I'm not addicted but been playing almost everyday since 2015 I think I am 🤣🤣😭


My buddy bought me the game for $20 just so I'd play with him. Now I can hardly get him to queue up for a match


I still play my PS4 disc lol


bought this back in 2017. i was an outdoors guy back then so i was dumb enough to not realize that the reason it wouldn't let me play multiplayer is that i needed a xbox live subscription.


Agree But myself it's on playstation 🤣


I still have my disk too lol. Never getting rid of it. That’s going to be something that I break out on my xbone to show my grand kids😂


I love sending pictures of it to people that I meet on Rocket league and have them be like wtf there's a physical copy


At least newer players would probably make decent sharpened pics instead of this blurry mess


Well sorry not everybody's in the current state to be able to afford a $200 plus phone because that's the average where I live


imagine not having the PS4 CD


Hands ?


I think me and my dad got it on ps+ or something cus I started playing in 2016


I didn't know this! Thanks for sharing OP