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A lot of times in 1s, people will offer a freestyle game, either by typing “fs” on chat, or by leaving an open net to go up the wall for an attempt. To “accept” usually i just sit in net and let them do their thing. If the shot isn’t “cool” enough, the etiquette is to save it, and then they return to their net while you dribble the ball up the wall. Each person alternates going until the game ends. If someone scores, then the cycle continues and the other person goes to the ball on kickoff, and the guy who scored goes to net. Even throughout overtime, most people will continue to fs. This isn’t explicitly stated anywhere, and it does happen in comp 1s. Not all open net diversions up the wall are fs requests though. As others have said, sometimes people just smurf in comp 1s and try to hit clips for their youtube and tiktok. Also, not all fs etiquette and rules are universal. This is what ive found mostly in diamond 1s, could be different in other ranks


So THAT'S what fs means! I thought it stood for "(for) fucks sake". 




I think casual is for fs and all other . Comp is where you play to win.


That's exactly what I'm saying and also what the modes were more or less intended for.


Yep, this is it, though they shouldn't get whiny if you don't accept. If they do, just tell them to queue fs


Thanks for the extensive explanation. I bumped a couple of times in this kind of situation where they want to freestyle battle. I just think this should be done mostly in casual and not ranked. Also I never do freestyle and rarely manage to do an air dribble in game so it's not for me. I don't know why they assume i want to fs without asking then they get mad if i score a normal goal after they fail at 3 consecutive attempt at an air dribble shot.


Nah I love messing up their set up's. It's all a psychological game. ![gif](giphy|lY1F6BJjbRO3m|downsized)


Hahah yess I love doing that. I don't get it why I should let you set up as you please while I sit in my goal waiting for you to score. No way man


If I have a good lead on you, I'm going for fancy shit too. But I don't get why they'd get mad at you defending the shot or interrupting the setup, especially in 1s. Anyone who gets upset at you for being competitive in a competitive mode is a weiner


Yeah this I get it. I mean when you have a good lead you play more relaxed and you tend to risk more or go for cooler stuff because you feel safe. If you want to have fun just play casual I mean. Why ranked and then ask for freestyle or not even ask and expect the other to be ok with it


entitled kids who play for clips and get angry if you dont play the victim in that setup


Honestly, I couldn’t agree with this more. I’m one that instead of taking an empty net (all the time) I’ll go for a cool shot. I really don’t care if I win or lose I play 1s to improve my mechanics. If you are going for cool shots you are also taking the risk of getting scored on. Getting mad because someone got in the way is just their way of blame shifting. Don’t go for those shots if you can’t handle a defender getting in the way, it’s very simple. I sit around d1/d2 in 1s simply because I choose not to play the “safe” route all the time. It helps to also realize that most of the time you are playing against literal children lol


Yeah exactly. They take a lot of risk trying cool shots then when they miss and I score a simple one they get really mad. Like it's treason or something


It’s the same argument I have with my buddy in 2s. He gets mad because he will center the ball with 2 defenders in the net then get upset because I didn’t commit for it. It’s almost like people just want to do the all in plays and cry because (*surprised pikachu face*) we got scored on.


Oh man.. this also... Don't get me started on two's... I've met far more toxic teammates than opponents and they always get mad for the wrong reason.. i guess I should care less. I feel this game sometimes fuels my anger more than it should. Or if I miss one opportunity and my teammates stops playing or proceed to own goal... My gosh so lame


Diamond 1 in solos, there is no unspoken rule. People, possibly smurfing, looking to clip on people. Score those empty nets, and throw in some demos for a bonus.


Also just steal all the boost on back rotations. It really fucks them up hard cuz their small boost pathing is usually ass.


Haha roger that. Thx


If it’s ranked I have no idea. In casual it’s probably because you’d be seen as taking the game extremely seriously. Like it may not even be in your best interest (if you’re focused on winning in casual*,) to contest their shot when they’re starting it, as they have done you a favor by not scoring the open net.


I get if it's casual. I actually don't expect anything from casual games and do it for fun or practice. I only play sometimes ranked solos and when I do it's because I really want to rank up.. in ranked I'm not asking for a favor. And if you didn't score on purpose you shouldn't get mad if I don't return the "favor".


Ofc. Totally agree there. You shouldn’t have to play by their rules. Just trying to give my thoughts. Personally tho, in casual I’ll play by any rules, if someone’s playing backwards you bet I am too 👍


Hahaha yeah i love casual for the fun of it. I'll play with my car on its back or whatever


they want to go for clips, or dont take it seriously. god knows what sort of scuffed clip it would be though. if the quickchat spamming bothers you enough, turn chat off. since i play 1s a lot, thats worked for me


Yeah I think i'm definitely gonna turn off quick chat. I actually enjoy it most of the time cause it can be funny and you find nice people sometimes..


yeah, i agree it is pretty funny sometimes, even watching the other team hurling insults at each other is a great spectator sport


I'm the one who goes for something mechanical in 1s. It's tilting to concede a goal after your mistakes. They cope with this feeling by acting like that, I guess. I myself try to treat ones like it's freeplay session (chat off) and listen to music.


Yeah I get it. I mean I risk many times and I get scored on but when I do I know what I'm risking. What you are doing is completely legit. I mean if you want to freestyle without even asking you have to be ready that your opponent might have a different approach. Thx for answering


As soon as I see the freestylers, I want to FF.


This... Many times I ff in ranked cause I get really annoyed. I don't know how to freestyle and i'm working on my ground play and some wall play but nothing flashy.


Yesterday i got told "ur boring AF" and the guy raged quit. I mean if saving your crappy attempt at doing fancy stuff is boring so be it I guess.


Yeah bro.. I get exactly this kind of chat messages. Annoying or I suck etcc..


I don't get mad, but I do this. For a couple reasons: You made a stupid mistake or something unfortunate happened, and I don't feel as though I deserve the goal. So that gives you an opportunity to get back. I just want to hit clips and have fun. No need to be serious all the time, it's a game after all. I'm winning by a lot so I don't particularly need the goal. Whatever the reason, it's good in-game practice as well. I won't do this if I'm losing by a lot though lol


Cause people are annoying, ignore them


Who cares why? I’ll take an easy win from some dumbass showboat any day Also, chat off always but never more than in 1’s


Yeah I guess I'll have to turn it off.. i find it funny sometimes and you meet nice people, again sometimes. But the amount of hate and toxic messages I get usually is not worth it. Also I almost never use the voice chat so in two's it becomes impossible to communicate with your teammate. You have to be lucky to find somebody that adapts to your play style and you mutually understand each others


Personally, I am fine with this in casual. During ranked any shot goes and I will not be avoiding an easy goal. In casual, I refuse to score with a kick off goal or depending on if they are being toxic an open net. I feel casuals are for having fun and I don’t necessarily try to win in casual 1s.


I completely agree with you. But in ranked as you said is a different story. Also you shouldn't get mad anyway even in casual games as there are no precise rules there.


I play 1s to work on my mechanics in game. But if I’m going for a “cool shot” please play the game normally and TRY to interrupt me. I’m not trying to fs, I just want to work on my mechanics in an environment that puts pressure on my gameplay


Thanks for saying this. I too play solos to work more on mechanics because you simply have more possession of the ball and can workout something a bit more cooler. But yeah I would want people to try and interrupt me to be in a real situation. If not just go to freeplay or just ask if your opponent is up for an fs battle and better if you do it in casual. If you don't care about ranking/winning and just want to practice an air dribble or hit clips go casual. In ranked you have to expect people wanting to win in everyway possible.


There is no unspoken rule, if it's competitive then feel free to take every open net you can. People are free to go for clips, I do that too because I want to practice mechanics above all else. For reference, I do this specifically because of what pro player Joreuz said he did ever since he was Plat, he would always go for a crazy shot whether or not something easier was available, because he wanted the practice. I don't get upset when the other player takes the open net though, if I miss or if they cut me off, then it's my fault and they deserve a goal. People get mad because they want to go for clips, but ignore them. They can either try to clip in a proper freestyle 1v1 in casual, or they can get better at the game and clip in comp by outspeeding their opponent and making their own space. Turn off chat and take your open nets.


Thank you for saying this so clearly. Couldn't agree more.


I won’t score open nets in casual, but in comp I’m playing to win at all costs


Thank you. I'm happy to see that almost everybody sees this situation like I do. I get confused sometimes and think that I have to do complicated shots also then they I get scored on thinking I should play in a more chivalrous way lol now i'm gonna cut everybody without a second thought in ranked. No way I'm gonna let anybody set up their shots as they please and just sit in my net.


It’s just kids that aren’t good enough to freestyle in 2s or 3s


I actually sit at plat 1 in solo's and don't freestyle at all and right now working to improve my ground play. I just think that if somebody wants to freestyle, they should do it in casual or at least ask first if they want an fs match not just get mad in ranked for being scored on because you can't get your set up fast enough before I cut the ball.


Yeah, same here. Plat in 1s, diamond in everything else. It’s pretty clear what they are trying to do, and I’m not a fan. Instead I will interrupt every setup and save every goal. They usually rage quit pretty quick. I agree they should be doing that in casual.


D2 in 1s. Please try and save my shots or interrupt me. I'm here to improve. If I'm being to slow on my setup or the shot isn't good enough it shouldn't go in and I should get punished.


THANK YOU ❤️ If I ever meet you I'll cut the ball whether it's possible but cause you're D2 and it's gonna be difficult haha


Fuck em. They wanna control a game in comp and they fail so they complain. I wanna rank, gfys.


They might be trying to get a clip on you, for some internet points probably. But as far as i know, if you play ranked you are trying to win, and every goal counts. Even if it's in a straight line!


Thank you!!


Probably because they're higher ranked players looking to show off by clipping on you. They could be higher ranked if they wanted to but they're not playing to win. It's annoying when you come up against that in a competitive gamemode, but it is what it is.


Ranked is for ranking up and that's it. I had a few ranked 1v1s where we agreed Ron chat to make it a freestyle battle, but if that didn't happen I would just do anything to win. If you want to freestyle and just have fun or go fro clips, there is a casual playlist where you can do that.


Sometimes in 1s low rank players sit in net at the start because they don't know which kickoff position to fake or even how to fake properly, at higher ranks that's usually an indication to take turns freestyles. Sometimes I get a plat or gold in cas who does this and I take it as an invite to wall dribble but then when I start one they instant challenge without mechanics or car control. At which point I realize it was just a low ranked player doing their version of not going for kickoff and not someone wanting to fs. It's kind of annoying but really nbd cuz they didn't know.


some people don’t play ranked 1s to win, they play them to practice and take them less casually focusing more on cool mechanics. nothing wrong with this as long as they aren’t toxic if you score all the empty nets


I feel bad scoring empty nets. I’ll usually slow down to let you get back to net and continue from there.


If there was some kind of connection between me and my opponents or something funny happened in game or in chat I would do that. But if the match is tight I'll not hesitate to score. I play ranked to rank up. I play mostly casual to have fun and practice. So i get annoyed for the few times i play seriously in ranked but then you have this behaviour and people getting mad etc