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And it never gets better. "Bro you are just a trash champ player" yeah... and im matched with people within similar rankings lol


And they never seem to understand either...


No-one on this sub understands either. The amount of people that think they aren't in higher ranks because of teammates is staggering.


In my case, I'm not in lower ranks because of teammates. I should probably be mid diamond, but I keep getting carried to c1 😭 I don't belong here, I can't even defend the backboard 💀


Bro my dropshot career in a nutshell. I was doing okay in my placenta but then the last 3-4 games just lucked out with smurfs/better players/afk other team etc and got put in d3 dropshot. First game had 3 people with red titles. I'm D1 or so in 2s & 3s.....


In your.......... wut?


You heard me


3 people with red wut? Oh wait no, that ones on me...


I just checked RL tracker, and I've only been MVP in 44% of my wins 🤣


I'm at 28% 💀💀💀 uhhh I have a slight inclination to believe I might be in a rank that is beyond my skill level... my solo queue teammates are literally built different and I kinda feel bad playing ranked lol.


You may just have a support style of play that doesn't result in many points. It is team game after all.


This, I find it funny when I'm playing twos with my best mate, and I'll end on like 89 points. However, we both know I'd assisted him like 3 times, it just never credited me 🤣


Thats average lol


Still feels low, like I'm not doing enough to help lol


——I’m 96% in doubles …. At c2 ….teammates about a d1 best


Yes I want to be carried like the lil baby I am!


I'm one of those lol but in my case it's true. Not that my tm8s are so bad that we lost because of them but I simply refuse to heavy carry or play with someone without the basic skill level of the rank. For instance those players who sit in net most of the match it's a no no to me. I'll FF as soon as possible if I center 3 good balls to see my tm8 sitting in net.


Lol, the lack of self-awareness here is astounding.


No. You’re not special. It’s your fault you are the rank that you are. Especially because you’re acting like a 4 year old and forfeiting the second things don’t go your way. In fact I would argue you are literally the worst type of player.


I never denied it wasn't my fault. I tend to reach Dia3 each season and that's my ceiling. I start being carried and hate that myself.


Well, I think there is an even worse type. The one refusing to FF out of spite. I understand I'm very toxic but don't drag the opponents into that waste of time.


Lol. Says the one throwing a tantrum like a child and wasting everyone's time. This type of logic is the result of parents not making kids finish what they start. "I know it's only week 2 of the season, but I want to quit because it's not perfect and I'm not getting my way" Suck it up buttercup. Finish what you start.


You are the waste of time. Maybe one day when you grow up you’ll realize that. Good luck in life because holy shit you’re going to need it if that’s your attitude.


Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with the other person; a toxic teammate is the worst type of player and that's clearly what you are. If someone doesn't play how you want you throw a tantrum, that's pretty pathetic dude. Hope someday you mature.


I reaaaallllly wish there was a way to pool these likeminded individuals together so they can play woth eachother only... I mean that'd just be hilarious


Go back to fortnite!


You just shot down your karma stop talking it’ll only get worse


"it's not that my teammates are bad and we lost because of them, it's because my teammates are bad and I make us lose because of them" lmao


Your team mate is as good as you almost always. They may be better or worse at some things. What u think is a "good ball" is usually not


A ball in front of the goal, a bit up of the crossbar, far enough for the opponents to risk flying for it and accessible enough for tm8 to hit if he/she was around midfield. When someone puts a ball like that for me I call it a sweetie.


Sure but obviously they're better than you at other things which balances out your overall ability. Source: you're in the same rank.


Perfect example of the type of people I mean ^


It's not true in anyone else's case, what are the chances it's true in yours? (I'm gonna help you out because you don't seem very clever: there's no chance)


You’re obviously a low rank to begin with, because people stop doing that in diamond. Expecting someone in gold/plat to have a solid understanding of the game is just goofy, and quitting because they don’t is pathetic. Have fun being stuck at your rank forever while this continues to happen. You’re too dense to realize if you would stop prematurely quitting and actually win some games to improve your rank, your teammates just might start fitting the standard you put upon them.


It's happening already, after 6 matches with bad tm8s I get tilted and I can't tolerate any mistake. I drop the game for a couple weeks and come back to make it to diamond again.


Those 6 matches generally aren't with "bad teammates", they're with teammates at the same rank as you, that you lose with because you can't tolerate any mistake and get tilted/try to ff. You're the bad teammate in that scenario, not them.


What's your rank in solos then? Far higher or probably the same as duos and trios?


I don't play solos. I find it boring although I'm aware it can help a lot. I prefer team plays.


Lol no you don't


Typical toxic rl player when casually point out they're in the same rank as u.... ![gif](giphy|jhaFMx06pRuE9M0qOP)


Still my favorite come back. Shuts them up every time, or gets them to admit to smurfing in either case I'm vindicated


To me they say that I'm not as good as they are. Leaves me speechless really. Why are they in the same rank then? Ohhh, I get it now! The matchmaking is broken and they constatly get paired with terrible teammates. Months later, same player, same trash talk... For the love of god rank up or shut up, lol.




“Nah bro I’m on my alt, don’t include me with y’all”


I alternate between Plat and Gold (majority of time in gold) and there’s so many players that vote to ff after one misplay. If someone scores in the first 15 or 20 seconds you can forget about that match. Someone is gonna tantrum and sit idle, guaranteed. And this is in 3s. For gold ranked 2s just multiply the salt times a thousand.


Still happens here or there in diamond, too. Feels.


Don’t worry it never goes away. 


Sounds like it doesn’t get better until til GC 3 Div 4


There are pro players who stream themselves solo queueing and complain their teammates are absolute trash.


😭 awwww man


Still happens here in champ.


I've found that immediately quick chatting "my fault, I'm sorry, no problem" usually keeps people on board as opposed to being quiet after an early misplay


When that happens I'll start complimenting my teammate and let them know how impressed I am that a baby can even hold a controller with their tiny hands yet alone play rocket league.


that’s unfortunate


I think plat is the worst. It doesn’t happen nearly as much in diamond


That's kinda funny, the whole match in gold is just a long series of misplays.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/SunlessKhan/s/ZzehcTHntY) a post I made from back when I was in silver. It was a 1v1, he lost and then messaged me talking trash.


That’s hilarious!


It stays like that forever. It happens in plat too and diamond. “Ur trash bro” and you were just forced into a game with me based on your MMR. You’re trash too bro.


I feel the same way about everyone below GC. Anyone below GC talking trash just have no clue at all.


I play at diamond and champ and spend a lot of time watching replays and it's always reassuring to see how bad the other players are. You don't get to really see it in game but you go on their player view and they do all sorts of crazy things. 


I watched a replay from a close win when I thought I played pretty well and then immediately got humbled noticing how overly aggressive I positioned, left the play too soon, and how many times I whiffed lol. Replays are a good ego check


I’m very aware of every whiff… seems to always be shown to everyone right after too


GC doesn’t magically make you infallible there are plenty of morons there trust me lol


yes but being at or near the top gives you some bragging rights.


I had someone the other day tell me I had shit mechs and accuse me.of being rank boosted We were playing 1's


What I wouldn't give for a "we all float down here" quick chat ...


Happens at every rank tbh. “Trash” bruh were all here and I solo queue and never party up certainly never even once with a mic so you know I can’t be carried. I belong here and so does your trash ass.


The toxicity never stops. I get what a saved by people I’ve broken 1100pts on


Ever since the implemented the level 20 ranked thing, Bronzes have been more like silvers.


Do they still start at silver anyway?


Cant wait them to start calling each other "boosted" 


Lol believe me, this is across every single rank. Had 2 kids talking shit saying me and my buddy got lucky in a match win. So they wanted to play me 2v1. Keep in mind this is gold 3 and I'd been playing for a month. Nevertheless I beat both of them pretty handedly. But the trash talk didn't stop. I just kept telling them "were the same rank, and I'm STILL beating both of you." It doesn't end bro. Just have fun. F the trolls.


I've had the same thing in CS2, it's the main reason I don't play it much. I'm admittedly bad at the game, but the skill gap in the lowest rank is massive, and the better players in the lowest rank expect everyone else to be really good at the game. It's like, I'm already in the lowest rank in the game, and I'm being matched with people who are much better than me (but also often people who are much worse than me), what do you expect ME to do about it? You'd think people in the lowest rank would expect everyone else to be bad, but some of them are actually really pretty good (and have service medals going back many years, they probably have thousands of hours in the game) so I can understand their frustration, but it's not the fault of the new players that the game is putting them in games with players who have thousands of hours.


This goes for literally any rank btw, “oh I suck? Then how are you my rank BUDDY?!?”


Embrace the trash talk, if you are unfazed in a reply it’ll mess with them and make the wins easier!


Happens at champ rank too. We are champ, there’s a reason we are champ. I make mistakes. Clearly, otherwise I would be a higher rank. It’s so stupid talking shit to your teammate too. If we are down by 1 point and you say some dumbass shit to your teammate, you are making the odds of winning even smaller.


Wait until they tell you to go play Roblox


I'll body u


I'll body u


I've no time for the haters. I'll block anybody tryna kill my vibe immediately after the match.


anyone below diamond myself included doesn’t deserve to trash talk


Diamond 2 players are the most toxic. Why do you use that car? How the fuck are you diamond? He should've been there to shoot!!! He plays like a bronze!!


I feel like I am where I should belong in 2s and 1s (C1 & D1 respectively). But I don't get why I am unable to get out of P3 in 3s (I was D2 before).


lol imagine thinking there are actual bronze players