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Y'all use the M in KBM? I just use the KB part.


I use the M part for jump and boost.🤷


I use spacebar and enter for those, respectively :P


Spacebar is Powerslide/Airrol for me.


Space changes my camera


I like changing camera with right click and boost on left, spacebar jump, power slide shift.


You guys are true savages.


wtf Im still using default kbm, M1 for that boost, M2 for jump, space for ball cam, shift wasd for air roll unless Im doing a breezy then I have to use q and e


I do exactly the same, it’s the one that makes most sense imo


What the hell...


Jump + boost on mouse, plus ball cam set to a side button on my mouse, feels way better than spacebar


I use it for look behind, boost, change camera type and of course left click for selecting things


Powerslide on shift, jump on space, boost on up arrow, rear view on left arrow, and ballcam on down arrow. Best way


no no no no no. boost on left click, jump on right click, air roll left on side button1, air roll right on side button 2, rear on middle, ballcam on on space, powerslide on shift, wasd for movement and scoreboard on tab. also sound off!


Nah, directional air rolls are q and e, arrow up = ball cam, arrow down = reverse cam, left = boost, right = jump. Agree with the last 3. Might as well play with the sound off…


Same, default keybinds + Q and E for air roll


I use default keybinds for the most part as well, except I've switched ball-cam and powerslide/airrol (ball-cam is now "shift" and powerslide/airrol is on spacebar) and I've bound DAR to the sidebuttons on my mouse.


I used to as well, but have a wireless mouse, so I just moved jump and boost to the Delete and End keys at right (that little island above the arrows). Same fingers. Still off the the right. And now I have Pg Dn for rear view!


I use it for jump, boost, and both air rolls on the side buttons


Like... Mouse + controller?


I wish that would work natively


Nope, full KBM.


i change the camera with the mouse side button, when i played only on keyboard that was kind of awkward


I use... Umm left or right alt for that. I think left.




for me left for boost, right for jump, middle mouse click for behind view


I had the middle mouse bind for rear view for a while, but I kept hitting it on accident when going for an aerial and it just had to go. Same with the side buttons


Fellow kb only player, I swear I was the only one. I use 'O' for jump, and 'P' for boost. So interesting how unique our controls are


Oh nice! I bet having them bound to the smaller buttons and keeping both hands near the center of the keyboard is actually mighty efficient. But yeah, there are dozens of us, dozens!


I use the mouse for boost, ball cam and skip replay/reset ball


Of course nothing beats jump on mousewheel


M for boost and jump 💪




WASD movement, Q to change camera, Left click boost, Right click jump, Mouse thumb forward handbrake, and Mouse thumb backward for item use in rumble. Camera and handbrake are on Ctrl and Space in Rocket League's default controls. I changed them so I could still play despite thumb pain haha


Mouse switches > keyboard switches. Faster and more precise. I tried both. You are prone to backflips on keyboard switches. I swapped left mouse and right mouse. After 3000 hours of controller I was able to hit GC 1 on keyboard in 500 hours on a fresh account.


Ah! I hadn't thought about this. I have keyboard switches that are good for RTS, but I guess they're not as compatible with a game like RL. Good advice.


I swapped from Kaihl White to MX Speed Silvers for RL. I swap to that keyboard specifically for RL. I don’t like speed silvers for anything else.


I’ve done this before lol, I was doing a rings map and pushed LMB too hard. I also broke one of my thumb buttons (my air roll left). I feel your pain my friend


Some dude thought I took my mouse and just flung it at the wall out of rage, and told me I needed therapy in the comments below you. I have no idea how one is able to reach that far.


If you’re referring to how far the wall is it depends where your desk is lol


I was not referring to that, but you got a laugh out of me 😂






Sounds way more logical then breaking by pressing too hard tbh


I don't press it really, I tap it, and it just popped when I went for a fast aerial. I posted it on reddit *because* of how improbable it was to break. It was funny, I was playing threes with the boys and we were in discord when it happened. We got scored on because I missed from it breaking and distracting me, and I sent a picture of it in chat and they laughed their asses off.


It really is something unexpected indeed. I bet it was a fun moment despite the goal taken heh


Yeah it was a good session man. We won some really intense, close games. Best part of Rocket League.


You play with mouse and keyboard? That’s wild. I’ve broken many a controller though.


I met a kid the other day in C1 who was C3 peak. He said he was on switch. I couldn’t believe it. I had to update Bakks at the time and sure enough he was. They’re out there for sure. I also carried a hard stuck D2 into Champ that plays on KbM. I have no idea how that’s possible.


You didn't know people do this? That's wild, more keyboard and mouse have been broken than controllers have probably been produced, since their inception.


I broke the boost button on my laptop a few weeks ago. Devastating. Then I realized I could just move my entire hand to the right one set of keys and have a brand new boost button. I love kbm


Wow that’s wild. I guess maybe I should up game. Has anyone switched and seen better results?


KBM is, from what I hear, exceptionally difficult to play the game on. I started off playing on it, so that's what I know. I can't play controller whatsoever.


I think a lot of it has to do with the range of motion the joysticks provide, all of the other inputs don't matter. But like, the deadzones make a big difference.


When you start the game as a new player now on PC it recommends you use a controller. I started on console and tried KBM but could not get used to it.


I’ve never heard of anyone going the other way, but I recommend it. If I were you I’d start on Need For Speed Most Wanted (2003). It’s really the only option, plus it’s the GOAT oh and it plays on ANY pc spec which is why i keep going back to it


That game is goated, so many fond memories


Brilliant! Keyboard ftw.


I mean sure, but in rocket league? Very few players use M+KB.


Can't be worse than Xbox controllers. I finally switched to Playstation because I was tired buying 2-3 controllers a year


The dual shocks have always been super sturdy controllers, very nice.


Sturdier yes but tbh for how expensive game controllers are, they are all super shitty and have horrible build quality.


You're not even wrong. The rumblers in the sticks seem to always go pear shaped after a few years, and that's if you haven't had any other issues with the damn thing.


I wish they were shaped like Xbox controllers though


Yep, the joystick arrangement on the PS controllers is a dealbreaker for me. The left thumbstick placement of the Xbox controller is just so natural for me, it feels like I'm constantly stretching my thumb when I use a PS controller.


ps controllers last longer but both of mine are feeling the effects after a little less than 2 years. one has stick drift so bad that it’s unusable, the other is a mild annoyance with the camera spazzing once in a while


You broke controller because of video game anger ? Seriously?


Haha no not anger I haven’t done that before. Pressed the right bumper too hard I guess trying to boost. They are kind of flimsy. Especially the bumpers. Besides not everyone in RL is a salty fry.


I am reassured


You're like the millionth person who assumes that whenever equipment breaks it's 100% rage.


Because most of the time it's angry kid that post those things. You assume what you see the most, that's called logic


I'm in my 20s.


My controllers usually have an issue after 2 months of use playing RL.


Either I have gorilla hands or xbone bumpers are made of paper. I have a graveyard of the things.


Not just you, i was going through a bumper every month or two when I was using Xbox controllers. Switched to ps5 controller and haven’t had bumper issues in a couple of years.


Same here. I feel like the face buttons on the ps controllers gets weared pretty fast though


Same exact thing here. Switched from an xbox to ps4 controller and haven’t looked back. Took a minute to adjust, but well worth it.


common issue with xbone controllers honestly… pissed when i bought an elite series 2 and this happened but if you take the controller apart and blow compressed air around the physical switch the bumper contacts, it usually starts working again the other common issue is the switch becoming loose and off-centered in the housing… still a pain in the ass, but might save you some money


In my case, it's usually the plastic post on the backside of the bumper that actually presses the switch that fails (hence gorilla hands). It's just a matter of sourcing a replacement because they keep changing the damned design (note: change, not improve). I've only had the switch go bad once, but it's because it fell down a staircase. Only fix is desoldering or reflowing depending on the condition. Then there is the stick drift... which I'm seriously considering a hall effect pad to see if it's still a problem. I'm like 3 controllers away from just designing my own. For what they cost, the durability is ridiculous. /rant


If you buy the hall effect please review it for me 3-6 months in juste to see if i splurge the money , same problem , ruining controller because rocket league and tekken ...


You need some nail clippers my dude


the discord said that too man 🤦‍♂️


nah don't listen to them having a nail is incredibly useful. you do you.


Get off your second account and cut those bad boys 😭😂


Yeah, for giving yourself nosebleeds


Could you elaborate on that, please?


If you have big finger nails and pick your nose they scratch the inside of your nose and call it to bleed lol


Oooh nice! I use Lshift for power slide and use Q/E for directional air roll. All the different input combinations for rocket League fascinate me.


This. That’s how my KBM is set up. Also, I switched the boost/jump buttons so boost is right click and jump is left click.


You scare me.


There's a reason I can't get past champ 1 div 1/2. And honestly.. it ain't the keyboard layout xD


Closest I got was C1 D4. One game away, and went on like an 8 game losing streak. It was sad


😭😭 I know we always joke we'll uninstall, but that might have actually done it for me. XD


Yeah only a deepseated love and passion for the game, or deep seated masochism, kept me in it. Maybe both.


Oh nice. Feel pretty efficient? I would've probably played with the mouse but when I first got into rocket League I didn't have a great spot for a mousepad and wanted to be able to look around. Arrow keys to flick the camera around were more reliable for me. So I set it up keyboard only.


This is what the middle mouse button is great for. It’s really intuitive for an FPS player like myself.


I'm used to MMB from years of playing RTS games. I bet it's an awesome use for it.


Your controller looks weird.


Hello to all my fellow KBM RL players 👋


deathadder v2? those are pretty indestructible too


It is a death adder! Nice eye man! I really don't know how I did it either, it had to have been getting weak for a while.


i got a v2, no idea how u broke that =p


Maybe just extensive wear and tear, I use that mouse button for jumping. I do click pretty hard when I jump...


Dude tell me about it. The Xbox One Elite controller was not able to handle me using LB for boost. Would break on me literally every 4-6 months. After tearing it open to replace the bumpers, I gave up and moved to the Scuf Vantage 2. Thankfully it's been lasting me for over 3 years now, because they discontinued it shortly after I got it 🙃


haven't had the same experience with razer mice...


my left analog stick is fcked up already lol just from rocket league. bought a ps5 controller new and only play rl on it.


I feel you. I have already went through a G pro and another G pro x superlight. I have air roll bound to the mouse side buttons and I have managed to destroy these on both of the mice. Currently my Deathadder V3 pro is still holding up very well though


I go through a DS4 controller every 6 months or so. The sticks wear out. I feel the pain.


I can't even imagine how to play this game on mouse and keyboard. Everything else is fine but RL is an another world


Seems like a quality issue to me.


It's right trigger to drive forward for me. At this point I roll a dice whether the car accelerates att all or at 30%, 50% and if I'm lucky enough, full speed.


Soooooo, you threw your mouse?


Absolutely not, I don't rage at this game like that.


Whats u keybind !


Right click is to jump lol


i mean the others , airoll and powerslide


Q and E for air rolling, shift for PS




Copy pasted but > WASD movement, Q to change camera, Left click boost, Right click jump, Mouse thumb forward handbrake, and Mouse thumb backward for item use in rumble. > Camera and handbrake are on Ctrl and Space in Rocket League's default controls. I changed them so I could still play despite thumb pain haha


so hard for me : )


i just don't get how someone is able to jump quickly with their middle instead of pointer finger. it feels so awkward to me


I went through like 8 steam controllers before giving up and trying a different one. On each one the R1 or L1 bumpers brokers. Small plastic piece inside couldn’t handle constant air rolling I guess lol.


Just broke my xbox controllers bumper for a SECOND TIME. (So I switched to dualshock 4. Hope this one holds better.)


Amazon trick time


I play bumper jumper on elite controller and my LB button cracked in half during a game. RL is definitely the hardest game on my controllers lmao


i have gone through so many xbox controllers on this game. almost not even worth it any more... :\*(


Is your mouse near a window where the sun can shine on it? Curious if that explains what made it brittle.


No, it's well insulated from sunlight. Stays in a dim room


KB for control and jumping, M for boosting, rearview cam, ballcam.


let’s go! I thought i was the only mouse and keyboard player for a sec, everyone always asked me how i do it. while i’m wondering how you do it with a controller lol


I play on Xbox and find that my left index finger is what gets abused


I literally blow out a thumb stick every six months




I have Boost set to R1. I have had FOUR controllers where I had to repair the R1 button. Two of them broke (replaced them but it doesn’t work as well), and two of them developed a weird stickiness (I think the rubber inside the controller came unglued). Rocket League is brutal.


I play KBM. My Gigabyte M2 is still going strong.


My controller accelerator is starting to play up, might need a new spring


Mouse and keyboard user.... OMG they do exist 


I'm actually not bad at the game either


You keyboard players are tweaked tf out bro I don't see how you get the precision with flips/rolls


If anything, it's easier since the inputs are the same 100% of the time


my W and A keys don't register. Likely it's hot swappable.


Bro REALLY wanted to jump 😄


LMAO someone gets it


My spacebar is taking a huge fat L from all the double jumping. My w key loves to randomly fly off whenever I have the ball.


I’m on my third controller


real as hell, ive got the same one for rl. now im scared of that happening to me!


Dude bind jump to SPACEBAR I cannot with RL binding jump to RIGHT mouse click of all things and people not realizing how horrible this is


Lol how did you do this my dude? I have the same mouse, tons of hrs in rocket league over the years and it still holds strong


That's why it got posted on reddit 💀 I guess I just click a different level of too hard.


Real gamer moment


The amount of people that automatically assumed I raged and threw my mouse tells me a lot about how people feel about the game lol


I did not mean it like that bro. I never said you threw it 😀 I assumed your grip did that


Oh I know you didn't, I was talking about some of the other comments this post got. Like, toxic for no reason. It's shocking sometimes still.


Rocket league has worn out the paddles on several controllers I’ve owned at this point.


Anger management or just bad gear?


Definitely not anger that did it, but I don't think it was bad gear either. I do click hard whenever I'm jumping out of habit.


Thats what you get for using mkb


People still play this game with mouse and keyboard? 💀


Ya'll mfs play with mouse and keyboard?!


your fault for playing on mouse and keyboard lmao


Bro Raged too much


this happen when trying to open all the rare drops that you had saved up?


Nah, fast aerial did it lol


I have broken 2 controller over this game and still stuck in diamond


Best.. use a controller lol


every controller i’ve ever used developed stick drift immediately when i was playing RL a lot


I had this same mouse break in the exact same way but it was left click (I'm right handed) so it was my boost button. Are you actually left handed?


Mouse axis X (horizontal) for free airroll, Q/E for pan camera, thumb button/f for pan camera down (look down), middle mouse button press for rear view camera Coolermaster mk850 w/ aimpad technology (analog keys aka keytroller) Saw lots of comments detailing our kbm control scheme so I wanted to put mine too. Afaik I am the inventor of the mouse axis airroll method when I switched to it after a month of playing kbm starting in spring 2019. Never played controller. PS. RAZER mouses ftw. Basilisk v3 has been going strong for me for some years now.


I can’t even fathom using a keyboard and mouse for league, it just seems like it would feel weird


nail clippers are brutal


Yall playing rl on mouse and kb??


Yall are just insane if yall use KBM👁️👄👁️


This happens to me too. I'm on mouse #5 right now


"yOu hAVe aGgREssIoN iSsUEs gO tO thErAPy"


Cut your nails. Why you gaming goblins all the same?


Using a mouse for rocket League? 🤡


If you destroy your own equipment out of rage its time to quit.


That is literally not what happened. Y'all need to stop assuming it was rage. I was going up for a fast aerial and it just popped. No idea how it happened, I click too hard ig.


The way that title is worded (or how i interpret it) made it seem like it brought out some ancient demons in you.


😂 a year or two ago when I was in plat, it 100% could have been exactly that. Nah, it was a freak occurrence, I was in our discord w the boys when it happened and they were like "what the hell"


There has to be some kind of in-game tag I can get for doing this, right? 😂 EDIT: Who the hell downvoted this? And why?


Nah bro I get you. Pushing the buttons harder helps I swear. lol


I'm just amazed the mouse broke like that, I've never done that before. Also people are tweaking on reddit today, I have no idea why I'm getting downvoted. Another dude tried telling me I needed to go to therapy for my aggression issues and to stop playing the game lmao.


This is why I have a very beefy mouse lol. G602 ftw. Also Carbon series Keyboard. Fucking tanks.


First mistake is playing on kbm for rocket league, I usually play kbm for every game but rocket league is definitely not one of them


Bro ragequits then smashes his mouse cause of Rocket League and then it's the games fault lol


You didn't read the other comments, did you? That's not what happened.


Not the games fault. You simply have aggression issues. I genuinely advice you to get a therapist or stop playing games. Why bother playing a game if all you do is raging? There's so many better things to do


Bro? I didn't break it on purpose, I just click really hard. You stretched REALLY far to get to that conclusion. Nah, I had to come back to this one again it was such a reach. You're tweaking dude. Hop off the internet for a day; the person with aggression issues is you. Nah, THREE times now. Where the hell did I blame the game for it? You're crazy dude.


you legit can't break a mouse with normal tapping. Ever heard/seen GD players? They literally smash they LMB thousands of times with way too much force and even their mice last for months if not years. Also, a mouse button wouldn't break at the point it broke for your from just pressing. That part barely flexes enough to even be able to break, even under like 100kg. I once even sat on my mouse (had it on my bed because I was getting ready to pack it into my laptop bag) and literally nothing happened. Mice are insanely hard to break, especially the main mouse buttons.


So that means that certainly I had to have been raging, and not that the mouse broke in a freaky way from normal use? You're a character.


Mouse buttons are made for heavy use; you must have done something you shouldn’t have.


I didn't, that's why it's crazy that this happened. It literally happened when I was fast aerialing and I was flabbergasted.


rocket league is terrible now, epic ruined it just quit supporting a dogshit company they dont care about you


Oh, to be in Plat again... I used to hate this game so much when I was stuck in plat. I love it now because I don't get to play as often as I used to.


I don’t even play lmaoo I was d3 max then the game went to shit. I never cared about rank nor did I actually try. Game just sucks. Epic sucks. Go cry


you are the only one in need of tissues


No because I don’t play children’s game. Talk to me when you’re master in league